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Grains of light pink and pink-violet corundum (ruby) were recognized in the alluvia of the Maruszka stream cutting the deposit of Sławniowice marble. The grains reach a size of up to 3 mm. They are usually slightly rounded or angular and sometimes barrel-shaped. X-ray powder diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis of corundum were performed. Mineral inclusions in the corundum grains have been also identified.
In the area of the Skalni Potok Nature Reserve (Hrubý Jesenik), studies of gneissic cliffs were carried out to determine the role of lithology in the process of their formation. The research included geometric measurements of vertical discontinuity zones of selected rock outcrops and the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements of strongly weathered subsurface layers. As a result of the measurement, the orientation of the main crack systems (NW–SE and NE–SW) responsible for the location of cliffs within the Skalni Potok Valley was obtained. In addition, the main crack directions for the gneiss occurring in the studied mountain region were identified. Interpretation of the ERT models allowed to characterise the structure of the rock mass, including the reach of the rainwater infiltration level and the depth of the weathering front.
The paper reviews an application of non-destructive electromagnetic imaging of shallow bedrock and landslide colluvium horizons performed with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) technique on mass movement-affected mountain slope. We used a non-shielded 52 MHz GPR equipment to study an area of a shallow translational landslide, which developed on steeply inclined gneissic bedrock on Mt. Sredniak slopes (1210 m a.s.l.) in the Śnieżnik Massif. This landslide originated at the boundary zone between intact bedrock comprising Proterozoic gneisses and uppermost slope cover, as a result of continuous rainfall during July of 2011. Furthermore, to better understand and examine a landslide area on Mt. Sredniak slopes we also applied structural geological and geomorphological methods. The GPR analyses resulted in high-resolution imaging of internal slope structure and gravitational deposit architecture in the range of 0.5-5 m below surface level. Electromagnetic sounding performed directly above the landslide source area elucidated a set of bedrock discontinuities with a possible direct impact on water aggregation and migration during the rainfall episodes. Furthermore, a GPR profile performed in a landslide toe area, showed subsurface reflection horizons to be correlated with a colluvium/bedrock transitional zone and internal heterogeneous architecture of colluvial deposits. Ground-penetrating radar proved to be both powerful and an easy-maintained 'on-site' method for steep mountain slope analysis, with a potential for high-resolution imaging of shallow-seated gravitational slope deformations.
W obrębie sekwencji okruchowych przedpola Sudetów Wschodnich wyróżniono w sumie pięć różnowiekowych poziomów złotonośnych związanych z preglacjalnymi „białymi” żwirami typu serii Gozdnicy, wodnolodowcowymi piaskami i żwirami plejstocenu oraz osadami holoceńskich tarasów Złotego Potoku i Białej Głuchołaskiej. Maksymalne zawartości Au (0,4 g/m3 osadu) notuje się w grubookruchowych żwirach kwarcowych, przestrzennie związanych z preglacjalną (eoplejstoceńską) doliną paleo-Białej Głuchołaskiej. Na powierzchni wyróżnionych dwóch podtypów złocin (ziarna blaszkowo-płytkowe, płaskie lub wtórnie zdeformowane oraz cementacyjno-grudkowe) rozpoznano i opisano nano- i mikrostruktury (morfotypy) Au oraz wewnętrzne tekstury (widoczne w przekroju ziaren), wskazujące na procesy tzw. odnawiania się rozsypisk złotonośnych. Są one wiązane z selektywnym rozpuszczaniem złota w warunkach hipergenicznych, jego wytrącaniem z roztworu i wtórną rekrystalizacją prowadzącą w rezultacie do formowania skupień złota autogenicznego. Rozpoznano dwa morfotypy złota autogenicznego: banieczkowate lub drobnorobaczkowe skupienia Au oraz krystaliczne skupienia i przerosty złota. Wspomniane morfotypy są bardzo dobrze zachowane i nie noszą oznak abrazji. Szczegółowa analiza SEM pokazuje, że pojedyncze banieczkowate nanocząsteczki z czasem zrastały się formując inkrustacje Au, a ostatecznie warstwę złota autogenicznego na powierzchni złociny pełniącej rolę swego rodzaju osadnika dla nowych nanocząstek. Występowanie banieczkowatych lub drobnorobaczkowych skupień Au w paragenezie z minerałami ilastymi oraz brak jakichkolwiek oznak abrazji tych skupień wskazują, że utworzyły się one in situ, to jest są pochodzenia autogenicznego. Nano- i mikroskupienia złota robaczkowo-pęcherzykowego zbudowane ze złota amorficznego mogą być wynikiem koagulacji koloidów lub ich adsorpcji przez minerały ilaste wypełniające kawerny na powierzchni złocin. Krystaliczne przerosty złota są prawdopodobnie efektem rekrystalizacji złota koloidalnego wytrącanego na powierzchni złocin po depozycji w rozsypisku.
