Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja wybranych działań podejmowanych w ramach programu URBACT. Przedstawiono przykłady, których problematyka koncentrowała się na zagadnieniach uczestnictwa społecznego w kształtowaniu przestrzeni miejskiej. W artykule wykorzystano materiały dostępne w witrynie internetowej programu URBACT (http://urbact.eu), w tym w szczególności materiały podsumowujące doświadczenia projektów: PARTECIPANDO, UDIEX – UDIEX ALEP, raport URBACT CCTWG, a także materiały dostępne w witrynach internetowych instytucji prowadzących poszczególne projekty. Dla prezentacji i oceny wybranych projektów wykorzystano aparat pojęciowy zaczerpnięty z teorii planowania komunikacyjnego (Healey 1997), a także z opracowania Innes J.E., Booher D.E. (2000).
URBACT was set up in 2003 as a Community Initiative programme – a platform of exchange of experience between the cities of European Union concerning the integrated development of cities. In October 2007 the European Commission accepted the URBACT II Operational Programme for 2007-2013. The URBACT I initiatives focused on social cohesion within deprived areas of the cities. The networks composed of cities, government representatives, NGOs and local universities and research institutes fostered exchange of good practises and creation of common and accessible for other European urban practitioners base of knowledge. The integrated approach to tranformation of urban areas including the local specific and the practical experience of other centers had been worked out. The issues of citizens participation and social exclusion were one of the essential thematic area of URBACT city networks: Young Citizens Project, Partners 4 Action, MED-INT, CITIZ@MOVE, REGENERA , SECURCITY and Young People – from Exclusion to Inclusion. The paper refers to the experience of former programme editions (URBAN PP (pilot projects), URBAN I, URBAN II and URBACT I), concentrating on the examples of citizens participation in the local authorities activities which concerned the issues of shaping of city space. The few methods are described in details: le contract de quartier which was applied in Bruxell, the consultations to General Urban Distribution Plan - Cardedeu (Barcelona region, Spain), the citizens participation in General Plan of Urban Arrangement - Sewill, the Participatory Budget - Sewill, the rehabilitation of modernist housing estates – Rome, and planning workshops techniques: Planning for Real, Pattern Language, Action Planning. The conclusions include a list of the most popular participatory techniques used in the cities of PARTECIPANDO network.
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