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The purpose of the presented research is to identify problems with the orientation and accessibility of the fragment of the "Warta" Campus at Poznan University of Technology and the building of the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Management Engineering (WAWIZ). The new, almost zero-energy building designed by Prof. Sławomir Rosolski meets ecological and pro-environmental requirements to the highest degree and combines them with the perfection of the building's architectural form. The scope of the ergonomic research conducted concerns access to the Warta Campus from the nearest public transportation stop, the route to the WAWIZ building running through the campus, and the first floor of the building. The scope of the research and accompanying workshops also had an awareness-raising (socio-educational) character, ending with a discussion, and were preceded by design classes, where methods were discussed. The results of the accessibility study allowed the identification of the four most significant measures to eliminate existing limitations. The research focused on architectural accessibility only.
Celem przedstawionych badań jest identyfikacja problemów z orientacją i dostępnością fragmentu Kampusu „Warta” Politechniki Poznańskiej oraz budynku Wydziału Architektury i Wydziału Inżynierii Zarządzania (WAWIZ). Nowy, prawie zero energetyczny obiekt autorstwa Prof. Sławomira Rosolskiego spełnia w najwyższym stopniu wymagania ekologiczne i pro-środowiskowe oraz łączy je z doskonałością formy architektonicznej budynku. Zakres przeprowadzonych badań ergonomicznych dotyczy dojścia do Kampusu Warta z najbliższego przystanku komunikacji miejskiej, drogi do budynku WAWIZ przebiegającej w kampusie oraz parteru budynku, w odniesieniu do dostępności architektonicznej. Zakres przeprowadzonych badań i towarzyszących warsztatów miał charakter uświadamiający (społeczno-edukacyjny) zakończony dyskusją, a poprzedziły je zajęcia projektowe, gdzie omówiono metody prowadzenia eksperymentu. Wyniki badań dostępności pozwoliły na identyfikację czterech najistotniejszych działań eliminujących istniejące utrudnienia.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia główne założenia zrównoważonego rozwoju i zrównoważonego budownictwa oraz czynniki mające kluczowy wpływ na efektywność energetyczną budynku. Celem artykułu jest również określenie wpływu formy na efektywność energetyczną budynku dla uzyskania budynku niemal zero-energetycznego, na przykładzie budynku Wydziału Architektury i Wydziału Inżynierii Zarządzania w Kampusie Politechniki Poznańskiej „Warta” w Poznaniu. W artykule opisano wyniki badań i analiz porównawczych danych eksploatacyjnych w oparciu o dane pozyskane z serwerów budynku. Przedstawiono zestawienia tabelaryczne będące dowodem słuszności przyjętych rozwiązań w zakresie zużycia energii końcowej i emisji CO2.
Form vs Energy Efficiency in Nearly Zero-Energy Building. This article presents main assumptions of sustainable development and sustainable building, and lists key factors affecting energy efficiency of a building. The goal of this article is to describe the influence of the form on building’s energy efficiency to develop a nearly zero-energy building. The case study described herein refers to the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Engineering Management in „Warta” Campus of Poznan University of Technology. The article presents results of research and comparative analyses of operation data based on information obtained from building’s servers. Finally, the included tables validate applied solutions in terms of final energy consumption and CO2 emission.
W artykule zaprezentowano krótki życiorys, a także najważniejsze osiągnięcia naukowe i zawodowe Józefa Węglarza, wybitnego specjalisty z dziedziny maszyn elektrycznych i dydaktyka, długoletniego dziekana Wydziału Elektrycznego Szkoły Inżynierskiej w Poznaniu (1946-1955), a potem Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Poznańskiej (1960-1969), kierownika Katedry Maszyn Elektrycznych na tych uczelniach w latach 1952- 1970. Rok 2020 został ogłoszony Rokiem Józefa Węglarza w Stowarzyszeniu Elektryków Polskich.
The article presents a short curriculum vitae, as well as the most important scientific and professional achievements of Józef Węglarz, an outstanding specialist in the field of electrical machines and didactics, long-time Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Poznań School of Engineering (1946-1955), and then of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Poznań University of Technology (1960-1969), head of the Chair of Electrical Machines at those universities in 1952- 1970. The year 2020 was declared the Year of Józef Węglarz in the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z prowadzeniem zajęć laboratoryjnych z przedmiotów chemia budowlana i materiały budowlane na kierunku Budownictwo. Pandemia z 2020 roku wymusiła natychmiastową zmianę formy nauczania. Mimo przeciwności, chcąc zbliżyć się do zakładanych efektów nauczania, podjęto decyzję o próbie zastąpienia tradycyjnego nauczania, nauczaniem zdalnym, z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych technik kształcenia na odległość.
