The WebGIS portal .Green Krakow. is the result of two years of interdisciplinary work on the so called .Vegetation map of the City of Krakow.. The technology used in the project includes: UMN MapServer, PHP MapScript and the MySQL data base. Two services WMS and WFS running in the .Green City. application meet the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications. Additionally, the following components were used to construct the whole WebGIS application: Apache ver. 2.2.9, PHP ver. 5.2.6, MapServer 5.2.0 CGI, MapScript (CSharp, Java, PHP, and Python), PHP/MapScript 5.2.0, Java Rosa 1.5.0, GD 2.0.35, FreeType 2.1.10, GDAL/OGR 1.5.2 and MySQL 5.0.67. The Internet client can access 8 different information layers like: community types (54 classes; 15.993 polygons), nature valuation of communities (5 classes; 14.773 polygons), protected plant stands (814 positions\points), city districts (18 polygons), local names (139 polygons), streets (6.592 lines), water (lines and polygons) and map sheets in the scale 1:10.000 (99 polygons) and the scale 1:5.000 (325 polygons). Raster layers such as cadastre map, aerial orthophotomap and hillshade were used as background of the vector geodata information to power the visualization of the UMN MapServer application. The data base with multimedia files enclose 144 digital images of selected plant communities, 101 PDF files of the map composition and 97 KMZ files to download and direct integration in the Google Earth application containing the QuickBird images for Krakow area from May 2007.
Społeczeństwa informacyjne krajów UE tworzą się w oparciu o: zbieranie, przetwarzanie i udostępnianie informacji co znajduje swoje podstawy prawne we wdrażanej dyrektywie INSPIRE (2007/2/EC). Portal „Zielony Kraków” prezentujący rezultaty 2 lat prac nad Mapą roślinności rzeczywistej Krakowa, oparto na technologii z zakresu wolnego oprogramowania (Open source), tj.: UMN Mapserver, PHP MapScript oraz MySQL. Interoperacyjność „Zielonego Krakowa” zabezpieczają dostępne serwisy: WMS oraz WFS zgodne ze standardami OGC. W realizacji projektu wykorzystano Apache, PHP, MapServer CGI, MapScript (CSharp, Java, PHP, Python), PHP/Mapscript, Java Rosa, GD, FreeType, GDAL/OGR oraz MySQL. Użytkownikowi udostępniono 8 różnych warstw tematycznych (wektorowych), tj.: wydzielenia (15.993 poligonów), obszary waloryzacji waloryzacja przyrodnicza (14.773 poligonów), stanowiska roślin chronionych (814 punktów), dzielnice miasta (18 poligonów), obszary z nazwami lokalnymi (139 poligonów), ulice (6.592 linii), oraz warstwę wody (linie i poligony) a także arkusze map w skali 1:10.000 (99 szt.) i 1:5.000 (325 szt.). Do wizualizacji wykorzystano także: rastrową mapę sytuacyjno-wysokościową, ortofotomapę lotniczą (B&W) oraz NMT (hillshade). W skład bazy tzw. multimediów zaliczyć można: 144 zdjęć cyfrowych, 101 plików PDF (kompozycje mapowe/ arkusze map) oraz 97 plików KMZ (Google Earth). Otwarcie się Urzędu Miasta Krakowa poprzez serwis WebGIS jest niezmiernie ważnym krokiem milowym w procesie implementacji Dyrektywy INSPIRE w Polsce.
The EU member countries' information society is a society in which the creation, distribution, dissemination, use, integration, and manipulation of information is an important economic, political, and cultural activity. Its economic counterpart is the knowledge-based economy, whereby wealth is created through economic exploitation of knowledge. The 2007/2/EC Directive 14 March 2007, adopted by the European Parliament and the European Council provides an opportunity to establish an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). The “Green Cracow” WebGIS portal is a result of a two-year interdisciplinary project “Vegetation map of the City of Cracow”. The geoinformation (GI) technology used in the project included: UMN MapServer, PHP MapScript, and the MySQL data base. Two services, WMS and WFS, involved in running of the “Green City” application corresponded with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Additionally, the following components were used to construct the whole WebGIS application: Apache ver. 2.2.9, PHP ver. 5.2.6, MapServer 5.2.0 CGI, MapScript (CSharp, Java, PHP, and Python), PHP/MapScript 5.2.0, Java Rosa 1.5.0, GD 2.0.35, FreeType 2.1.10, GDAL/OGR 1.5.2, and MySQL 5.0.67. The Internet client can access 8 different information layers: community type (54 classes; 15,993 polygons); valuation of natural qualities of the communities (5 classes; 14,773 polygons); protected plant stands (814 locations\points); city districts (18 polygons); local names (139 polygons), streets (6,592 lines); water (lines and polygons); and 1:10,000 and 1:5,000 map sheets (99 and 325 polygons, respectively). Raster layers including the cadastre map, aerial orthophotomap, and hillshade provided a backdrop to the vector geodata information and were used to power the visualisation of the UMN MapServer application. The data base with multimedia files contain 144 digital images of selected plant communities, 101 PDF files of map sets, and 97 KMZ files to be downloaded and directly integrated with the Google Earth application containing the QuickBird images for the Cracow area of May 2007. Installation of the “Green City” WebGIS application based on the Open source modules on the Cracow Municipality servers is a very important milestone achieved by the public administration units responsible for implementation of INSPIRE.
Dostęp do pełnego tekstu na zewnętrznej witrynie WWW
The paper presents conclusions from establishing and maintaining a WMS service based on UMN MapServer, designed and worked out as a part of METAGE research project. The application represents a thin JavaScript client communicating with UMN MapServer installed as a CGI binary under Apache web server. The application was tested on MS Windows and Linux platforms. The characteristics of UMN MapServer and the results of performance tests show its large potential in fast sharing and integration of spatial information. The resulting METAGE WebGIS is still in final implementation phase with availability limited to intranet of Katholiek University Leuven.
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