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The paper summarizes 50 years of research on relative local secular variations of the total magnetic intensity (TMI) along Zgorzelec-Wiżajny profile (Z-W profile) through the years 1966–2016. The Z-W profile (approximately 650 km length) cuts through Europe’s major tectonic units, including a zone of Variscan folds in the Paleozoic platform (PP), the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) and the Polish part of the East European Craton (EEC). Measurements of TMI were made at 31 sites of the profile and reduced to the base recordings at the Central Geophysical Observatory in Belsk. Based on linear approximations of relative geomagnetic field values changes in time, relative annual changes in time (relative secular variations) expressed in nanoteslas [nT] per year were calculated. The study on relative geomagnetic field values revealed slower secular variations of the geomagnetic field in EEC as compared to those in PP and TESZ. However, they show lower amplitudes of these variations. An interesting phenomenon are rapid changes in the time of the relative values (trends) of TMI starting from the year 2000, also expressed as the relative secular variations per year, particularly visible in PP area. In the qualitative sense, relative secular variations show a correlation with the main geological units in the Polish territory and also important elements in the seismic and geothermal model of the lithosphere.
The complex tectonic history of Central Europe (Fig. 1a) reflects the break-up of a Neoproterozoic supercontinet(s) (Rodinia/Pannotia) to form the fragment Baltica and the subsequent growth of continental Europe beginning with the Caledonian orogeny. Caledonian and younger Variscan orogenesis involved accretion of Laurentian and Gondwanan terranes to the riftet margin of Baltica. (East European craton, EEC) during the Paleozoic. From Central Poland northward, the region also experienced volcanic activity during the Permian and tectonic inversion during the Alpine orogeny, which in the south continues today. The Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) is a term used to refer to the suite of sutures and terranes that formed adjacent to the rifted margin of Baltica, and these features extend from the British Isles to the Black Sea region (Fig. 1a and 2). Understanding the structure and evolution of the TESZ region is one of the key tectonic challenges in Europe north of the Alps. The TESZ is far more complex than a single suture but in a broad sense is the boundary between the accreted terranes and Baltica. The TESZ includes the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ), which has several definitions. Here, we will use the term TTZ to refer to a structural zone associated with the southwestern edge of the EEC. Beginning in 1997, Central Europe, between the Baltic and Adriatic Seas, has been covered by an unprecedented network of seismic refraction experiments (Fig. 1b). These experiments - POLONAISE’97, CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, and SUDETES 2003 - have only be possible due to a massive international cooperative effort. International Consortium consisted of 35 institutions from 16 countries in Europe and North America - Austria, Belarus, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and the United States. The majority of the recording instruments was provided by the IRIS/ PASCAL Instrument Center and the University of Texas at El Paso (USA), the Geological Survey of Canada and other countries. For example, in the CELEBRATION experiment, the total number was 1230 stations ands 147 shot points located along seismic lines of a total length of about 9000 km. A large number of seismic sources and stations in all experiments means that besides 2 - D approach along profiles (Fig. 3 and 4), also 3 - D approach (Fig. 5 and 6) could be implemented in data interpretation. Total length of seismic profiles in all experiments is about 20 000 km (Fig. 1b).
A knowledge of seismic wave velocities in the sedimentary cover is of great importance for interpreting reflection and refraction seismic data, deep seismic soundings and regional and global seismic tomography. This is particularly true for regions characterized by significant thicknesses and a complex sedimentary cover structure. This paper presents the results of an analysis of seismic P-wave velocities in the sedimentary cover of Poland, a complex area of juxtaposition of major tectonic units: the Precambrian East European Craton, the Palaeozoic Platform of Central and Western Europe, and the Alpine orogen represented by the Carpathian Mountains. Based on vertical seismic profiling data from 1188 boreholes, the dependence of velocity versus depth was determined for regional geological units and for successions from the Tertiary and Quaternary to the Cambrian. The data have been approximated by polynomials, and velocity-depth formulas are given down to 6000 m depth. The velocities in the sedimentary cover have been compared with those from other areas in Europe.
