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We present a novel study concerning the attitudes of road transport enterprises towards a broad application of telematics in operational management in road transportation. The study aims to assess telematics application in road transport and its changes over time while showing the factors most likely to determine the systems’ use. Unobserved categories defined in the technology acceptance model (TAM) are adjusted to measure perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitudes toward using telematics systems by road transport managers. The study is based on 323 transport enterprises analyzed in two waves in 2020 and 2021. The use of two different time points is motivated by an observed increase in the digitalization of transport documents caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The empirical findings support the TAM’s usefulness in evaluating IT in transport business management. The findings also reveal that the significantly increased telematics use in 2020 was observed while it was endured. The results are checked for robustness and used for simulations. The study compares managers’ behaviors over time and simulates the effect of individual (observed) variables on unobserved TAM categories.
Purpose: This study evaluates the acceptance of GPS/GPRS-based telematics technology in freight road transport companies registered in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The evaluation is based on a survey of 500 representative road transport companies carried out in 2020. The Technology Acceptance Model was estimated, and its results were checked for robustness. The scope of the information collected in telematics systems is defined in terms of its perceived utility and perceived ease of use at the operational management level. The latent factors affecting technology use are defined and implemented. Findings: Most respondents (80%) claimed that telematics systems had a considerable influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of the whole company's operation. It contributed to a higher number of orders executed per time unit, more effective use of the driver's working time, and increased the entrepreneurs' trust in the company. The companies employing more workers recognize the higher usefulness of telematics systems and are motivated to use the technology more widely than smaller enterprises. TAMs estimated separately for small and medium-sized enterprises did not significantly differ among the parameter estimates. Research limitations/implications: The Technology Acceptance Model is a useful analytical tool for evaluating telematics technology acceptance by the road transport sector. The study is based on a random sample of enterprises observed once in 2020. It is recommended to monitor them in two or three waves to compare the dynamics of the telematics usage process. It is planned to continue the study in that direction. Practical implications: The outcomes are valuable in practice twofold. Firstly, the extension of telematics systems use is interesting for final users, i.e., road transport companies that will find scope for their application. Secondly, the results are helpful for system providers who get knowledge on telematics perception from enterprise management. Originality/value: Although widely applied to other IT systems, the TAM model has not been used to evaluate the use of telematics in road transport companies. The paper justifies TAM's categories at the operational management level in road transport enterprises, contributing to understanding managers' behavioral aspects of decision-making.
Content available remote Intention of Vietnamese Enterprises's digital transformation
There have been many studies on digital transformation in recent times, but these studies focused on clarifying the concept, content, and implementation of digital transformation. There have not been many studies on the attitudes and intentions of enterprises to digital transformation (DT). This paper proposes factors affecting DT intention including perceived usefulness, trust, innovation, perceived risk to investigate attitudes about DT and examines the impaction of attitude and subject norms factors on the digital transformation intention of enterprises. A questionnaire designed and sent to 337 Vietnamese enterprises in different fields of activity. This study uses Structural Equation Model (SEM). The perceived usefulness, Innovation factors effect to the attitude possitively leading to the Intention of DT of enterprises, whereas the perception of pisk has a negative impact. Attitudes towards digital transformation and Subjective Norms have a positive impact on digital transformation intention. This paper helps Vietnamese government authorities to have a basis to promote and support Vietnamese enterprises in digital transformation.
The primary purpose of the research is to examine and validate determinants of user intention to use AutoCAD software, utilising the constructs from prior studies in a more integrated model. The paper proposes a revised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for measuring the adoption of AutoCAD. In the study, a latent construct PPA (perceived physical accessibility) was added to the proposed research model as a new determinant of AutoCAD adoption. An online survey of AutoCAD users was conducted to collect data. This data was empirically used to test the proposed research model. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique was used to evaluate the causal model, and the confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model. The study results show that user behavioural intention to use AutoCAD is significantly affected by three determinants: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived physical accessibility of the software. This finding contributes to an expanded understanding of the factors that promote acceptance of AutoCAD software. Moreover, the main contribution of this study is to verify the impact of the added PPA variable on the behavioural intention to use and the actual use of AutoCAD, and also to create measurement scales for this new latent variable in TAM.
