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The aim of the research was to develop mathematical models describing the emission of selected pollutants correlated with the residual oxygen content in the flue gas. The correlation was made for low-temperature combustion of wood pellets in biomass boilers and furnaces. The developed models can be used in modern control systems of boilers, furnaces or for precise calculation of emission factors for the discussed group of heating devices. The description was made for devices with a stationary wood pellet combustion process with a heat output range from 12 kW to 30 kW. The obtained models, not currently used in this group of devices, will allow controlling the operation of heating boilers in a sustainable and ecological way, taking into account the environmental burden.
The article presents the results of research on the impact of feeding marine reciprocating internal combustion engines with blends of diesel fuel and n-butanol on their performance parameters. The study includes a research plan and empirical results, in which the engine efficiency and emissions of harmful compounds in the exhaust gases were determined. A promising aspect is also the decrease in the concentration of NOx, which has a positive impact on reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases. An important aspect of the passive defence of a vessel is the reduction of exhaust gas temperature under nominal loads.
Road transport has become the major source of environmental pollution and it is also one of the biggest environmental risks in the EU countries. Good air quality is very important for population as pollutants have negative impacts on human health. The paper deals with relationship between air pollutants generated by road transport and the life expectancy in EU countries. At the beginning of the paper the main pollutants from motor vehicles are described and impact on human health is summarized too. We use regression analysis of panel data to analyse the relationship between chosen air pollutants and life expectancy. Our results show negative impacts of nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide, specifically reduction in life expectancy by 1.49 years for nitrogen oxides and 0.28 years for sulphur oxides with an increase of the pollutant by 1%. So according to our findings economic policy makers should focus primarily on the reduction of nitrogen and sulphur oxides.
Transport drogowy stał się głównym źródłem zanieczyszczeń i jednym z największych zagrożeń dla środowiska w krajach UE. Dobra jakość powietrza jest bardzo ważna dla populacji, ponieważ zanieczyszczenia mają negatywny wpływ na zdrowie ludzi. Artykuł dotyczy związku między zanieczyszczeniami powietrza wytwarzanymi przez transport drogowy a oczekiwaną długością życia w krajach UE. Na początku artykułu opisano główne zanieczyszczenia pochodzące z pojazdów samochodowych oraz podsumowano wpływ na zdrowie ludzi. Wykorzystujemy analizę regresji danych panelowych do analizy związku między wybranymi zanieczyszczeniami powietrza a oczekiwaną długością życia. Nasze wyniki pokazują negatywny wpływ tlenku azotu i tlenku siarki na zdrowie, w szczególności na skrócenie oczekiwanej długości życia o 1,49 roku w przypadku zanieczyszczenia tlenkami azotu i 0,28 roku w przypadku zanieczyszczenia tlenkami siarki, przy wzroście zanieczyszczenia o 1%. Zgodnie z naszymi ustaleniami decydenci polityczni powinni skupić się przede wszystkim na redukcji poziomu tych zanieczyszczeń.
Content available Plasma technology to remove NOx from off-gases
Operation of marine diesel engines causes signifi cant emission of sulphur and nitrogen oxides. It was noticed worldwide and the regulations concerning harmful emissions were introduced. There were several solutions elaborated; however, emission control for both SOx and NOx requires two distinctive processes realized in separated devices, which is problematic due to limited space on ship board and high overall costs. Therefore, the electron beam flue gas treatment (EBFGT) process was adopted to ensure the abatement of the problem of marine diesel off-gases. This novel solution combines two main processes: fi rst the fl ue gas is irradiated with electron beam where NO and SO2 are oxidized; the second stage is wet scrubbing to remove both pollutants with high efficiency. Laboratory tests showed that this process could be effectively applied to remove SO2 and NOx from diesel engine off-gases. Different compositions of absorbing solution with three different oxidants (NaClO, NaClO2 and NaClO3) were tested. The highest NOx removal efficiency (>96%) was obtained when seawater-NaClO2-NaOH was used as scrubber solution at 10.9 kGy dose. The process was further tested in real maritime conditions at Riga shipyard, Latvia. More than 45% NOx was removed at a 5.5 kGy dose, corresponding to 4800 Nm3 /h off-gases arising from ship emission. The operation of the plant was the first case of examination of the hybrid electron beam technology in real conditions. Taking into account the experiment conditions, good agreement was obtained with laboratory tests. The results obtained in Riga shipyard provided valuable information for the application of this technology for control of large cargo ship emission.
