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w słowach kluczowych:  Szczecin–Berlin inland waterway
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Transport links are one of the main factors required to develop cross-border cooperation and integration. However, differences in the quality and quantity of transport infrastructure inhibits the development of cross-border cooperation, as exemplified by the cross-border transport network in the northern part of the Polish-German borderlands, namely, the Szczecin–Berlin inland waterway. The existing differences constitute bottlenecks that restrict the use of cross-border transport links to strengthen cross-border cooperation. This article aims to assess the transport function of the Szczecin–Berlin inland waterway and identify the bottlenecks and missing links hindering its potential. The findings will serve as the basis for indicating the types of proposed measures aimed at implementing the proposals made by cargo shippers with respect to cross-border transport links identified during an in-depth interview survey. The types of measures proposed in this article will improve the competitiveness of cross-border transport links by ensuring interoperatibiliy, interconnectivity, and intermodality. However, they will require the effective coordination in policies regarding development of the transport infrastructure in the cross-border area, promotion of its development, and facilitating the cooperation between stakeholders. Measures to be taken in that regard are an important issue in cross-border governance and management.
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