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The interactions of heavy metals and cement phases in the solidification/stabilization (S/S) process have been examined. The S/S method was applied to the waste sludge contaminated with heavy metals to determine the conditions under which the treated materials can be safely disposed of at landfills for inert, non-hazardous, or hazardous waste. Sludge samples were mixed with soil and sand to simulate improper sludge disposal directly into the soil. S/S technology was selected using different cement fractions to treat these contaminated samples. The use of Portland cement or mixtures of different types of cement for the treatment of sludge containing heavy metals is widespread. Samples of leached content were analyzed for the presence of the following metals: arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn). The study results lead to the conclusion that the sludge contaminated with heavy metals after the application of S/S with the addition of different cement fractions is transformed into non-hazardous, monolithic material.
Due to the paucity of relevant research, little is known about emerging patterns of competitiveness in the textile and apparel (T&A) industry in Balkan countries. Research focused on the Serbian T&A industry after 2006, when the country renewed its independence, is particularly sparse. The purpose of this research is to contribute to a greater understanding of emerging competitiveness and its main determinants in the Serbian T&A industry, in the time period between 2007 and 2019, and in the context of the EU-28 market. Balassa’s Revealed Comparative Advantage index and the Trade Performance Index instruments were used to assess export competitiveness, while the key competitiveness determinants were explored drawing on Porter’s (1990) theory of the Competitive Advantage of Nations. Findings confirmed that Serbia, a low-income country and not an EU member, retained a distinguished and strong T&A export potential, which confirms that the country is a competitive player in international trade.
Ze względu na brak odpowiednich badań niewiele wiadomo na temat pojawiających się wzorców konkurencyjności w przemyśle tekstylnym i odzieżowym (T&A) w krajach bałkańskich. Badania skoncentrowane na serbskiej branży RCP po 2006 r., kiedy kraj odzyskał niepodległość, są szczególnie skąpe. Celem badania było przyczynienie się do lepszego zrozumienia pojawiającej się konkurencyjności i jej głównych determinantów w serbskim przemyśle T&A w okresie 2007-2019 oraz w kontekście rynku UE-28. Do oceny konkurencyjności eksportu wykorzystano Revealed Comparative Advantage Index Balassy oraz Trade Performance Index, podczas gdy kluczowe determinanty konkurencyjności zostały zbadane w oparciu o teorię Portera (1990) dotyczącą przewagi konkurencyjnej narodów. Na podstawie wyników stwierdzono, że Serbia, kraj o niskich dochodach i niebędący członkiem UE, zachowała znaczący i silny potencjał eksportowy T&A, co potwierdza, że kraj ten jest konkurencyjnym graczem w handlu międzynarodowym.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobu implementacji zapisów „Doktryny bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego Federacji Rosyjskiej3” – dokumentu strategicznego w kontekście prowadzonej przez Federację Rosyjską polityki zagranicznej, historycznej i militarnej uwzględniający przekaz propagandowy kierowany zarówno do społeczeństwa rosyjskiego, jak i międzynarodowego. W artykule przedstawione zostaną m.in. algorytmy realizacji ideologii rosyjskiego świata (Russkij mir) mającej na celu kształtowanie prowadzenia przez Federację Rosyjską działań w obszarze militarnym w Republice Serbii.
The aim of the article isto present the method of implementing the regulations of the „Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation” – the strategic document in the context of the foreign, historical and military policy of the Russian Federation, including propaganda directed at both the Russian and international society. The article will present, among others algorithms for the implementation of the ideology of the Russian world (Russkij mir) aimed at shaping the Russian Federations course of activities in the military area in the Republic of Serbia.
An example of artificial neural network model for predicting air pollution has been presented. The research was conducted in Serbia, the Moravica District, on the territory of two municipalities (LuCani and Ivanjica) and the town Čačak. The level of air pollution was classified by a neural network model according to the input data: municipality, site, year, levels of soot, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter. The model was evaluated using a lift chart and a root mean square error (RMSE) has been determined, whose value was 0.0635. A multilayer perceptron has also been created and trained with a back propagation algorithm. The neural network was tested with the data mining extensions (DMX) queries. The results have been obtained for air pollution based on new input data that can be used to predict the level of pollution in future if new measurements are carried out. A web-based application was designed for displaying the results.
