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w słowach kluczowych:  NAVSTAR GPS
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Content available Analiz algoritmov detektirovaniâ GNSS-spufinga
The article discusses the new algorithms for detect of GNSS-spoofing based on a comparison of the pseudorange measurements results of navigation satellites and calculate the coordinates of a pair of GNSSreceivers in two modes: the normal GNSS-navigation and mode of the spoofing. The theoretical studies have shown that a single-antenna mode spoofing under certain conditions gives us the same measured pseudoranges. The calculated distance between the two antennas of GNSS-receivers gives us zero. In a mode of the normal GNSS-navigation computed distance between the antennas of the two GNSS-receivers exceeds the true distance to the tens of meters. These differences are used as the basic detection spoofing parameters.
Ogromny postęp dzisiejszej motoryzacji, zaawansowanie technologiczne produkowanych pojazdów, przed którymi stawia się duże wymagania, prowadzi do konieczności ciągłego poddawania ich badaniom statycznym, jak i dynamicznym. Jednym z badań przeprowadzanych dla nowo opracowanych konstrukcji silnikowych jest sporządzenie ich charakterystyk zewnętrznych zarówno w warunkach ustalonych, jak i nieustalonych. Ponadto badania diagnostyczne samochodu są badaniami trakcyjnymi, obejmującymi pomiary nieustalonego ruchu pojazdu podczas jego rozpędzania i oceny jego własności dynamicznych. Przeprowadzenie tych badań przy wykorzystaniu systemu nawigacji satelitarnej GPS (Global Positioning System) pozwala na stworzenie alternatywnej metody badań trakcyjnych, znacznie tańszej od metody tradycyjnej, wymagającej odcinków drogi o idealnie poziomej nawierzchni, czyli budowy i znacznych kosztów utrzymania takich odcinków dróg. W ramach pracy przeprowadzono analizę dokładności wyznaczenia charakterystyki zewnętrznej silnika pojazdu w warunkach nieustalonych z wykorzystaniem optycznego systemu CORRSYSDATRON i systemu nawigacji satelitarnej GPS, umożliwiającego wyznaczenie zmian wysokości przemieszczania się pojazdu badawczego, a tym samym wyznaczenie oporów wzniesienia - niemożliwych do określenia tradycyjną metodą. Osiągnięto bardzo dobrą powtarzalność wyników, średni błąd wyznaczenia momentu obrotowego jest na poziomie 2,6%, a mocy efektywnej ok. 1,4%. Potwierdza to, że opracowana metoda może być alternatywą do powszechnie stosowanego systemu optycznego.
Today’s demand for advanced technologies in motor vehicles has made continuous static and dynamic research into these vehicles a necessity. One of the studies carried out for any newly developed motor design is the determination of their external characteristics in both steady and transient conditions. Additionally, full diagnostic tests include - among others - the measurement of the transient movement of a vehicle during its acceleration and the estimation of its dynamic properties. This research, carried out using a satellite navigation system GPS (Global Positioning System), allows an alternative method of traction research to be created. This method is considerably cheaper than traditional methods which need sections of road with a perfectly level surface, which obviously involves substantial costs in terms of road making and the maintenance of such roads. In the paper, an analysis of the accurate determination of the external characteristics of an engine in transient conditions using an optical CORRSYS-DATRON and a satellite navigation GPS system is presented. The GPS allows changes in the dislocation height of the tested vehicle to be determined, and so determining the grade resistance - which is impossible using traditional methods. Good repeatability of results was achieved with an average determination error of 2,6% for the torque, and 1,4% for effective power. This confirms that the proposed method could be an alternative to the commonly used optical system.
Aktualnie wyznaczanie pozycji w oparciu o nawigację satelitarną jest możliwe dzięki amerykańskiemu systemowi NAVSTAR GPS, który może być wspomagany rosyjskim systemem GLONASS. W budowie są kolejne dwa systemy o zasięgu globalnym. Funkcjonują oraz są tworzone rozmaite regionalne systemy nawigacji satelitarnej oraz naziemne systemy wspomagające. W pracy poddano analizie istotność wsparcia sygnałami satelitów systemu GLONASS w geodezyjnym wyznaczaniu współrzędnych punktów w czasie rzeczywistym. Opracowanie oparto na wynikach pomiarów wykonanych na dwukilometrowym odcinku torów. Z punktu widzenia pomiarów satelitarnych w czasie rzeczywistym (RTK GPS, RTK GNSS, RTN) warunki realizacji pomiarów były niekorzystne ze względu na przesłonięcia horyzontu wynikające z topografii terenu i przede wszystkim sąsiadujących z mierzoną linią kolejową szpalerów drzew. W bardzo krótkich, kilkusekundowych pomiarach w czasie rzeczywistym aspekt wsparcia wyznaczania pozycji punktów sygnałami satelitów systemu GLONASS powinien być najbardziej widoczny, jeśli występuje.