Auriferous sequences in the East Sudetic Foreland include up to five gold-bearing horizons and are associated with the so-called preglacial “White Gravels”, Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial deposits overlying the Neogene sediments of the Poznań formation or Paleozoic metamorphic rocks. The significant placer potential for gold in the region lies in the preglacial (Eopleistocene) fluvial drainage system, primarily in paleo-channels of the Biała Głuchołaska River. The White Gravels, the richest gold-bearing deposits, contain up to 0.4 g/m3 Au near the base of the auriferous horizon. Two visibly distinct gold sub-types are identified based on their overall morphology: 1) flaky gold, flattened or reshaped by refolding; 2) craggy, irregular grains. All the grains are alloys of gold and silver, with Te and Se occurring as trace amounts. Two distinct gold sub-types of detrital gold display surface morphotypes and internal textures of Au and Ag dissolution indicative of supergene gold modification, as well as authigenic Au formation and aggregation resulting in the renewal of gold-bearing placers. The indicative morphotypes include nano- to microparticulate bud- or bubble-like gold, as well as overgrowths and aggregates of crystalline plate-like gold. They are well preserved and lacking any signs of physical damage. Stages of the gold particles growth have been observed during the nano- to microtextural investigations of gold grains, from the isolated semi-spherical nanoparticles, agglomerates, to irregularly shaped plates of gold. The presence of nano- to microphase gold embedded in the fine-grained assemblages of clayey masses and the lack of any signs of grain surface abrasion confirmed that bud- and babble-like Au, as well as complex aggregates of plate-like gold, must have formed in situ, i.e. are authigenic in origin. Chemical transfer may be related to both the Au precipitation from a colloidal solution as well as the adsorption by clay minerals and surface precipitation of Au on particles of mineral substrate.
Przedstawiono występowanie gatunków roślin chronionych, zagrożonych i rzadkich na użytkach zielonych usytuowanych w makroregionach: Pogórze Zachodniosudeckie, Sudety Środkowe i Wschodnie. Na podstawie badań florystyczno-fitosocjologicznych, przeprowadzonych w latach 2009-2014, stwierdzono dziesięć gatunków chronionych, w tym cztery taksony objęte ochroną gatunkową ścisłą. W składzie florystycznym użytków zielonych odnotowano dwa taksony podawane jako gatunki zagrożone wyginięciem na terenie Polski oraz osiem zagrożonych gatunków flory naczyniowej Dolnego Śląska o różnych kategoriach zagrożenia. Użytki zielone objęte badaniami, występujące w Sudetach Środkowych, charakteryzują się większym udziałem gatunków zagrożonych i rzadkich niż w Sudetach Wschodnich i Pogórzu Zachodniosudeckim.
