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At a nature-preserve protected site in the Julian Alps (NW Slovenia), in the Pod Peski valley, red fillings of megalodontid bivalves occur within the Upper Triassic Dachstein limestone. Based on optical and cathodoluminescent microscopy and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, four generations of shell fillings were recognized, some of which contain both cement and sediment subgenerations. Logging and sampling of the limestone sequence a few meters below and above the “main” layer containing the megalodontids mentioned above revealed that the limestone is characterized by solution voids similar to the megalodontids. Namely, these voids are also filled with reddish multigeneration sediment with alternating calcite cement. Adjacent neptunian dykes were studied to clarify their influence on the last generation fillings. Two of them, located directly on the “main” layer with red-filled megalodontids, contain planktonic foraminifera, indicating Middle Jurassic or younger age. The next two neptunian dykes are located directly above the “main” layer, and one contains clasts with calpionellids characteristic of the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous. The last dyke explored is located a few tens of meters from the “main” layer and is several hundred meters long. In a few sample from this dyke Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera were identified. Microscopic analysis revealed that the reddish sedimentary fillings are part of a complex palaeokarst system that produced the first three generations of fillings, and in the last (fourth) generation we noted similarities between the megalodontid fillings and neptunian dykes on the “main” bedding plane. In addition, a Santonian–Maastrichtian sedimentary fill with globotruncanid foraminifers were discovered in the upper part of the succession in one of the solution voids.
The prospects for aligning transport, spatial, and development planning at the regional level in Slovenia are presented in this article. We focus primarily on assessing the possibility of linking and interweaving the contents of documents provided for existing legislation, as well as legislation that is in the preparation phase. First, we present the general factors of differentiation and connection between the documents of the considered areas of planning. Then, we present the substantive factors of differentiation and the connection between the documents at the state level. In the next chapter, we present emerging technologies and transport services and their inclusion in spatial, development, and transport planning in national documents and regional development programs. In the last part of the article, we present the final findings and proposals for the substantive integration of the preparation of transport, spatial, and development planning documents at the regional level in Slovenia. The article was repared in the framework of the CARE4CLIMATE project – boosting greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 with a view to 2030 – promoting sustainable transport, energy efficiency, renewable energies, and sustainable, climate-protecting land use in the transition to a low-carbon society.
Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) represents the most widely used tool for determining the potential current and future social and economic impacts of proposed infrastructure and other development projects and for developing appropriate policies and measures by which the identified adverse effects can be mitigated or eliminated, and positive social and economic impacts can be effectively capitalized on for the benefit of communities in which the projects are spatially located. In Slovenia, SEIA is not legally binding; for this reason, its use depends on the content and nature of specific development projects as well as on the assessments of the contracting entity. In this paper, the results of a partial SEIA of the new railway link site selection in the Pomurska region on the route Bad Radkersburg (A) - Murska Sobota (SLO) are presented. The assessment was carried out at three hierarchical territorial levels: at the level of EU, the Republics of Slovenia and Austria; at a wider cross-border level that includes the Austrian Province of Styria and the Slovenian Podravska and Pomurska regions; and at a narrower cross-border level, covering the area between the Austrian town Bad Radkersburg and the Slovenian town Murska Sobota, also including some other important settlements on the Slovenian side of the border. For the purpose of the analysis, we prepared a proposal for four corridors of the new railway line on the route Bad Radkersburg - Murska Sobota. The proposed corridors were evaluated considering the set of seven selected criteria and three evaluation parameters. With the help of the implementation of partial SEIA, we selected the most suitable corridor for the prospective new railway line in this part of Slovenia. We ascertain that SEIA is an appropriate instrument for evaluating the social, economic, and partly also spatial impacts of transport infrastructure planning and construction. Therefore, we suggest that it would be advisable to consider its future inclusion in the relevant legal and regulatory framework in Slovenia.
Content available Slovenian Territorial Defense in the Ten-Day War
In 1991, the process of disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia began. The former Socialist Republics of Croatia and Slovenia were the first to announce their secession from the Federation in the last days of June. To restore the constitutional order, units of the Armed Forces of the SFR of Yugoslavia were sent to Slovenia, which faced the armed resistance of the Slovenian Territorial Defense (TO RS or TOS). In the Ten-Day War, the Federal troops, despite their numerical and technical advantage, suffered a defeat in the confrontation with the TOS subunits. Decisive for the success of Slovenian actions turned out to be the right choice of method of operation, knowledge of the combat environment, as well as high morale and support provided by the civilian population. The example of the Ten-Day War, an analysis of its course, shows that with the appropriate use of the TOS forces, they can conduct an effective fight against operational troops and be a fully-fledged component of the Armed Forces.
