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The mineralogical properties of green colored chalcedony varieties from weathering cover of slightly serpentinized peridotites (harzburgites) occurring near Szklary village on Foresudetic Block (SW Poland) are studied using Raman spectroscopy in the 200 – 1600-1 wavenumber region . The obtained results show, that in examined samples, the peaks like: 206, 265, 355, 394, 464, 696, 796, 808 cm-1, characteristic for α-quartz were ascertained. In one sample, the characteristic moganite peak (502 cm-1) was found. It implies that presence of other polymorphs of SiO2 in crystalline structure, considered a proof for presence of moganite intergrowths with α-quartz. It indicate, that intensity of green color of measured samples of chrysoprase are not correlated with Raman spectroscopic data. It can be conclude, that examination of Raman spectra can be useful only to recognition of internal phase composition of green cryptocrystalline silica polymorphs occurring in weathering cover of serpentinized peridotites.
W artykule opisano silnie krzemionkowy zażelaziony metasomatyt – birbiryt, występujący w dwóch otworach wiertniczych (Bobolice B2 i B5) zlokalizowanych w południowej części saprolitowego złoża niklu Szklary–Wzgórze Siodłowe w rejonie Bobolic na Dolnym Śląsku. Birbiryt występuje w formie 5–6-metrowej miąższości horyzontu (?soczewki) o rozciągłości co najmniej 300 ×100 m. Jest to skała twarda, charakteryzująca się jasnordzawą barwą, dużą porowatością i niskim ciężarem właściwym. W jej składzie dominuje zdecydowanie bezpostaciowa krzemionka, drobnoziarnisty rekrystalizacyjny kwarc (ok. 90 % wag. SiO2) oraz uwodnione tlenki i wodorotlenki Fe, głównie w postaci getytu (ok. 4–9 % wag. Fe2O3). Typowe dla birbirytu są również niskie koncentracje MgO (<1 % wag.) oraz śladowe ilości niklu, kobaltu i chromu. Zwietrzelina saprolitowa utworzyła się w paleogenie, w warunkach klimatu wilgotnego i ciepłego, w wyniku długotrwałych zmian egzogenicznych zserpentynizowanych i spękanych górnodewońskich perydotytów. Birbiryt jest wynikiem migracji pierwiastków (ze zwietrzeliny saprolitowej) spowodowanej wahaniami poziomu zwierciadła wód gruntowych wskutek zmian morfologii terenu wywołanych najmłodszą aktywnością tektoniczną. W birbirycie doszło do wyługowania z saprolitu Mg, Ni, Co, Cr oraz silnego wzbogacenia i rekrystalizacji Si i Fe.
The paper describes strongly siliceous ferruginous metasomatite – birbirite found in two boreholes (Bobolice B2 and B5) located in the southern part of the Szklary–Wzgórze Siodłowe nickel saprolitic deposit in Lower Silesia. Birbirite forms a 5–6 m thick horizon (?lense), ca. 0.03 km2 in area (its horizontal extent is at least 300×100 m). The birbirite is a hard rock with a very characteristic light-rusty colour, strongly porous and of very low specific gravity. Amorphous silica, fine-grained recrystallized quartz (ca. 90 wt % SiO2), hydrated oxides and iron hydroxides (mainly goethite – ca. 4–9 wt % Fe2O3) definitely dominate in the birbirite composition. The birbirite is also characterised by a low MgO content (<1 wt %) and traces of nickel, cobalt and chromium. Birbirite formed as a result of strong leaching out and enrichments of saprolitic wastes (loss of MgO, Ni, Cr and Co and enrichment in amorphous silica and goethite). Saprolitic waste formed previously in the Palaeogene during exogenic changes of serpentinitized and fractured Upper Devonian peridotites in a humid and wet climate, and subsequently changed by local water table fluctuations resulting from a morphological uplift caused by the youngest tectonic activities.
W związku z nowymi możliwościami technologicznymi wzbogacania rudy niklu metodami hydrometalurgicznymi pojawiły się plany wznowienia eksploatacji złóż tej rudy w masywie serpentynitowym Szklar, na Dolnym Śląsku. Wraz z nimi powróciły zagadnienia uwarunkowań geologicznych wydobycia. W roku 2006 spółka KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. uzyskała koncesję na rozpoznanie złoża „Szklary I", wydzielonego w obrębie złoża „Szklary’’ — Obszar Szklana Góra. Rozpoznanie to zostanie zakończone wykonaniem dokumentacji geologicznej złoża iv kategorii C; Ze względu na możliwość przerobu rudy o zawartości 0,3% niklu dla złoża „Szklary I" ustalono indywidualne kryteria bilansowości. Najważniejszymi czynnikami geologicznymi mającymi wpływ na warunki eksploatacji są: głębokość występowania złoża wraz z budową nadkładu i stosunkiem grubości nadkładu do miąższości złoża, warunki hydrogeologiczne oraz warunki geologiczno- inżynierskie [10]. Warunki te zostały w' opracowaniu wstępnie scharakteryzowane.