An important part of the landscape of the Sudetes are grassland. They account approximately 50% of agricultural area. These are most often semi-natural communities which their origin, complexity of the structure and species composition are due to human activity. Over the past decades, the disappearance of many meadow communities and related taxons are observed. Intensification of this phenomenon makes it necessary to conduct a study on the current state of grassland. The floristic and phytosociological study was carried out in the years 2009-2014 with the Braun-Blanquet method on the grassland in Sudetes Mts (the Western Sudetes Foothills, The Central Sudetes, The East Sudetes). The resulting material was analysed in terms of endangered and rare species. Evaluation of the plant species was based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 9 October 2014, on the protection of species of plants. In addition, a list of endangered and rare vascular plants of Lower Silesia has been taken into account, which was developed based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUNC) and supplemented by criteria and regional categories. The studies showed that in the floristic composition of part of the analysed grasslands there were 4 strictly protected species and 6 partial protected species. To the most commonly reported include: Colchicum autumnale L., reported slightly less frequently: Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich., Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P. F. Hunt & Summerh.), Colchicum autumnale L. Occasionally the presence of Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. subsp. conopsea, Trollius europaeus L., Iris sibirica L., Lilium martagon L., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz were reported. Most of these species is placed on the endangered species list of vascular flora of Lower Silesia, as a species exposed to extinction and species with a lower risk of extinction (rare). Trollius europaeus L., Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. subsp. conopsea. are in danger of becoming extinct. From species close to the threat but at a lower risk of extinction occurred Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P.F. Hunt & Summerh and poorly threatened - Colchicum autumnale L. and Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. Most of the rare and protected species was found on grassland located in the Central Sudetes, which can be associated with taking inventory more research areas (meadows and pastures), than on the Western Sudetes Foothills and in the East Sudetes.
Highlands are an area predisposed to the development of the holiday function, hence the essential problem: - whether the current figure of the holiday infrastructure enriches or lowers a value of the landscape villages of the Eastern Sudeten Mountains. Analyses are indicating the huge asymmetry between raised still in 70ties or 80ties, holiday objects, located in the space of the village of holiday houses and old, often neglected country building development. The number of weekend objects new, being characterized by a different form of the lump, or the attempt of the reactivation of wooden buildings, it causes of the gradual disappearance of the local form and the decline of the historically formed landscape of the village. A new formula is formed; the profile is still unclear however.
Przedstawiono przemiany krajobrazu wsi Bielice, Nowy Gierałtów i Goszów (Sudety Wschodnie). Uwarunkowania fizjograficzne, funkcje wsi oraz odległość od miasta wpłynęły na kierunek ewolucji krajobrazu w obliczu zmian polityczno-narodowościowych i ustrojowych po II wojnie światowej. Przemiany dotyczyły głównie odejścia od rolniczego użytkowania ziem, a w efekcie nasilenia wtórnej sukcesji leśnej. Powojenny regres w rozwoju przestrzennym wsi ustąpił wraz z silnym rozwojem funkcji turystycznej. Wprowadzenie obcej stylistycznie zabudowy letniskowej, willowej i obiektów turystycznych doprowadziło do zaburzenia historycznych układów wsi, a w miejscowościach podmiejskich do stopniowego zaniku ich krajobrazowej odrębności. W oparciu o idee umiarkowanego i zrównoważonego rozwoju przestrzennego zaproponowano sposoby przeciwdziałania niekorzystnym trendom zmian krajobrazowych.
There are shown landscape’s changes in the villages of Bielice, Nowy Gierałtów and Goszów (Eastern Sudetes). In the face of political-national and constitutional changes after II World War the physiographical determinants, function of villages and distance from the town have had an influence on landscape’s evolution direction. Landscape’s changes have mainly concerned retiring from the agriculture land use and as a result intensify of repeated forest succession. Postwar regress in village’s spatial development have last years subsided together with intense growth of tourist function. Introduction of stylistic foreign summer-resort building, detached houses and tourist objects have caused disturbance of historical villages configuration and in suburban villages - their landscape autonomy loss. On the basis of moderate and sustainable spatial development ideas there were proposed how to counteract detrimental landscape’s changes trends.