In this paper we consider challenges regarding teaching of building chemistry and building materials for Civil Engineering udergraduates. 2020’s pandemic forced an immediate change of the way how the teaching is delivered. Against all obstacles, with unshakable desire to teach new generations, a decision was made to try replacing traditional teaching with a distant one, using the most modern distant teaching techniques.
Content available remote First research works on LCA at Poznań University of Technology
In this paper the early works done in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) at Poznań University of Technology (PUT) are presented. The first part of the paper is focused on the methodology of LCA. Then one of the first research works on LCA in Poland, performed at Poznań University of Technology, is presented. It is the environmental valuation of three packaging machines. Their technical data and general aim of research are shown as well as the elementary goals: the description and comparison of environmental interactions of packaging machines, the identification of the areas of the significant environmental impacts, finding the possible improvement opportunities in the life cycle, and an indication of the directions for whole system of machines' optimisation. The way to achieve these goals is presented in the paper.
W artykule dokonano prezentacji pierwszych badań w obszarze LCA, prowadzonych w Politechnice Poznańskiej. Pierwsza część artykułu jest zorientowana na metodologię LCA. Potem są zaprezentowane jedne z pierwszych badań nad LCA w Polsce, wykonane w Politechnice Poznańskiej. Jest to ocena środowiskowa trzech maszyn pakujących. Przedstawione są ich dane techniczne. Wskazane są cele szczegółowe badań: opis i porównanie oddziaływania środowiskowego tych maszyn, identyfikacja oddziaływań o szczególnym znaczeniu, znalezienie okazji do zmniejszenia oddziaływania badanych maszyn w cyklu życia i kierunków optymalizacji całego systemu tych maszyn. Droga do osiągnięcia tych celów jest przedstawiona w artykule.
This years summer has been full o unique experiences, after students from the Faculty of Architecture from the Poznań University of technology had a chance to participate in an international research camp seminar in Italy. This was a next step in the polish- Italian cooperation which took place between 26th of July and the 4th of August in small town Sabbioneta, 40km away from Mantova. This kind of an urban structure, quite popular in Europe during renaissance has been well thought. Sabbioneta along with polish Zamość are considered to be the few examples of an ideal city. An ideal city is famous of it's urban structure- it was well thought through and planned from the beginning to the end. Commenced in the '80s during the 20th century a big attempt in the cities historical upgrade initiated many projects involving the regrowth of the cities former glory. This years polish-Italian camp seminar was kept in this kind of atmosphere. The professors: Giancarlo Leoni, Carlo Peraboni, Francesco Caprini, Marco Caprini, Maciej Janowski, Dominika Pazder, Adam Nadolny, and the students: Cristina Bianchini, Federica Cobelli, Katarzyna Grajkowska, Karolina Groszek, Paulina Matłoka, Marcin Nowicki, Mario Pan, Adam Profaska, Agata Rachuba, Andrzej Resterny, Severino Ros-setto, Natalie Schmidt, Kamila Steinke, Tomasz Tomaniak. Due to the variety of the discussed subjects during the camp seminar, students have been participating in at least 2 English spoken lectures a day. Well prepared data enabled students to skip the pre- planning inventarization phases and pass straight to the designing process. The domain of the first group was to take care of the town's two main gates: Porta Vittoria and Porta Imperiale. The teams aim was to suggest new functions apart from communication purpose. The second group worked on the difficulties on the ancient square-Piazza d'Armi, which arose after the destructions of Gonzaga's fortress caused in Napoleon's times. The misused throughout decades space in the town centre was to gain a new urban frame and a human friendly atmosphere. The third group was involved in redesigning the north-western part of the walls, which despite of it's attractive location was not exposed enough in it's urban structure. The fourth group chose Piazza Ducale as their topic, the main square in Sabbioneta which currently is sadly used as a big parking space. The final exhibition, that was organized in Palazzo Forte showed the local authorities the hidden potential that Sabbioneta always had. The students presented over 16 AO format posters. The interesting fact is that each groups project overlapped and supplemented one another. The project of rebuilding Porta Vittoria was connected with the pedestrian walkway alongside the fortification. The interesting redesign and new shape of Piazza Ducale along with the skilful rejoindance with Piazza d'Armi concluded in regaining it's representative form. In conclusion - the camp seminar in Sabbioneta can be counted as a successful one. Each group acquired new experiences in planning as well as in organization. Polish students had a great opportunity to visit the southern Lombardy and experience it's culture, architecture and the unique landscape of the surrounding valleys. Faculties of both universities had tightened up their bonds, which is going to result in next year's camp in Zamość -the polish ideal city. We should hope that the outcome will be equally satisfactory as the Sabbionetan camp.
