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w słowach kluczowych:  R-mode receiver
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Signals from Global Navigation Satellite Systems are the primary source for Position, Navigation and Time (PNT) information onboard any vessel today. As these signals are prone to interference, a maritime backup system is needed to provide reliable PNT data, R(anging)-Mode is such a system. It utilizes existing maritime radio beacons or base stations of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) by adding ranging components to the legacy signals. The first modified radio beacons transmit medium frequency (MF) R-Mode signals in northern Germany. This paper has described the current state of the authors’ research and development activities at the receiver level for MF R-Mode signals. The receiver platform has been introduced, which was based on off-theshelf components and the implemented algorithms for distance estimation have been explained. Furthermore, the results of the first ranging measurements have been presented, which have shown the general suitability of the R-Mode technology as a source for maritime positioning and timing data.
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