Content available Przemiany krajobrazu wsi w Sudetach Wschodnich
Basing on cartographical materials, source literature and detailed terrain stocktaking of the village of Bielice, the evolution of the village's landscape since the beginning of the 20th century until nowadays has been presented. The changes in the landscape were related to functional and spatial structure changes taking place in Bielice. Special attention was paid to retiring from the agricultural function of the village, which resulted in intensive repeated forest succession on unused pastures. As a result there was observed agriculture-forest border lowering of over 100 meters in relation to the pre-war position. Before the 1980s the village was depopulating fast, threatening complete disappearance, which took place in the settlement of Nowa Biela. The chain structure of the village thinned out considerably, taking a distracted character, particularly in the central part of the village. As a result of the increasing interest in the village of Bielice taken by Wroclaw's intellectuals, its tourist function came back to life, which was important before World War II. Its location in Snieznicki Landscape Park, good skiing conditions and the landscape quality of the village were conducive to it. For the last twenty years most of the residential buildings, especially their farm parts, have been modernized to tourist and agrotourist service needs. Changes, positive from the economic side, had their various scale of impact on the state of visible landscape. The greatest danger concerns the regional character of Sudetes' architecture. The influence of the residents, who were sensitive to the beauty of the local architecture, meant that most of the pre-war buildings were correctly renovated, and most of the new buildings refer to regional architecture standards. There proved to be some legislative inaccuracies, which cannot protect the regional determinant of the visible landscape.
Content available remote Atrakcje geoturystyczne Geostrady Wschodniosudeckiej
"Geostrada Wschodniosudecka" w Polsce to niewielki, wschodni fragment trasy geoturystycznej prowadzonej przez całe Sudety. Występuje tu zatem ograniczona ilość geostanowisk. Pierwszym z nich jest słynny, eksploatowany od XIII wieku i wciąż czynny, kamieniołom metasomatycznych marmurów dolomitycznych w Sławniowicach. Eksploatowane skały, w formie i płyt okładzinowych, spotkać można w wielu gmachach Polski i Niemiec. W 16. czynnych i nieczynnych wyrobiskach odsłonięte zostały prekambryjskie marmury i skały współwystępujące, takie i, jak łupki łyszczykowe, amfibolity i pegmatyty. Najciekawszym niewątpliwie punktem tej części Geostrady jest rejon Głuchołaz. W mieście, w dolinie Białej Głuchołaskiej oraz w czeskich rejonach przyległych (Jesenik, Zlate Hory), od XII wieku z aluwiów rzeki i poprzez eksploatację podziemną kwarcowych i kwarcowo- skaleniowych żył pozyskiwano złoto. Pozostałością po górnictwie głuchołaskim są sztolnie i ślady po szybach przy promenadzie wzdłuż Białej Głuchołaskiej. Pozostałe obiekty również mogą być atrakcyjne dla sympatyków nauk o Ziemi. Są to granitoidy masywu Strzelina-Zulovej w Jarnołtowie, prekambryjskie wapienie krystaliczne w Gierałcicach oraz łupki biotytowe w Burgrabicach. Ostatnim obiektem polskiej części Geostrady jest czynna kopalnia tzw. łupków dachówkowych w Jarnołtówku. Występują tutaj łupki fyllitowe, których niezaburzone partie były eksploatowane na pokrycia dachów wielu budynków w okolicy.
The Eastern Sudetic Geostrada (Geotrail) constitutes only a small, eastermost fragment of the whole "Sudetic Geostrada" tourist trail project. Hence, the number of geosites selected along the trail is rather limited. The westernmost site is the famous Sławniowice quarry. Here, in 16 active and inactive pits the Precambrian marbles and accompanying rocks (mica schists, amphibolites and pegmatites) have been quarried since the XIIIth century. Stones extracted there are well-known in Poland and in Germany, usually as facings. However, the most intrising part of the Eastern Sudetic Geostrada is the vicinity of Głuchołazy. In the town itself and in the valley of the Biała Głuchołaska River as well as in the adjacent Jeseniki and Zlate Hory mountains in the Czech Republic gold has been mined from alluvial deposits as well as from quartz and quartz feldspar lodes. The relics of this mining operations are numerous adits and shafts, which can be recently seen along the promenade accompanying the Biała Głuchołaska River bank. Other sites attractive for the Earth-science enthusiasts are: granitoids of the Strzelin-Zulova Massif in Jarnołtów, Precambrian marbles in Gierałcice and biotitic schists in Burgrabice. The last site in the Polish sector of the Eastern Sudetic Geostrada is the operating slate quarry in Jarnołtówek where phyllitic schists are extracted and used as roof tiles.