This study used TAM as a theoretical basis to explore the public's attitude towards online insurance products. This study used the people in Taiwan as the research subject and distributed 628 questionnaires on the Internet by means of convenient sampling. After eliminating 88 invalid questionnaires, 540 valid questionnaires, the effective recovery rate was 85.99%. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. In the pension financial planning model, perceived usefulness, trust, and product involvement have a significant positive impact on attitude; perceived risk has a significant negative impact on attitude; attitude and subjective norm have a significant positive impact on behavioral intention Impact. 2. In the travel insurance model, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust and product involvement have a significant positive impact on attitudes; attitudes and subjective norms have a significant positive impact on behavioral intentions. Finally, this study concludes that insurance belongs to high amount and long-term products, it may not be suitable for people to buy through the Internet; the other hand, if insurance belongs to one-time and low-priced products that can be solved conveniently, quickly and efficiently demand is the primary consideration of the people.
W artykule przedstawiono teoretyczną podstawę do badania postaw społeczeństwa wobec internetowych produktów ubezpieczeniowych. W badaniu wykorzystano mieszkańców Tajwanu, jako przedmiot badań i rozprowadzono 628 kwestionariuszy w Internecie. Po wyeliminowaniu 88 nieprawidłowych kwestionariuszy i 540 ważnych kwestionariuszy efektywny wskaźnik odzysku wyniósł 85,99%. Wyniki tego badania są następujące: 1) W modelu planowania finansów emerytalnych postrzegana użyteczność, zaufanie i zaangażowanie produktu mają znaczący pozytywny wpływ na nastawienie; postrzegane ryzyko ma znaczący negatywny wpływ na nastawienie; postawa i subiektywna norma mają znaczący pozytywny wpływ na intencje behawioralne. 2) W modelu ubezpieczenia podróżnego postrzegana użyteczność, postrzegana łatwość użytkowania, zaufanie i zaangażowanie produktu mają znaczący pozytywny wpływ na postawy; postawy i subiektywne normy mają znaczący pozytywny wpływ na intencje behawioralne. W badaniu stwierdzono, że ubezpieczenie należy do produktów o dużej wartości i do produktów długoterminowych, może nie być odpowiednie dla osób kupujących przez Internet; z drugiej strony, jeśli ubezpieczenie należy do jednorazowych i tanich produktów, które można rozwiązać wygodnie, szybko i skutecznie, popyt jest najważniejszym czynnikiem, który ludzie biorą pod uwagę.
As a result of the advance in social media technologies, nascent entrepreneurs, especially youths can use social media to effectively operate their businesses, communicate information about their products or services, and respond to competitors with minimal cost. The purpose of this paper was to determine the factors influencing entrepreneurial students’ decision to adopt social media as a business platform in Thailand. By integrating the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the technological, organizational and environmental (TOE) framework as the conceptual parameter, data were collected through an online questionnaire-based survey that was completed by 357 respondents residing in Thailand. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data and the proposed hypotheses. The results showed that the technological, organizational organization and environmental contexts had a significant impact on the adoption of social media using the perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) as mediating variables. The main factor that was identified as playing the most significant role in the adoption of social media by means of the PEOU and PU was the technological context followed by the environmental and organizational contexts, respectively. This paper provides an integrated TAM-TOE model as a robust format that can predict the adoption of social media as a business platform.
W wyniku postępu w zakresie technologii mediów społecznościowych przedsiębiorcy, zwłaszcza młodzież, mogą korzystać z mediów społecznościowych, aby skutecznie prowadzić działalność gospodarczą, przekazywać informacje o swoich produktach lub usługach oraz reagować na konkurencję przy minimalnych kosztach. Celem tego artykułu było określenie czynników wpływających na decyzję przedsiębiorców o przyjęciu mediów społecznościowych jako platformy biznesowej w Tajlandii. Dzięki zintegrowaniu modelu akceptacji technologii (TAM) oraz ram technologicznych, organizacyjnych i środowiskowych (TOE) jako parametru koncepcyjnego, dane zebrano za pomocą ankiety internetowej opartej na kwestionariuszu, którą ukończyło 357 respondentów przebywających w Tajlandii. Do analizy danych i proponowanych hipotez wykorzystano modelowanie równań strukturalnych (SEM). Wyniki wykazały, że kontekst technologiczny, organizacyjny i środowiskowy miał znaczący wpływ na przyjmowanie mediów społecznościowych z wykorzystaniem postrzeganej łatwości użytkowania (PEOU) i postrzeganej użyteczności (PU) jako zmiennych pośredniczących. Głównym czynnikiem, który został zidentyfikowany jako odgrywający najważniejszą rolę w przyjmowaniu mediów społecznościowych za pośrednictwem PEOU i PU, był kontekst technologiczny, a następnie konteksty środowiskowe i organizacyjne. Niniejszy dokument zawiera zintegrowany model TAM-TOE jako solidny format, który pozwala przewidzieć przyjęcie mediów społecznościowych jako platformy biznesowej.