Content available remote Kompozyty cementowe modyfikowane węglem aktywnym
Współczesny rozwój cywilizacyjny ma negatywny wpływ na otaczające nas środowisko. Jest to szczególnie zauważalne na terenach zurbanizowanych, gdzie występuje intensywne zanieczyszczenie nie tylko gleby, wody, ale przede wszystkim powietrza. Wśród zanieczyszczeń gazowych należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na tlenki azotu (popularnie oznaczane jako NOx). W artykule przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań laboratoryjnych nad zastosowaniem dodatku węgla aktywnego do modyfikacji kompozytów cementowych. Potwierdziły one korzystne efekty zastosowania tego dodatku w celu zwiększenia efektywności pochłaniania tlenków azotu. Proponowana technologia ma tę przewagę nad cementami z dodatkiem TiO2, że nie wymaga aktywacji promieniowaniem UV. Z tego powodu kompozyty cementowe modyfikowane węglem aktywnym mogą być zastosowane w garażach, przejściach podziemnych czy tunelach.
Contemporary civilization development has a negative impact on the surrounding environment. It is especially noticeable in urbanized areas where there is intense pollution not only of soil and water, but most of all air. Among the gaseous pollutants, particular attention should be paid to nitrogen oxides (commonly written as NOx). The results of preliminary research on the use of the addition of activated carbon for the modification of cement composites are presented in the article. The obtained results of laboratory tests confirmed the beneficial aspects of using this additive in order to increase the efficiency of nitrogen oxide adsorption by cement composites. The proposed technology complements the hitherto used cements with the addition of TiO2. However, it has the advantage that it does not require activation by UV radiation. Hence, cementitious composites modified with activated carbon can be used in garages, underground passages and tunnels.
This paper reviews the emissions of reactive nitrogen compounds (RNCs) from modern vehicles fitted with spark ignition engines and three-way catalysts. Specific aspects of the pollutants involved - and their formation - are discussed. Cold start driving cycles are scenarios under which emissions of all four RNCs can be significant; the mechanisms behind emissions trends are explored. Experimental data obtained from two vehicles tested over two different cold start driving cycles are presented and analysed. The use of gravimetric and molar metrics are explored. Ammonia, a species which is currently not regulated for passenger cars in any automotive market, is identified as forming the majority of the RNC emissions over the entire driving cycle. While ammonia emissions are strongly linked to aftertreatment system warmup and periods of high load, significant ammonia emissions were also measured under certain hot-running, low load conditions, and even at idle. For the majority of the duration of the test procedures employed, the RNC profile was dominated by ammonia, which accounted for between 69% and 86% of measured RNCs in the exhaust gas. Emissions are compared to the available legislative precedents (i.e. emissions limits currently in force in various jurisdictions). Finally, possibilities for control of exhaust emissions of currently unregulated RNCs are briefly discussed.
In the present study, an innovative design of a urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system without conventional mixing elements was developed. The aim was to obtain a high degree of urea decomposition, and uniform ammonia distribution at the inlet to the catalyst, while minimising the liquid film deposition and keeping the compact design. The concept of the design was based on creating high turbulence and elongating the flow paths of the droplets. The design was verified through a series of numerical simulations based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach and a discrete droplet model (DDM) spray representation. The analysis included various operating conditions as well as subcooled and superheated sprays. A uniform ammonia distribution was achieved regardless of the operating points and spray properties. Additionally, in the case of a flash-boiling injection, a further reduction of the wall film was observed.
