Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show the implementation progress of Agenda 2030 in Poland as the basic document related to making the sustainable development concept a reality. Design/methodology/approach: This article describes and characterizes selected indicators monitoring the national priorities of the 2030 Agenda, divided into three aspects: economic, social and environmental. The analysis was carried out based on two reports: Report 2020, Report 2022, Poland on the path to sustainable development. Findings: The article shows that the implementation of the provisions of the 2030 Agenda in Poland is at a good level, but indicators monitoring social and economic issues show that changes in these areas are more favorable than in the environmental area. Research implication: Considerations regarding the implementation of the assumptions of the 2030 Agenda may be continued in the future in relation to the subsequent years of operation of this document in relation to both Poland and other countries for comparative purposes. Originality/value: The study covers all three aspects of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental, and presents an analysis of the latest data related to the implementation of the assumptions of the 2030 Agenda in Poland.
Purpose: The main aim of the article is to explore sustainable development activities undertaken by the chemical companies in Poland. Three research objectives were established: (1) identification of key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for chemical companies, (2) identification of activities related to each of the three ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) elements in chemical companies, and (3) linking specific SDGs and ESG elements in the case of the chemical industry. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the aim of the article, the content analysis was used. Documents of chemical companies regarding sustainable development were analyzed, i.e. strategies, policies and reports. Findings: Firstly, the analysis of strategies and policies allowed to identify 13 key SDGs for the Polish chemical companies. Secondly, analysis of the reports, allowed the discovery of numerous activities of the chemical companies in the environmental, social and governance areas. Finally, the links between specific SDGs and ESG elements in the chemical sector were presented. Practical implications: The paper contributes to the better understanding of the chemical companies’ sustainable development activities. In terms of practical implications, the results could guide chemical companies in the development of their ESG strategies. Originality/value: The review of the literature has shown that problems such as SDGs and ESG in the context of the chemical industry have rarely been addressed so far. The links between SDGs and ESG in the chemical industry have also not been studied. To the best knowledge of the author, this is one of the first known studies to investigate the SDGs and ESG issues in chemical companies in Poland. The article is intended for researchers and practitioners interested in the sustainable development issues.
Child marriage is a prevalent social problem in developing countries, including Indonesia, and its implementation has been prohibited in all regions of Indonesia. The revision of the marriage law that lifts up the minimum age limit for child marriage and the implementation of the child protection policy does not inevitably guarantee that the practice of child marriage can be avoided. The research objective of this study was to analyze the success of the factors and the effectiveness of the implementation of policies on handling the practice of child marriage in achieving sustainable goals in Indonesia. Data collection was performed using a profile approach utilizing data from the National Development Planning Agency of 2016-2019, desk review of the literature, and stock-taking of relevant research studies. Moreover, the effectiveness of policy implementation is assessed using a contingency analysis of the factors of policy commitment and government capacity. The results showed that the effectiveness of policy implementation from the factor of policy commitment was performed through the integration of the goals of SDGs into the national strategy for preventing child marriage, enforcement of main policy changes, mapping of regional-based issue trends and root causes, mapping of regional-level derivative policies issued before main policy revision changes, harmonization and synchronization of various policies through derivative policies, planning and development at the regional and village levels. Adjustment in the factor of implementation capacity of policy is indicated by institutional convergence and synergy of various parties, including learning from various good practices in the regions. The contingency matrix-based policy application model for handling the practice of child marriage will be effective if it utilizes a progressive model.
Małżeństwa zawierane przez dzieci są powszechnym problemem społecznym w krajach rozwijających się, w tym w Indonezji, choć ich wprowadzanie zostało zakazane we wszystkich regionach kraju. Zmiana prawa małżeńskiego, która podnosi dolną granicę wieku dla małżeństw dzieci, oraz wdrożenie polityki ochrony dzieci nie gwarantuje uniknięcia praktyki małżeństw dzieci. Celem badawczym niniejszego opracowania jest analiza sukcesu czynników i skuteczności wdrażania polityk dotyczących postępowania z praktyką małżeństw dzieci w kontekście osiągania zrównoważonych celów w Indonezji. Zbieranie danych przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem podejścia profilowego, wykorzystując dane z Narodowej Agencji Planowania Rozwoju z lat 2016-2019, przegląd literatury i inwentaryzację badań naukowych. Ponadto skuteczność realizacji polityki oceniono za pomocą analizy czynników zaangażowania politycznego i zdolności rządu. Wyniki pokazały, że skuteczność wdrażania polityki na podstawie czynnika zaangażowania politycznego została dokonana poprzez integrację celów SDGs z krajową strategią zapobiegania małżeństwom dzieci, egzekwowanie głównych zmian polityki, mapowania regionalnych trendów problemowych i przyczyn źródłowych, mapowania polityk pochodnych na poziomie regionalnym wydanych przed zmianami głównej rewizji polityki, harmonizacja i synchronizacja różnych polityk poprzez polityki dotyczące instrumentów pochodnych oraz planowanie i rozwój na poziomie regionalnym i wsi. Na dopasowanie czynnika zdolności wdrożeniowej polityki wskazuje zbieżność instytucjonalna i synergia różnych stron, w tym uczenie się na bazie różnych dobrych praktykach w regionach. Oparty na matrycy kontyngencji model stosowania polityki w odniesieniu do praktyki zawierania małżeństw dzieci będzie skuteczny, jeśli będzie wykorzystywał model progresywny.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), proposed by the United Nations in 2015, give countries around the world much to work on until 2030. The third SDG – Good health and well-being – surely cannot be pursued in isolation. Far from being a silo, it has strong synergies with other SDGs, notably Gender Equality (SDG 5), No Poverty (SDG 1), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) & Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6). Quite counter-intuitively, it has trade-offs with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). This is a commentary on these synergies and trade-offs, which looks at Good Health and Well-being as an overarching goal on any government’s agenda, impacting and being impacted, to different degrees, by the other goals.
