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w słowach kluczowych:  Southeast European security
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Content available remote The Complexity of NATO’s Southeast European Defense
The article examines the Southeast European security landscape and challenges, by analyzing not only the military dimension of security issues but pays attention to energy, transportation, and trading factors as well. Since 2014, the security dialogue between NATO members on Russian movements and its bilateral relations with several countries has been an increasing topic. As a result, some states, like Turkey started to build a less hostile relationship with Moscow, while others like Romania went openly against it. Changes in the security environment are heavily influenced by geopolitical and geo-economical ambitions and as a result, we could not divide into pure security sections any of those questions which appeared in the last six years regarding transatlantic security. We found that complexity and connectivity bring geopolitical dialogue into a more shady and challenging situation. The Mediterranean Sea is Europe’s main connection route to remote places like the Pacific region and Asia, therefore it is not a surprise why military strength building has started here in recent years.
W artykule przedstawiono prognozowane kierunki rozwoju rozpoznania wojskowego w przyszłych konfliktach zbrojnych. Skoncentrowano się na trzech zasadniczych zagadnieniach: omówiono scenariusze wojen przyszłości stanowiące implikacje do zmian w strukturze systemu rozpoznania wojskowego, zwrócono uwagę na zmiany w sposobie prowadzenia działań militarnych wpływające na sposób organizacji systemu rozpoznania wojskowego oraz poruszono kwestie związane z prognozowanymi kierunkami rozwoju rozpoznania wojskowego. W artykule wykorzystano wnioski z doświadczeń zdobytych w czasie konfliktów militarnych w Iraku i w Afganistanie.
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