In south-eastern Poland and western Ukraine, the Outer Carpathian orogen and the Carpathian Foredeep developed in the foreland of the East-European Platform (Baltica). The area consists of a number of tectonic units included in the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ): the Łysogóry–Radom and Małopolska blocks in the territory of Poland, and the Rava Rus’ka Zone, Kokhanivka Zone and Leżajsk Massif in the Ukraine. The development of the TESZ began in the (?Middle) Late Neoproterozoic and was associated with rifting processes taking place along the western edge of the East-European Craton (Baltica) during the break-up of the Rodinia/ Pannotia supercontinent. The passive margin of Baltica evolved into the TESZ during collisional and/or strike-slip movements. In the TESZ (Małopolska Block and Leżajsk Massif), Ediacaran flysch-type siliciclastics were affected by weak metamorphism and folding during the Cadomian orogeny. The development of Cambrian deposits in the East-European Craton, Łysogóry–Radom Block, northeastern part of the Małopolska Block (Kielce Fold Belt) and in the Rava Rus’ka and Kokhanivka zones was associated with the post-rift thermal subsidence. Tectonic movements (so-called Sandomierz phase), which occurred probably due to an oblique collision of the Małopolska Block (included into the passive margin of Baltica) and the East-European Craton during late Middle Cambrian to Late Cambrian (possibly also Early Ordovician) times, resulted in the following: (1) development of stratigraphical (?erosional) gaps in the Middle and Upper Cambrian sections of the Lublin–Podlasie slope of the East-European Craton and the Kielce Fold Belt in the Małopolska Block; (2) intense tectonic subsidence of the Łysogóry–Radom Block during the deposition of Middle and Upper Cambrian sediments; (3) development of compressional folds in the Lower Cambrian to lower Middle Cambrian deposits of the Kielce Fold Belt on the Małopolska Block. Ordovician–Silurian series were deposited in a typical flexural foredeep basin, in which subsidence and deposition rates accelerated during Late Silurian (Ludlow–Pridoli) and Early Devonian (Lochkovian) times. It is postulated that the present position of the Małopolska Block relative to the Łysogóry–Radom Block and East-European Craton resulted from post-Silurian dextral movements between the Małopolska Block and the East-European Craton. Devonian–Carboniferous deposits occur only in the Małopolska Block located in the Variscan foreland. The Middle-Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous shallow-marine carbonate platforms developed under an extensional regime. The siliciclastic Upper Visean–Lower Namurian A Culm series were deposited in the flexural Variscan foreland basin. During the Late Namurian A, the Małopolska Block was uplifted in response to the build-up of compressional foreland stresses. During post-Carboniferous times, the Precambrian and Palaeozoic deposits were subject to erosion and restructuring during the Alpine orogeny.
During the CELEBRATION 2000 experiment, the area of SE Poland was investigated by relatively dense system of deep seismic sounding profiles. Apart from five main profiles CEL01–CEL05, eight additional profiles were executed between the edge of the East European Craton and the Carphatians: CEL06, CEL11, CEL12, CEL13, CEL14, CEL21, CEL22 and CEL23. In this paper, we present results of modelling of refracted and reflected waves with use of a 2D ray tracing technique. All 13 profiles were jointly inter reted with verification of models at crossing points, and a quasi 3D model of the crust and upper mantle was developed. The obtained P-wave velocity models of the crust and uppermost mantle are very complex and show a differentiation of the seismic structure for tectonic units in SE Poland. The depth of the Moho discontinuity in the investigated area changes from about 30 to about 52 km. As a summary of all seismic models, the Moho depth map for SE Poland is presented, as well as a map of the extent of the most characteristic crustal elements in the area: a high velocity body in the upper crust, division into two- and three-layer consolidated crust, ranges of very deep layers with low velocities in the upper and middle crust, aproximate ranges of detected velocity anisotropy in the upper/middle crust, ranges of the high-velocity lower crust and high-velocity uppermost mantle. Both maps are com pared with the main struc tural el e ments from tec tonic map. This could form the base for a new geotectonic in ter pre ta tion of this com plex area.
The Zgorzelec–Wiżajny profile cuts through the main European geotectonic units of the Palaeozoic Western and Central European Platform and the East European Craton, including the connecting Trans-European Suture Zone. The paper summarises 40 years of research on geomagnetic secular variations along the Zgorzelec–Wiżajny profile since 1966. It discusses methods of processing measurement records and presenting their results. The latter are presented against the background of the local geology and the crustal deep magnetic structure data. The hitherto method of variation analysis was modified to address a new trend in the geomagnetic secular variations that has emerged in the East European Craton during the last five years (2001–2005).
Content available remote Głębokie badania geoelektryczne struktury skorupy i płaszcza Ziemi w Polsce
Badania eksperymentalne w Transeuropejskiej Strefie Szwów (TESZ), oddzielającej Platformę Wschodnioeuropejską od młodszej, faneorozoicznej Europy, były prowadzone we współpracy międzynarodowej metodami zarówno sejsmicznymi (projekt POLONAISE '97 i CELEBRATION 2000), jak i elektromagnetycznymi (projekty PREPAN, CEMES, EMTESZ). W artykule przedstawiono przegląd wyników głębokich sondowań elektromagnetycznych uzyskanych w Polsce w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu. Podstawowym wynikiem było odkrycie dobrze przewodzącej anomalii w górnym płaszczu (150-250 km) w środkowej Polsce pod Transeuropejską Strefą Szwów. Porównanie danych z obserwatoriów geomagnetycznych wokół Polski wykazuje, że tylko dwa z nich - Belsk i Niemegk odznaczają się zwiększoną intensywnością składowej horyzontalnej pola magnetycznego. Świadczy to o występowaniu pod nimi anomalii dobrze przewodzącej. Analiza wyników sondowań magnetowariacyjnych z całej Europy wskazuje na istnienie niejednorodności w średnim płaszczu Ziemi lub, ewentualnie, zmiany jego struktury pod Europą. Możliwe, że te niejednorodności są związane z TESZ.
