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The goal of the study was to examine ice cover conditions that accompanied the passage of convoy of seven Polish vessels from Europe to the Far East in year 1956, which initiated an international commercial shipping transit. Several different sources of information on the state of ice cover in the Arctic were used in this study. Ice conditions (decisive for ability of a merchant vessel or icebreaker to cross the route) during the following navigational seasons in most of the NSR areas showed extremely divergent results - from the most favorable to the most difficult and vice versa. Existing in years 1940-1957 ice cover conditions and shipbuilding technologies did not guarantee a successful transit passage in one navigation season. The Soviet Union used icebreakers that were not able to lead vessels in heavy ice conditions that occurred in 1950s. The NSR Administration used passive strategy ? waiting for improvement of ice conditions - instead of forcing heavy ice. Passive strategy of navigation through the NSR included wintering and continuation of passage next year when ice conditions improved. Annual variability of ice conditions approximated by third degree polynomial line showed trends well. However, the high annual anomalies of ice conditions in relation to trend line did not allow for effective forecasts on particular sections of the NSR in next navigation season.
A complex of ice cover characteristics and the season of the year were considered in relation to vessel route planning in ice-covered areas on the NSR. The criteria for navigation in ice - both year-round and seasonal were analyzed. The analysis of the experts knowledge, dissipated in the literature, allowed to identify some rules of route planning in ice-covered areas. The most important processes from the navigation point of view are the development and disintegration of ice, the formation and disintegration of fast ice and behavior of the ice massifs and polynyas. The optimal route is selected on basis of available analysis and forecast maps of ice conditions and ice class, draught and seaworthiness of the vessel. The boundary of the ice indicates areas accessible to vessels without ice class. Areas with a concentration of ice from 0 to 6/10 are used for navigation of vessels of different ice classes. Areas of concentration of ice from 7/10 up are eligible for navigation for icebreakers and vessels with a high ice class with the assistance of icebreakers. These rules were collected in the decision tree. Following such developed decision-making model the master of the vessel may take decision independently by accepting grading criteria of priorities resulting from his knowledge, experience and the circumstances of navigation. Formalized form of decision making model reduces risk of the "human factor" in the decision and thereby help improve the safety of maritime transport.
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