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Traditional industrial robots come with prime movers, i.e. electric motors (EMs), which range from a few hundred to just a few kilo watts of power ratings. However, for autonomous robotic navigation systems, we require motors which are lightweight with the aspect of high torque and power density. This aspect is very critical when the EMs in robotic navigations are subjected to harsh high temperature survival conditions, where the sustainability of the performance metrics of the electromagnetic system of the EMs degrades with the prevailing high temperature conditions. Hence, this research work addresses and formulates the design methodology to develop a 630 W high temperature PMSM (HTPMSM) in the aspect of high torque and power density, which can be used for the autonomous robotic navigation systems under high temperature survival conditions of 200°C. Two types of rotor configurations i.e. the surface permanent magnet type (SPM) and the interior permanent magnet type (IPM) of HTPMSM are examined for its optimal electromagnetic metrics under the temperature conditions of 200◦C. The 630 W HTPMSM is designed to deliver the rated torque of 2 Nm within the volumetric & diametric constraints of DxL, which comes at 80 × 70 mm at the rated speed of 3 000 rpm with the survival temperature of 200°C and target efficiency greater than 90%. The FEM based results are validated through the hardware prototypes for both SPM and IPM types, and the results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design methodology of HTPMSM for sustainable autonomous robotic navigation applications.
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ dynamiki regulacji składowych wektora prądu stojana polowo-zorientowanego układu sterowania silnika synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi PMSM na pojawiające się symptomy uszkodzenia, jakim jest zwarcie zwojowe uzwojenia stojana. Przedstawiono wpływ wartości pasma przenoszenia regulacji prądu oraz częstotliwości zasilania na wartość amplitud drugich harmonicznych sygnałów prądowych i napięciowych układu sterowania. Całość zilustrowano zarówno wynikami badań symulacyjnych, jak i eksperymentalnych.
This paper presents the influence of the dynamics of the control of the stator current vector components of the field-oriented control system of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) on the appearing symptoms of a fault, which is a short-circuit within the stator winding. The influence of the value of the current control bandwidth and supply frequency on the value of the second harmonic amplitudes of the current and voltage signals of the control system is presented. The analysis is illustrated with both simulation and experimental results.
Przedstawiono wyniki analizy falownikowego napędu pompy hydraulicznej w układzie sterowania objętościowego z zastosowaniem typowych silników, tj. indukcyjnego klatkowego (IM), bezszczotkowego prądu stałego (BLDC) oraz synchronicznego ze wzbudzeniem od magnesów trwałych (PMSM). W analizie uwzględniono metody sterowania prędkością kątową silników: skalarną (v/f=const, silnik IM) polowo-zorientowaną (FOC, silniki IM i PMSM) oraz układ z regulatorem PI (silnik BLDC). Celem analizy było porównanie wymienionych silników i metod sterowania pod kątem ich zastosowania do napędu hydraulicznej stacji zasilającej z pompą o stałej wydajności. Badania laboratoryjne przeprowadzono dla napędów z silnikami o mocy ok. 2,5 kW.
The problems of inverter-fed drive control of hydraulic pump in volumetric control system with use typical motors, i.e.: cage induction (IM), brushless dc (BLDC) and synchronous permanent magnet (PMSM) have been analysed. Angular velocity in closed-loop systems for each one were analysed, including the following methods: the scalar one (v/f=const, IM motor), the field-oriented control (IM and PMSM) and control system with PI controller (BLDC). The aim of the analysis was to compare the motors and control methods in terms of their effective application to the hydraulic drive of the power station with a fixed-capacity pump. The tests were carried out for the drives with motors of rated power 2,5 kW.
W pracy przedstawiono sposób odtwarzania położenia wału silnika synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi z wykorzystaniem dodatkowego prądu wysokiej częstotliwości. Uzyskany hodograf tego prądu przetwarzany jest z użyciem analizy głównych składowych. Rezultatem przetwarzania jest informacja o poziomie dopasowania do poszczególnych wzorców. Wzorzec o najlepszym dopasowaniu określa odtworzone położenie wału maszyny. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z użyciem danych pomiarowych laboratoryjnego układu napędowego z PMSM.