The experimental investigations of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) separating the East European Plate from the younger, phanerozoic Europe are carried actively out by the international community both seismic (projects POLONAISE'97, CELEBRATION 2000) and electromagnetic (projects PREPAN, CEMES, EMTESZ) methods. The review of the results of the deep electromagnetic soundings obtained in Poland for the recent decade is presented in this work. The main result is discovery of a conductive anomaly in the upper mantle (150-250 km) in the middle Poland beneath the Trans-European Suture Zone. In accordance with observations at geomagnetic observatories around Poland, only two of them: Belsk and Niemegk have an increased intensity of the horizontal magnetic field. This fact can be interpreted as existence of the conductive structures beneath them. Analysis of the collected response functions all over European observatories allows suggesting existence of electrical inhomogeneities in the mid-mantle or changing in its structure beneath Europe. Maybe the structure is connected with TESZ.
Porównanie wykształcenia facjalnego osadów dewonu i karbonu basenów Pomorza Zachodniego i bałtyckiego oraz Pomorza Przedniego (NE Niemcy) jest próbą dokonania oceny, na ile jest spójny rysujący się obraz rozwoju facjalnego obszarów położonych w południowo-zachodnim skraju kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego i w jego najbliższym sąsiedztwie, w tzw. strefie szwu transeuropejskiego TESZ. Historia rozwoju facjalnego basenów bałtyckiego i pomorskiego wydaje się wskazywać, że przez znaczną część dewonu i na początku karbonu funkcjonowały one jako oddzielne, chociaż być może blisko siebie położone, zbiorniki sedymentacyjne. Basen bałtycki był w tym czasie typowym epikratonicznym, częściowo izolowanym zbiornikiem, charakteryzującym się dość znacznym zasoleniem. Przez większą część dewonu i we wczesnym karbonie rozwijały się w nim głównie osady silikoklastyczno-ewaporatowe, a dominującymi środowiskami sedymentacji były środowiska lądowe i marginalnomorskie, w tym przybrzeżnych lagun, tylko okresowo osadzały się w nim otwartomorskie węglany. Do ewentualnej komunikacji między basenem pomorskim a basenem bałtyckim mogło dojść w ciągu wczesnego i środkowego famenu, kiedy to basen bałtycki miał się przekształcić ze zbiornika izolowanego w zbiornik otwarty na południowy zachód. Uderzająca jest zbieżność czasowa między wczesnokarbońskimi ruchami dźwigającymi kraton wschodnioeuropejski, prowadzącymi do zakończenia istnienia basenu bałtyckiego oraz wywołanymi przez to zjawisko procesami towarzyszącymi, a pojawieniem się w środkowym turneju nowego obszaru alimentacyjnego dla basenu pomorskiego, mającego związek z wulkanizmem wewnątrzpłytowym. Obszar ten był związany, jak się wydaje, z rejonem masywu Tajno na kratonie wschodnioeuropejskim. Stał się on źródłem materiału wulkanoklastycznego, zasilającego zbiornik pomorski w ciągu środkowego i przez znaczną część późnego turneju. W tym czasie dotychczasowy obszar alimentacyjny, będący źródłem dojrzałego, drobnoziarnistego materiału detrytycznego dostarczanego do zbiornika pomorskiego głównie ?pod koniec wczesnego i w ciągu środkowego dewonu oraz późnego famenu, odgrywał podrzędną rolę. Obszar Pomorza Zachodniego wraz z jego częścią znajdującą się obecnie w podłożu Bałtyku oraz położona w najbliższym sąsiedztwie wyspa Uznam (NE Niemcy), biorąc pod uwagę pewne elementy wspólne w ich rozwoju facjalnym, mogły być usytuowane w obrębie tego samego basenu sedymentacyjnego. Jest wielce prawdopodobne, że w dewonie i wczesnym karbonie był on zlokalizowany blisko kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego, chociaż niekoniecznie dokładnie w obecnym położeniu. Między wspomnianymi obszarami a położonymi od nich obecnie na północny zachód wyspami Rugia i Hiddensee rysują się natomiast wyraźne różnice facjalne w ciągu dewonu i missisipu, charakteryzuje je też różny wiek i natężenie procesów związanych z wczesnokarbońską działalnością wulkaniczną. Z drugiej strony niemal identyczny zakres czasowy śródkarbońskiej luki erozyjnej przypadającej na późny wizen, namur i wczesny westfal, a także podobne wykształcenie osadów pensylwanu na obszarze Pomorza oraz Rugii pozwalają brać pod uwagę hipotezę, że obszary te w ciągu dewonu i wczesnego karbonu mogły być oddalone od siebie bardziej niż obecnie, a swoją ostateczną wzajemną pozycję w obrębie TESZ zajęły, być może, u schyłku wczesnego lub na początku późnego karbonu.