W 1991 roku rozpoczęty został proces rozpadu Socjalistycznej Federacyjnej Republiki Jugosławii. Jako pierwsze w ostatnich dniach czerwca secesję z federacji ogłosiły dotychczasowe Socjalistyczne Republiki Chorwacji oraz Słowenii. W celu przywrócenia ładu konstytucyjnego, do Słowenii zostały skierowane jednostki SZ SFR Jugosławii, które napotkały na zbrojny opór słoweńskiej Obrony Terytorialnej. W trwającej dziesięć dni wojnie, wojska federalne, mimo przewagi liczebnej oraz technicznej, poniosły porażkę w konfrontacji z pododdziałami OT. Decydujące dla powodzenia działań słoweńskich okazały się właściwy dobór sposobu działania, znajomość środowiska walki oraz wysokie morale i wsparcie udzielane przez ludność cywilną. Przykład wojny dziesięciodniowej, analiza jej przebiegu, pokazuje, że przy odpowiednim wykorzystaniu sił OT, mogą one prowadzić skuteczną walkę przeciwko wojskom operacyjnym oraz być pełnowartościowym komponentem sił zbrojnych.
The purpose of this paper has been to investigate wholesale-to retail-sale electricity supply management in Slovenia. The rapid increase in electricity supply in Slovenia has been determined by increasing industry, public and household electricity demands. The paper analyses structures and dynamics in wholesale-to-retail supply chain structures and management that are important for purchases of electrical energy by electricity distribution retailers. By using Lorenz’s curve and Gini’s coefficient of concentration, there is found to be a relatively high degree of concentration of wholesale electricity suppliers in the delivery of electrical energy to the retail electricity distribution enterprises. Whereas the number of the wholesale electricity suppliers has increased, the great majority of them hold with relatively small market shares vis-à-vis the large traditional wholesale electricity supplier. The electricity supply by smaller electricity producers is largely based on renewable sources of energy, which also depends on the weather conditions. The empirical evidence suggests that wholesale-to-retail electricity supply structures are shifting slowly from a monopoly market structure towards greater competition with the characteristics of product differentiation and market segmentation. The regression analysis for the electricity price formation for the retail electricity distribution enterprise confirms the significance of the costs for the purchased electricity, expenses for wages and for taxes. The multivariate factor analysis confirms the importance of recognition and business trust in the wholesale-to-retail-sale electricity supply chain management.
The article identifies the optimal location of the warehouse distribution centre for Slovenian companies in the international environment. The process of location selection takes into account a series of interconnected factors, including flows of goods between countries; the level of development of the transport system and transport infrastructure; the number of transport companies; labour costs and labour productivity; and the tax benefits existing in each country. Scientific literature mentions various methods for choosing a warehouse location, which differ in complexity and in the use of different qualitative and quantitative factors. However, the methods discussed have a disadvantage in that they use the current input variables when defining the optimal location. Choosing the optimal warehouse location is an important long-term logistics process, which should consider the fact that the environment in which companies operate is constantly changing. Using the proposed approach, future trends in the international environment are presented, which enables a better choice of warehouse location in the long run. Through this approach, companies can save on logistic costs, while also providing better quality logistics services. The analysis represents a starting point for deciding the location of a warehouse, but does not constitute a complete set of guidelines for companies to follow, as the choice of a particular location is dependent upon the complexity of the international environment in which a company operates.
Electric cars represent a promising energy-and carbon-efficient alternative to internal combustion engine cars. However, as mobility behaviour is highly habitual, convincing people to switch from conventional cars to electric is challenging. In the following research, which was carried out in the past years in Slovenia, an attempt was made to determine what influences people’s buying habits and what would motivate them to buy an electric car. It appeared that the most relevant factor for not purchasing electric cars is, firstly, its overall too high price, and, secondly, short driving ranges. Different studies, as well as the results of the following research have revealed that there is no single measure which would dramatically increase the demand for electric cars. The solution is to combine different measures or strategies like Top - Down and Bottom - Up, where both the government and car industry should come across.