This paper presents a method of estimating the shaft position of a permanent magnet synchronous motor using an additional high-frequency current. The resulting hodograph of this current is processed using principal component analysis. The result of the processing is information about the level of fit to individual patterns. The pattern with the best match determines the estimated shaft position. The research was carried out using measurement data of a laboratory drive with a PMSM.
W artykule opisano detektor uszkodzeń czujników prądu stojana w układzie napędowym z silnikiem synchronicznym z magnesami trwałymi (PMSM). Rozwiązanie to zostało wcześniej opisane dla silników indukcyjnych. Mechanizm detekcji opiera się na tzw. markerach prądowych. Zastosowanie markerów umożliwia zarówno detekcję uszkodzenia jak i lokalizację uszkodzonej fazy. Działanie systemu opiera się wyłącznie na analizie pomiarów z czujników prądu i nie wymaga dodatkowych informacji o napędzie. W pracy skupiono się na analizie badań eksperymentalnych dla opracowanego detektora uszkodzeń czujnika prądu dla różnych warunków pracy napędu PMSM sterowanego metodą DFOC.
The article describes a fault detector of stator current sensors in a drive system with a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). This solution was previously described for induction motors. The detection mechanism is based on the so-called current markers. The use of markers enables both damage detection and the location of the damaged phase. The operation of the system is based solely on the analysis of measurements from current sensors and does not require additional information about the drive. The work focuses on the analysis of experimental studies for the developed current sensor fault detector for various operating conditions of vector controlled PMSM drive.
Bearings are important components of rotating machinery and transmission systems, and are often damaged by wear, overload and shocks. Due to the low resolution of traditional time-frequency analysis for the diagnosis of bearing faults, a synchrosqueezed wavelet transform (SSWT) is proposed to improve the resolution. An improved convolutional neural network fault diagnosis model is proposed in this paper, and a Bayesian optimisation method is applied to automatically adjust the structure and hyperparameters of the model to improve the accuracy of bearing fault diagnosis. Experimental results from the accelerated life testing of bearings show that the proposed method is able to accurately identify various types of bearing fault and the different status of these faults under complex running conditions, while achieving very good generalisation ability.
The paper presents a novel hybrid cuckoo search (CS) algorithm for the optimization of the line-start permanent magnet synchronous motor (LSPMSM). The hybrid optimization algorithm developed is a merger of the heuristic algorithm with the deterministic Hooke–Jeeves method. The hybrid optimization procedure developed was tested on analytical benchmark functions and the results were compared with the classical cuckoo search algorithm, genetic algorithm, particle swarm algorithm and bat algorithm. The optimization script containing a hybrid algorithm was developed in Delphi Tiburón. The results presented show that the modified method is characterized by better accuracy. The optimization procedure developed is related to a mathematical model of the LSPMSM. The multi-objective compromise function was applied as an optimality criterion. Selected results were presented and discussed.
Modern drives with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) require both efficient control structure to ensure excellent dynamics and effective diagnostic algorithms to detect the motor faults that can occur. This paper shows the combination of both mentioned aspects – the direct-axis based signals of the Field Oriented Control (FOC) structure are proposed as diagnostic signals to allow diagnosing the interturn short-circuit failure that can appear inside stator windings. The amplitudes of second order harmonics are selected as the fault indicators. Different modelling methods are analysed and compared in detail in this paper: an analytical mathematical model, a Finite Element Method (FEM)- based model and next verified using a laboratory setup. The results obtained using all the mentioned models proved that the proposed fault indices are increasing significantly with the number of shorted turns and are independent on the load torque level.
Content available remote Metody analizy wibroakustycznej silników z magnesami trwałymi
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe metody jakie zastosować można do analizy wibroakustycznej napędów elektrycznych wykorzystujących silniki z magnesami trwałymi. Wraz ze zwiększaniem mocy, przy próbie utrzymania korzystnego stosunku masy do mocy generowanej, dochodzić może do ujawniania się niekorzystnych zjawisk będących następnie źródłami hałasu. Może to prowadzić do niekorzystnego oddziaływania takiego napędu na otoczenie, w którym pracuje.