A comparison of facies development during Devonian and Carboniferous times in the Pomeranian Basin (NW Poland), western part of the Baltic Basin (Lithuania, Latvia) and in Vorpommern area (NE Germany) is an attempt of assessment how coherent is the history of facies development of the sedimentary basins situated at the south-western margin of the East European Craton and in its immediate neighbourhood, i.e. along the so-called Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). The Pomeranian sedimentary basin was of a marine one through almost the whole Devonian and Early Carboniferous. Carbonate or mixed carbonate-clastic sediments were deposited within the basin and pure clastic sedimentation was rare. Detrital material was periodically supplied to the Pomeranian Basin from continental areas represented by elevated parts of the East European Craton: the Fennoscandian High in the north and the Mazury–Belarus High extending in the east. The Baltic Basin was at that time a typical epicratonic, periodically isolated, shallow sedimentary basin characterized by a fairly significant salinity. Mainly siliciclastic–evaporitic sedimentation took place through much of Devonian and Early Carboniferous times in the terrestrial to marginal depositional settings, most frequently in coastal lagoons. Open-marine carbonates were deposited only periodically. During much of Devonian and Early Tournaisian times the two basins were separated, although probably situated relatively close to each other. A possible communication between them might have existed during the Early and Middle Famennian when the Baltic Basin supposedly turned from an isolated into a marine one open to the south-west. It is worth noting that there was a temporal coincidence between the Early Carboniferous tectonic movements (which resulted in uplift of the East European Craton and, as a consequence, in the decline of the Baltic Basin in the Early Tournaisian) and the rise of a new source area, related to intraplate volcanism, supplying material to the Pomeranian Basin in the Middle and much of Late Tournaisian times. That area may have been associated with the East European Craton, however, it has not been identified and localized yet. During Devonian and Mississippian times Western Pomerania with its offshore prolongation into the Baltic Sea, and Usedom Island located to NW (north-eastern Germany) may have been situated within the same sedimentary basin. Between these areas and the area of Rügen and Hiddensee islands, located to the NW, distinct facies differences are observed in the same time. They are also manifested by different ages and intensity of processes related to Early Carboniferous volcanic activity. However, it is noteworthy that there are also some similarities in facies development of Pennsylvanian deposits between the Pomerania and Rügen areas. The time interval of the intra-Carboniferous erosional gap is also almost identical, spanning the Late Visean, Namurian and Early Westphalian. The differences between Western Pomerania and Rügen refer to the Devonian– Early Carboniferous period, the similarities are observed in the Late Carboniferous. A reasonable hypothesis seems to be the one assuming that the areas may have been situated at a greater distance apart during the Devonian and Early Carboniferous than they are today. They took their final mutual positions within the TESZ as late as the end of Early Carboniferous or early Late Carboniferous times.
Profile sejsmiczne eksperymentu POLONAISE’97 dokumentują budowę wgłębną strefy szwu transeuropejskiego (TESZ), który stanowi szeroką strefę akrecji terranów na pograniczu proterozoicznej litosfery kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego oraz młodszej, paleozoicznej litosfery zachodniej Europy. Uzyskane rezultaty sondowań sejsmicznych, w połączeniu z danymi pól potencjalnych i modelami termicznymi, pozwalają na wydzielenie 5 typów litosfery: (1) typ LEEC — litosfera kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego, (2) typ LTTZ — bloki litosfery przylegające bezpośrednio do kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego i sięgające po południowo-zachodnią granicę wału śródpolskiego, (3) typ LTES — skorupa szwu transeuropejskiego pomiędzy LTTZ a strefą tektoniczną Dolska, (4) typ LPP — fragment litosfery pomiędzy strefą Dolska a uskokiem środkowej Odry, (5) typ LVP występujący na południe od strefy uskokowej środkowej Odry. Dwa pierwsze typy litosfery (LEEC i LTTZ) są genetycznie związane z Baltiką. Litosfera typu LTES i LPP stanowi osobny blok podłoża, który wywodzi się z Awalonii lub ze spokrewnionego z nią terranu przyłączonego do brzegu Baltiki we wczesnym paleozoiku. Jej struktura sejsmiczna jest prawdopodobnie wypadkową szeregu hipotetycznych czynników, takich jak wczesnopaleozoiczne podklejanie dolnej skorupy przez magmy wytapiane z subdukowanej płyty oceanu Tornquista, kolizja kaledońska czy wieloetapowe przemieszczenia przesuwcze. Litosfera LPP została również przebudowana w efekcie głęboko zakorzenionej tektoniki waryscyjskiej. Litosfera typu LVP należy do orogenu waryscyjskiego i stanowi fragment Armoryki. Granice pomiędzy blokami litosfery najwyższej rangi, takimi jak Baltika, Awalonia i Armoryka, zaznaczają się subtelnie w obrazie sejsmicznym. Większe kontrasty w strukturze sejsmicznej mogą występować w obrębie jednorodnych genetycznie fragmentów litosfery, rozczłonkowanych przez główne strefy dyslokacyjne.