Content available Problems with transport policy in Kosovo after 2008
The aim of this article is to present the main problems of public transportation in Kosovo after 2008 when the province’s parliament announced the declaration of independence. We focus on the plans and documents that were signed between 2008 and 2010 in an attempt to compare them with the real impact of investments made in the last five years. We show how the conflict between Belgrade and Prishtina has influenced public transportation and examine the prospects for problem-solving in this sector. To do this, we employ a neoinstitutional approach to the document analysis as the main research method.
Zmieniająca się sytuacja geopolityczna a tym samym system bezpieczeństwa euroatlantyckiego2 do którego należy Republika Serbii, wydatnie wpływa na jej bezpieczeństwo narodowe i międzynarodowe. Serbia jako państwo wojskowo neutralne3 kooperując z NATO i aspirując do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej4 stanowi istotne ogniwo w budowie trwałego pokoju na Bałkanach i umacnianiu bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Mimo ambicji prozachodnich Serbia prowadzi wielopłaszczyznową współpracę z Federacja Rosyjską. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie zasadniczych wskaźników współpracy Serbii z Federacją Rosyjską na płaszczyźnie militarnej, sfera ta może mieć istotny wpływ na relacje Serbia – NATO.
The changes observed in geopolitical situation and simultaneously in the Euro-Atlantic security system, which Serbia is part of, considerably influence the country’s national and international security. Despite the country’s pro-Western ambitions, Serbia maintains multidimensional cooperation with Russian Federation. As a militarily neutral state, Serbia, which cooperates with NATO and aspirates to EU membership, plays an important role in the building of lasting peace in the Balkans and reinforcing international security. The aim of this article is to specify the key indicators of Serbia’s military cooperation with Russia Federation, which might significantly influence relations between Serbia and NATO.
The main objective of this paper is to report new information about the distribution and ecology of a recently described diatom species, Geissleria gereckei. The opportunity for updating the information on the distribution and ecology of the species was provided by the finding of well-developed G. gereckei populations on the lithic material and bryophytes in the Raška and Mlava rivers (Serbia). For several years after the first description, G. gereckei has been known only from the type locality and from another spring in the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (the south-eastern Alps). After accurate LM and SEM observations, we provide evidence for the occurrence of the species also in the two above-mentioned rivers in Serbia, as well as in the south-western and south-eastern Alps. After an extensive literature search, it appears that the species is known with certainty only from these sites. Our observations and details from the literature suggest that the species is able to occupy a much broader ecological niche than the very-specific one observed at the time of discovery. The two main determinants for the species’ occurrence appear to be the carbonate nature of the catchments or aquifers, and the ability of the species to be competitive in habitats or microhabitats exposed to seasonal desiccation.
A new geochronology was established for the Stalać loess-paleosol sequence (LPS) in Serbia. The section is located in the interior of the Central Balkan region, south of the typical loess distribution, in a zone of paleoclimatic shifts between continental and Mediterranean climate regimes. The sampled sequence contains four well-developed paleosol and loess layers, a crypto tephra and one visible tephra layer. Optically stimulated luminescence measurements showed a strong dependency of preheat temperature on equivalent dose for one fine-grained quartz sample, which makes it unsuitable for dating. A firm chronology framing the last two glacial cycles was established using finegrained polyminerals and the post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR50IR290) protocol instead. The characteristics of dated paleosols indicate similar climatic conditions during the last interstadial and interglacial phases, which were different from the penultimate interglacial period. The tephra within the L2 loess, probably related to tephra layers also found in other sections in Southeastern Europe, was sandwich-dated. The results indicate an age between 118 ka and 141 ka. Furthermore, a weak pedogenic layer dated to between 126 ka and 148 ka gives a first numerical age to this soil formation in Southeastern Europe.
