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The Mesozoic sedimentary sequences in the Western Tethys Realm are incorporated in different mountain ranges, most of them located in the eastern Mediterranean area (Eastern and Southern Alps; Western, Eastern and Southern Carpathians; Dinarides, Albanides, Hellenides; units in the Pannonian realm: Pelso, Tisza), others are located to the west (e.g. the Apennine and the Betic Cordillera) These mountain ranges were formed since the Jurassic and experienced in parts polyphase mountain building processes and deformation, lasting until today. Therefore, the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the different Wilson cycles are in cases hard to assign to a specific cycle, because the evolution of the different Wilson cycles is overlapping. This resulted in contrasting palaeogeographic reconstructions and controversial regional tectonic interpretations. In general, two different Wilson cycles can be distinguished. The older Wilson cycle reflect the geodynamic history of the Neo-Tethys (Meliata-Hallstatt, Maliac, Vardar, Pindos/Mirdita/Dinaridic oceans in other nomenclature), and the formed orogen is part of the Tethysides with following evolution as documented in the sedimentary record of the wider Adria plate: – A Late Permian to Middle Anisian rift (graben) stadium with sedimentation of siliciclastics and carbonate ramp deposits in an epicontinental sea. – A Middle Anisian to Middle Jurassic passive margin evolution after the late Middle Anisian oceanic break-up: a) The complex Middle to Late Triassic shallow- to deep-water carbonate platform evolution from the inner shelf (platform facies) to the outer shelf (open-marine basinal facies), and b) the Early to Middle Jurassic pelagic platform evolution. – A Middle to Late Jurassic convergent tectonic regime triggered by ophiolite obduction (“active continental margin evolution”) with the interplay of thrusting, trench and trench-like basin formation, mass movements, and the onset and growth of carbonate platforms, followed by latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous mountain uplift and unroofing. – Final closure of the remaining open part of the NeoTethys (= Vardar Ocean) in Late Cretaceous to Paleogene times. The younger Wilson cycle reflect the geodynamic history of the Alpine Atlantic (Ligurian, Piemont, Pennine, Vah, Alpine Tethys oceans in other nomenclature), and the formed orogen is part of the Alpides with following evolution as documented in the sedimentary record of the wider Adria plate: – An Early Jurassic (Hettangian to Toarcian) rift (graben) stadium with sedimentation of fully marine deposits in areas the rift cross-cut the older proximal Neo-Tethys shelf and siliciclastics and carbonate ramp deposits in areas the rift cross-cut continental domains. – A Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous passive margin evolution after the oceanic break-up since the Toarcian with formation of shallow-water platforms in latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous times in certain areas, but predominantly with deposition of hemipelagic sedimentary sequences. – ALate Cretaceous to Paleogene convergent tectonic regime triggered by subduction and subsequent continent (wider Adria)  – continent collision (Europe), followed by Neogene mountain uplift and unroofing. In contrast to the fairly well understood Alpine Atlantic Wilson cycle a lot of open questions exist regarding the NeoTethys Wilson cycle. The main focus is therefore the time frame before the “Mid-Cretaceous” mountain building process with the rearrangement of tectonic units, i.e. the Mesozoic plate configuration in the Western Tethys Realm. Due to the fact that the “Mid-Cretaceous” and younger polyphase tectonic motions and block rotations draws a veil over the older Mesozoic plate configuration, several crucial and still topical questions remain, e.g.: 1) How many Triassic-Jurassic oceans existed in the Western Tethyan Realm. Show these oceanic domains different life cycles, i.e. is the opening and the closure of these oceanic domains contemporaneous or differ their age, and where are the suture zones? In general, two main types of contrasting interpretations/models remain: a) Multi-ocean reconstructions with several oceanic domains between continental blocks, and b) One-ocean reconstruction: an allochthonous model which interprets the ophiolites as overthrust ophiolitic nappe stack (or single ophiolite sheet) from the Neo-Tethys to the southeast to east. 2) Were the Southern Alps/Dinarides/Albanides/Hellenides, the Eastern Alps/Western Carpathians plus some Pannonian units (ALCAPA), some units in the Circum-Pannonian realm (e.g., Tisza Unit), and Pelagonia (including Drina-Ivanjica Unit) independent microplates between independent oceanic domains in Triassic-Jurassic times? Or have these units been scattered by polyphase younger tectonic movements modifying an united continental realm (north-western part of Pangaea) of the Triassic European shelf? The Early Jurassic Pangaea break-up resulted, e.g., in the opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean and its eastward continuation, the Alpine Atlantic.