Seismic profiles of the POLONAISE'97 experiment provide evidence for the deep basement structure of the TESZ area representing a broad and complex zone of terrane accretion which separates the old Proterozoic lithosphere of the East European Craton (EEC) from the younger Palaeozoic lithosphere of western Europe. The obtained results combined with potential field data allows the differentiation of 5 varieties of lithosphere: (1) LEEC variety -a lithosphere of the East European Craton, (2) L TTZ variety -lithospheric blocks adjacent to the EEC and extending to the south-western margin of the Mid-Polish Swell belonging to the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ), (3) LTES variety - a lithosphere of the Trans European Suture Zone (TESZ) between the L TTZ and the Dolsk Fault Zone, (4) LPP variety- a segment of the lithosphere be-tween the Dolsk Fault Zone and the Middle Odra Fault Zone, (5) L VP variety occurring to the south-west of the Middle Odra Fault Zone belonging to the typical Variscan platform. The two types LEEC and LTTZ are genetically linked to Baltica, while LTES and LPP represent a lithosphere of Avalonia. A lithosphere of the Palaeozoic Platform (LTES), embraced between the Variscan orogen and the EEC, represents a separate basement błock derived from Avalonia or an Avalonia-related terrane accreted to the Baltica margin during the Early Palaeozoic. The three-layer seismic structure of a crust in that area is probably produced by a number of superimposed effects like under platting by magmas melted off from a subducted plate of the Tornquist ocean. The results of the POLONAISE'97 experiment verify the role of the Dolsk Fault Zone as the northeastern boundary of the area affected by a thick-skinned Variscan tectonics. The Variscan-related modification of a seismic structure has its effect not only on a lithosphere of the Bohemian Massif, usually correlated with the Arrnorica terrane assemblage, but also on a fragment of the Palaeozoic platform of southwestern Poland located between the Dolsk Fault Zone and Middle Odra Fault Zone.
This paper presents the results of seismic investigations on the structure of the lithosphere in the area of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in Poland that is located between the southwestern margin of the East European Craton (EEC) to the north-east, the West and Central European Palaeozoic Platform (PP) to the south-west and the Carpathians to the south. Based on results of the modern POLONAISE’97 and CELEBRATION 2000 projects, as well as older profiles, models are presented for the configuration and extent of different crustal types. In the investigated area, the EEC has a relatively uniform crustal thickness of 40 to 50 km with its three-layered crystalline crust displaying P-wave velocities of 6.1–6.4, 6.5–6.8 and 6.9–7.2 km/s in the upper, middle and lower parts, respectively. The Variscan consolidated crust is covered by 1–2 km thick sediments and consists of two layers with velocities of 5.6–6.3 and 6.5–6.65 km/s. In the Carpathians, sediments reaching to depths of some 20 km and are characterized by velocities of <5.6–5.8 km/s, whilst the underlying two-layered crystalline crust displays velocities of 6.0–6.2 and 6.5–6.9 km/s. The crust of the TESZ can be divided into the Małopolska, Kuiavia and Pomerania blocks that are overlain by up to 9–12 km thick sediments having velocities <5.4 km/s. In the area of the TESZ, the upper part of the consolidated crust has to depths of 15–20 kmrelatively low velocities of <6.0 km/s and is commonly regarded as consisting of deformed and slightlymetamorphosed Early Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic series. In this area the middle and lower crust are characterized by velocities in the range of 6.3–6.6 km/s and 6.8–7.2 km/s, respectively, that are comparable to the EEC. Based on the dense network of seismic profiles the map of the depth toMoho is given for the area of Poland. Uppermost mantle reflectors occur about 10 to 15 km below the Moho whereas the deepest reflectors are recorded at depths of 90 km. Future investigations ought to aim at an integrated geological-geophysical program, including deep near-verical reflection-seismic profiling and ultimately the drilling of deep calibration boreholes.