The ISSP Environment data from 1993-2010 were used to show changes in environmental attitudes in four countries of Central and Eastern Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Russia. Eight indicators were taken into account in the analysis. The Czech Republic and Slovenia displayed the most similar trends, whereas in Bulgaria and Russia these trends were slightly different. Generally, it can be concluded that pro-environmental attitudes strengthened, especially in the Czech Republic and Slovenia, or at least maintained the same level.
Wykorzystując dane ISSP Environment z lat 1993-2010 ukazano przemiany postaw wobec środowiska naturalnego w czterech krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej: Czechach, Słowenii, Bułgarii i Rosji. W analizach uwzględniono 8 wskaźników. W zakresie tendencji, krajami najbardziej podobnymi są Czechy i Słowenia. Bułgaria nieco różni się od tych dwóch krajów, podobnie Rosja. Jeżeli pominąć szczegóły, można dojść do wniosku, że w latach 1993-2010 postawy pro-środowiskowe uległy w tych krajach wzmocnieniu (zwłaszcza w Cechach i Słowenii) lub też przynajmniej utrzymały się na dotychczasowym poziomie.
Presented is the development of the city and the port of Koper in the Upper Adriatic and its role as a regional transport node. Koper is in fact a substitute port-city; it developed after the decline of Trieste in the post-WW2 period because of the needs of Slovenian economy within ideologically polarized Europe during the 1950s. Favourable economic connections between Slovenia and the wider hinterlands in Central Europe facilitated the development of this port into an important North Adriatic transport node, with over 20 million tons of cargo per year and specialization for transportation of cars, timber, containers and finer commodities.
Content available remote Secondary school students’ environmental concerns: a case study from Slovenia
Students’ environmental concerns were investigated using a questionnaire with 12 items. The study sample comprised 410 first and second year students of general upper secondary school from NW Slovenia. Results provide evidence that students’ concerns for the consequences of environmental damage formed three correlated factors organized around self and family, all people, and the biosphere. The highest was students’ environmental concern for the biosphere, followed by concern for self and family, and concern for all the people. Gender differences were significant in concerns for all people and for the biosphere; female students were more concerned than male students. Age differences were significant in concerns for the biosphere in favour of older students. Since humanity is facing challenges in balancing our demands and ecological limitations, the results of this study could be beneficial for further development of environmental education.
Do zbadania niepokojów uczniów wywołanych stanem środowiska użyto kwestionariusza złożonego z dwunastu elementów. Próba badawcza składała się z 410 uczniów pierwszej i drugiej klasy liceum ogólnokształcącego z północno- zachodniej Slowenii. Wyniki wskazują na to, że zaniepokojenie uczniów konsekwencjami niszczenia środowiska oscylują wokół trzech skorelowanych czynników dotyczących siebie i rodziny, wszystkich ludzi i biosfery. Młodzi ludzie wykazali najwyższy poziom zaniepokojenia stanem biosfery, potem sobą i rodzina, na końcu troską o wszystkich ludzi. Wśród kobiet i mężczyzn różnice były istotne jeśli chodzi o wszystkich ludzi i biosferę; kobiety wykazały większe zaniepokojenie tymi aspektami niż mężczyźni. Jeśli chodzi o wiek respondentów, starsi uczniowie byli bardziej zaniepokojeni stanem biosfery niż młodsi. Z uwagi na to, że ludzkość stoi przed wyzwaniami związanymi z dążeniem do równowagi pomiędzy chęcią zaspokajania naszych potrzeb, a ograniczeniami ekologicznymi, wyniki tego badania mogłyby mieć korzystny wpływ na dalszy rozwój edukacji pro- środowiskowej.
This paper investigates deregulation of electricity market focusing on electricity prices and drivers of demand for electrical energy in industry in Slovenia. The patterns in evolution of real electricity price developments and the three main components of the electricity price are calculated: liberalized market share for purchased electricity price, regulated infrastructure share for use of electricity network grids and mandatory state charges in the sale of electricity (duty, excise duty and value-added tax). To calculate the real value of electricity prices, producer price index of industrial commodities for electricity prices in industry is used as deflator and implicit deflator of gross domestic product for the size of the economy. In the empirical econometric part is used regression analysis for the amount electricity consumption in the industry depending on the real gross domestic product, direct and cross-price elasticity for natural gas prices in the industry. The results confirmed volatility in real electricity price developments with their increasing tendency and the increasing share of different taxes and state charges in the electricity prices for industry. Demand for electrical energy in industry is positively associated with gross domestic product and price of natural gas as substitute for electrical energy in industry use, and negatively associated with prices of electrical energy for industry.
