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w słowach kluczowych:  SINTACS
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Groundwater serves as a useful source of freshwater to man. Its protection and assessment of potential exposure to contamination are imperative, as its remediation when contaminated is extremely challenging. Vertical electrical sounding was carried out in twenty (21) locations of Ovogovo area with the aim to evaluate the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution, using four vulnerability indexed-based models. Results from DRASTIC AND SINTACS models delineated low and moderate vulnerable zones, while DRASTICLu and SINTACSLu, establishing an index range of 177 to 191 and 160 to 174, respectively, delineated eleven (11) locations as highly vulnerable to contamination. The four models characterized six locations as moderately vulnerable. Statistical summary of DRASTICLu and SINTACSLu models identified high risk of aquifer contamination to originate from recharge and soil media, with a very low risk of contamination, emanating from nature of vadose zone, aquifer nature, topography and land use. Results from single parameter sensitivity and map removal analysis for the modified models delineated depth to water table and land use as the most sensitive parameters in vulnerability assessment of Ovogovo area. Single or multiple map removal analysis identified an increment in sensitivity to vulnerability index as more parameters were being removed. The integration of these vulnerability models and sensitivity analysis enhanced good interpretation of the estimated vulnerable zones. These results will serve as a guide to governmental and non-governmental bodies in understanding the Ovogovo groundwater vulnerability characteristics and sensitization of habitants against indiscriminate disposal of waste and other harmful contaminants for preservation of its groundwater.
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