Prywatna firma TOPSIL istnieje od 1988 roku. Współwłaścicielami firmy są Teresa Mąka i Tomasz Padee. Firma od początku specjalizuje się w produkcji wyrobów gumowych przeznaczonych do szczególnie odpowiedzialnych zadań. Do ich produkcji używa najczęściej mieszanek sporządzonych z kauczuków EPDM, HNBR, NBR, a przede wszystkim kauczuku silikonowego w postaci oryginalnych mieszanek importowanych z firm: Bayer AG, Dow Corning i Rhone-Poulec.
TOPSIL is the private company established in 1988. Co-owners of TOPSIL are Teresa Mąka and Tomasz Padee. From the begining we have specialized in high performance rubber goods, processed from EPDM, HNBR, NBR, and mainly from silicone rubber original compounds developed by Bayer AG, Dow Corning, and Rhone-Poulec. The company main activity is production for electronic industry and medical equipment. TOPSIL are producing from silicone rubber different types of keypads, keyboards, also printed ones, for telephones, remote controls, TV sets, security control systems, etc. The company has developed many moulded goods for medical equipment e.g. a lot of type of seals, membranes, joints, and also for contact with food. TOPSIL, first in Poland, succeeded silicone conductive rubber products including conductive seals, plates, electrodes form physicotherapy and electrosurgery, technical joints. The Quality System and Process Controlsd let TOPSIL succesfully offer its products for OEM. Upon the solid foundation TOPSIL is bound for futher grow and prosper.
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