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The scope of this analysis included fluvial sediments of the low terrace of the Grajcarek stream in the Małe Pieniny Mts. (Western Carpathians). The structure of the terrace has been surveyed in five profiles. The sedimentary sequence includes alternating layers of gravel and calcareous mud with a maximum thickness of up to 2.2 m. A rich and varied malacofauna has been found in the mud. The age of the sediments was determined using the radiocarbon method. The sediments that make up the terrace cover the younger part of the Middle Holocene and the entire Late Holocene. The analysis of the malacofauna has allowed for the characterization of environmental changes. The most important of them dates back to the Middle Ages and is associated with the phase of intensive settlement in the Pieniny Mts.. It is indicated by deforestation and the related change in the composition and structure of malacocoenoses manifested by the replacement of forest communities by ones with open-country species. Gravel horizons are records of flood periods correlated with wet climatic phases. It is possible to distinguish six such phases covering the following periods: 6600–6100 y cal BP, 5500–5100 y cal BP, 4500–4100 y cal BP, 3200–2300 y cal BP, 2000–900 y cal BP and 400–200 y cal BP. They correspond to the periods of increased fluvial activity of rivers, intensification of mass movements, advances of alpine glaciers and the increase in the water level in lakes.
A rich molluscan fauna was found in the outcrop of slope sediments and calcareous tufas in the valley of the Ociemny Stream in the Pieniny Mts. The malacological sequence identified there represents the entire Holocene, but it contains several stratigraphical gaps. From this viewpoint, it is a unique finding within the area studied. In nine samples, 11,000 specimens of 71 species of molluscs were identified. The ecological and zoogeographical diversity of the composition and structure enabled the separation of three faunistic assemblages. The oldest assemblage (with Discus ruderatus) corresponds with the cold period of the Early Holocene and represents shadowed habitats overgrown with the coniferous forests of the taiga type. Its characteristic feature is the presence of glacial relics (e.g. Vertigo genesii and Vertigo geyeri). The other younger fauna (with Discus perspectivus) is typical of the humid and warm climate of the Atlantic Phase. It is characteristic of the habitats of mixed and deciduous forests. Numerous Balkan and Mediterranean thermophilous forms appear in this assemblage. The youngest malacoenosis (with Bithynella austriaca) is typical for the historical times. The particular intervals containing molluscan fauna are separated by gaps corresponding to the erosion phases. Because of the land relief in the valley of the Ociemny Stream, which is not conducive to the development of human economy, no marked anthropogenic deforestation occurs.
Geochemical prospecting was conducted in three areas of the Pieniny Mountains: Wżar, Jarmuta and Bryjarka regions. Rock samples were collected in the regular grid of 100 x 100 m. A total number of 786 samples were collected from these areas (449 samples near Wżar Mt., 256 samples from Jarmuta, and 81 samples from Bryjarka). Forty-one samples were taken from the Wżar and Jarmuta quarries. Thirty samples of aqueous sediments and pan concentrates were collected from streams of the study areas. The geochemical studies show elevated concentrations of Pb, As, Bi, Cd, Zn, Sn, Tl and K (Rb) in the south-western part of the Wżar Mt., and elevated concentrations of Pb, Bi, Cd, Cu, Ni, Sb, Zn, Fe, Hg and Mn in the vicinity of Jarmuta. Stream sediment samples from the Bryjarka area contain 0.358 and 0.291 ppm Hg (Ścigocki stream) and 0.037ppm Au (Szczawny stream). These anomalies suggest the presence of weak ore mineralization associated with hydrothermal processes due to andesite magmatism. Based on analytical data, it may be concluded that investigated areas of the Wżar, Bryjarka and Jarmuta Mt. are not prospective for ore deposits. The only zone that requires detailed studies is the northern part of Jarmuta, where increased concentrations of Ag within the limits of 7.0-88.0 ppm were found in slope-wash clays in 12 neighbouring samples. The studies of pan concentrates show the presence of detrital gold in the Szczawny stream (1 grain) and the Grajcarek stream (3 grains in 2 samples).