Phetchabun National Geopark comprises varied geosites; one of the fluvial bedrock landforms distinguished here is Loei Dun. This shows many potholes in Mesozoic sandstone of the Nam Phong Formation (Khorat Group). A genetic study of the occurrence of the Loei Dun potholes lends it a higher geoheritage value. For the present study we did fieldwork and carried out petrographical and geotechnical analyses so as to classify and characterise the potholes and consider geotourism potentials. Petrographically, the bedrock sandstone is a lithic arenite which consists of 82-96 percent very fine to coarse, well-sorted subangular sand with low sphericity and calcite cementation. Our geotechnical analysis of the bedrock sandstone suggests that pothole occurrence may be linked to low rock strength and slake durability index with high rock absorption and porosity at Loei Dun. Field studies confirmed the impact of other factors such as joints/faults, fluvial conditions and biological weathering. There are five types of pothole, viz., simple ones, potholes with external furrows, compound potholes, breached potholes and lateral ones. The present study adds educational value to the Loei Dun geosite at Phetchabun Geoparks and cultural and economic aspects can be further strengthened through the development of geotourism in the area.
The Early Jurassic succession of the Holy Cross Mountains region in Poland offers a rare opportunity to study ecosystem complexity during the evolution and diversification of early dinosaurs, especially herbivorous ones. The section consists of continental and coastal deposits containing fossil assemblages spanning nearly 25 My of changes in terrestrial plants and some groups of invertebrates and tetrapods. Based on macrofossils and pollen and spores, the broader characteristics of the flora in this succession are presented. The floral assemblages show typical Early Jurassic characteristics and contain lycopsids, sphenopsids, ferns, cycadaleans, bennettitaleans, gnetaleans and ginkgoaleans, as well as conifers, and are similar to other Hettangian–Toarcian floral successions in Europe, showing the presence of a vast coniferous forest dominated by Hirmeriella in the early Hettangian, replaced by ginkgophyte-dominated floras in younger stages and araucarian conifer-dominated forests in the late Pliensbachian. Dinosaurs are documented mainly from their trace fossils (tracks and coprolites). Six distinct track assemblages (stratigraphically separated ichnoassemblages) of different ages can be identified. Current evidence indicates that while Anomoepus tracks are abundant throughout the long Hettangian–late Pliensbachian interval, medium-sized to large ornithischian tracks do not occur below the lower–middle Hettangian transition zone, associated with the first major marine transgression in the region. Hettangian strata with different theropod tracks (Grallator, Anchisauripus, Eubrontes, Kayentapus, cf. Megalosauripus), small Anomoepus tracks, numerous medium-sized Anomoepus-like tracks, Moyenisauropus tracks, tetradactyl tracks of sauropodomorphs (cf. Pseudotetrasauropus) and oval-shaped tracks of sauropods (Parabrontopodus) significantly contrast with the higher part of the Lower Jurassic succession (upper Pliensbachian Drzewica Formation and middle–upper Toarcian Borucice Formation) containing new types of medium-sized to large theropod tracks (Therangospodus), small and medium-sized bird-like tridactyl tracks (cf. Trisauropodiscus, cf. Anomoepus), exceptionally large, oval-shaped sauropod tracks (Sauropoda indet.), and new types of medium-sized and large ornithischian tracks (cf. Deltapodus, cf. Anomoepus). This points to a noticeable difference between the Hettangian and late Pliensbachian–Toarcian dinosaur ichnofaunas and may facilitate the study of regional and global changes and correlations. Both the palaeofloras and dinosaur trace fossils document ecosystem diversity and ecosystem changes, presented here in review form. The nature of these changes requires more detailed study, but preliminary results suggest the occurrence of rather complex and pronounced transformations in the dinosaur communities of the Holy Cross Mountains region. Based on our observations, the most significant event in Early Jurassic ecosystems took place within the Hettangian (change in floristic composition, the emergence of new groups of dinosaurs), but we also found what we believe to be a record of a major faunal turnover across the late Pliensbachian–middle–late Toarcian interval.