Sustainable development goals constitute the main measures of risk-oriented sustainable development. The article presents the results of a literature study on the relationship between these objectives and societal security, which indeed refers to the most important utilitarian values. In the second part, attention is drawn to seven goals: ‘accessible and clean energy’, ‘economic growth and decent work’, ‘innovation, industry, infrastructure’, ‘less inequality’, ‘sustainable cities and communities’, ‘responsible consumption and production’, and ‘climate action’. As a result of the review of the Web of Science® Data Collection database, 46 articles were selected to serve as a basis for a literature survey. In the second part of the presentation of obtained research results, we proved that issues related to general survival and social development indirectly shape societal security in sustainable development, especially in the contexts of threats to human life and health, their social nature, promptness in responding to threats, and characteristics of threats. All identified relationships can be used to improve the link between societal security and sustainable development, increasing the potential to protect core utilitarian values in light of contemporary global development strategies.
Cele zrównoważonego rozwoju stanowią główne środki ukierunkowanego na ryzyko zrównoważonego rozwoju. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badan literaturowych dotyczących relacji pomiędzy tymi celami a bezpieczeństwem powszechnym, które istotnie odnosi się do najważniejszych wartości utylitarnych. W drugiej części uwaga została zwrócona na siedem celów: ‘dostępna i czysta energia’, ‘wzrost gospodarczy i godna praca’, ‘innowacyjność, przemysł, infrastruktura’, ‘mniej nierówności’, ‘zrównoważone miasta i społeczności’, ‘odpowiedzialna konsumpcja i produkcja’, a także ‘działania w dziedzinie klimatu’. W rezultacie przeglądu bazy Web of Science® Data Collection wybrano 46 artykułów, które posłużyły jako podstawa do badań literaturowych. W drugiej części prezentacji wyników badań udowodniliśmy, że kwestie związane z ogólnym przeżyciem i rozwojem społecznym kształtują pośrednio bezpieczeństwo powszechne w zrównoważonym rozwoju, zwłaszcza w kontekstach zagrożenia ludzkiego życia i zdrowia, ich społecznego charakteru, niezwłoczności w reagowaniu na zagrożenia oraz charakterystyki zagrożeń. Wszystkie zidentyfikowane relacje mogą zostać wykorzystane do poprawy związku pomiędzy bezpieczeństwem powszechnym i zrównoważonym rozwojem, zwiększając potencjał do ochrony najważniejszych wartości utylitarnych w świetle współczesnych, światowych strategii rozwoju.
Green logistics is the part of the activities of an enterprise aimed at measuring and minimizing the impact of logistics activities on the environment. Such actions are dictated by the possibility of achieving a competitive advantage in the market, because clients require it. Transport is a particularly important area with a huge impact on the environment, because it is identified as the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. Green transport is low-emission and ecological travelling mode. The goals of green transport are not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, noise and space use, but also to reduce poverty and promote economic growth. Transport is considered green when it supports environmental sustainability, but also supports the other two pillars of sustainable development, i.e. economic and social. This paper discusses the application of the concept of "green" logistics and "green" technologies in transport in the transportation process. The modern requirements for transport in the field of environmental safety and compliance with environmental requirements both on the part of customers and on the part of states are considered.