This contribution summarizes selected results of the “Palaeozoic Accretion of Poland” Project. Emphasis is placed on geochronological, geochemical and palaeomagnetic constraints on the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Palaeozoic development of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). During the Late Neoproterozoic break-up of Rodinia, a major rift developed in the area of the future TESZ along which Baltica was separated from peri-Gondwana and Laurentia, resulting in opening of the Tornquist Ocean and development of the southwestern Baltica passive margin. This was paralleled by the development of the Cadomian orogenic system along the margin of Gondwana and the eastern and southern margins of Baltica. Some tectonic units involved in the TESZ, such as the Brunovistulian Terrane and the Małopolska Massif characterized by Cadomian basement, were derived fromthe internal and external parts of the Cadomian Orogen, presumably somewhere at the SE or SW corners of Baltica. Determination of areas where these terrains were originally located depends strongly on the Ediacaran plate model that is adopted for Baltica. The Małopolska Massif was reaccreted to Baltica, presumably due to latest Ediacaran strike-slip tectonics, during the late Middle to Late Cambrian, causing at that time an interruption of its passive margin subsidence pattern and minor erosion. During Late Ordovician to Silurian times, the Caledonian collision of Gondwana-derived East Avalonia Terrane with Baltica gave rise to the development of a foredeep basin along the southwestern margin of Baltica. The proximal part of this foredeep corresponds to the Pomeranian region to the Koszalin-Chojnice Zone, and its distal parts to the Baltic Basin, both of which developed on Baltica basement. During Ordovician and Silurian times clastics were shed into the Koszalin-Chojnice Zone and the Baltic Basin from the evolving Caledonian orogenic wedge, consisting of a subduction-related volcanic arc, obducted ophiolites and accretionary prism, as well as crustal units that were detached from basement of Baltica and Avalonia. The Brunovistulian Terrane was accreted to theMałopolskaMassif at the turn from the Silurian to the Devonian. Proximal terranes, such as the Pomerania and Łysogóry units remained after Late Neoproterozoic rifting in a position close to the relatively mobile SW margins of Baltica.
New acritarch data combined with the trilobite record date most of the Wiśniówka Hill succession (western part of Łysogóry, Holy Cross Mts.) as early Furongian (early late Cambrian). The taxonomic diversity and abundance of the acritarch assemblages allow a more precise age determination than previous studies, as well as correlation with contemporary associations from Baltica, Avalonia and West Gondwana. The stratigraphic significance of trilobite trace fossils within the succession is evaluated.
Beginning in 1997, Central Europe, between the Baltic and Adriatic Seas, has been covered by an unprecedented network of seismic refraction experiments (Fig.1A). These experiments — POLONAISE’97, CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, and SUDETES 2003—have only been possible due to a massive international cooperative effort. International Consortium consisted of more than 30 institutions from 16 countries in Europe and North America—Austria, Belarus, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and the United States. The majority of the recording instruments was provided by the IRIS /PASCAL Instrument Center and the University of Texas at El Paso (USA), the Geological Survey of Canada, and other countries. For example, in the CELEBRATION experiment, the total number was 1230 stations and 147 shot points located along seismic lines of a total length of about 9000 km. A large number of seismic sources and stations in all experiments means that besides 2-D approach along profiles, also 3-D approach could be implemented in data interpretation. Total length of seismic profiles in all experiments is about 20,000 km.
Significant lateral variations of surface heat flow occur in the Polish Lowland area, ranging up to 30+/–10 mW/m2 across the transition from the East European Craton (EEC) and the northeastern part of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ) to the accreted terranes in the south-west (Palaeozoic Platform) and up to 25 mW/m2 of change within the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). Modelling of the crustal temperatures for the deep seismic profiles parallel to TESZ (P1, P5 and TTZ) and perpendicular to it (LT-7, P2, LT-2, P4, LT-4 and LT-5) shows evidence of extensive crustal-mantle warming (elevated mantle heat flow in the area between the Sudetes and the EEC). The EEC and the northern part of the TTZ have a much lower mantle heat contribution. Mantle heat flow variations are significant (approximately 20–40 mW/m2). Significant are also variations in thermal lithosphere thickness ranging from ca. 150–200 km in the craton and the northern part of the TTZ to 100–150 km (locally less than 100 km) in the accreted terranes to the south-west of the TTZ and in the central part of the TTZ. The TTZ is a thermally inhomogeneous zone.The thermal transition between the Palaeozoic Platform and the EEC is not a sharp one. Significant variations in the thickness of the thermal lithosphere do not follow major tectonic units of the crust.
