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Counteracting the social and educational exclusion of visually impaired people is an important issue in the area of knowledge transfer, also in the area of cultural heritage. Visually impaired people get to know the world in an organoleptic way, where the leading cognitive factor is touch. This type of cognitive method cannot be used in museology and historical architecture. Current attempts to solve this problem lead to the use of additive technology understood as 3D printing. The paper presents a modified procedure for obtaining digital 3D models with the use of Autodesk Inventor version 2021, dedicated to creating scalable replicas of architectural objects using additive technology. The applied procedure uses the decomposition of the object into its components and the acquisition of data from terrestrial 3D laser scanning (FARO Focus 3D scanner, Faro Scene software). Printing in the Fused Filament Fabrication technology of a designed minaret representing the architecture of the Timuridian period (minaret of the Ulugh Beg Madrasa in Samarkand, Uzbekistan), originating from the Silk Road area, was carried out due to the size of the facility, divided into several parts. The obtained replica of the minaret was presented to people with simulated pattern dysfunction and tested in a pilot test. The obtained results confirmed that the decomposition of the object for the purposes of 3D modelling, the diversified scaling of individual elements to make real 3D replicas of the digital model facilitated the kinesthetic recognition of the relevant architectural object for the respondents.
The paper presents a process of testing a created virtual reality application for displaying the "Hujra", a room for students of the 17th century madrassa in the area of the Silk Road, together with interactive objects. The designed 3D objects had sufficiently small file sizes to be introduced into virtual reality, and the fully mobile application worked effectively using smartphones within the price group available to the average user. The application was presented to a group of students and researchers from Kyrgyzstan. In addition, objects not belonging to the Islamic culture were introduced into the students' room. Pilot tests confirmed the usefulness of the proposed solution of 3D modelling. Interviews with the participants of the experiment and the results of a survey showed that the virtual reality application was a very attractive form of presentation, especially for people belonging to Generation Z. The combination of the complexity of the project and its high availability via smartphones was considered a successful solution by those questioned.
Dynamiczny rozwój gospodarki Chin, generujący stale rosnące zapotrzebowanie na energię spowodował dynamiczny rozwój komunikacji kolejowej z północnym sąsiadem – Rosją. Duże zapotrzebowanie na węgiel kamienny, ropę naftową, czy drewno w Chinach, z drugiej strony możliwość eksportu podobnych towarów z rosyjskiej Syberii spowodowała dynamiczny rozwój stosunków handlowych pomiędzy oboma krajami, co pozwoliło skupić się na rozwoju gospodarek obu krajów i odsunąć na bok trudną przeszłość. Ponieważ przewóz podobnych ładunków to wręcz idealne zastosowanie kolei, zatem zarówno w Rosji, jak i Chinach transport szynowy otrzymał silny impuls do rozwoju. Nowym pomysłem powstałym w Chinach jest inicjatywa Jedwabnego Szlaku, czy kolejowych przewozów kontenerów z Chin do Europy, z wykorzystaniem Magistrali Transsyberyjskiej. Zachęcone pomysłem RŻD rozwijają powyższą koncepcję, zapraszając do współpracy także inne duże gospodarki Dalekiego Wschodu – Japonii i Korei Płd.
The dynamic development of the Chinese economy, generating a suc- cessively growing demand for energy, resulting in a dynamic develop- ment of railway communication with its northern neighbor - Russia. High demand for hard coal, oil, and wood in China, on the other hand, the possibility of exporting similar goods from Russian Siberia has resulted in a dynamic development of trade relations between the two countries, which has allowed to focus on the development of the economies of both countries and put aside the difficult past. Since the transport of simi- lar loads is an ideal application of railways, rail transport has received a strong impetus for development in both Russia and China. A new idea emerging in China is the Silk Road initiative, or rail transport of contain- ers from China to Europe, using the Trans-Siberian Railway. Encouraged by the idea, RŻD develops the above concept, inviting to cooperation also other large economies of the Far East - Japan and South Korea.
Tematem artykułu jest nowy Jedwabny Szlak, który może połączyć Europe z Chinami poprzez wybudowanie autostrady. Ma ona na celu umożliwienie transportu towarów przez samochody ciężarowe w jak najkrótszym czasie, a także wybudowanie nowych terminali przeładunkowych. Projekt ten pozwoli na rozwój i otwarcie się nowych rynków w przemyśle oraz zwiększenie globalizacji pomiędzy krajami, przez które zostanie poprowadzona wspomniana wcześniej autostrada.
The subject of the article is the new Silk Road, which can connect Europe with China by building a highway. Main aims of that project are to enable transporting goods by lorries in the shortest possible time and building new transshipment terminals. The concept of building new Silk Road will open new opportunities for already existed and new markets industry but also increase globalization between countries which through the motor way will run.