This paper emphasizes the importance of proper management of employees’ characteristics through their obtained education i.e. their educational attainment, on the development and application of knowledge management, and therefore on the productivity and competitiveness of the business. The study focuses on whether and to what extent human resources through socio-demographic characteristics have a decisive role in the successful implementation of the knowledge management program in textile enterprises in Serbia, as well as which segments i.e. dimensions, can be affected. Research goals are directed towards determining the impact of the educational attainment of respondents (independent variable) on the dimensions of knowledge management (dependent variable). The sample of respondents consisted of N = 336 employees from 83 textile companies in Serbia. Significant results were seen in the dimensions of the organisational culture (0.050), the process of knowledge acquisition (0.013) and competitive advantage (0.021). Adequate selection of human resources can influence the above-mentioned organisational units in the enterprise. Investment in both the intellectual capital of human resources and in all technological processes and resources at all levels would allow knowledge management to be fully implemented in enterprises and to improve the textile industry in Serbia.
W artykule podkreślono znaczenie prawidłowego zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi na wzrost wydajności i konkurencyjności biznesu. W pracy skoncentrowano się głównie na tym, czy i w jakim stopniu pracownicy dzięki cechom społeczno-demograficznym mają decydującą rolę w pomyślnym wdrażaniu programu zarządzania wiedzą w przedsiębiorstwach włókienniczych na terenie Serbii. Celem badawczym było określenie wpływu wykształcenia respondentów (niezależnej zmiennej) na wymiary zarządzania wiedzą (zmienna zależna). Próbka respondentów składała się z 336 pracowników z 83 serbskich firm tekstylnych. Znaczące wyniki odnotowano w wymiarze kultury organizacyjnej, procesie zdobywania wiedzy i przewagi konkurencyjnej. Odpowiedni dobór kadry pracowniczej może wpływać na wyżej wspomniane jednostki organizacyjne w przedsiębiorstwie. Inwestycje zarówno w kapitał intelektualny pracowników, jak i we wszystkie procesy technologiczne umożliwiają pełne wdrożenie zarządzania wiedzą w przedsiębiorstwach oraz poprawę sytuacji przemysłu tekstylnego w Serbii.
Participatory planning theory, as a system of planning which is sensitive to the aspirations of citizens and protects public interest and values, is present in Serbian planning practice for more than a decade. It has legal basis and methodology modeled on global experience, but it is still very much reactionary model - thus it failed to fulfil its primary purpose, which is to include the citizens in the planning process from the very beginning. This article will address the current overview of the planning process in Serbia. It will briefly explain the legislative framework of public participation in spatial development, the steps in plan drafting process in which citizens are included and the political background of this process. It is important to mention the existing models of informing citizens and show why they work so poorly. It will also give a brief overview on the structure and work of the committee for approval of the plans. This summarizing of the current situation will show the problem of indifference of citizens to engage in the planning process as a coherent group with problems, visions and goals about their city. It will also address inadequate models of informing the citizens and almost non-existing models of active participation of citizens in the planning process. Besides the review of the current state, this article will feature a description of participation techniques from a literature review on the subject of participatory planning that can be applied in Serbia. Shifting the scale from national to municipality level, this article will also depict the opportunities and administrative constraints when it comes to drafting a spatial plan on a local scale, on the example of municipality of Požega. This is one of the rare examples of good practice when it comes to the communication of municipality and its inhabitants involved in the planning process.
Content available remote Strategic challenges for Serbia's integration with the European Union
Serbia began the process of integration with the European Union in 2003. After eleven years on a difficult road to the transformation of political and constitutional contexts, Serbia gained the chance to become a member of the Community. On the path to accession to the European Union, Serbia had to resolve some strategic challenges, of which the main one is the problem of regulating the political status of Kosovo. The aim of this article is to indicate the position of Serbia and Kosovo’s Albanians regarding the dispute over the political status of Kosovo, as well as examine the process of normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo as a key mechanism for resolving the dispute. The challenges emerging for Serbia as a result of the negotiation process will be covered. The new dimension of Serbia’s cooperation with Russia will also be analysed as one of the factors which may have a significant impact on the further dynamics of the process of Serbia’s integration with the European Union.
