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w słowach kluczowych:  Polska Akademia Umiejętności
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The State Zoological Museum, established in 1928, inherited and developed the legacy of the Zoological Cabinet of the University of Warsaw (existing since 1818). The Cabinet’s collection had been gathered for decades and belonged to eminent personages not only in Poland but also in Europe. The Museum and its collections were threatened many times: first by a great fire in 1935, then by the German attack on Warsaw in 1939 and subsequent occupation, as well as by the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising and the destruction of the city. After the post-war reconstruction of the Museum, it was time to function in a new political reality, in which the most significant change for this institution was the establishment of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A planned inclusion of the State Zoological Museum in the structures of the newly-founded Polish Academy of Sciences meant that the scientists had to face a dilemma: in exchange for research funds and career development opportunities, they were expected to show favour to the communists and readiness to implement the idea of socialism. In the background of this process, numerous scientific conferences took place, where controversial visions of the future of biological sciences clashed. This process resulted in the transformation of the State Zoological Museum into the Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Stanisław Estreicher, member of the Estreicher family, which rendered great service to Polish science and culture, was one of the most prominent Polish researchers in the history of law and vice-chancellor of the Jagiellonian University. This future professor for the first time appeared in the files of the Academy already in 1888. In 1914 he was elected associate member and in 1930 – full member of the Academy. Because of his diverse interests, Estreicher’s activity in the Academy included, i.a., his involvement with the Academy’s authorities and the Department of History and Philosophy, his work dealing with general publications of the Academy, publishing his own writings and source editions, activity on the forums of six commissions, representing the Academy and giving opinions on scientific works to be published by the Academy. His involvement in the Academy was growing but these ties did not dominate his diverse activities. From the point of view of the Academy, the most of important was Professor Estreicher’s participation in general publications’ issues and his increasing influence on the institution’s authorities, on the Department of History and Philosophy and the Legal Committee. On the other hand, from the point of view of Professor Estreicher himself, the most significant was “Polish Bibliography”.
This systematic account contains descriptions of ammonite species of the superfamily Perisphinctoidea from the collection of the Physiographic Commission of the 19th century Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków. The emphasis is on the description of 11 species introduced by Siemiradzki (1891), e.g. Subdiscosphinctes kreutzi, S. mindowe, S. jelskii, S. dunikowskii, S. ? cracoviensis, S. ? dybowskii, Perisphinctes (Perisphinctes) vajdelota, Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) crotalinus, P. (Dichotomoceras) alpinus, and Perisphinctes damesi recognised to be nomen dubium, as well as a single species from the Bimammatum Zone – Ringsteadia teisseyrei. Most of the species mentioned are re-described and illustrated for the first time in this paper. In addition, the descriptions of 18 nominal species as well as another 32 species left in open nomenclature, are provided. The species are assigned to 8 genera (Subdiscosphinctes, Perisphinctes, Neumannia, Passendorferia, Idoceras, Orthosphinctes and Ringsteadia) in 3 families (Perisphinctidae, Ataxioceratidae and Aulacostephanidae). In the family Perisphinctidae two new informal species groups have been distinguished: Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) elisabethae group and the Subdiscosphinctes ? dybowskii group. The Subdiscosphinctes ? cracoviensis group as distinguished by Brochwicz-Lewi�ski, has been re-described and some new forms included in it. The species indicate the Plicatilis and Transversarium zones of the Middle Oxfordian, and the Bifurcatus, Bimammatum and Planula zones hitherto as a whole assigned to the Submediterranean Upper Oxfordian, but in fact correlating with the Upper Oxfordian (Bifurcatus Zone and the lower part of the Bimammatum Zone) and the lowermost Kimmeridgian (upper part of the Bimammatum Zone and Planula Zone) of the Subboreal primary standard for the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary. The erroneous opinion presented by Siemiradzki (1891) concerning the alleged discordant occurrence of Kimmeridgian deposits of the so called Oppelia tenuilobata Zone in the area studied has been corrected and explained. The paper is provided with some useful species inexes.
