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Extreme hydrological events, such as floods and droughts, are becoming more frequent as a result of climate change, leading to negative impacts on various economic sectors. The Pannonian-Carpathian Basin is particularly affected by the increasing frequency of hazardous hydrological events. Agricultural production, which is a highly significant economic sector in the region, is particularly vulnerable to these unfavourable climatic conditions. Changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture levels can lead to reduced crop yields, while floods can pollute water sources and erode fertile soil. Mapping of Inland Excess Water (IEW), also known as ponding water or waterlogged areas, is crucial for informed decision-making, damage compensation, risk management, and future prevention planning. Remote sensing technology and machine learning have been demonstrated to be valuable tools for the mapping of IEW. The 2014 floods in Southeastern and Central Europe serve as a reminder of the importance of effective flood risk management. This study used a Geographical Information System (GIS) and a Semi-automated Classification Processing (SCP) tool to process high-resolution RapidEye satellite images from the 2014 floods in the Srem region of Serbia. The Spectral Angle Mapping (SAM) classification model was used to produce a map of IEW. The SAM model achieved an overall accuracy of 92.68 %. The study found that IEW affected approximately 2.90 % or 99.59 km² of the territory in Srem. The obtained maps can be used by responsible water management agencies to prevent and control excessive inland water.
The selection of weapon systems involves a number of activities to choose the best system in relation to the predefined operational requirements and other vital criteria. In the case of surface to air missile systems competing for the NAREW program, attempts are being made to obtain an asset that will be capable of engaging a spectrum of air threats, under specified conditions, with a predefined high degree of probability. In order to make the right choice, it is necessary to an alyze information on performance and combat capabilities. Thus, the aim of this article is to develop a preliminary method of evaluating the capabilities of surface to air missile systems offered under the NAREW program. The theoretical foundation of the empirical study was provided by the method of literature content analysis. Using the methods of comparison and generalization, the author obtained data on the combat capabilities of surface to air missile systems expressed through their tactical and technical parameters. Among the empirical methods, the author applied the algorithm of a multi-criteria analysis and an assessment of the capabilities of surface to air missile systems based on the use of matrix calculus. The diagnostic survey, conducted by means of the questionnaire technique, made it possible to prioritize the adopted evaluation criteria and, consequently, to conduct proper research. The formulation of the final conclusions and establishing the links between the theoretical and empirical part of the study was achieved by means of a synthesis. The results obtained in such a manner may constitute a valuable information database, showing the directions that should be considered when selecting a short-range surface to air missile (SAM) System for Poland. The evaluations and suggestions included in this study can be used for prospective solutions and research conducted in a similar area.
The mafic and ultramafic rocks of Mettupalayam belong to the southern granulite terrain of India, which is concomitant with vital economic resources. The advantage of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER) data for mapping the litho units are exploited well here for differentiating the rock units with the aid of band combination (1, 3, 6), principal component analysis (5, 1, 6) and band ratioed band combination (2/3, 3/2, 1/5 and (9–8)/1, (8–6)/2, and (9–6)/3). As part of the field study, the collection of samples and ground control points were carried out and in addition to that, the generation of laboratory reflectance spectra for samples was achieved. The Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were performed using ASTER data with the aid of spectra obtained from the laboratory conditions to demarcate the abundance of mafic and ultramafic rocks of the area. The XRF method was used to retrieve the major oxides of the field-collected samples and the spectral absorption characters are validated with it. The results show a vibrant interpretation of the litho units.
Content available Konsola do gier bazująca na płytce Arduino Due
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono projekt konsoli do gier wykonanej przez Koło Pasjonatów Elektroniki działające przy Katedrze Systemów Cyfrowego Przetwarzania Sygnałów na Wydziale Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Koszalińskiej. Skonstruowany automat wykorzystuje do działania płytkę prototypową Arduino Due, która oprócz obsługi logiki gry przesyła również grafikę na zewnętrzny monitor za pomocą złącza VGA i specjalnie przygotowanego adaptera. Urządzenie jest wyposażone w kontroler w postaci joysticka i czterech przycisków. Całość jest stylizowana na klasyczny automat z salonów gier.
In this article, the project of game console is presented. The console was created bu Club of Enthusiasts of Electronics in Faculty of Electonics and Computer Science, Koszalin University of Technology. The machine uses Arduino Due prototype board to run the game. The board is connected to monitor by VGA and special adapter. More over, there are joystick and four buttons used as game controller.