Authorities in Slovenia and other EU member states are confronted with problems of city transportation. Fossil-fuel based transport poses two chief problems – local and global pollution, and dwindling supplies and ever increasing costs. An elegant solution is to gradually replace the present automobile fleet with low emission vehicles. This article first explores the economics and practical viability of the provision of solar electricity for the charging of electric vehicles by installation of economical available PV modules and secondly the customer preferences and opinions about alternative low emission vehicles. Present estimates indicate that for the prevailing solar climate of Celje – a medium-sized Slovenian town – the cost would be only 2.11€ cents/kWh of generated solar electricity. Other results have also revealed that the most relevant factor for purchasing low emission vehicle is total vehicle price.
Власти Словении и других стран-членов ЕС сталкиваются с проблемами городского транспорта. Транспорт работающий на основе ископаемых видов топлива представляет две главные проблемы - локальное и глобальное загрязнение, сокращающиеся поставки и постоянно растущие расходы. Хорошим решением является постепенная замена существующего автомобильного парка на транспортные средства с низким уровнем выбросов. Эта статья впервые исследует экономику и практическую жизнеспособность использования солнечной электроэнергии для зарядки электрических транспортных средств путем установки экономичных доступных PV модулей и, во-вторых, предпочтений заказчиков и мнений об альтернативных транспортных средствах с низким уровнем выбросов. Современные оценки показывают, что для имеющего в основном солнечный климат, Целье - среднего размера города Словении - цена будет только 2.11 евроцентов / кВт-ч выработанной солнечной электроэнергии. Другие результаты также показали, что наиболее важным фактором при покупке транспортного средства со сниженным уровнем вредных выбросов является его полная стоимость.
Fibre production and textile processing comprise various industries that consume large amounts of energy and resources. Textiles are a largely untapped consumer commodity with a strong reuse and recycling potential, still fibres and fibre containing products ends up in landfill sites or in waste incinerators to a large extent. Reuse and recycle of waste clothing results in reduction in the environmental burden. Between 3% and 4% of the municipal solid waste stream in Slovenia is composed of apparel and textiles. This exploratory study examines consumer practices regarding purchase and the disposal of apparel in Slovenia. Data were collected through structured online survey from a representative random sample of 535 consumers. Responses to online questionnaire indicated the use of a variety of textile purchase and disposal methods. The influence of different sociodemographic variables on apparel purchase, disposal and recycling behaviour was examined. Moreover, the differences in the frequency of apparel recycling between consumers with and without an apparel bank available nearby were explored. This research was conducted, since it is crucial to analyse the means by which consumers are currently disposing their textile waste in order to plan the strategies that would encourage them to further reduce the amount of apparel sent to landfills.
The article presents the problems that high concentrations of PM10 can cause in different countries of European Union (pollution in a small country Slovenia is described more in details), especially from the field of transport. PM10 particles are particles that are dangerous mostly because of their ability to penetrate deeply into the human body. For that reason these concentrations must be reduced, but the sources of pollution are holistically interrelated and cannot be distinguished properly. To solve this problem The European Air Quality Directive has been introduced; it consists of specific standards for PM10 concentration levels that should be met by European countries.
W artykule przedstawiony został problem wysokiego stężenia pyłu PM10. Badania objęły wybrane kraje Unii Europejskiej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zanieczyszczenia w Słowenii. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na fakt, iż znaczna część tego typu zanieczyszczenia pochodzi ze świadczenia transportu. Cząstki pyłu PM10 są niebezpieczne, głównie ze względu na ich zdolności wnikania głęboko do ciała człowieka. Z tego względu, ich stężenie musi być zmniejszone. Autorki wskazują również, że źródła zanieczyszczeń są ze sobą powiązane w sposób całościowy i nie sposób ich odpowiednio wyodrębnić. W celu rozwiązania tego problemu, wprowadzono dyrektywę europejską w sprawie jakości powietrza we wspólnocie, która określa norm poziomu stężenia pyłu PM10, które spełniane powinny być przez kraje UE.