L'estate di quest'anno si e dimostrata ricca di esperienze uniche, dal momenta che alcuni studenti della Facolta di Architettura dell'Universita di Tecnologia di Poznań hanno avuto 1'opportunita di partecipare ad un seminario di ricerca internazionale in Italia. Questo e stato un ulteriore passo nella collaborazione italo-polacca che ha avuto luogo tra il 26 Luglio e ii 4 Agosto 2006 nella cittadina di Sabbioneta, situata a 40 km da Mantova. II prototipo di struttura urbana "ideale", di cui si annoverano alcune esperienze in Europa durante il Rinascimento, appare ben riuscito. Sabbioneta, assieme alia citta polacca di Zamość, sono considerate due esempi di citta ideali, rese famose per la loro particolare struttura urbana, concepite e pianificate in ogni loro aspetto dal progetto fmo alia loro realizzazione. A partire dagli anni '80 del XX Secolo e possibile riscontrare una forte spinta verso tentativi di valorizzare gli ambiti storici e di antica origine delle citta al fine di fame rinascere i passati fasti. I professori Giancarlo Leoni, Carlo Peraboni, Francesco Caprini, Marco Caprini, Maciej Janowski, Dominika Pazder, Adam Nadolny e gli studenti Cristina Bianchini, Federica Cobelli, Katarzyna Grajkowska, Karolina Groszek, Paulina Matłoka, Marcin Nowicki, Mario Pan, Adam Profaska, Agata Rachuba, Andrzej Resterny, Severino Rossetto, Natalie Schmidt, Kamila Steinke, Tomasz Tomaniak, provenienti da entrambe le universita - Politecnico di Milano Universita di Tecnologia di Poznań - si sono trovati a prendere parte ad una stretta collaborazione rigurado ambiti ben precisi. Vista la grandę varieta di argomenti trattati nel corso del campo di ricerca, gli studenti hanno seguito non meno di due lezioni ex cathedra al giorno tenute in inglese. Grazie ad approfonditi elaborati di analisi realizzati in passato, che ahnno fornito un'ottima base conoscitiva delia citta, e stato possibile passare direttamente alia fasę progettuale. L'ambito di lavoro del primo gruppo ha riguardato le due porte di accesso principali di Sabbioneta: Porta Vittoria e Porta Imperiale. L'obiettivo che il gruppo si e prefisstao e suggerire nuove funzioni per questi due edifici che esulassero dal semplice passaggio veicolare e pedonale. II secondo gruppo ha preso in esame la Piazza d'Armi, vuoto urbano che si e venuto a creare dopo la distruzione del castello dei Gonzaga avvenuta in seguito al passaggio delie truppe napoleoniche. Obiettivo di questo lavoro e stato donare a questo spazio un nuovo, compiuto e armonioso inserimento nel cońtesto urbano nonche una migliore sua percezione da parte dei visitatori. II terzo gruppo si e occupato delia parte nord-occidentale delie mura che, contrariamente a quanto permetterebbe la posizione suggestiva in cui sorgono, non godono di una adeguata rilevanza visiva e di fuibilita nella struttura urbana. II quarto gruppo ha scleto come proprio ambito di lavoro Piazza Ducale, la Piazza principale di Sabbioneta su cui domina il palazzo della famiglia Gonzaga, con un obiettivo di riqualificazione formale e funzionale che la porti ad essere ben altro che, come avviene attualmente, un parcheggio. L'esposizione finale per la presentazione dei lavori, che e stata allestita presso Palazzo Forte, ha permesso di mostrare alle autorita locali l'enorme potenziale nscosto di Sabbioneta. Gli studenti hanno presentato oltre sedici tavole in formato AO. L'aspetto dimaggior rilievo e che i progetti di ogni singolo gruppo inevitabilmente si sono uniti e completati a vicenda in maniera complementare. Per esempio, il progetto di restauro di Porta Vittoria ha implicato la realizzazione di un nuovo camminamento pedonale lungo il tracciato delle mura; 1'assai interessante proposta di riqualificazione formale e funzionale di Piazza Ducale assieme alia brillante soluzione di un forte collegamento fra questa primo spazio pubblico e Piazza d'Armi hanno avuto come esito la restituzione ai due spazi aperti del loro originale ruolo di rappresentanza. In conclusione il seminario di ricerca presso Sabbioneta puo essere senza dubbio considerate un successo. Ogni gruppo ha acquisito esperienza progettuale e organizzativa. Gli studenti polacchi hanno avuto la grandę opportunita di visitare la Lombardia meridionale e di confrontarsi con questi luoghi, con la cultura, 1'architettura e i paesaggi locali. Le due Facolta hanno grazie a questa esperienza rinforzato i propri contatti, che porteranno con ogni probabilita all'organizzazione di un secondo campo di ricerca presso Zamość, la citta ideale polacca. Le nostre speranze sono naturalmente che i risultati di questa seconda iniziativa siano tanto soddisfacenti quanti quelli ottenuti quest'anno a Sabbioneta.