Natural layered clays (bentonite and vermiculite) and natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) were tested and compared as the supports of the catalysts forselective catalytic reduction withammonia (NH3-SCR). The raw materials were modified in order to improve their catalytic properties. Layered clays were treated with HNO3 and intercalated with Al2O3 pillars to enhance their acidity, porosity and specific surface area. Clinoptilolite was ion-exchanged with NH4NO3 in order to increase the content of Brönsted acid sites, indispensablefor NH3 adsorptionduring the reaction. Subsequently, iron as an active phase was deposited on the modified supports by various methods, including incipient wetness impregnation, ion-exchange and co-precipitation. The efficiency of these methods was compared as NOx conversionobtained for each material. XRD analysis indicated that the initial modifications affected the structure of the raw aluminosilicates. FT-IR measurement confirmed the presence of characteristic Si-O and Al-O bonds and H2O molecules that occurnaturally in the materials. UV-Vis spectroscopy results indicated that different types of Fe species were deposited on the catalysts surface and theirform strongly depends on the type of the support. NH3-SCR catalytic tests showedthat all of the analyzed materials exhibitsatisfactory level of NO conversion and negligible concentration of by-product (N2O) in the exhaust gas. The highest catalytic activity (ca. 50% at 170°C and over 95% above 250°C) was obtained for Fe-Bent. The lowest concentration of N2O in the flue gas (less than 5 ppm in the whole temperature range) was observed for Fe-Clin.
Degradation of the environment is nowadays believed to be the most alarming problem that needs to be solved. Global warming and environmental pollution are predicted to cause a catastrophic chain reaction leading to species extinction, mass emigration due to rising sea levels and global crisis. The only solution suggested by international organizations is the immediate reduction of greenhouse gases and other harmful substances. Marine transportation harmful substances into the atmosphere are recognized to be a significant source of global atmospheric pollution. Despite the high efficiency of marine diesel engines, their impact on the environment is considerable. Due to environmentally friendly policies, modern engines concerns about not only efficiency but also mainly about s aspects. This article analyses and compares marine s exhaust gases reduction methods. Especially the most harmful substances emitted by ships were taken into consideration. The article presents the most crucial law regulations of harmful substances to the atmosphere, pointing at actual and possible future implementations. The most complex methods allowing meeting the latest limits were presented. Pros and cons of available control methods were thoroughly described and methods were compared. The most adequate methods form the effectiveness and economical point of view was pointed out.
The aim of the experimental research was to determine the impact of changes in the air-fuel equivalence ratio during the combustion of wood pellet in the boiler on the CO and NOx emissions. In order to realize the tests, 10 kW wood pellet boiler equipped with a dedicated wood pellet burner was employed. On the basis of the research, the relationship between the level of harmful substances emitted under the influence of changes in the air-fuel equivalence ratio was presented. The obtained results and conclusions based on them can be used to optimize the design of heating devices fed by wood pellets.
Reactive pollutant dispersion in a 3-D urban street canyon is numerically investigated using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code (Ansys-CFX), with the k–ε turbulence model and includes transport equations for NO, NO2, and O3 with simple photochemistry. An area emission source of NO and NO2 was considered in the presence of background O3 with an ambient wind perpendicular to the along-canyon direction. The results showed that the magnitude of NOx (NO+NO2) concentrations on the leeward side of the upstream buildings was much larger than the windward side of the downstream building, due to the entrainment and dispersion of traffic emissions by the primary vortex. The reverse is the case for ozone with higher concentrations on the windward side compared to the leeward side. The model has been validated against no-reactive pollutant experimental data of the wind tunnel experiments of Hoydysh and Dabberdt [1].
Spalanie paliw kopalnych pociąga za sobą emisję szkodliwych gazów do atmosfery. Stale postępujący rozwój przemysłu na świecie wpływa na zwiększone zapotrzebowanie na energię elektryczną oraz cieplną, a co za tym idzie, intensyfikuje wielkość generowanego ekwiwalentu tlenków azotu. Na szczęście, istnieje szereg metod, które umożliwiają niwelowanie przedostawania się szkodliwych gazów do atmosfery.