Artykuł zawiera charakterystykę geograficzną regionu Pienin, będącą materiałem wprowadzającym do zajęć tere-nowych o profilu przyrodniczym na poziomie akademickim. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono lokalizację regionu i jego podział na mikroregiony. Następnie scharakteryzowano poszczególne komponenty środowiska przyrodniczego, czyli budowę geologiczną, rzeźbę terenu, warunki klimatyczne, stosunki wodne, pokrywę glebową, szatę roślinną i faunę. W dalszej części, na tle środowiska naturalnego przeanalizowano działalność człowieka, skutkującą rozwojem krajobrazów kulturowych. Zaprezentowany w artykule opis regionu Pienin może być materiałem przykładowym i pomocniczym w konstrukcji charakterystyk innych regionów.
The paper comprises geographic characteristics of Pieniny region which is introductory material for field classes at university level. First, localization of the region was depicted and its division into microregions. Next, particular components of natural environment i.e. geological structure, land relief, climatic conditions, water relations, soils, vegetation and fauna were characterized. In the next part, human activity was discussed, against the background of natural environment, which results in development of cultural landscapes. The presented description of Pieniny, in the paper, may be exemplary and auxiliary material for the construction of characteristics of other regions.
Louis Horwitz (1875–1943), a Polish geologist of Jewish origin. Representative of the Alpine School of Geology of Prof. Maurice Lugeon in Lausanne. He was engaged in geological mapping in the Fribourg Alps. From 1919, he was associated with the Polish Geological Institute in Warsaw. Louis Horwitz conducted a detailed geological study of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, an orogenic suture zone between the Inner and Outer Carpathians. His research has contributed significantly to broadening knowledge of the stratigraphy of rocks composing the structure. Simultaneously, he was conducting mapping work of oil-bearing areas of the Eastern Flysch Carpathians. During the German occupation of Poland (after 1939), he continued research in the Pieniny Mts. Murdered by the Nazis in 1943.
Limestone rock walls of various inclination form a favourable substrate for the deposition of calcareous tufas that form cone-shaped structures located at the foot of slopes or fill niches within them. Such carbonate deposits usually contain rich and diversified molluscan assemblages, whose composition and structure closely correspond to the ambient environmental conditions in the immediate vicinity. The study of the Pieniny Mountains area revealed 10 sites with such deposits. The identified malacofouna was subjected to detailed analysis. It enabled identification of three types of faunistic assemblages (Bythinella austriaca assemblage, Pyramidula pusilla assemblage, and a shade-loving species assemblage), which are related to the conditions prevailing during the deposition. Tufa cones found in the Pieniny Mountains represent the historic period (Late Holocene). The deposits provide a record of two climatic phases: warmer and colder. The former (Medieval Warm Period) involved the intensified deposition of carbonate material and the rapid growth of tufa cones. The latter – the Little Ice Age – entailed the slow degradation of cones and slower sedimentation of tufas, while the intensified physical weathering led to the increase in the clast material proportion (sharp-edged limestone fragments). Tufas accumulated in the zone unaffected by high anthropogenic pressure and thus represent a record of natural environmental changes during the historic period
Istotą badań przedstawionych w artykule jest wykazanie zależności pomiędzy sezonowością zmian właściwości fizykochemicznych wód podziemnych oraz stopniem ich bakteriologicznego zanieczyszczenia w rejonie pienińskich pastwisk owiec. Do badań wytypowano 10 poligonów badawczych z 28 źródłami, które objęto systematycznymi badaniami okresowymi prowadzonymi na przełomie kwietnia i maja, w sierpniu oraz w grudniu 2012 r. Badania terenowe obejmowały pomiar temperatury wód podziemnych, pH, przewodności elektrolitycznej właściwej oraz stężenia związków azotowych, jak również pobór próbek wód do oznaczeń stężeń jonów głównych w wodzie i badań bakteriologicznych.