New palaeontological and sedimentological data from the Lower Triassic strata of the eastern Julian Alps in Slovenia are presented., They are unusual for the Early Triassic of the Alps in representing a relatively deeper, unrestricted marine (mid-ramp) setting. There are two basic microfacies types in the section investigated (types A and B), which are organized as couplets with coarse-grained tempestitic deposits (microfacies A), overlain by laminated or bioturbated lime mudstones and/or marls (microfacies B), frequently containing ammonoids. This pattern is interpreted as storm deposition with occasional winnowing of bottom sediments and the formation of coarse-grained skeletal deposits (lags), followed by the slow settling of suspended particles, when the storm waned, in addition to background deposition. Dominantly lime mud deposition and the presence of ammonoids indicate deposition on a more distal, deeper ramp with an unrestricted connection to the open sea. Intense reworking of bottom skeletal-rich sediment and accumulation of storm lags suggest deposition above the storm wave base, possibly in a wide low-energy mid-ramp environment. Faunas from such settings have been reported relatively rarely from the Early Triassic of the Alps. The macrofauna contains ammonoids, bivalves and gastropods, whereas the microfauna is represented by foraminifer tests and conodont elements; rare fish remains also occur. In the foraminifer assemblages, species of Ammodiscus, Hoyenella, Glomospirella dominated, corresponding to the widespread “Glomospira-Glomospirella” foraminifer community, with some miliolids and nodosariids. The conodont fauna is characterized by Triassospathodus hungaricus (Kozur et Mostler), indicating an early Spathian (Olenekian) age. The fossil assemblage highlights the wide distribution of Early Triassic taxa in the Tethys and facilitates its worldwide correlation. Its relatively low diversity by comparison with shallow marine settings is interpreted as an evolutionary proximal-distal trend in the wake of the end-Permian mass extinction. Re-diversification first occurred in nearshore settings and expanded into deeper/distal marine environments through geological time.
Based on the analyses of landslide spatial occurrence, a regional landslide susceptibility model for the area of Slovenia with medium spatial resolution was calculated. Of 3241 landslides with known locations, 67% were selected randomly but representatively as the learning sub-set and used for univariate statistical analyses (c2) to analyse the landslide occurrence in relation to the precondition factors (lithology, slope inclination, slope curvature, slope aspect, distance to geological boundaries, distance to structural elements, distance to surface waters, flow length and land-cover type). In addition, a relation to the triggering factors (maximum 24-hour rainfall intensity with a return period of 100 years, average annual rainfall, and peak ground acceleration with a return period of 475 years) was assessed. The analyses were performed using a geographic information system – GIS in raster format with 25 × 25 m pixel size. The results of the analyses were later used for the development of a weighted linear susceptibility model where more than 156 000 automatically calculated models with random weight combinations were derived. The landslide testing sub-set (33% of landslides) and representative areas with no landslides were used for the validation of all models developed. The results showed that relevant precondition factors for landslide occurrence are (with their weight in a linear model): lithology (0.33), slope inclination (0.23), land-cover type (0.27), slope curvature (0.08), distance to structural elements (0.05), and slope aspect (0.05).
Sediment transport along erosion gullies in flysch badlands under Sub-Mediterranean climate is presented. Presented are weekly measurements, compiled measurements by months, as well as correlations of sediment transport with selected weather data. Sediment transport was measured up to 19 kg m-2 and was largely dependent on special weather conditions.
Desiccated seeds were used in order to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the weed vegetation present in traditional Central-European agricultural landscape of the second half of the 19th century. More than seven thousand seeds were excavated from 100 kg of loam, chaff and straw that had been used as building material of cob cottages in NE Slovenia. About 7100 of these were wild plants, while only 126 belonged to cultivated/escaped species (cereals excluded). The diaspores belonged to 89 taxa and most of them were attributed to plant species from disturbed habitats (weeds and ruderals). A comparison with current conservation status of species found in the region showed that some of the weeds, such as Agrostemma githago, Anthemis cotula, Centaurea cyanus, Kickxia elatine, Papaver dubium and Ranunculus arvensis, are nowadays rare and threatened species. On the other hand, some weeds or ruderals that are very common nowadays were not found in the material. One species, Paronychia cephalotes, was found, which has not been recorded before on Slovenian territory. The plant material stored in the construction material of the cottage, gives us insight into the vegetation assemblages of arable land before the development of more intensive tillage and cultivation in the second half of the 20th century, which dramatically changed the Central-European agricultural landscape.