Gold-bearing palaeofan deposits in the East Sudetic Foreland region are associated with the White Gravel series, which is the richest gold-bearing horizon. The remnants of the White Gravels in the vicinity of Gierałcice and Sławniowice contain between 0.33 g/m[^3] Au near the base and <0.05 g/m[^3] Au in the upper part. The gold is associated with other heavy minerals, such as Fe-Ti oxides (magnetite, ilmenite, and hematite), zircon and rutile. Concentration of these minerals increases significantly with depth and three-quarters of the total gold is found in the lower half of the palaeofan deposits. The alluvial palaeofan placers were formed by repeated scouring and reconcentration of resistant heavy minerals from a number of sources, including pre-existing placers and bedrock. The gold grains are composed of variable proportions of Au and Ag with trace amounts of Cu, Te and Se. Rims have high gold (>93 wt % Au) and low silver (<6 wt % Ag) contents, whereas cores contain average 85 wt % Au and 14 wt % Ag. Porous gold grains are homogeneous and of high purity (>95 wt % Au). The bedrock source of gold is probably related to quartz veins in Palaeozoic schist and quartzite. There are several local point sources of gold, mainly quartz veins of the Zlaty Chlum Massif. Data presented for the Gierałcice.Sławniowice palaeofan placers may be useful for prospecting and exploration for similar deposits.
The characteristics of geodynamic investigations in the Eastern Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic Block region during the 1993-2003 period are presented. The investigations included repeated GPS, gravimetric and other observations realised in three local research areas and a regional network. The local research networks have been integrated into the regional network through selected points. The regional network has been connected to the permanent stations network EPN/IGS. This has allowed calculation of the points' velocities in a uniform reference frame ITRF2000. The calculated movement parameters of points have been the basis for estimating the kinematics of tectonic structures including gravity changes. The results have confirmed recent activity of the young tectonic structures in research region.
The characteristics of geodynamic investigations in the Eastern Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic Block region during the 1993-2003 period are presented. The investigations included repeated GPS, gravimetric and other observations realized in three local research areas and a regional network. The local research networks have been integrated into the regional network through selected points. The regional network has been connected to the permanent stations network EPN/IGS. This has allowed calculation of the points' velocities in a uniform reference frame ITRF2000. The calculated movement parameters of points have been the basis for estimating the kinematics of tectonic structures including gravity changes. The results have confirmed recent activity of the young tectonic structures in research region.
Two main heavy mineral associations were found in the studied sediments: magnetite–ilmenite and garnet–zircon– pyroxene. The parental rocks for those minerals were rocks from a metamorphic complex: gneisses, amphibolites, quartzities and crystalline limestones. Furthermore, the detrital gold was found in the alluvial deposits of Maruszka stream. The shape of most gold grains is discoidal or elliptical and they show various mechanical deformations (scratches, furrows, impact, and sandwich structures). The most significant primary gold source are amphibolites, which occur in Devonian quartzities and quartz schists of Vrbno group. The morphology, surface textures, and chemical composition of the gold particles suggest that the majority of gold was transported presumably in a suspended form as flakes, scales, and small grains. Gold could have also been dissolved and transported as complex compounds, colloidal solutions or suspensions. Moreover, some of the gold could have been redeposited and entered the Maruszka stream directly as a result of erosion of the Neogene, Gozdnica Series -like sediments and of Quaternary clays.
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