“One planet, one main goal: good life for all”: it could be a motto of sustainable world. Sustainability is global mega trend in all fields of life to promote prosperity protecting our planet. Sustainable development is a requirement and a priority for all people all over the world. It is defined as development of the current world with a view to the future generations. In 2015, the UN Member States established Agenda 2030, including seventeen “Sustainable Development Goals”, SDG, which should be realized by 2030. Objectives scope all areas of life, namely quality of human life, ecosystem, world peace or partnerships. Each goal has an environmental context. According to the “United Nations Environment Program” (UNEP), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a perfect method in the context of the environmental dimensions of the SDGs. The concept not only concerns the effects of the process/production system or the product/service but also all stages of its life (from cradle to grave), considering the carbon, environmental, consumer or biodiversity footprints. LCA is the only comprehensive eco-innovation indicator and policy implementation technique of sustainable development in companies in terms of eco-efficiency and eco-products. This mini review provides a survey of the current state of knowledge on sustainability and sustainable development as well as the relevance of new holistic methodology bridging SDGs with LCA, on the base of the newest scientific worldwide literature.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include disability and persons with disabilities for example partially sighted or blind. Disability is referenced in multiple parts of the SDGs, specifically in the parts related to education, growth and employment, inequality, accessibility of human settlements and buildings. The paper presents selected technologies that support independent movement blind people inside huge buildings. The paper will refer to two SDGs: No 9 and No 11. There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all with access to basic services, housing, friendly public buildings, transportation and more, even to people with eye disabilities. This paper presents selected systems for finding objects or places, recognizing objects inside rooms and navigation inside buildings based on nonradio and wireless technologies. The following technologies and solutions were presented and compared: physical items, smartphone cameras, laser rangefinders, pedestrian dead-reckoning, intelligent lighting, Wi-Fi, BLE beacons, magnetic fields and barometric pressure sensors.
Over the past two decades, the Republic of Azerbaijan has adopted three national strategy programs in order to accelerate the social and economic development of the country's regions. The primary objectives of these national strategies have been ecological safety and responsible use of natural resources, sustainable and balanced development as well as social welfare. In contrast to the previous programs implemented by the state, the new strategy includes the United Nations’ principles of sustainable development goals that were formulated in “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. However, recommendations given in the Paris Agreement and in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction are also very important for the adoption of any national strategies. Therefore, this article analyzes the environmental and socio-economic activities that are integral to the newly adopted state program on Disaster Risk Reduction strategies and suggests further measures that could be taken improve the effectiveness of its implementation.
Wydobywanie złóż kopalin jest tą dziedziną działalności przemysłowej, która szczególnie wyraźnie oddziałuje na otoczenie. Dotyczy to nie tylko naturalnych ekosystemów, ale także zindustrializowanego otoczenia człowieka. Na obszarach górniczych budynki, infrastruktura techniczna i komunikacyjna oraz wszelkiego rodzaju urządzenia funkcjonujące dla zaspokajania podstawowych potrzeb człowieka podlegają przyspieszonemu zużyciu oraz uszkodzeniom i niszczeniu z powodu oddziaływania eksploatacji złóż. W warunkach polskich zagłębi wydobywczych (szczególnie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego) deformacje powierzchni pochodzenia górniczego oddziałują na zabudowę aglomeracji miejskich wielokrotnie w ciągu technicznego okresu życia obiektów. Zjawiska te powodują wiele konsekwencji, które zostały wymienione i zwięźle scharakteryzowane w pracy. W artykule zawarto analizę zagadnień związanych z występowaniem szkód górniczych w aspekcie Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju ( Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) przyjętych w najnowszym, głównym dokumencie strategicznym ONZ dotyczącym wprowadzania zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju. Omówiono również zarys polskiej polityki rozwoju wyszczególniając akty ustawowe oraz dokumenty strategiczne wprowadzające zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce a także narzędzia monitorowania jego postępów. Spośród 17 głównych SDGs wskazano te, które mają bezpośredni związek z wdrażaniem zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju (ZR) na obszarach występowania szkód górniczych. Scharakteryzowano główne problemy wynikające z oddziaływania eksploatacji górniczej oraz wskazano narzędzia naukowe i techniczne wspomagające realizację zadań ZR.
The exploitation of mineral deposits is an area of industrial activity, which has very evident effects on the environment. This applies not only to natural ecosystems, but also to the industrialized human environment. Buildings and transport as well as technical infrastructure which are located in the mining areas are subject to more rapid wear, damage and destruction due to the significant deformation of the substrate. Mining surface deformations influence on the development of urban agglomerations repeatedly during the technical lifetime of the objects in the conditions of the Polish mining basins (especially the Upper Silesian Coal Basin). These phenomena cause a series of consequences which have been briefly mentioned and characterized in the work. The article includes an analysis of the issues of mining damage in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contained in the latest, main strategic document of the United Nations concerning the implementation of the principles of sustainable development. The paper discusses the outline of the Polish development policy specifying the act and strategic documents, which introduce the principles of sustainable development in Poland as well as tools to monitor its progress. Of all the 17 SDGs identified those that are directly linked to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in areas with mining damage. It characterizes the main problems arising from the impact of mining and identifies the research tools and technical support tasks of sustainable development in this area.
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