Content available Biography of Józef Siemiradzki
In this work, the biography of Józef Siemiradzki (1858-1933) has been documented by various archival materials, and accompanied by the list of his most important publications. Józef Siemiradzki was a Professor of Palaeontology at Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov, Member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Honorary Member of the Polish Geological Institute, Commander of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Defender of Lvov, awarded the Cross of Valour. He co-operated with the Museum of the Physiographic Commission in Kraków and the Dzieduszycki Museum in Lvov. He was a representative of the National Department of the Galician Sejm in the expedition to Brazil in aim to support Polish emigrants. He wrote over 60 treatises, e.g. "Explanations to the Geological Map" - the first synthetic presentation of the geological structure of Polish lands, "Geology of Polish Lands" - the first monograph on the geological structure of Poland written in 20th century, and "Palaeozoology" - the first Polish textbook on palaeontology for academic use. In the field of palaeontology and stratigraphy he has been known as an author of the monograph on the Upper Jurassic ammonites from the Kraków Upland and the monograph on the genus Perisphinctes of Western Europe.
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Nowy profesor. Nowi członkowie PAU. Nowy skład CKST. FNP przyznaje honorowe odznaczenia. Program FNP NESTOR. RAN opiera się kontroli państwowej. Theodor Kaluza (Teodor Kałuża) patronem Obserwatorium Astronomicznego UO. Dni Michelsona. Historia nauki arabskiej. Nagroda L'Oreal-UNESCO. Wyróżnienia dla polskich popularyzatorów. Pokrycie antyodbiciowe. Globalne ocieplenie skraca dobę. Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker (1912-2007).
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Polska Akademia Umiejętności. Nagroda im. Stefana Pieńkowskiego. Kanadyjczyk zachwycony Polską. Kolumbowie. Wysoka nagroda dla Nakamury. Medal Diraca. Laughlin wraca do USA. Łódzkie seminaria. Skandynawowie rozwiązują problem odpadów promieniotwórczych.
W roku 1998 w Krakowie powstała Komisja Geoinformatyki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, w skład której wchodzą specjaliści z wielu dyscyplin wiedzy, takich jak geologia, geofizyka, inżynieria i ochrona środowiska, górnictwo, geodezja, geografia, kartografia, GIS i oczywiście fotogrametria i teledetekcja oraz informatyka. Już na początku prac Komisji zwrócono uwagę na niejednoznaczność stosowanej terminologii. Uznano, że należy podjąć systematyczne badania porównawcze poprzedzone inwentaryzacją słownictwa geoinformatycznego stosowanego w różnych dziedzinach. Tak powstała idea opracowania słownika, który umożliwi przeprowadzenie analizy porównawczej i ujednolicenie terminologii. Pracami kierują zespoły tematyczne, które pracując niezależnie, lecz z wzajemnym kontaktem, budują produkt końcowy: Wielojęzyczny, Interdyscyplinarny Terminologiczny Słownik i Leksykon Geoinformatyczny Komisji Geoinformatyki PAU. Słownik będzie powstawał w formule otwartej, z użyciem Internetu. Wszystkie etapy prac będą publicznie dostępne na stronach www. Do procesu tworzenia Słownika będą dopuszczeni również wolontariusze, którzy, we współpracy z odpowiedzialnymi redaktorami będą pomagać w budowaniu bazy Słownika. Program do edycji internetowej Słownika, w wersji eksperymentalnej, jest już udostępniony w sieci. Mamy nadzieję, że nasza słownikowa baza danych szybko zostanie wypełniona nowymi terminami i definicjami wielu pojęć używanych w geoinformatyce
Commission for Geoinformatics of the Polish Academy of Science and Arts (KG PAU) in Kraków, has been formed in 1998. That commission gathers scientists of many disciplines, such as geology, geophysics, environmental engineering and protection, mining, surveying and geodesy, geography, cartography, GIS, and, of course, photogrammetry and remote sensing and computer sciences (informatics). AU that specialists, devoting their special interest to geoinformatics, found out, just at the very beginning of their cooperation, that they do not speak the same technical and scientific language concerning geoinformatics. Finally that was decided to work out a dictionary, which could help people of geoinformatics from various disciplines to use the identical vocabulary. The work is split to thematic teams, which, working independently, but in a contact with each other, build a final product: The Multilingual, Interdisciplinary Terminological Dictionary for Geoinformatics, a very important project of the KG PAU. The Dictionary will be build up in the open formulae, using internet. AU the work stages will be public, available on the www pages. To the editorial process will be admitted also volunteers, who, under care and in cooperation with the responsible editors will help to build the dictionary data base. The internet program for editing the Dictionary, in an experimental version, is available for use. We hope to have our dictionary data base soon filled with new entries, definitions, and longer descriptions of many terms used in geoinformatics