Content available Regiony hydrogeotermalne na Niżu Polskim
The paper provides a proprsal to divide the three main Mesozoic hydrogeothermal reservoirs of the Polish Lowlands into regions. The division is based primarily on reservoir efficacy in terms of using thermal waters for heating and recreation purposes. The presented validation of individual regions and sub-regions shows that only some parts of them have a medium or high heating potential. The heating and recreation potentials are limited in many places by the high mineralization of thermal waters.
Polish brines are highly mineralized and can potentially be used for recovery of selected useful elements such as magnesium and potassium. They also contain a number of other elements, including iodine, bromine, boron, and strontium. The results of the examination of the chemical composition of groundwater from the Mesozoic formations (bromine, iodine, lithium, magnesium, and strontium content) of northern and central Poland were analyzed. The basic statistical parameters of the content of these elements (Br, I, Mg) in brines of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous deposits and the content of lithium and strontium in waters of the entire Mesozoic formations were determined. In order to indicate aquifers that are the most suitable for the recovery of bromine, iodine, lithium, magnesium, and strontium, the relationship between concentrations and the depth of retention and dependencies between selected chemical components of these waters were analyzed. It has been found that the mineralization and concentrations of magnesium, bromine, and iodine increase with the age of aquifers, where these waters occur. Triassic waters are the most prospective for bromine and magnesium recovery among all analyzed aquifers. Furthermore, a relationship between the content of bromine, strontium, and magnesium has also been observed. The increase in thecontent of individual elements observed for lithium, strontium, and bromine with the increasing depth indicates a potential abundance of waters occurring at significant depths. The presented analysis is an approximation of the content of bromine, iodine, lithium, magnesium, and strontium; however, it may be the basis for further studies on the perspectives of using brines from the Mesozoic deposits of central and northern Poland as a source of chemical raw materials.
W Polsce występują solanki o wysokich mineralizacjach, które mogą być potencjalnie wykorzystywane do odzysku wybranych pierwiastków użytecznych takich jak np. magnez, potas. Mogą one również zawierać szereg innych pierwiastków, jak np. jod, brom, bor, stront. Przeanalizowano wyniki badań chemizmu wód podziemnych z utworów mezozoicznych z obszaru Polski północnej i środkowej pod kątem zawartości: bromu, jodu, litu, magnezu i strontu. Obliczono podstawowe parametry statystyczne zawartości tych pierwiastków w solankach w utworach triasu, jury i kredy oraz litu i strontu łącznie wodach w utworach mezozoiku. W celu wskazania najbardziej perspektywicznych pięter wodonośnych pod kątem występowania bromu, jodu, litu, magnezu i strontu przeanalizowano zależności pomiędzy stężeniami a głębokością zalegania, a także zależności między wybranymi składnikami chemicznymi tych wód. Stwierdzono wzrost mineralizacji oraz stężeń magnezu, bromu i jodu wraz z wiekiem pięter wodonośnych, w których te wody występują. Spośród analizowanych pięter wodonośnych wody w utworach triasu są najbardziej perspektywiczne pod kątem odzysku bromu i magnezu. Zaobserwowano również zależność między zawartością bromu, strontu i magnezu. Wzrost zawartości poszczególnych pierwiastków obserwowany dla litu, strontu i bromu wraz z głębokością świadczy o potencjalnej zasobności wód występujących na znacznych głębokościach. Przedstawiona analiza ma charakter orientacyjnej prognozy zawartości bromu, jodu, litu, magnezu i strontu (ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę istniejących oznaczeń) może jednak stanowić podstawę dalszych badań nad perspektywicznością wykorzystania wód zasolonych z utworów mezozoiku środkowej i północnej Polski jako źródła surowców chemicznych.
The Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the Stevens Canyon area in south-eastern Utah represents fluvial, palustrine, and lacustrine strata deposited in a continental back-arc basin on the western edge of Pangea. Previous investigations interpreted a megamonsoonal climate with increasing aridity for the Colorado Plateau towards the end of the Triassic. In this study, we systematically integrate ichnological and pedological features of the Chinle Formation into ichnopedofacies to interpret palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic variations in the north-eastern part of the Chinle Basin. Seventeen ichnofossil morphotypes and six palaeosol orders are combined into twelve ichnopedofacies, whose development was controlled by autocyclic and allocyclic processes and hydrology. Ichnopedofacies are used to estimate palaeoprecipitation in conjunction with appropriate modern analogue latitudinal and geographic settings. In the north-east Chinle Basin, annual precipitation was -1100-1300 mm in the Petrified Forest Member. Precipitation levels were >1300 mm/yr at the base of the lower Owl Rock Member, decreased to -700-1100 mm/yr, and then to -400-700 mm/yr. Two drying upward cycles from -1100 mm/yr to -700 mm/yr occurred in the middle and upper part of the Owl Rock Member. In the overlying Church Rock Member, precipitation decreased from -400 mm/yr at the base of the unit to -25-325 mm/yr at the end of Chinle Formation deposition. Ichnopedofacies indicate monsoonal conditions persisted until the end of the Triassic with decreasing precipitation that resulted from the northward migration of Pangea. Ichnopedofacies in the northeast Chinle Basin indicate both long-term drying of climate and short-term, wet-dry fluctuations.
The geochemical characteristics of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic strata of the basement of the Carpathian Foredeep depicted the Devonian and Carboniferous source rocks as the best source for hydrocarbon generation. Moreover, the Outer Carpathian sequence was geochemically characterized and proved capable of generating hydrocarbons. The oil-source rocks’ correlations indicated that the source of the condensate accumulated in the Łąkta field, while oil in the Grobla field. Maturity modelling identified Devonian source rocks as they reached a late phase of the “oil window” and, locally, even the “gas window”. The Carboniferous source rock was mature enough to start the generation processes. The generation started in the late Carboniferous, both in the Upper Silesian and Małopolska blocks. The main phase of the petroleum processes took place in late Neogene. The expulsion was observed only in the Devonian source rocks, and vertical migration by fault system in both blocks resulted in oil and gas accumulation in the Upper Jurassic carbonates and Upper Cretaceous sandstones. The petroleum modelling indicated the Devonian source for oil and gas fields in the study area. However oil-source rock correlation also suggests the presence of the Carpathian flysch source for hydrocarbons accumulated in the Łąkta field.
Palaeontological data on the Caucasus are highly important for large-scale stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical assessment of the northern Tethyan margin, but this information is often scarce and not available in English. Field studies in the Northern Caucasus have now permitted to amass some new data. Two belemnite species are described from the stratotype section of the Kamennomostskaja Formation (Callovian, Middle Jurassic) near the town of Kamennomostskij in Adygeja (Northern Caucasus). These are Belemnopsis subhastata (von Zieten, 1831) and Rhopaloteuthis ominosa Gustomesov, 1968. The latter is a rare species, and the present find allows new insights into its taxonomy. A palynological analysis of the belemnite-bearing sample was carried out, and a diverse assemblage of dinocysts, acritarchs and prasinophytes, plus pollen and spores recognised. The most abundant palynomorphs are Micrhystridium and Classopollis. Data on belemnites coupled with those on palynomorphs indicate the early Callovian age of the sample level. This interpretation differs slightly from previous conclusions based on ammonites and dinocysts. If this age is correct, the degree of condensation of Callovian deposits in the section studied was lesser than previously assumed.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mineralogicznych, chemicznych, fizyko-chemicznych i fizyko-mechanicznych wapieni mezozoicznych pochodzących z podłoża węgla brunatnego w złożu „Bełchatów" (południowy brzeg Rowu Kleszczowa w polu Szczerców). Ich celem było wykazanie przydatności tych kopalin do wytwarzania sorbentów służących obniżeniu emisji SO2 z gazów elektrownianych, zarówno w mokrych metodach odsiarczania, jak i w paleniskach fluidalnych. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że wapienie te można traktować jako wysokiej klasy sorbenty SO2.