To reduce exhaust NOx and smoke, it is important to measure flame temperature and soot amount in combustion chamber. In diesel combustion it is effective to use the two-color method for the measurement of the flame temperature and KL factor, which is related with soot concentration. The diesel flame was directly and continuously observed from the combustion chamber at running engine condition by using a bore scope and a high-speed video camera. The experimental single cylinder engine has 2.0-liter displacement and has the ability with up to five times of the boost pressure than the naturally aspirated engine by external super-charger. The devices of High Boost, Wide Range and High EGR rate at keeping a relatively high excess air ratio were installed in this research engine in order to reduce exhaust NOx emission without smoke deterioration from diesel engines. The video camera nac GX-1 was used in this study. From observed data under the changing EGR rates, the flame temperature and KL factor were obtained by the software of two-color method analysis. The diesel combustion processes are understood well by analyzing high-speed movies of the diesel flame motion and its temperature. The NOx and smoke are mutually related to maximum flame temperature and also it is possible to reduce simultaneously both NOx and soot emissions by high EGR rate in a single cylinder diesel engine.
The article presents the results of experimental research on changes in concentrations of harmful substances in flue gases by burning and co-firing wood pellets with wheat seeds. Undertaking this research is aimed at defining new directions in the development of combustion and co-firing techniques operating in individual heating. The main purpose of the conducted research was to check whether it is possible to co-firing wood pellets with wheat seeds in a modern low power boiler with a pellet burner installed. The final stage of the research was to check the level of concentrations of harmful substances emitted from the burning process of wood pellets and to check whether co-firing of wood pellets with wheat seeds in mixtures of 70:30 and 50:50 reduces the emission of harmful substances. The article describes the applied methodology of the conducted research and a full analysis of the results obtained. The effect of the conducted research is to determine the effect of burning wood pellets with wheat seeds on the operation of pellet burners and to determine the degree of environmental burden of harmful substances.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych zmian stężeń substancji szkodliwych w spalinach ze spalania i współspalania peletów drzewnych z nasionami zbóż. Pod- jęcie tych badań ma na celu określenie nowych kierunków rozwoju technik spalania i współspalania stosowanych w ciepłownictwie indywidualnym. Podstawowym celem przeprowadzonych badań było sprawdzenie czy istnieje możliwość współspalania peletów drzewnych z nasionami pszenicy w nowoczesnym kotle grzewczym. Ostatnim etapem badań było określenie stopnia emisji substancji szkodliwych z procesu spalania peletów oraz z współspalania peletu z nasionami pszenicy w stosunku 70:30 i 50:50. W artykule opisano zastosowaną metodykę badań oraz analizę otrzymanych wyników. Efektem przeprowadzonych badań jest określenie wpływu spalania peletów z nasionami zbóż na stopień obciążenia środowiska przez emisję substancji szkodliwych.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań nad efektywnością ograniczenia stężenia tlenków azotu w gazach odlotowych z instalacji wypalania klinkieru metody suchej z długim piecem obrotowym przy wykorzystaniu nadtlenku wodoru o stężeniu 30%. Badania przeprowadzono na doświadczalnej instalacji o przepustowości gazów wynoszącej 5000 m3n/h, przy temperaturze na wejściu do instalacji ok. 170°C i wilgotności gazów na poziomie 3–4%. Podczas badań w sposób ciągły kontrolowano parametry gazu, takie jak: strumień gazów, temperatura, skład gazów. Efektywność usuwania NOx z gazów wynosiła od 10 do 60%. Podstawowe czynniki wpływające na tę efektywność to strumień masy dozowanego nadtlenku wodoru oraz skład oczyszczanych gazów.
This paper presents the results of preliminary research on efficiency of nitrous oxides concentration reduction in exhaust gases from long dry kiln using 30% hydrogen peroxide solution. Research was conducted on an experimental installation with a gas throughput of 5000 nm3/h at the gas inlet temperature of 170°C and gas moisture of 3–4%. During the tests parameters such as: gas flow rate, temperature and gas composition were monitored constantly. The efficiency of removing NOx from exhaust gases was from 10 to 60%. Primary factors influencing this efficiency are mass flow rate of hydrogen peroxide and composition of exhaust gas.
The aim of the research was to assess the state of air pollution with mentioned pollution for the area of the city of Bialystok. The analysis was carried out using data from 2 air monitoring stations. The stations are owned by the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Bialystok. The work also compared the air quality in Bialystok with the air quality in the main voivodship cities with a similar population: Olsztyn, Lublin, Bydgoszcz and two of the largest urban agglomerations in the country: Warsaw and Wroclaw. It was found that the quality of air in the city of Bialystok compared to the analyzed cities is the best. In addition, it was observed that increased concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 suspended dust occur in Bialystok in the months of X-III, due to the low emission from combustion of fuels.