The objective of the research is to demonstrate the correlation between seasonal changes of the physicochemical properties of groundwater and the level of bacteriological pollution in the vicinity of sheep pastures. In order to test the research hypothesis, 10 research areas with 28 springs were selected that were systematically investigated during such periods: at the turn of April and May, August and December 2012. The seasonal field investigations included accurate measurements of groundwater temperature, water reaction, the electrical conductivity of water and the concentration of the nitrogen compounds. Water samples were collected in order to measure the concentrations of major ions and the bacteriological analyses.
Praca dotyczy związku przyczynowo-skutkowego, zachodzącego między wartością opadów atmosferycznych a dynamiką odpływu wód powierzchniowych z małych zlewni górskich. Analizowano zlewnie dwóch dobrze rozpoznanych potoków: Biała Woda oraz Czarna Woda, będących źródłowymi dopływami potoku Grajcarek, uchodzącego do Dunajca w miejscowości Szczawnica. Zlewnie te są do siebie podobne pod względem cech hydrograficznych, różnią się natomiast sposobem użytkowania terenu. Zlewnia Czarnej Wody jest zlewnią bardziej zalesioną. W celu szczegółowego rozpoznania relacji opad-odpływ wybrano rok hydrologiczny 2010. Zarejestrowano wówczas na stacji klimatologicznej w Jaworkach (Małe Pieniny, 600 m n.p.m.) sumaryczne opady atmosferyczne, przekraczające 1602 mm, przy czym w półroczu letnim ponad 1202 mm (75% opadu rocznego), a w półroczu zimowym 400 mm (25% opadu rocznego). W podanych warunkach meteorologicznych rejestrowano też wysokie przepływy, a także bardzo wysokie średnie odpływy jednostkowe, które w omawianym roku hydrologicznym wynosiły od 29,3 do 32,0 dm³·s-¹·km-². Znając strukturę użytkowania obu zlewni badawczych można stwierdzić, że w warunkach długotrwałych i wysokich opadów atmosferycznych powierzchnie leśne dobrze spełniają funkcje ochronne płytkich gleb górskich, jednak okrywa roślinna i glebowa nie różnicuje już tak wyraźnie odpływów.
This paper concerns the relations between the amount of precipitation and the dynamics of surface water runoff from small mountain catchments. We analysed two well-identified sub-basins of streams: Biała and Czarna Woda. Both are spring inflows to the Grajcarek stream which is a rightbank tributary of the Dunajec River. For a detailed diagnosis of the rainfall - runoff relationship the hydrological year 2010 was selected. In this year total rainfall recorded at the weather station at Jaworki (Small Pieniny, 600 m a.s.l.) exceeded 1602 mm while in the summer season the rainfall exceeded 1202 mm. In these meteorological conditions high flows and very high average unit outflows were recorded, which in the hydrological year 2010 ranged from 29.3 to 32.0 dm³·s-¹·km-². Relational analysis showed that during long and intensive precipitation forests and grasslands acted as a protection for shallow mountain soils. However, vegetation cover and soil did not have any clear influence on the differences between outflows. Under such weather conditions the effect of land use is smaller, mainly as a result of specific retention capacity of soils.
Geodynamical investigation in the Pieniny Mountain (south of Poland) were carried out since the 1960s. They contained levelling, gravimetric measurements and distance observations in horizontal network. The results reveled vertical and horizontal movements of the crust and periodic changes in gravity. In 1994-1995 horizontal network was adapted to perform GPS observations and they were carried out with leveling, gravimetric and EDM observations. In 1990s, the Dunajec river dam and the water resorvoirs in Czorsztyn and Sromowce Wyżne have been built. This has a new aspect in investigations releted to the effect of tectonic movements on the dam. Taking that into account, the study was revived, after six year break, in 2001. The investigations, which contain GPS, gravimetric and leveling observations, have been carried out every year. In this paper the result of horizontal displacement obtained from GPS measurement as well as gravity changes in 1994-2010 period are presented and yields linear trend in north-east direction less than 1 mm/year.