In accordance to new technological possibilities of nickel ore enrichment with hydrometaUurgical methods, there are plans to restart exploitation of that ore in serpentinite massif of Szklary, Lower Silesia. Issues of geological conditions of mining extraction came back with these plans. In 2006 KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. obtained exploration concession for "Szklary I " deposit, which is contained in the area of "Szklary " - Obszar Szklana Góra deposit. Exploration results will be presented in geological documentation of the "Szklary I" deposit. Due to ability ofprocessing ore with 0,3 % nickel grade for the "Szklary I " deposit individual balance criteria were settled. The most important geological conditions of mining extraction are: the depth of the deposit with the structure of the overburden and relation between thickness of the overburden and of the ore body, hydrogeological and geological-engineering conditions. These were shortly characterized in the article.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań nad bioługowaniem polskich, krzemianowych rud niklu ze złoża Szklary na Dolnym Śląsku. Badania te miały na celu wybór optymalnej metody ługowania mikrobiologicznego. Rozważono i przetestowano różne możliwości ługowania rud niklowych: w obecności biomasy w układzie, z użyciem brzeczki mikrobiologicznej, wytworzonej przez zastosowane mikroorganizmy. Przeprowadzono badania w kolbach, w reaktorze mieszalnikowym oraz w kolumnie szklanej różnych frakcji ziarnowych rudy. Określono podstawowe parametry i sposób prowadzenia procesu oraz hodowli wybranych mikroorganizmów.
The preliminary research results on bio-leaching polish, silicate nickel ores from Szklary deposit on Lower Silesia have been presented in the paper. The main target of those research was selection of optimal method for microbial leaching. Different possibilities of leaching nickel ores in the presence of biomass in the system using metabolic solution (organic acids solution), formed by used Aspergillus niger were considered and tested. The research on different grain fractions of ore, using flasks, the mixing reactor and the glass column have been carried out. The basic parameters and the way of conducting of the process and culture of selected microorganisms have been determined.
This paper presents the results of petrological investigations of rocks from the Szklary serpentinite massif in the eastern margin of the Góry Sowie Block. Among the weakly serpentinised ultrabasites present, harzburgites, lherzolites and pyroxenites have been distinguished. Small enclaves of metabasites within the serpentinites represent low-Ti varieties and - like rodingites - they developed from initial gabbroides or picrites. They reveal a characteristic depletion in incompatible elements. This feature is reminiscent of high-Mg (boninite) basic magmas formed in island arc or back-arc basin environments. Plagiogranites, present within the serpentinites, most probably represent trondhjemites - more acid derivates formed during the fractional crystallisation of the same initial basic magma. On the basis of the petrological investigation results, the hypothesis was put forward that - with regard to their initial composition - the ultrabasites of the Szklary massif may represent heterogeneous spinel residual peridotites impregnated with pyroxenite veins. Enclaves of metabasites and plagiogranites, having the properties of mafic cumulates and/or fractional differentiates, may reflect a stage of further magmatic processes which took place in a zone of lithospheric plate convergence.
The weathering crust at Szklary is known as a classical location of a nickeliferous laterite deposit derived from the chemical weathering of ultrabasic rocks. The layer silicates from the Szklary massif have been studied since the eighteenth century; moreover, this locality is considered to be an exceptional location of different minerals including nickel containing corrensite, interstratified kerolite-stevensite, interstratified serpentine-smectite, kerolite-pimelite, and clintonite. Ni-corrensite and irregularly mixed-layer serpentine-smectites with a variable layer ratio were found in Szklary for the first time. The origin of the layer silicates from Szklary is complex: (1) serpentine, chlorite, and clintonite are products of hydrothermal metamorphism related to the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks and posterior metamorphism and (2) the mixed-layer minerals, sepiolite, and kerolite-pimelite formed due to the hydrothermal and supergeneous alteration of ultrabasic rocks and various metamorphic schists.
In the Szklary serpentinite massif, besides serpentinites, amphibolites, rare rodingites and altered gabbros, rather common light-coloured aplites occur. Occurrences of pegmatites are very rare. A small fragment of a pegmatite, basically composed of feldspars, quartz, micas and tourmaline, is exposed only on Mt. Szklana. During detailed mineralogical investigations on it, numerous and sometimes rare or very rare minerals have been identified: chrysoberyl, spessartine, manganocolumbite and manganotantalite, stibiocolumbite, holtite, pyrochlore, beusite, paradocrasite and stibarsen, manganoan apatite and others, occurring in small or very small grains. The pegmatite from Szklary probably represents a product of the crystallization of silicic magma generated from the partial melting of older sediments during high-grade metamorphism. Its structural and textural development (graphic intergrowths), and to some extent its mineral composition make it comparable to some anatectic pegmatites of the gneissic block of the Góry Sowie Mts.
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