Normal-incidence reflection study across the Pomeranian segment of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in NW Poland has a distinct reflection zone in the lower crust. In order to enhance the image quality in this zone the image processing techniques have been used in this study. The reprocessed seismic section shows a reflection pattern, which may indicate a collisional structure in the lower crust within the Pomeranian segment of the TESZ. It may represent structure associated with continental accretion of preferred Caledonian age. The analysis of seismic data from NW Poland resulted in a tectonic model of the Caledonian collision between Eastern Avalonia and Baltica with the presumed participation of an of an additional crustal block of unclear provenance, in which the closure of the Tornquist Sea took place along a NE-dipping subduction zone occurring in the TESZ.
Content available remote Modelowanie grawimetryczne i magnetyczne wzdłuż profilu LT-7
Wspólne modelowanie danych grawimetrycznych i magnetycznych zostało wykonane wzdłuż refrakcyjnego i szerokokątowego refleksyjnego profilu LT-7, który przecina strefę szwu transeuropejskiego w NW Polsce. Na podstawie wyników modelowania grawimetrycznego stwierdzono, że budowa skorupy jest bardziej skomplikowana niż to wynika z modelu prędkościowego. Dane grawimetryczne wskazują na obecność w górnej skorupie intruzji o wysokiej gęstości oraz złożonej strefy przejściowej między skorupą a górnym płaszczem w rejonie transeuropejskiej strefy szwowej. Dane magnetyczne w rejonie położonym na SW od linii Teisseyre’a - Tornquista zostały zinterpretowane w postaci kontaktu odwrotnie namagnesowanej dolnej skorupy platformy paleozoicznej z normalnie namagnesowanym blokiem dolnej skorupy występującym w strefie szwu transeuropejskiego. Na podstawie wyników modelowania magnetycznego i grawimetrycznego ten kontakt jest nachylony ku NE. Może on wskazywać na szew tektoniczny utworzony w czasie kaledońskiej kolizji Wschodniej Avalonii i Baltiki, w której mógł brać udział dodatkowy blok skorupy niewiadomego pochodzenia. Ten blok może reprezentować klin skorupy Baltiki, skorupę terranu proksymalnego lub egzotycznego, albo skorupę łuku wyspowego.
Simultaneous gravity and magnetic data modelling has been performed along refraction and wide-angle reflection profile LT-7 crossing the Trans-European Suture Zone in NW Poland. The gravity modelling indicates the crust structure is more complicated than revealed by velocity model. Gravity data indicate the presence of a high density body in the upper crust, and a complex transition zone between crust and upper mantle occuring in the Trans-European Suture Zone. Magnetic data SWofthe Teisseyre-Tornquist Line has been interpreted in terms of complex contact reversely magnetized lower crust of Palaeozoic Platform and normally magnetized lower crustal block occuring in the Trans-European Suture Zone. On the basis of magnetic and gravity modelling this contact dips to NE. It may indicate a suture formed due to the Caledonian collision of Eastern Avalonia and Baltica with the presumed participation of an additional crustal block of an unclear provenance. The latter may represent a wedge of the EEC crust indenting the Palaeozoic Platform crust (Eastern Avalonia?). However, this could possibly be a crust of a proximal or exotic terrane or an island arc crust.
The Łysogóry Block (ŁB) exposed in the northern Holy Cross Mts. (HCMts.) reveals subsidence and thermal development consistent with the pattern observed in adjoining East European Craton (EEC) areas. This evidence, in addition to previously reported similarities in sedimentation and deep crustal structure, contradicts the Pożaryski's hypothesis that the Łysogóry Block represents a terrane within the Caledonian orogen. This area is here interpreted as the part of a Late Silurian foredeep basin which developed on the Baltica margin in response to terminal phases of collision with Eastern Avalonia. The development of the continuous Late Silurian foredeep basin along the EEC margin from the Peri-Tornquist Basin in the north-west to the present northern HCMts. implies that the North German-Polish Caledonides orogen had its NE continuation near the present Holy Cross area. The southern HCMts. comprise the northern margin of the Małopolska Massif (MM). The Ordovician-Silurian subsidence development of this area, its thermal history and crustal structure point to a stable cratonic setting. Existing similarities in sedimentary succession (mostly Ordovician and Lower Silurian) as well as clearly Baltic palaeobiogeographic affinities indicate a close spatial connection between the MM and Baltica during the analysed time interval. The juxtaposition of the MM against the ŁB area can be explained assuming that the MM is a part of Baltica detached from its margin due to right-lateral strike-slip after late Ludlow and before Emsian time.
We provide an analysis of geophysical and geological data from the Baltic segment of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). The construction of structural and density maps of the Zechstein-Mesozoic-Cenozoic complex has allowed identification of anomalies of basement orgin. As a result of interpretation of these anomalies, major structural elements of the lithosphere have been characterised. According to gravity modelling the crustal structure is more complicated than shown on velocity model along refraction and wide-angle reflection profile LT-7. Long-wavelength anomalies have been modelled in terms of lateral heterogeneity within the lower crust and upper mantle. In order to achieve a match between the observed and calculated gravity effects, it was necessary to assume dense upper mantle beneath the TESZ. Gravity data also indicate the presence of high-density bodies in the upper crust, and a complex transitional zone between crust and upper mantle in the TESZ.