The article presents the basic methods that can be used for vibroacoustic analysis of electric drives using synchronous motors with permanent magnets. Along with increasing power, while trying to maintain a favorable ratio of mass to generated power, unfavorable phenomena, which are then sources of noise, may appear. This can lead to an unfavorable impact of such a drive on the environment in which it operates.
The paper presents the comparative analysis of the use a two-level, three-level and five-level voltage source inverter (VSI) for supplying a five-phase synchronous motor with permanent magnets (PMSM). The motor was controlled by Indirect Field Oriented Control (IFOC) with Space Vector Modulation (SVM). Simulation tests showing influence of the inverter topology on the drive system were performed in the Matlab/Simulink environment for various values of the switching frequency - from 1 to 30 kHz. The aim of the presented simulation research is analysis of the prototype five-phase PMSM machine and preliminary development of the power supply system based on multilevel inverters. As a result it will allow to correct determination of the rated parameters of the selected devices (mainly the measurement system and semiconductors). The created model can also be used as part of a larger simulation system, e.g. in an electric vehicle.
W pracy przedstawiona została analiza porównawcza zastosowania dwupoziomowego, trójpoziomowego oraz pięciopoziomowego falownika napięcia (VSI) służącego do zasilania pięciofazowego silnika synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi. Do sterowania układu napędowego zaimplementowano tzw. sterowanie polowo-zorientowane pośrednie (IFOC) z użyciem modulatora wektora przestrzennego SVM (Space Vector Modulation). Przeprowadzone badania symulacyjne w środowisku Matlab/Simulink zostały wykonane dla różnych wartości częstotliwości kluczowania – od 1 do 30 kHz. Celem prezentowanych badań symulacyjnych jest analiza prototypowej pięciofazowej maszyny PMSM oraz wstępne opracowanie układu zasilania opartego na falownikach wielopoziomowych. W rezultacie pozwoli to na poprawne określenie parametrów znamionowych wybranych urządzeń (głównie układu pomiarowego i półprzewodników). Stworzony model może być również wykorzystany w ramach większego systemu symulacyjnego, np. w pojeździe elektrycznym.
Celem pracy było zastosowanie wybranej metody uczenia maszynowego do optymalizacji procesu zarządzania energią w pojeździe elektrycznym i minimalizacji jej zużycia w różnych warunkach pracy. Został opracowany model pojazdu składający się z dwóch silników elektrycznych IPMSM (ang. Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor), baterii oraz sił zewnętrznych oddziałujących na pojazd. Przeprowadzono wiele testów zachowania się pojazdu, podczas różnych warunków panujących w środowisku testo-wym i różnych strategii sterowania silnikiem elektrycznym. Dodatkowo została opracowana aplikacja mobilna, która pozwala na odczyt danych z żyroskopu oraz modułu GPS w celu zebrania danych uczących, walidacyjnych i testowych potrzebnych do uczenia maszynowego. W niniejszej pracy ograniczono się do zastosowano uczenia z nauczycielem. Podsumowano uzyskane wyniki i wybrano najefektywniejszy sposób optymalizacji zużycia energii.
The aim of the study was to apply a selected machine learning method to optimize the energy management process of an electric vehicle and minimize its energy consumption under various operating conditions. A vehicle model was developed, consisting of two IPMSM electric motors, batteries, and external forces acting on the vehicle. A number of tests were carried out on the vehicle's behavior, during different test environment conditions and different IPMSM motor control strategies. In addition, a mobile application was developed to read data from the gyroscope and GPS module in order to collect learning, validation, and test data needed for machine learning. In the present study, the application was limited to teaching with a teacher. The results obtained were summarized and the most effective way to optimize energy consumption was selected.