Zirconium-hafnium rims were discovered and described for the first time within the Suwalki Anorthosite Massif (SAM). They are observed at boundaries of Fe-Ti oxides ilmenite, hematitoilmenite and titanomagnetite with plagioclases. The most frequent forms reach 80-250 μm in length and 4-30 μm in width. These are narrow rims covering even up to 70% ore mineral grains. The most spectacular forms were "blown candle flame” structures. Their average width ranges from 20 to 45 μm and the length exceeds 350 μm in . Chemical composition analysis was carried out on the largest clusters of zircon crystals/rims which show high local enrichment in Hf (0.5-0.8% by weight). The boundaries of these crystals are cracked and blurry. This may suggest their participation in later fluids inflow processes within the rocks. The enrichment in hafnium content in zircon grains, is related to significant reduction in the amount of Th, U and Pb and increased amount- sof Ti and Fe in zircon rims. A large variety of forms and variability of their chemical composition point to a complex physical chemical orgin process.
In the last ten years, numerous Sustainability Assessment Systems have been developed worldwide to provide construction stakeholders tools that help in achieving better sustainable development. Jordan developed its own Green Building Guideline in 2013 for new buildings but unfortunately, the guideline hasn’t included any criteria for existing or traditional buildings. The main objective of this study is to develop a sustainable Assessment Method for existing and traditional buildings to assist both public and private construction sectors in Jordan in achieving more sustainable buildings. The adopted methodology is based on in-depth analysis of three leading international green building rating systems, which are: LEED and BREEAM and Green Globes, from which a system was developed to meet the requirements of the Jordanian National Building Code. It is expected that the implementation of the developed sustainability assessment method will ease the process of measuring sustainability of existing and traditional buildings and therefore will highlight the importance of traditional architecture to set out fundamental principles for contemporary green housing construction.
W ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat na całym świecie opracowano wiele systemów oceny zrównoważonego rozwoju, aby zapewnić zainteresowanym stronom narzędzia budowlane, które pomagają w osiągnięciu lepszego zrównoważonego rozwoju. W 2013 r. w Jordanii opracowano własne wytyczne w zakresie zielonych budynków dla nowych budynków, ale niestety w wytycznych nie zawarto żadnych kryteriów dotyczących istniejących lub tradycyjnych budynków. Głównym celem tego badania jest opracowanie zrównoważonej metody oceny istniejących i tradycyjnych budynków, aby pomóc zarówno prywatnym, jak i publicznym sektorom budowlanym w Jordanii w osiąganiu bardziej zrównoważonych budynków. Przyjęta metodologia opiera się na dogłębnej analizie trzech wiodących międzynarodowych systemów oceny budynków ekologicznych: LEED, BREEAM oraz Green Globes, z których opracowano system spełniający wymagania Jordańskiego Krajowego Kodeksu Budowlanego. Oczekuje się, że wdrożenie opracowanej metody oceny zrównoważonego rozwoju ułatwi proces pomiaru zrównoważenia istniejących i tradycyjnych budynków, a tym samym podkreśli znaczenie tradycyjnej architektury dla określenia podstawowych zasad dla współczesnego zielonego budownictwa mieszkaniowego.
Rudonośny suwalski masyw anortozytowy (SAM) razem z anortozytowym masywem Kętrzyna i norytową intruzją Sep, występują w obrębie 200 km długości magmowego terenu zwanego kompleksem mazurskim (NE Polska). Rozciągający się pasmowo w kierunku W-E proterozoiczny kompleks mazurski jest zbudowany z różnorodnych skał o składzie od kwaśnych przez pośrednie do zasadowych. Kwarcowe monzonity i granodioryty są najbardziej rozpowszechnionym typem skał w obrębie facji. Kompleks mazurski przecina kilka kompleksów metamorficznej facji granulitowej i amfibolitowej np. kompleks pomorski, dobrzyński, ciechanowski i mazowiecki. Złoża rud Fe-Ti-(V) w anortozytowym masywie suwalskim zostały odkryte we wczesnych latach 60-tych XX wieku, pod miąższym nadkładem fanerozoicznych skał osadowych w obrębie małych dodatnich anomalii magnetycznych, w rejonie Krzemionki, Udryna, Jeleniewa i Jeziora Okrągłego. Złoża te zostały udokumentowane przy pomocy ok. 100 głębokich otworom wiertniczych, do głębokości 2300 m, a zasoby oszacowane w kat. C1 i C2 na ok. 1,5 mld ton rudy tytanomagnetytowej z wanadem, głównie w polu rudnym Krzemionka i Udryn.