Jednym z najciekawszych obiektów projektowanego geoparku "Pieniny " będą sztolnie w Jarmucie i Potoku Pałkowskim. Ślady dziedzictwa górniczego szlachtowskiego rejonu eksploatacji kruszców cechują się wysokimi walorami naukowymi, historycznymi, edukacyjnymi i poznawczymi. Minerały kruszcowe eksploatowane w nich prawdopodobnie od XIV do XVIII w. związane są z występowaniem żył polimetalicznych i procesami hydrotermalnymi wokół intruzji andezytowych wschodniej części pienińskiej linii andezytowej (PAL). W historycznych kopalniach eksploatowano epitermalne, ubogie złoża złotonośne i srebronośne. Zagospodarowanie obiektów w ramach geoparku "Pieniny" może przyczynić się do rozładowania ruchu turystycznego w najpopularniejszych, zatłoczonych rejonach Pienin.
One of the most interesting objects of the future Pieniny geopark would be the Jarmuta and Patkowski stream adits. Traces of the mining heritage of an exploitation area of Szlachtowa ore are characterized by high scientific, historical, educational and cognitive values. The extraction of ore minerals which took place probably from XIV to XVIII century was connected with presence of polymetallic veins and hydrothermal processes around the andesite intrusions of the Eastern Polish part of the Pieniny Andesite Line (PAL). Historical mines exploited epithermal, poor gold-silver deposites. The land use within the Pieniny Geopark might contribute to reduction in tourist flows in the most popular and crowded parts of the Pieniny Mts.
Palaeobotanical, mainly palynological, investigations, carried out in the Tatra Mts. and Podhale region made it possible to date organic sediments as well as to trace history of migration routes of several plant taxa, mainly trees. The results of pollen analyses allowed for the reconstruction of formation of individual vegetation belts in the Tatra Mts. The development of human settlements was traced on the basis of pollen analyses of the Podhale peat bogs. The decline of the last glaciations (Weichselian) and the Holocene are the best studied periods in this area, as far as palaeobotany is concerned. In the present overview most of earlier studies were taken into consideration.
The landslide is ranking on western slope of the White Stream valley. Two colluvial barrier and accompanied them dammed-lakes have been formed. Deposits filling these lakes contains rich molluscan communities. Additionally the occurrence of plant remains allowed to dating deposits using radiocarbon method. These data make possible to reconstruction of the history of this landslide during Late Holocene.
The main aim of this paper is presentation both general history of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and two famous sites in this region: Dunajec River Gorge and Homole Gorge. According to such general introduction the authors explain also palaeogeographical position of the Pieniny Klippen Belt Basin within Mesozoic Tethyan Ocean, and especially stratigraphical position and palaeoenvironmental conditions of Middle Jurassic black shales and their significance in geodynamic reconstruction of this basin. Both the Dunajec River Gorge, one of the most popular geotouristic object within Pieniny Mts. and Homole Gorge, one of the best place to geological study of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, are most attractive natural phenomena of this geological region.
Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest prezentacja zarówno generalnej historii pienińskiego pasa skałkowego jak i dwóch słynnych miejsc tego regionu: przełomu Dunajca i wąwozu Homole. W nawiązaniu do takiego generalnego wprowadzenia autorzy przedstawiają również paleogeograficzną pozycję basenu pienińskiego pasa skałkowego w obrębie mezozoicznego oceanu Tetydy, a szczególnie stratygraficzną pozycję i paleośrodowiskowe warunki powstawania środkowojurajskich czarnych łupków oraz ich znaczenie w geodynamicznych rekonstrukcjach tego basenu. Zarówno spływ Dunajcem, jeden z najbardziej popularnych obiektów geoturystycznych w Pieninach, jak i wąwóz Homole, jedno z najlepszych miejsc do studiowania geologii pienińskiej, są najbardziej atrakcyjnymi obiektami przyrodniczymi w tym regionie geologicznym.