Szybki rozwój techniki komputerowej ukierunkowanej na gromadzenie, przetwarzanie i rozpowszechnianie geoinformacji (geoinformatyki), mającej zastosowanie w wielu dyscyplinach nauki i techniki, wiąże się z koniecznością pilnego ujednolicenia terminologii naukowej - terminologicznego słownika i leksykonu. Utworzony w formule otwartej program do tworzenia Słownika zakłada użycie internetu do ciągłej aktualizacji zawartości bazy danych. W ten sposób Słownik jest dostępny dla użytkowników, nawet w trakcie pracy redakcyjnej, która nie jest jeszcze ukończona. Otwarta formuła zakłada także uczestniczenie wolontariuszy w pracach edycyjnych poprzez dyskusję nad istniejącymi hasłami i definicjami, jak też poprzez proponowanie swojego wkładu do uzupełnienia zawartości Słownika. Tworzenie Słownika jest zainicjowane i organizowane przez Komisję Geoinformatyki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie. Program Słownika powstał i jest zainstalowany na specjalnym serwerze w Zakładzie Fotogrametrii i Informatyki Teledetekcyjnej Wydziału Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska AGH. Program w wersji eksperymentalnej jest gotowy do użycia i udostępniony w internecie.
The fast development of computer science oriented on capturing, processing and distribution of geoinformation (geoinformatics), which has applications in many technical and natural disciplines of science and technique, calls for urgent unification of professional terminology - for terminological dictionary. The presented open formulae computer program for creation of dictionary assumes the use of internet to continuously present the content of the dictionary database. That way the dictionary is available for users, even during the editorial activity, when it is not completed yet. The open formulae assumes also participation of volunteers in the editorial work via discussion over the existing entries and definitions, as well as via proposing their contributions to the dictionary contents. The project was initialized and is organized by the Geoinformatics Commission of The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow. The dictionary program was prepared by, and dictionary data base is installed on the server of the Department of Photogrammetry and remote sensing informatics. The experimental of pertaining computer program is ready for use in the internet.
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PTF: Nowy Zarząd Główny, Oddział Częstochowski. Litewskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne honoruje Ireneusza Strzałkowskiego. Nominacje profesorskie. Stefan Pokorski członkiem PAU. Fizyka i chemia na UKSW. Nagroda EPS dla Banaszka. Krajowe Laboratorium FAMO w Toruniu. Stałe fizyczne (1998). Wzorzec jednostki aktywności promieniotwórczej radionuklidów. Fizyka w zastosowaniach. Superkomputer w Berkeley. Jak fizyk "nakrył" ściągających studentów. Michalina Massalska (1915 - 2000).
Content available remote Bieżące informacje o PAU
Current informations on the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences are given. These mainly concern new directorate and new members of the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Division of the Academy.
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125 lat PAU. Nagrody FNP. Nagroda im. Jurzykowskiego. Jubileusz Romana Żelaznego. USA wspomogą LHC. Sympozja Holendersko-Polskie. Zimno, zimno, jeszcze zimniej. Jak uwięzić pojedynczą nanocząstkę. Odwracalne przejście izolator-metal. Już wkrótce neutrina słoneczne w SNO. Nowe wielkie źródło synchrotronowe. Organiczne cząsteczki w księżycach Jowisza? Wycieczki górskie dla upamiętnienia Plancka. Dwudziestoletnie Kwarki. Polscy uczniowie w CERN-ie. Napad na laboratorium neutrin słonecznych. Friedrich Hund (1896-1997). Stefan Czarnecki (1915-1997).
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