Widziana z góry przypomina olbrzymią ósemkę. Czyli osmicę, bo tak właśnie określa się tę cyfrę w języku serbskim. Dla fanów twórczości Emira Kusturicy jest miejscem magicznym. Dla pasjonatów kolejnictwa również, pod warunkiem że... wiedzą oni o jej istnieniu. A z tym już bywa różnie. Choć bowiem Sarganska Osmica zyskuje sobie coraz większą popularność, to jednak wciąż pozostaje raczej smakowitą atrakcją dla wtajemniczonych. A szkoda.
Content available remote Performance management system in sale and distribution: a case of Serbian company
Background: Performance management system (PMS) is the process of quantifying action which leads to organizational efficiency, competitiveness and growth. Performance measurement is the vital element of quality management system (QMS). Innovative companies have a strong culture, clear sense of mission and purpose, a well thought out strategy and business philosophy of continuous improvement, driven by QMS. Implementation of QMS ISO9001 standards has encouraged many organizations to develop and implement performance management system. Statement of quality objectives and Measurement, analysis and improvement as a part of QMS which leads to continual improvement is a vital part of success of company. Therefore PMS influence on sale, distribution and logistics companies with a complex processes and great number of subjects in supply chain are of great importance for their success. Methods: In our research we analyse measures and measurement approaches and frameworks that exist in logistic management and based on that we present results from one SME from eastern European country. We use case study research and therefore we conduct interviews with managers, employees and QMS/PMS implementation staff in sale and distribution company. Results: The aim of this study was to estimate the value of various metrics of the evaluation of QMS implementation. The study was based on case study in one Serbian sale and distribution company specifically in measurement part and metrics that are essential for their business and to compare them with approaches existed in literature. We reveal some obstacles in collecting data for measurement and benchmarking in Serbian market. Different metrics for efficient management of company are implemented in this company based on sales results and customer satisfaction. Conclusion: The importance of the research is in the fact that implementation of QMS reveal the need for PMS implementation and therefore results in certain performance measures implementation and further continuous tracking of these parameters. We made conclusion that higher business results were reached after PMS implementation and that after implementation of QMS and PMS top managers understand the importance of implementation. We reveal also the fact that in former eastern European socialism countries like Serbia, exist resistance of performance measurement implementation and publication of these data as well as the implementation of benchmarking among companies.
Wstęp: System zarządzania efektywnością to proces ilościowego działania, prowadzącego do efektywności w zakresie organizacji, konkurencyjności i rozwoju. Pomiar wyników jest istotnym elementem systemu zarządzania jakością. Innowacyjne firmy charakteryzują się silną kulturą, przejrzystym poczuciem misji i celów, posiadaniem dobrze przemyślanej strategii i filozofii ciągłego doskonalenia swojej działalności, kształtowanej poprzez system zarządzania jakością. Wdrożenie standardów ISO9001 SZJ stymuluje wiele firm do opracowania i wdrożenia systemu zarządzania efektywnością. Jasne określenie celów jakościowych oraz sposobów pomiaru stanowi ważną część systemu zarządzania jakością, umożliwiającą ciągłe doskonalenia działania i w rezultacie osiągnięcie sukcesu przez firmę. Dlatego też wpływ systemu zarządzania efektywnością w przedsiębiorstwach działających w obszarze sprzedaży, dystrybucji i