The paper presents the results of mineralogical, chemical, physico-chemical and physico-mechanical examinations of the Mesozoic limestone underlying lignite seam in "Belchatow" deposit (the south edge of the Kleszczów tectonic trench in Szczerców field). The aim of the study was to prove the usefulness of these rocks for the production of sorbents used for the reduction of SO2 emissions in the energy sector. The results showed that the limestone may be treated as a high quality SO2 sorbent.
Stratigraphic sequence of the Lower Subtatric Succession in the eastern part of the Polish Tatra Mountains includes 15 Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous mappable lithostratigraphic units of formation ranks. Some formations include also non-mappable lithostratigraphic units of local significance, of member and bed ranks. This stratigraphic succession is typical of the Lower Subtatric Nappe (= Križna Nappe) which originated during the meso-Cretaceous (Turonian) Mediterranean orogenic phase. The older post-nappe cover (?Upper Cretaceous or ?Paleocene-Lower Eocene), unconformable upon the Lower Subtatric Nappe, is represented by an unfossiliferous Gosau-facies conglomerate (Rusinowa Fm.) consisting of Triassic to Lower Cretaceous rock fragments derived from this nappe. The Lower Subtatric Nappe has been subdivided into several second-order thrust-sheets (partial-nappes vel daughter units) of restricted lateral extension, thrust one over another from north to south (retro-arc). The Gosau-facies conglomerate (Rusinowa Fm.) takes part in the thrust-sheet architecture which was accomplished in the Tatra Mts prior to the Middle Eocene transgression, either during the Laramian (Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary) or the Pyrenean (Middle Eocene) orogenic phases. The younger post-nappe cover consists of the Middle Eocene basal conglomerates and nummulitic limestones succeeded by a thick Podhale Flysch complex (Oligo- cene). A dense transversal (vertical to strike-slip) fault system which dissects rocks of the Lower Subtatric Nappe, its daughter units and post-nappe covers, had formed due to meridional stress active during the Middle Miocene.This fault system plays an important part in correct recognition and correlation of particular tectonic units.
The present paper summarizes the issues related with occurrence and distribution of wildfires in the Mesozoic. The main focus is put on occurrence of palaeowildfires during the Mesozoic global events, including Permian-Triassic (P/T), Triassic-Jurassic (T/J) and Cretaceous-Palaeogene (C/P) boundary. The other problems are connected with controversies over oxygene curve during Mesozoic, with special emphasis on Jurassic wildfires and theoretical predictions of low concentrations of atmospheric oxygene.
Angiosperms evolved rapidly in the late Mesozoic. Data from the genetic-based approach called ’molecular clock’ permit an evaluation of the radiation of flowering plants through geological time and of the possible influences of Mesozoic mass extinctions. A total of 261 divergence ages of angiosperm families are considered. The radiation of flowering plants peaked in the Albian, early Campanian, and Maastrichtian. From the three late Mesozoic mass extinctions (Jurassic/Cretaceous, Cenomanian/Turonian, and Cretaceous/Palaeogene), only the Cretaceous/Palaeogene event coincided with a significant, abrupt, and long-term decline in angiosperm radiation. If their link will be further proven, this means that global-scale environmental perturbation precluded from many innovations in the development of plants. This decline was, however, not unprecedented in the history of the angiosperms. The implication of data from the molecular clock for evolutionary reconstructions is limited, primarily because this approach deals with only extant lineages.
Although no undoubted oceanic crustal rock complexes of Penninic affinity participate in the present surface structure of the Western Carpathians, indirect lines of evidence suggest prolongation of the South Penninic-Vahic oceanic tract into the ancient Carpathians. The sedimentary record of both the syn-rift and syn-orogenic clastic deposits reveal their origin between the outer Tatric (Austroalpine) and the inner Oravic (Middle Penninic) margins. The rifting regime is exemplified by the normal fault-related scarp breccias of the Jurassic Borinka Unit in the Male Karpaty Mts., which are characterized by local, gradually denuded source areas. Two other regions provide examples of a contractional regime, both related to shortening and closure of the Vahic oceanic domain. The Belice Unit in the Povazsky Inovec Mts. includes Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous eupelagic, mostly siliceous deposits and a thickening-upwards Senonian sequence of turbiditic sandstones, conglomerates and chaotic breccias. It is inferred that this succession represents the sedimentary cover of oceanic crust approaching a trench, its incorporation in the accretionary complex and finally underthrusting below the outer Tatric margin. In the Oravic units of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, deep-marine conglomerate/breccia bodies with olistoliths indicate collision-related thrust stacking that started from the Maastrichtian (Gregorianka Breccia of the Sub-Pieniny Unit) and terminated with the Lower Eocene Milpos Breccia in the Saris Unit. In addition, a tentative recycling scheme of “exotic” clastic material from mid-Cretaceous conglomerates of the Klape Unit to various Klippen Belt units is outlined. This material is considered to be unrelated to the Vahic oceanic realm and its closure, and likely represents erosional products of more distant orogenic zones.