Two electromagnetic (magnetotelluric and geomagnetic) soundings have been made in the region of Bornholm Island (Denmark). The results of analysis suggest a very complicated, locally three-dimensional character of the conductivity distribution; however, we interpret the outcome of the soundings in terms of a two-dimensional model, additionally using other published results from the region under study. From the interpretation it follows that Bornholm belongs to the East European Platform, whereas from the south and from the west an influence of large sedimentary basins appears. The depth of the sedimentary basin adjoining the island to the south is probably much deeper than estimated so far. Also, geological structures at greater depth in this region of the Baltic Sea may be much more complicated than it could be assumed from a simple extrapolation of data obtained from the surface geology.
Duży sejsmiczny eksperyment POLONAISE '97 został zrealizowany w maju 1997 r. na obszarze Polski w strefie transeuropejskiego szwu i złożonych struktur związanych z basenem polskim. W badaniach wzięły udział zespoły geofizyczne z Polski, Danii, USA, Litwy, Niemiec, Finlandii, Szwecji i Kanady. Badania przeprowadzono na dużą skalę wzdłuż profili sejsmicznych o łącznej długości około 2000 km, z udziałem 613 stacji sejsmicznych, które wykonały rejestrację fal sejsmicznych wzbudzonych w 64 punktach strzałowych. Jednym z ważniejszych rezultatów badań było stwierdzenie wybitnej asymetrii między maksymalną miąższością pokrywy osadowej w rowie polskim (16-20 km) i skorupowym korzeniem (o50 km) związanym z TESZ/TTZ. Inny wielki eksperyment sejsmiczny nazwany CELEBRA TION 2000 był wykonany w Europie Środkowej w czerwcu 2000 r., na obszarze południowej i wschodniej Polski, Słowacji, Węgier, Austrii, Czech, SE Niemiec oraz częściowo na Białorusi i w Rosji. Sejsmiczny eksperyment CELEBRATION 2000 został zlokalizowany na obszarze południowo-wschodniego obrzeżenia Baltiki (wschodnioeuropejski kraton), południowej części TESZ, struktur inwersyjnych TESZ, orogenu karpackiego, basenu panońskiego i masywu czeskiego. Prace zostały sfinansowane przez międzynarodowe konsorcjum 28 instytucji z 13 krajów z Europy i Ameryki Północnej. Z 1200 aparatur sejsmicznych, które zostały użyte do rejestracji, zdecydowaną większość dostarczyły Centrum Aparaturowe IRIS/PASCAL w Waszyngtonie i Uniwersytet Teksański w El Paso w USA. Pozostałe aparatury sejsmiczne dostarczyły Kanadyjska Służba Geologiczna, uniwersytet w Kopenhadze w Danii, Instytut Badań Ziemi w Gebze w Turcji i inne organizacje z pozostałych krajów. Całkowita długość profili sejsmicznych wynosi około 9000 km. Wzdłuż profili sejsmicznych zlokalizowano 147punktów strzałowych.
A large seismic experiment, the POLONAISE '97 project, was conducted in Poland during May 1997 and targeted the deep structure of the Trans European Suture Zone (TESZ) and the complex series of upper crustal features associated with the Polish Basin. It included contributions from the geophysical communities in Poland, Denmark, the USA, Lithuania, Germany, Finland, Sweden and Canada. This large lithospheric seismic experiment deployed 613 instruments to record 64 shots along five profiles with a total length of about 2000 km. One of the most important result is a very distinct asymmetry between the maximum thickness of the sedimentary cover in the Polish Trough (16-20 km) and the crustal root (a50 km) associated with TESZ/TTZ. Another large scale experiment named CELEBRATION 2000 was carried out in Central Europe during June 2000 in the territory of Southern and Eastern Poland, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, SE Germany, and partly in Belarus and Russia. The CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiment is located in the area of the southern portion of the TESZ region, the margin ofBaltica (East European Craton), inversion structures along the TESZ, the Carpathian orogenic belt, the Panonian Basin and the Bohemian Massif. Funding for the CELEBRATION 2000 experiment was made by the International Consortium consisted of 28 institutions from 13 countries in Europe and North America. The majority of the recording instruments was provided by IRIS/PASCAL Instrument Center and the University of Texas atEl Paso in the USA, the Geological Survey of Canada, the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, the Earth Research Institute in Gebze (Turkey) and others. The total number was 1200 stations and 147 shot points located along seismic lines of a total length of about 9000 km.
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