At the moment, the mapping out geographical coordinates using satellite navigation is possible owing to the American NAVISTAR GPS system, which can be aided by Russian GLONASS system. The next two systems of global range are now under construction. There are in operation or creation various systems of regional satellite navigation and an earth aided systems. The significance of support by satellite signals from SLONASS system in real time geodesic mapping out coordinates of points has been analysed. The elaboration has been based on results of measurement collected at two kilometers section of railway line. From the point of real time satellite (RTK GPS, RTK GNSS, RTN) measurements' view the conditions of measurement execution were rather demanding because of horizon obstructed by the topography of an area and the most of all, by the avenue of trees close to the railway line.
Content available GNSS systems in vehicle fleet management
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in connection with other technologies, such as mobile telephone GSM will improve management of chains of orders and fleet management in all types of transport. The paper describes existing navigation satellite systems (NAVSTAR GPS, GLONASS, EGNOS). It also presents advantages and barriers of using GNSS in transportation systems.
Globalny Satelitarny System Nawigacyjny (GNSS) w połączeniu z innymi technologiami, takimi jak telefonia komórkowa GSM, będzie wpływał na usprawnienie zarządzania łańcuchem zamówień oraz zarządzania flotą we wszystkich typach transportu. Referat opisuje istniejące nawigacyjne systemy satelitarne (NAVSTAR GPS, GLONASS, EGNOS). Zostały również przedstawione zalety oraz przeszkody wykorzystywania GNSS w systemach transportowych.
Współczesna logistyka nowoczesnych gałęzi transportu wymusza zastosowanie coraz bardziej zaawansowanych narzędzi monitorujących i rejestrujących. W pracy umieszczono opis urządzenia monitorującego typu off-line składającego się z cyfrowego rejestratora trasy i odbiornika sygnału NAVSTAR GPS oraz przedstawiono wyniki jego zastosowania do optymalizacji trasy pojazdu.
Contemporary logistics of modern transport branch forces the use of highly sophisticated monitoring and logging tools. The description of off-line monitoring device is presented in the paper. The device consists of digital data logger and NAVSTAR GPS signal receiver. The results of applying the device to vehicle route optimization is also presented in the paper.
Content available remote GPS w zarządzaniu informacją o środowisku
The use of GPS receivers in scientific research, in the implementation of research results or in the completion of environmental tasks defined in certain EU directives, is becoming increasingly important. The measurement technique and receiver operation have been made simple and user-friendly, meaning that research biologists can often take themselves field measurements that in previous years required the skills of a chartered land surveyor. Geometric and descriptive databases updated on a daily basis are indispensable for the efficient operation of GIS/SIP systems that support decisionmaking processes and the implementation of protection programmes in national parks and other environmentally sensitive areas. GPS receivers with the option of logging measurement data are becoming the most popular tool used to update databases in an efficient and affordable way. The need to develop digital maps of protected areas and forested land managed by Regional Forest Enterprises has been emphasised more and more in recent years. In many cases, a DGPS measurement is the only source of information in the process of reviewing existing data (e.g. in the calibration of analogue maps) or measurements of control points on archived aerial photographs. Recent examples of the implementation of GPS technology in environmental research include the development of photo-interpretation models used to obtain remote-sensing pictures (aerial photographs and satellite images), or navigation in training, monitoring and observation areas. A GPS receiver, equipped with a data logging device and software, including a data dictionary, significantly improves the efficiency of field data collection and the transfer of data to geometric and descriptive databases of GIS (SIP) systems. The scope of use of GPS receivers in Polish national parks (NP) varies according to the financial resources available to purchase the receivers, the GIS systems implemented and the adoption of an open approach to geomatics systems. The National Forest Enterprise (PGL Lasy Panstwowe), which manages 25% of the Polish territory, approved the use of GPS receivers in forest management in 2001. The receivers have principally been used to update the Forest Digital Map, i.e. a geometric database. The map viewers and software necessary to update information, introduced recently, enable managers to make use of data obtained from GPS receivers. The receivers may be useful in the operation of forest machinery (forest utilisation) or in protective action (aerial spraying or fire fighting) - these options have also been implemented in the National Forest Enterprise. The use of GPS in navigation significantly reduces expenditure on transport and optimises journeys to monitoring points. In view of the National Afforestation Programme adopted by the Polish government, the use of GPS receivers in navigating and measuring newly forested areas or wood succession in post-agricultural areas takes on a new dimension. Recently, we have observed a growing interest from biologists and personnel employed in national parks or nature reserves in the integration of GPS receivers with data logging devices equipped with LCD displays, i.e. with hand-held computers. The EU programmes, including Phare, have provided significant support for managers applying the GPS technology in areas included in the "Natura 2000" European ecological network. Large-scale use of GPS receivers in protected areas with varying status, and even in the National Forest Enterprise, has its disadvantages resulting from the relatively low accuracy of the devices that are actually used. The consequences of a measuring error in the positioning of a wolf track, even by a dozen metres, may be negligible, but measurements of nature reserve boundaries or the location of an endangered plant species require precision - the use of differential measurements (DGPS) is necessary. Unfortunately, this method is not always available due to receiver features; moreover, some sers are not aware of the Differential GPS method. In most cases, measurements are corrected with the use of data from base-stations (Tatra NP), radio beacons on the Baltic Sea coast (Woliński NP, Słowiński NP), satellite signals or signals from the generally available Active Geodetic Network (ASG-PL), which were used in the tests performed in Miasteczko Śląskie.
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