The article discusses the universal current sensor fault detection and compensation mechanism, which can be applied in three-phase power electronics (PE) symmetrical system. The mechanism is based on the assumption that a symmetrical system can be described using different components in the stationary reference frame. The solution given in article as a Cri-base detector was tested in electrical drives with induction motors (IMs) and permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). This study also proves that the same algorithm can work stable in active rectifier systems. Such an application of this detector has not been previously reported in the literature. The article describes the detection of various types of faults in different phases. The fault-tolerant voltage-oriented control (FTVOC) of an active rectifier is compared with previously described solutions for IMs and PMSMs. By analysing in various types of systems, the work proves the universality of the detector based on Cri markers.
W artykule zaprezentowano najważniejsze zalety silników PMSM wykorzystywanych jako napęd główny w pojazdach ciężarowych oraz autobusach elektrycznych. W dalszej części artykułu opisano najważniejsze kryteria, którymi należy się kierować przy projektowaniu i doborze silników trakcyjnych do napędów autobusowych, ciężarowych lub innych wymagających bardzo dużego momentu rozruchowego oraz pracy w szerokim zakresie prędkości obrotowych. Przedstawiono najważniejsze parametry elektromechaniczne silników zaprojektowanych i wykonanych w Łukasiewicz – KOMEL, a także metodę doboru i kształtowania optymalnej charakterystyki napędu. Podczas projektowania zwrócono szczególną uwagę na parametry wibroakustyczne silników, jak również na odpowiedni dobór akumulatorów trakcyjnych zasilających napęd.
The most important advantages of PMSM electric motors used as the main drive system in electric trucks and buses are presented in the paper. The most important criteria that should be used in the design of motors applied in bus drives (or other drives requiring great starting torques and operation within a wide range of rotational speeds) have been described. The electromechanical parameters of the motors with are designed and produced in Łukasiewicz - KOMEL are presented together with the procedures for selecting and shaping of the optimum drive characteristic. In motor design, particular attention has been paid to vibroacoustic parameters of the motors, as well as proper selection of traction batteries supplying the drive.
The traditional modulation method of the inverter in a permanent magnet synchronous mo- tor (PMSM) is lengthy and computationally intensive. Based on this, a simplified sinusoidal pulse width modulation method is proposed. In this method, voltage space vectors in each sector are synthesized, and the sector in which the synthesized vector is located is determined by the rotation angle of the resultant vector, and then the acting time of the basic vector is calculated by the voltage difference of the phase voltage. The problem of trigonometric functions and coordinate conversion is not involved in the whole calculation process, the calculation model is simple, and it is easy to realize digitization. Mathematical modeling is carried out by using the simulation software Matlab, and the correctness of the calculation method after optimization is verified, which provides an idea for the later research of the inverter modulation method.
The model predictive current control (MPCC) of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is highly dependent on motor parameters, and a parameter mismatch will cause the system performance degradation. Therefore, a strategy based on an internal model control (IMC) observer is proposed to correct the mismatch parameters. Firstly, based on the MPCC strategy of the PMSM, according to the dynamic model of the PMSM in a rotating orthogonal coordinate system, 𝑑-axis and 𝑞-axis current IMC observers are designed, and the stability derivation is carried out. It is proved that the observer can estimate 𝑑-axis and 𝑞-axis disturbance components caused by a parameter mismatch without static error. Then, the estimated disturbance component is compensated for by the reference voltage prediction expression. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy is verified in two different conditions. The experimental results show that the proposed control strategy can effectively compensate for the parameter mismatch disturbance in MPCC for PMSM, improve the dynamic and static performance of the system, and improve the robustness of the system. voltage prediction expression. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy is verified in two different conditions. The experimental results show that the proposed control strategy can effectively compensate for the parameter mismatch disturbance in MPCC for PMSM, improve the dynamic and static performance of the system, and improve the robustness of the system.