Considering the growing importance of energy-efficient building methods timber construction will play an increasingly important role in the future. Today wooden buildings in Slovenia represent just a small percentage of all domestic buildings constructed. Currently the growing trend towards wooden pre-fabricated houses is positive. This study is focused on the reasons pertaining to wooden building and the possibilities of increasing the use of timber in Slovenia. Issues like public attitude towards wooden buildings and its advantages were examined by means of Slovenian public opinion survey. The survey revealed the lack of knowledge about wooden buildings and the lack of environmental awareness. The positive trend towards wooden construction is dictated by international guidelines, where wooden building is an important starting point not only for low-energy, but also low-emission building with exceptional health and safety features. Renewable building materials should already be integrated into the early phases of building planning. It is expected that in the next years there will be a shortage of detached houses in Slovenia, hence an increase in the marked share of wood construction is predicted and there is an increasing need for renovation which is one of the most extensive tasks we will face in the coming years. So as to further enhance the interest in wooden buildings a specialized portal devoted to wood building in Slovenia has been established.
Drewno w Słowenii jest dobrem naturalnym, którego zasoby nie są optymalnie wykorzystywane. Obecnie w Słowenii budynki wznoszone z wykorzystaniem drewna stanowią jedynie niewielki odsetek wszystkich budowanych obiektów. Jednocześnie kładzie się coraz większy nacisk na budownictwo energooszczędne i ekologiczne, zarówno na etapie powstawania budynków, jak i na etapie ich eksploatacji. Wykorzystanie drewna może wydatnie pomóc w uzyskaniu tego celu. W chwili obecnej można już zauważyć pozytywny trend zmierzający w tym kierunku. Podstawą analiz w tej pracy było badanie opinii publicznej, które miało na celu znalezienie przyczyn obecnego stanu oraz pokazanie możliwości zwiększenia wykorzystania drewna w słoweńskim budownictwie w przyszłości. Zostało ono przeprowadzone w 2006 roku pośród ludzi będących potencjalnymi nabywcami nowych domów. Pytania były podzielone na dwie kategorie. Pierwsza z nich dotyczyła wyboru technologii budowy nowego domu lub rozbudowy istniejącego. Druga kategoria to pytania sprawdzające wiedzę na temat właściwości drewna i zalet jego wykorzystania w budownictwie oraz świadomości ekologicznej w odniesieniu do konstrukcji drewnianych i domów pasywnych. Na podstawie analizy zebranych odpowiedzi można stwierdzić, iż obecny poziom wykorzystania drewna w budownictwie znajduje odzwierciedlenie w opinii publicznej na temat konstrukcji drewnianych. To brak wiedzy o budownictwie drewnianym i jego zaletach oraz świadomości ekologicznej są znaczącymi przyczynami obecnego, niskiego poziomu wykorzystania drewna w budownictwie. Przeprowadzone badanie opinii publicznej jest punktem wyjścia dla kampanii na rzecz poprawy świadomości Słoweńców w tym zakresie. Pierwszym elementem tych działań było uruchomienie portalu internetowego poświęconego budownictwu drewnianemu. Znajduje się tam baza danych o nowo budowanych obiektach drewnianych oraz artykuły, także naukowe, związane z tematyką budownictwa drewnianego.
Restructuring an individual industrial branch is always a long-term process. This article presents a timeline of the restructuring of the Slovenian textile and clothing industry. The data show that the process has not yet been concluded, although the form and state support of the textile and clothing industry’s restructuring process have changed. In the last few years, state incentives have been directed towards the accelerated implementation of modern business models.
Restrukturyzacja określonej branży przemysłu jest zawsze procesem długotrwałym. Artykuł przedstawia przebieg w czasie procesu restrukturyzacji słoweńskiego przemysłu tekstylnego i odzieżowego. Zebrane dane wskazują, że proces nie został jeszcze zakończony, jakkolwiek formy i stopień zaangażowania państwa w proces restrukturyzacji tych przemysłów uległ zmianie. W ostatnich kilku latach inicjatywa państwa została skierowana na przyspieszenie wprowadzania nowoczesnych metod zarządzania.
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