logistyki, charakteryzujących się złożonością procesów i dużą liczbą ogniw w łańcuchu dostaw, jest bardzo istotny dla osiągnięcia sukcesu przez te przedsiębiorstwa. Metody: W badaniach przeanalizowano środki i metody pomiarowe, które są stosowane w zakresie zarządzania logistycznego. W oparciu o tą analizę zaprezentowano wyniki analizy reprezentanta wyłowionego wśród grupy małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw z Europy Wschodniej. Przeprowadzono studium przypadku, w trakcie którego przeprowadzono rozmowy z zarządzającymi, pracownikami oraz osobami wdrażającymi systemy zarządzania jakością w przedsiębiorstwie działającym w obszarze sprzedaży i dystrybucji. Wyniki: Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena przydatności wyboru wskaźników dla oceny wdrażania systemu zarządzania jakością. Badania przeprowadzono w jednym z serbskich przedsiębiorstw, działającym w obszarze sprzedaży i dystrybucji. Szczególny nacisk położono na system stosowanych wskaźników i porównanie tego systemu z opisywanymi w literaturze fachowej. Stwierdzono parę trudności w uzyskaniu odpowiednich danych dla przeprowadzenia pomiarów i benchmarkingu dla serbskiego rynku. W analizowanym przedsiębiorstwie stosowano różne mierniki, oparte na pomiarze wyników sprzedaży oraz poziomu zadowolenia klienta. Wnioski: Znaczenie przeprowadzonych badań wynika z faktu, że wdrożenie systemu zarządzania jakością ujawniło potrzebę wdrożenia systemu zarządzania efektywnością. To z kolei jest związane z koniecznością wdrożenia sytemu wskaźników służących do pomiaru i monitorowania działań przedsiębiorstwa. Osiągnięcie lepszych rezultatów przez przedsiębiorstwo, dzięki wdrożeniu tych systemów, spowodowało lepsze zrozumienie konieczności takiego wdrożenia przez zarządzających firmą. Stwierdzono istnienie oporu w przeprowadzaniu badań pomiaru efektywności oraz publikacji tego typu danych dla celów benchmarking w krajach postsocjalistycznych Europy Wschodniej.
This study was conducted because a real method for measuring safety climate had never been developed and assessed in Serbian industry. The aim of this paper was to start the process of developing a safety climate questionnaire that could be used in Serbia. As a starting point a 21-item questionnaire was adopted after an extensive literature review. The questionnaire was distributed at several Serbian factories; 1098 workers responded. After a statistical analysis of the data obtained with the questionnaire and a critical comparison with the available reference results, a final questionnaire with 21 questions, divided into 7 groups, was developed. The 7 groups of questions (factors) were safety awareness and competence, safety communication, organizational environment, management support, risk judgment and management reaction, safety precautions and accident prevention, and safety training.
Serpentine soils from 16 sample points in Serbia as well as the roots and shoots of eight Brassicaceae family species: Aethionema saxatile, Alyssum montanum, Alyssum repens, Cardamine plumieri, Erysimum linariifolium, Erysimum carniolicum, Isatis tinctoria, Rorippa lippizensis, were analyzed with regard to their concentrations of P, K, Fe, Ca, Mg, Ni, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr, Cd, and Pb. Most of the soil samples were typical of ultramafi c sites with low concentrations of P, K and Ca and high concentrations of Mg, Fe, Ni and Zn. Ca/Mg ratio was <1 in most soil samples and Brassicaceae plants. Only in A. montanum, A. repens, E. linariifolium and R. lippizensis was the Ca/Mg ratio >1. The levels of P, K, Fe and Zn were high, Mn and Cu occurred in low amounts, whereas Cr, Cd, Co and Pb were only traceable. In the roots and shoots of A. montanum and A. repens the measured concentrations of Ni were 657 mg kg-1 and 676 mg kg-1 respectively, which is the fi rst instance that such high concentrations of Ni were detected in these two species.