Even though the digital payment methods are taking the intention of scholars nowadays as new trend to investigate it, there are still few studies that examine the consumer switching decision from the traditional way to digital way while performing the payments. Besides, the monetary market has some substitution effects; as users care about security, ease to use and the wide acceptance for the payment method they are using. The main aim of this research is to investigate the witching attitude and intention from the traditional payment by using the bank notes, debit or credit card or what called physical wallet to digital one by using mobile apps for doing payments. In total, 140 surveys were emailed to UNIKL business school’s staff, 98 questionnaires were returned fully answered and able to use. The results showed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are effective factors into consumer attitude towards switching. Moreover, the relation between the attitude and the intention is significant while the perceived risk pull down the level of this effect.
Mimo, że metody płatności cyfrowych są obecnie przedmiotem badań naukowych jako nowy trend, wciąż niewiele jest badań, które analizowałyby zmianę decyzji konsumenta z tradycyjnego sposobu na cyfrowy w trakcie dokonywania płatności. Poza tym na rynku pieniężnym występują pewne efekty substytucyjne; ponieważ użytkownicy dbają o bezpieczeństwo, łatwość obsługi i szeroką akceptację dla używanej metody płatności. Głównym celem tych badań jest zbadanie zamiany i zamiaru od tradycyjnej płatności za pomocą banknotów, kart debetowych lub kredytowych, co nazywamy portfelem fizycznym, do portfela cyfrowego za pomocą płatniczych aplikacji mobilnych. Ogółem wysłano pocztą elektroniczną do pracowników UNIKL 140 e-maile z ankietami, zwrócono 98 pełnych odpowiedzi, które można było wykorzystać w badaniach. Wyniki pokazały, że postrzegana użyteczność i postrzegana łatwość użycia są czynnikami efektywnymi w nastawieniu konsumentów do zmiany. Ponadto relacja między postawą a intencją jest znacząca, a postrzegane ryzyko obniża poziom tego efektu.
To date, the problem of acceptance of payment systems and technology from the consumer's perspective has been intensively investigated. Dahlberg et al. [1, 2] indicated diminishing need for additional research on the acceptance of payment systems by consumers. On the contrary, evaluation of adoption of payment systems by other participants of the market in the e-commerce ecosystem, in particular merchants, is still missing. This paper attempts to fill the existing gap. The objective of this paper is to propose determinants that merchants use as guidance in accepting or not a payment system. The main factors influencing the acceptance of payment systems by merchants have been defined basing on the commercially available “eXpay” system [8], as well as the TAM and UTAUT models. On this basis, a new model containing intention constructs and moderators significant from the merchants' perspective has been proposed. In the paper, the components of the model and possibilities of its application in further research are discussed.
Background: Students are progressively creating fellow groups on social media for informal communication and learning. Students have groups for assistance, sharing and discussion. This research is carried out to explore the acceptance of fellow groups among students with the help of technology assessment model (TAM). Methods: Date was collected by the use of adepted questionnaire and elaborated by statistical methods with the help of SPSS 21. Results and conclusions: This Research model suggests that students are accepting evolvement of fellow groups in studies; perceived usefulness of groups and ease of use exhibit positive relationship towards attitude towards use. This research also identifies that perceived enjoyment of fellow groups strengthen the relationship of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude towards use.
Wstęp: Studenci tworzą coraz więcej grup społecznych w mediach społecznościowych dla nieformalnej komunikacji oraz edukacji. Są to grupy wsparcia, pomocy oraz dyskusyjne. Celem tej pracy jest sprawdzenie poziomu akceptowalności grup społecznościowych studentów przy pomocy modelu TAM (technology assessment model). Metody: Dane zostały zebrane na podstawie przeprowadzonych ankiet i poddane analizie statystycznej za pomocą SPSS 21. Wyniki i wnioski: Model badawczy sugeruje, że studenci akceptują włączenie grup społecznościowych do procesu nauki, doceniają użyteczność tych grup oraz łatwość stosowania jak również nawiązywania relacji. Zidentyfikowano również zadowolenia ankietowanych osób ze wzmocnienia relacji pomiędzy uczestnikami grup oraz łatwego do nich dostępu.
This paper considers the problem of the performance optimization of a queuing system with long-tailed service time. Due to nonconvexity of the problem global optimization methods have to be used. Interval methods and genetic algorithms are considered. Approximation of the Laplace transform of the probability distribution function of the service time arises as a subproblem. A new method to do it is developed.
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