The ore-bearing Suwałki Anorthosite Massif (SAM) together with the Kętrzyn Anorthosite Massif and Sejny norite intrusion are located within 200 km long magmatic terrane called Mazury Complex (NE Poland). The beltiform Proterozoic Mazury Complex is made up of a variety of rocks from felsic and intermidiate to the basic ones. The quartz monzonites and granodiorites are the most widespread rock type within the suite. The belt crosscuts several metamorphic granulite and amphibolite fades units, including Pomorian, Dobrzyń, Ciechanów and Mazovian. Large Fe-Ti-(V) ore deposits of Krzemionka, Udryń, Jeleniewo and Jezioro Okragle have been discovered in early 60-ties, within the small positive magnetic anomalies in the Suwałki Massif and evaluated down to the depth of 2300 m by over 100 boreholes yielding of about 1.5 bilion tons of economic reserves, mostly at Krzemionka and Udryn ore fields.
Rolling Elements Bearing (REB) condition monitoring is mainly based on the analysis of acceleration (vibration) signal in the load direction. This is one of the three components of the acceleration vector in 3D space: the main idea of this paper is the recovery of additional fault information from the other two acceleration vector components by combining them to obtain the modulus of the spatial acceleration (SAM) vector. The REB diagnostic performances of the SAM are investigated and compared to the load direction of vibration by means a rough estimator of the “Signal-to-Noise” Ratio and the Spectral Kurtosis. The SAM provides a higher SNR than the single load direction. Finally, Spectral Kurtosis driven Envelope analysis is performed for further comparison of the two signals: its results highlight that demodulation of the SAM isn’t stricly necessary to extract the fault features, which are already available in the raw signal spectrum.
The objective of the paper is to show various methods of BGA assembly inspection such as electrical continuity tests, optical inspection, SAM, X-rays and metallographic cross-sections. The eftect of thermal shocks (-55°C, -M25°C) and the sine wave vibrations in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 1,4 kHz on the reliability of BGA solder joints is inwestigated. The subject of inspection are BGA packages after rework accomplished by two methods: with professional hot air rework station and with solder paste and equipment for SMT.
Artykuł przedstawia metody kontroli poprawności montażu układów BGA za pomocą testów elektrycznych, obserwacji w mikroskopie optycznym, obserwacji w mikroskopie akustycznym, diagnostyki rentgenowskiej oraz przekrojów metalograficznych. Badany jest wpływ szoków termicznych (-55°C, +125°C) oraz wibracji sinusoidalnych o częstotliwościach zmieniających się w zakresie od 20 Hz do 1,4 kHz na występowanie uszkodzeń w połączeniach układów BGA. Testom poddawane są układy BGA po naprawie za pomocą profesjonalnej stacji do naprawy BGA za pomocą gorącego powietrza oraz po naprawie metodą uproszczoną za pomocą pasty lutowniczej i urządzeń do montażu powierzchniowego.
Content available remote Scanning Acoustic Microscope for 3D imaging
A new Acoustic Microscope operating at the frequency up to 200 MHz and allowing for visualization of the internal structures of materials was developed. The system was built basing on the commercially available components and the self-designed acoustic lenses. The dedicated software was developed to control the process of 3D RF-data acquisition, processing and presenting in 2D cross-sections or 3D surface rendering mode. This article describes the technical principles of the constructed microscope and presents the reconstructed images of the designed test-probe and of the integrated circuit.
The electrochemical and structural properties of Schiff base V-hp self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on Au(111) surface have been studied using electrochemical technique and electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (ECSTM) in 0.1 M HClO4 solution. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements revealed that the adlayer of V-hp on Au(111) surface inhibits the oxidization of Au and reduces the surface double-layer capacitance. The electronic charges for V-hp-SAM covered Au(111) electrode, resulting from capacitive charging and discharging process in volved in the double-layer potential region, become one or more orders of magnitude lower than that for bare Au(111). STM investigation demonstrated that V-hp molecules can adsorb with a flat-lying orientation on Au(111) and formed a long-range two-dimensional ordered SAM with a (2 square root 3 x square root 21) adlattice symmetry structure. A model structure with one molecule per unit cell was proposed, which yields a surface concentration of 1.28x10-10 mol/cm2.
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