The Timok River (202 km long, 4547 km2 basin area) is located in East Serbia. It is a right tributary of the Danube River and one of the most polluted watercourses in Serbia. On the basis of the data provided by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, the paper presents an analysis of water quality and pollution using the combined physico-chemical WPI index (Water Pollution Index) calculated for two periods - 1993-96 and 2006-2009 at four hydrological stations: Zaječar-Gamzigrad (Crni Timok River), Zaječar (Beli Timok River), Rgotina (Borska Reka River) and Čokonjar (Timok River). The following parameters were taken into consideration: dissolved O2, O2 saturation, pH, suspended sediments, Five Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODMn), nitrites, nitrates, orthophosphates, ammonium, metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Hg, Ni, Zn, Cd), sulphates and coliform germs. The average WPI values were calculated for the observed periods based on the comparison of the annual average values of the listed parameters and defined standard values for the I water quality class (according to the Regulation on the Hygienic Acceptability of Potable Water of the Republic of Serbia). The highest pollution degree was recorded in the Borska Reka River, where heavy metal levels (especially manganese and iron) were significantly increased. These metals are indicators of inorganic pollution (primarily caused by copper mining). Also, increased values of the organic pollution indicators (ammonium, coliform germs, Five-Day Biological Oxygen Demand - BOD5) in the Borska Reka and the Timok rivers are the result of uncontrolled domestic wastewater discharge.
Artykuł poświęcono funkcjonowaniu gospodarki wodnej w Serbii. Jest to niewielkie, młode państwo aspirujące do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej.
The article is dedicated to the water management functioning in Serbia. It is a small, young state aspiring to the membership in the European Union.
A systematic indoor radon survey in elementary schools of Serbia is underway since 2008. Its current first phase covers all elementary schools in predominantly rural communities of Southern Serbia. The design of the survey, its implementation and the current state of its realization is shortly described. Part of this paper is devoted to discussion of the question if this survey could produce results representative also of the radon concentration in dwellings and of radon exposure of the general population, discussing some statistical aspects of representativity which arose during the work, namely, if the implementation leads to an unbiased estimate of the targeted quantities.
We presented the first data on female reproductive traits of the meadow lizard Darevskia praticola from the westernmost boundary of the species range (Peridanubian Serbia). Mating occurs during April and May, oviposition period occurs in June, and hatching takes place in July. Females mature at body sizes of 49.5 mm of snout-vent length (SVL). One clutch is produced annually. The average clutch size of 5.7 eggs (range 4 - 8) represents the largest recorded for this species. Clutch size and clutch mass increased significantly with the mother's SVL. There was no evidence of the predicted trade-off between egg size and clutch size, as well as of variation in egg size associated with maternal SVL. The relative clutch mass (RCM) was rather high (0.60) for lacertid species and was not correlated with female size.
Content available remote Kosowo : w oczekiwaniu na ostateczny status : implikacje polityczne i wojskowe
Disintegration of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which occurred after Cold War did not come to an end autonomously, which is visible in unsolved territorial claims. The disintegration was frozen under the terms of Dayton Peace Agreement and UN Security Council 1244 resolution by founding International interim protectorate in An Autonomous Province Kosovo. The agreements signed then have temporary basis only and do not assure stability in the region of the Balkans. This sketch focuses on the situation in Kosovo from the negotiations in Rambouillet throughout the political and military implications of Operation Allied Force and certain aspects of the activities of KFOR (Kosovo Forces) and United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo up to nowadays. For almost eight years there has been post conflict peace building in Kosovo. NATO military forces and civilian administration under the direct leadership of the UN strive to provide the residents of the province with security, humanitarian aid, effective administration, democratic institutions and conditions for reconstruction and economic development. UNMIK gathers the efforts of UNHCR, OSCE, EU and Special Representative of the Secretary-General UN. International powers gradually hand down the competence to Provisional Institutions of Self-Governmental formed in the region. Despite the efforts of numerous international agencies and significant financial support the problem of the return of internally displaced persons and refugees has not been solved on a satisfactory level. There are still incidents of violence against non-Albanians and violation of minority rights. The police statistics, poverty, unemployment deepened by stagnation and high increment birthrate create a pessimistic image. Kosovo is also not free from organized crime, international or trans-national crime which results in smuggling, women smuggling, arms and drug trafficking, money laundering and mafia links of some politicians. In 2006 Montenegro became independent of Serbia and the nearest months will be decisive for the final status of Kosovo and possibly for Bosnia-Herzegovina torn into two state organisms. The answer will also be found to the question of functionality of the ways to solve international conflicts such as the theory of humanitarian intervention, responsibility to protect or multifunctional peace operations which were prepared to meet the requirements of post-cold-war World Order.
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