This years summer has been full o unique experiences, after students from the Faculty of Architecture from the Poznań University of technology had a chance to participate in an international research camp seminar in Italy. This was a next step in the polish- Italian cooperation which took place between 26th of July and the 4th of August in small town Sabbioneta, 40km away from Mantova. This kind of an urban structure, quite popular in Europe during renaissance has been well thought. Sabbioneta along with polish Zamość are considered to be the few examples of an ideal city. An ideal city is famous of it's urban structure- it was well thought through and planned from the beginning to the end. Commenced in the '80s during the 20th century a big attempt in the cities historical upgrade initiated many projects involving the regrowth of the cities former glory. This years polish- Italian camp seminar was kept in this kind of atmosphere. The professors: Giancarlo Leoni, Carlo Peraboni, Francesco Caprini, Marco Caprini, Maciej Janowski, Dominika Pazder, Adam Nadolny, and the students: Cristina Bianchini, Federica Cobelli, Katarzyna Grajkowska, Karolina Groszek, Paulina Matloka, Marcin Nowicki, Mario Pan, Adam Profaska, Agata Rachuba, Andrzej Resterny, Severino Ros-setto, Natalie Schmidt, Kamila Steinke, Tomasz Tomaniak. Due to the variety of the discussed subjects during the camp seminar, students have been participating in at least 2 English spoken lectures a day. Well prepared data enabled students to skip the pre- planning inventarization phases and pass straight to the designing process. The domain of the first group was to take care of the town's two main gates: Porta Vittoria and Porta Imperiale. The teams aim was to suggest new functions apart from communication purpose. The second group worked on the difficulties on the ancient square-Piazza d'Armi, which arose after the destructions of Gonzaga's fortress caused in Napoleon's times. The misused throughout decades space in the town centre was to gain a new urban frame and a human friendly atmosphere. The third group was involved in redesigning the north-western part of the walls, which despite of it's attractive location was not exposed enough in it's urban structure. The fourth group chose Piazza Ducale as their topic, the main square in Sabbioneta which currently is sadly used as a big parking space. The final exhibition, that was organized in Palazzo Forte showed the local authorities the hidden potential that Sabbioneta always had. The students presented over 16 AO format posters. The interesting fact is that each groups project overlapped and supplemented one ! another. The project of rebuilding Porta Vittoria was connected with the pedestrian walkway alongside the fortification. The interesting redesign and new shape of Piazza Ducale along with the skilful rejoindance with Piazza d'Armi concluded in regaining it's representative form. In conclusion - the camp seminar in Sabbioneta can be counted as a successful one. Each group acquired new experiences in planning as well as in organization. Polish students had a great opportunity to visit the southern Lombardy and experience it's culture, architecture and the unique landscape of the surrounding valleys. Faculties of both universities had tightened up their bonds, which is going to result in next year's camp in Zamość -the polish ideal city. We should hope that the outcome will be equally satisfactory as the Sabbionetan camp.
In this paper the early works done in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) at Poznań University of Technology (PUT) are overviewed. The paper is based on presentation realized during 1st Hungary-Poland-Estonia LCA Seminar (HUPLEE), held at University of Miskolc in September 2006.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu wczesnych badań w obszarze LCA, prowadzonych na Politechnice Poznańskiej. Artykuł oparto w wystąpieniu na 1st Hungary- Poland-Estonia Seminar, które odbyło się we wrześniu 2006 na Uniwersytecie w Miskolcu.
