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w słowach kluczowych:  Top Drive
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W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z użyciem podczas wykonywania robót wiertniczych urządzenia Top Drive (górnego napędu przewodu wiertniczego), w aspekcie korzyści i zalet wynikających z jego stosowania, a także wpływ na polepszenie warunków pracy wiertaczy, co skutkuje w konsekwencji ograniczeniem zdarzeń wypadkowych w toku wykonywania robót geologicznych związanych z poszukiwaniem złóż ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego.
The general principles of the article is to reveal the main advantages of modern mechanical device, used in drilling operations, as compared to the conventional Kelly drive system. Advantages of Top Drive system become apparent in the field of safer operations as well as improved time saving drilling technology. The automation of drill pipe handling like Top Drive improves safety and efficiency of drilling operations. The ability to circulate and rotate while running in the hole or pulling out of the hole reduces the chances of the bottom-hole assembly getting stuck. It also enables cooling of the bit, especially when running in the hole, thus increasing bit life. However the advanced technology involved in Top Drive rigs comes with a higher cost and requires a highly killed operating workforce. The article uses data gathered in the IADC Incident Statistics Program, which shows that the oil and gas well drilling industry continues work toward reducing incidents on rigs. The overall incidents and frequency rates are trending downward as a result of the use of new technologies in drilling industry, like Top Drive systems.
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