Today, with the longing for smart and sustainable transportation, the elevator industry has undergone major metamorphism in the field of control algorithm, electric drive, and the motor. Amongst these, regenerative drive (RD) plays a pivotal role in making elevator technology more energy efficient. Rather than wasting the recovery energy from the machine as heat, RD recovers it as green energy. Conventional direct current (DC) motors ruled the elevator industry for many years and were adopted as standard type of elevator motors. But with the advancement in electric drive technology, alternating current (AC) motors, especially induction motors, flourished in the later part. Recently with the introduction of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) technology, the elevator revolution began in terms of power quality, ride quality, and green energy. Likewise, contrasted with different types of vertical transportation machines, PMSMs have better powerful execution, compact size, and higher system-level efficiency. Recently, with the rapid improvement in intensity hardware, utilization of rare earth magnetic materials, and indubitably advanced research, PMSM has rapidly changed systems globally. PMSM is a multivariable, nonlinear, and high-coupling framework. The torque and stator current present a unique capacity connection. Attractive fields can be decoupled to gain decent power outcomes. With the presentation of regenerative PMSM, electrical drives coupled to system integrated frameworks for recovery energy has enhanced savings in power consumptions.
Due to their many advantages, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are increasingly used in not only industrial drive systems but also electric and hybrid vehicle drives, aviation and other applications. Unfortunately, PMSMs are not free from damage that occurs during their operation. It is assumed that about 40% of the damage that occurs is related to rolling bearing damage. This article focuses on the use of Kohonen neural network (KNN) for rolling bearing damage detection in a PMSM drive system. The symptoms from the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Envelope (ENV) Analysis of the mechanical vibration acceleration signal were analysed. The signal ENV was obtained by applying the Hilbert transform (HT). Two neural network functions are discussed: a detector and a classifier. The detector detected the damage and the classifier determined the type of damage to the rolling bearing (undamaged bearing, damaged rolling element, outer or inner race). The effectiveness of the analysed networks from the point of view of the applied signal processing method, map size, type of neighbourhood radius, distance function and the influence of input data normalisation are presented. The results are presented in the form of a confusion matrix, together with 2D and 3D maps of active neurons.
The direct-phase variables (DPV) model of a five-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor is developed, presenting a more detailed set of equations for the motor in machine variables. The developed DPV model is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink to observe the characteristics response of speed and torque. The results were directly compared with a similar model developed in Ansys Maxwell Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software. Comparable results were obtained thereby validating the accuracy of the DPV Model.
Przedstawiono model pięciofazowego silnika synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi. Model analizowano z wykorzystaniem programów Matlab/Simulink. Wyniki są zbliżone do modeloewania ptrzy wykorzystaniu programu Ansys Maxwell Finite Element Analysis (FEA).
W artykule opisano podstawowe parametry napędu PMSM, w skład których wchodzą: rezystancja uzwojeń, indukcyjności w osiach d-q (Ld, Lq), stała elektromotoryczna silnika ke oraz stała momentowa kt. Wyznaczanie parametrów silnika zostało przeprowadzone na specjalnie zaprojektowanym stanowisku badawczym opisanym w jednym z głównych rozdziałów artykułu. Ponadto w artykule zawarto dokładny opis procedur wyznaczania omawianych parametrów elektrycznych silnika, wraz z zestawieniem wyników badań eksperymentalnych.
The article describes the basic parameters of PMSM motor, which include: stator winding resistance, inductances (Ld, Lq), motor electrical constant ke, and torque constant kt. Motors’ parameters determination was carried out on specially designed test bench described in one of the main chapters of the article. In addition, the article contains a detailed description of the procedures for determining the electric parameters of the motor, along with the summary of experimental research results.
This article compares two sensorless control algorithms for a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) based on the back-EMF sliding mode observer (SMO). Indirect SMO (I-SMO) treats the back-EMF voltages as a disturbance. Direct SMO (D-SMO) considers back-EMF voltages as state-space variables. The same phase-locked loop (PLL) is used for both observers for extraction of the rotor position and speed values from the observed back-EMF voltages. In a sensorless control, the observed speed is used as feedback for the PI controller, and the observed position is used in the Park transformations. Both observers have been implemented and tested with standard field-oriented control. Simulation results indicate rather comparable speed and position estimation precision for both, but the D-SMO indicates slightly higher precision in steady-state. Even more, a tuning procedure of the D-SMO is more straightforward when compared to the I-SMO. Thus, the D-SMO was further verified experimentally with the OP 5600 rapid prototyping device and with a 350 W PMSM drive. Experimental results of the D-SMO are included at the end of the paper.
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