The main aim of this paper is the promotion of the Dunajec River Gorge, one of the most famous geological object within the Pieniny Mts (Pieniny Klippen Belt in geological sense), for tourists who are interested in geological history of this mountain range and their geomorphological features. Basing on the general geological sketch of the Carpathian region the authors explain both main geological events during the whole Mesozoic history of the area until those forming the recent landscape and present the most important parts of the Gorge. The Dunajec River Gorge is potentially the most attractive geotouristic excursion of the future trans-border PIENINY Geopark.
Głównym celem niniejszego opracowania jest promocja przełomu Dunajca, jednego z najsłynniejszych geologicznych obiektów w obrębie Pienin (pienińskiego pasa skałkowego w sensie geologicznym) wśród turystów, którzy interesują się historią geologiczną tych gór i ich walorami geomorfologicznymi. W nawiązaniu do generalnego szkicu geologii rejonu karpackiego przedstawione są zarówno główne geologiczne wydarzenia z całej mezozoicznej historii tego obszaru aż do ukształtowania się współczesnych krajobrazów jak również najważniejsze części przełomu. Przełom Dunajca jest potencjalnie najbardziej atrakcyjną wycieczką geoturystyczną przyszłego transgranicznego Geoparku PIENINY.
Instrumental and macroseismic data of a sequence of local earthquakes recorded in 1995 in the Western Carpathians (the region of Podhale, northernmost part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt) have been analysed. The earthquakes occurring in the area of the Orawa-Nowy Targ depression are the evidence that tectonic faults in this area are still seismically active. An earthquake of M = 4.1 was re-corded there in November 2004.
The late Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) volcanics of the Pieniny Mts (West Carpathians, Poland) form a swarm of small- to moderate-scale hypabyssal andesitic bodies - dykes and sills. They intruded Palaeogene flysch rocks of the Magura Nappe (Outer Carpathians), and Jurassic-Cretaceous deep-water marine deposits of the Grajcarek Unit - the northernmost tectonic unit of the Pieniny Klippen Belt. The intrusives are represented by high-K basaltic andesites and medium-K andesites, with mayor and trace elements characteristics within the range of subduction- to collision-related magmas, and multi-element patterns characteristic of subduction-related magmas. 40 K-Ar dates obtained from 27 andesite sites, determine the intrusive activity at between 13.5 Ma and c. 11 Ma, the most preferable age interval being 12.5-10.8 Ma. The Pieniny andesite intrusions belong to a post-collisional volcanic arc located in the innermost zone of the Outer Carpathian accretionary prism. They post-date the Savian collision (c. 23 Ma) in the Western Carpathians by about 10 Ma. Magmatic chamber of the andesites was probably located at the depth of 10-12 kms below the surface, within the Outer Carpathian accretionary prism, above the underthrust slab of the North-European platform.
Nine sites of the Miocene andesitic intrusions in the Pieniny Mts, Carpathians (Poland), sampled in 1999, were K-Ar dated. The dating was carried out on whole rock, groundmass and monomineral (amphibole) fractions. The present paper completes the K-Ar age study of andesitic intrusions in the Pieniny Mts, the first part of which involving 17 sites was published in 1999. The 1999 samples included both the 1st phase and the 2nd phase intrusions. The K-Ar ages of the 1st phase intrusions, 12.5 to 10.8 Ma, fall within the age range (13.5 to 11 Ma) of the majority of andesitic rocks dated previously. A 2nd phase northern dyke at Mt Wżar (Kluszkowce quarry) yielded the K-Ar whole rock date of 10.8 Ma, the youngest radiometric date recorded from andesitic intrusions of the Pieniny Mts.
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