This paper presents trade between China and Europe along the historical Silk Road, based on the materials from the Warsaw press published in the second half of the 19th century. The 19th century was a period of intense military actions led by the European empires in the Far East. The defeat of the Qing Dynasty during the Opium Wars marked the so-called cutting of the “Chinese cake” and the gradual fall of the empire. The events of this period caused an increased interest in the subject of the Middle Kingdom among Europeans and also in the Polish press.
The growth in freight-traffic between Europe and China is driving the quest for new transport routes between these regions. One of the options is to use railway routes. The concept of using railway connections is referred to as the New Silk Route. A number of analyses of freight traffic point to a huge demand for this type of transport since sea freight is marked by seasonality, long travel times and the growing problem of congested ports, both in China and Europe. Currently, there are several railway connections between China and Europe. These connections are hindered by intermodal transport and transhipment, which extend freight travel time, generate extra costs and result in the low capacity of these connections. In order to increase capacity, new connections should be developed using the interoperability of all the railway routes between Europe and China. Many barriers, however, impede this idea. Many of those barriers are technological in nature. This paper looks into technological barriers that constrain interoperability in railway transport between Europe and China. The first section sheds some light on the idea of interoperability, as well as railway connections between Europe and China. The second section points to the technological barriers in this kind of transport. The next section presents some possible solutions for removing the barriers. The final section provides a summary.
Przewóz intermodalny wpisuje się w zrównoważony rozwój transportu a także sprzyja rozwiązaniu wielu problemów z którymi ma aktualnie do czynienia cała branża transportowa. W niniejszym artykule dokonano analizy przewozów kontenerowych realizowanych pomiędzy Azją i Europą na przykładzie niemieckiego operatora logistycznego – firmy RTSB GmbH.
Intermodal transport is a part of sustainable transport development and it encourages more problems solving which bother the whole transporting branch. In this paper the container transport between Asia and Europe was analyzed on the example of deutsche logistic enterprise called RTSB GmbH.
Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego artykułu są stosunki międzynarodowe wybranych mocarstw, rozwijane w regionie Azji Centralnej, postrzegane w kontekście geopolityki, geoekonomii i geostrategii. Do głównych graczy w regionie zaliczono Chiny i Rosję oraz Unię Europejską i Stany Zjednoczone, zaś do graczy drugorzędnych kilka państw z najbliższego sąsiedztwa omawianego regionu, w tym głównie Iran. W punkcie 1. przedstawiono rozwój gospodarczy Chin w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu i jego konsekwencje, czyli wzrost zapotrzebowania na surowce, głównie jednak na surowce energetyczne, które są importowane przez to państwo z różnych kontynentów, najczęściej drogą morską. Punkt 2. zawiera podstawowe informacje dotyczące relacji handlowych Chin z Unią Europejską, w tym wielkości wymiany handlowej w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu. Ponadto zawarto w nim podstawowe informacje dotyczące wymiany handlowej wybranych państw UE z Chinami. Punkt 3. dotyczy głównie stosunków ekonomicznych Chin z Państwami Azji Centralnej oraz z wybranymi państwami Azji Południowej i Bliskiego Wschodu. Przedstawiono w nim wartość wymiany handlowej państw Azji Centralnej z Chinami oraz Rosją. Ponadto przedstawiono rozwój infrastruktury transportu, w tym linie kolejowe, drogi samochodowe, ropociągi i gazociągi, które tworzą swego rodzaju korytarze transportowe, w tym wiodące do Europy. W punkcie 4. przedstawiono wybrane elementy geopolityki i geostrategii realizowane przez mocarstwa w regionie Azji Centralnej, w tym zorganizowanie Szanghajskiej 0rganizacji Współpracy jako przeciwwagi dla amerykańskiej obecności w Azji Centralnej.
The article focuses on international relations between selected powers, developed in the region of Central Asia, seen in the context of geopolitics, geoeconomy and geostrategy. The major players in the region include China, Russia, the European Union and the United States, while several countries of the region in the immediate neighborhood, mainly Iran, are the secondary players. Paragraph 1 shows China’s economic development over the past decade and its consequences, for example an increase in demand for raw materials, mainly for energy resources that are imported through the state from different continents, mostly by sea. Paragraph 2 provides basic information about China’s trade relations with the European Union, including the size of the trade in the last decade. In addition, it contains basic information about the trade of selected EU countries with China. Paragraph 3 focuses on the economic relations between China and the Central Asian States and selected countries of South Asia and the Middle East. It outlines the value of trade in Central Asia with China and Russia. In addition, it shows the development of transport infrastructure, including railways, roadways, oil and gas pipelines, which form kinds of transport corridors, including those leading to Europe. Paragraph 4 presents selected elements of geopolitics and geostrategy implemented by the powers in the region of Central Asia, including the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as a counterweight to the US presence in Central Asia.
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