Celem opisanych badań było określenie unosu zanieczyszczeń gazowych powstających podczas procesu wypalania łupków przywęglowych w pęcherzowym złożu fluidalnym. Łupki do badań pozyskano z zakładów wzbogacania węgla 5. górnośląskich kopalń z Rybnika, Bierunia i Łazisk Górnych. Stężenia gazów cieplarnianych CO2, N2O, CH4, wynosiły odpowiednio 8,8-10,3%, 30,7-60,6 mg/m3, 63,3-300,3 mg/m3. Stężenia NOx oraz SO2 zmieniały się odpowiednio od 179 mg/m3 do 444 mg/m3 oraz od 450 mg/m3 do 1044 mg/m3. Termiczne przetwarzanie łupków przywęglowych powinno się odbywać w kontrolowanych warunkach, w instalacjach o rozbudowanej linii oczyszczania spalin.
The aim of the research was to determine the emissions of gaseous pollutants formed during coal shales incineration in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The coal shales were obtained from coal preparation plants of the 5th Upper Silesian mines from Rybnik, Bieruń and Łazisk Górne. The concentrations of greenhouse gases CO2, N2O, CH4 were respectively 8.8-10.3%, 30.7-60.6 mg/m3, 63.3-300.3 mg/m3. The NOx and SO2 concentrations varied from 179 to 444 mg/m3 and from 450 to 1044 mg/m3, respectively. Thermal processing of coal shales should take place under controlled conditions in installations with an extensive exhaust gas treatment line.
The primary methods of reducing nitrogen oxides, despite the development of more advanced technologies, will continue to be the basis for NOx reduction. This paper presents the results of multivariate numerical studies on the impact of air staging on the flue gas temperature and composition, as well as on NOx emissions in a OP 230 boiler furnace. A numerical model of the furnace and the platen superheater was validated based on measurements using a 0-dimensional model of the boiler. Numerical simulations were performed using the ANSYS Workbench package. It is shown that changes in the distribution of air to OFA nozzles, the angle of the air outflow from the nozzles and the nozzle location involve a change in the flue gas temperature and in the volume of NOx and CO emissions at the furnace outlet.
An attempt has been made to clarify the effect of wide-ranging control of the exhaust gas recirculation system on the cylinder pressure and ecological engine performance. This publication contains the results of tests performed on the CI (compression ignition) engine of the off-road vehicle mounted on the test bench. The study was based on advanced EGR control with a proportional valve and a very efficient exhaust gases cooling system. Analysis of the test results is based on the cylinder pressure and the concentration of NOx and PM components at exhaust gases. The study included the influence of the exhaust gas recirculation system control on parameters such as differential pressure, MBF, and relative NOx and PM emissions. As demonstrated by the analysis conducted, the EGR valve control method and the exhaust gas cooling intensity significantly affect the cylinder pressure and its ecological performance.
Highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions have been widely known and used as rocket mono-propellants and oxidisers in the aerospace industry. However, the use of hydrogen peroxide is becoming more and more important in other fields of modern industry – being applicable to novel formulations of base high explosives for use in mining as a kind of industrial “green explosive”. The authors, explain the facts and dispel some of the myths concerning both the medium and the potentially explosive mixtures based on it. The method of preparation and safe handling of 98%+ hydrogen peroxide is briefly presented and advocated by some of the experimental and literature examples. The paper contains both historical and modern approaches to concentrated hydrogen peroxide based mixtures that have been reported as undergoing detonation. The safety concerns, especially those related to their potential explosiveness during preparation, handling or utilisation are analysed as well. New potential applications of hydrogen peroxide based mixtures that can be used as industrial explosives with low NOx emission levels are presented. The potential of the medium as a “green” and easy to handle oxidising compound that may replace ammonium nitrate in a variety of emulsion and blended ANFO-emulsion commercial explosives that currently constitute the majority of explosives used in the mining industry, is underlined.
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