W pracy tej przedstawiono wielkości i parametry geometryczne dmuchaw promieniowych oraz wielkości i parametry kinematyczne przepływu w tych maszynach zaprojektowanych przez pracowników Katedry Techniki Cieplnej Politechniki Poznańskiej (KTC PP) oraz Zakładów Budowy Maszyn i Aparatury (ZBMiAp) im. L. Zieleniewskiego w Krakowie oraz współpracy z Ośrodkiem Badawczo-rozwojowym (OBR) Przemysłu Budowy Urządzeń Chemicznych CEBEA w Krakowie. Zaprezentowane dmuchawy promieniowe zostały wyprodukowane w ZBMiAp oraz zostały wdrożone do eksploatacji przez pracowników tych trzech instytucji. Mimo, że efekt przedstawianej współpracy dotyczy lat 1966 - 1980 to praca ta nie ma charakteru wspomnieniowego lecz jest analizą tych rozwiązań i uwarunkowań w których one powstawały.
Z roku na rok wśród studentów wzrasta zainteresowanie walkami sumo ... robotów. Zawody organizowane są od trzech lat na Politechnice Poznańskiej. W pierwszej edycji w 2004 roku do walk przystąpiło 11 zespołów, rok później było ich już 27. W tym roku aż 38 drużyn z całej Polski rywalizowało o tytuł mistrza!
The achievements, grants and awards presented to the Chair of Construction Engineering and Construction Management at PUT in the field of modelling of construction processes are reviewed in the article. The needs of phenomena analysis (e.g. waiting, equilibrium), use of the induction method and an application of hybrid methods have been indicated in the review of the problems and modelling methods. Selected areas, mainly of research published abroad by our authors, have been analysed among other publications in context of discussion of research areas.
Artykuł przedstawia osiągnięcia, tematy badań oraz nagrody Zakładu Technologii i Organizacji w Budownictwie Politechniki Poznańskiej z zakresu modelowania procesów budowlanych. W ramach przeglądu problemów i metod badawczych zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę analizy zjawisk (np. równowagi, oczekiwania), konieczność stosowania metody indukcji oraz szerszego wykorzystania metod hybrydowych. Wskazano obszary badań oraz dokonano przeglądu publikacji pracowników Zakładu - głównie obcojęzycznych.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac doświadczalnych i konstrukcyjno-pomiarowych prowadzonych przez autorów w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat. Przedstawiono jedynie te rezultaty, które znalazły praktyczne i dostatecznie szerokie zastosowanie w sieciach telekomunikacyjnych.
The paper presents practical results of experimental and constructional works conducted by the authors during last ten years. Only elaborated systems and devices with sufficiently wide usage in telecommunication networks are described.
In the paper, on the background of the history of Poznań University of Technology, operating since 1919, the history of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, established in 1929, was presented.
W prezentowanym artykule dokonano przeglądu realizowanych w ostatnich kilku latach oraz obecnie międzynarodowych projektów naukowo-badawczych, w których biorą udział zespoły badawcze Instytutu Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji. Opisano krótko cele tych projektów i zadania wykonywane przez zespoły naukowe Instytutu Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji.
In the paper overview of the international scientific projects realized during the last few years in the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications has been presented. Aims of the projects and tasks assigned to the institute scientific teams have been described.
Nauczanie elektroenergetyki charakteryzuje się koniecznością wprowadzenia do planów studiów oprócz wymaganych minimów programowych wielu przedmiotów specjalistycznych. W procesie dydaktycznym bardzo ważną rolę odgrywaj ą zajęcia prowadzone w laboratoriach uczelnianych; ponadto duże znaczenie ma możliwość prowadzenia niektórych zajęć praktycznych w obiektach energetyki zawodowej. W artykule przedstawiono na tle historycznym specyfikę nauczania elektroenergetyki w Politechnice Poznańskiej, rodzaje studiów oraz nowatorskie inicjatywy dydaktyczne w Instytucie Elektroenergetyki
The paper presets, on historical background the specifics of electric power engineering education at Poznań University of Technology and changes that are necessary in teaching system. The particular types of studies have been characterised and modern education initiatives implemented in the institute of electric power engineering have been described.
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