During the 50-year-long intense petroleum exploration of the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement of the Carpathian Foredeep, more than 20 oil and gas accumulations have been discovered. The basic and most important oil-bearing levels in the Mesozoic section are Oxfordian carbonates and Cenomanian sandstones. The Nosówka, Zalesie, Trzebownisko–Krasne, Cetynia, Uszkowce and Lachowice hydrocarbon accumulations and numerous hydrocarbon shows have been found in the Palaeozoic horizons. This paper is focused on evaluation of reservoir properties of the entire Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement of the Carpathian Foredeep and marginal part of the Outer Carpathians for finding new reservoir horizons. 558 rock samples from 51 wells in the Kraków–Lubaczów area were analysed. The well log results from 20 wells were additionally used for the assessment of petrophysical properties. The results of porosimetry measurements and well logs varied in all discussed Palaeozoic and Meso- zoic basement horizons of the Carpathian Foredeep. The best reservoir properties were estimated within the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate complex. Despite great variability, the carbonate rocks display highest average porosity and good permeability values. The variability of reservoir properties is mostly a result of the character of the reservoir-porous-fracture space. Good reservoir properties were also estimated for the Upper Cretaceous carbonate rocks. However, in most of the analysed wells the potential reservoirs were watered. The Palaeozoic complex displays weaker reservoir properties and they mainly refer only to the Devonian–Lower Carboniferous horizon. The Lower Palaeozoic rocks display weak reservoir properties. Their potential is additio- nally lowered by negligible range of occurrence and a small thickness. Generally, the gas- and oil-bearing pro- perties of the analysed zone can be attributed only to the Jurassic–Cretaceous reservoir horizons. The remaining horizons, especially the Upper Palaeozoic complex, are only supplement to the reservoir potential of the area.
Two-dimensional modelling of hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration and accumulation pro- cesses in SE Poland between Tarnów and Rzeszów was carried out for five source rock horizons, i.e. the Ordo- vician, Silurian, Middle Devonian–Lower Carboniferous carbonates, Lower Carboniferous clastics, and Middle Jurassic. Five cross-sections in the study area allowed the reconstruction of timing and range of petroleum processes. The best source rocks related to the Ordovician and Silurian shales and mudstones reached “oil window” maturity within the entire study area and locally also reached the “gas window”. Generation of hydro- carbons was observed from all five source rocks, but the Ordovician and Silurian source rocks generated two and three times more hydrocarbons than the Lower Carboniferous and Jurassic source rocks, respectively. Expulsion took place only in case of the Lower Palaeozoic source rocks, but the volume of expelled hydrocarbons differed across the area. Hydrocarbons migrated from the Ordovician and Silurian source rocks to the Upper Jurassic (carbonates) and Upper Cretaceous (sandstones) reservoirs or to the Upper Palaeozoic carbonates in connection with the emplacement of the Carpathian thrust belt during the Miocene. Faults formed main migration pathways and hydrocarbons accumulated in structural and stratigraphic traps, located in the vicinity of faults. In places, traps are associated with a deep Miocene erosion surface. The onset of hydrocarbon generation took place during the Neogene, mainly the Miocene, but in the north, generation and expulsion started earlier – at the end of the Mesozoic.
The paper summarizes the results of various laboratory studies of core material, including porosity, permeability, lithological-facies and structural and textural characteristics of more than 1,000 samples of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic rocks. The petrophysical parameters of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks are analysed for the total of samples representing different lithologies (limestones vs. sandstones) as well as for particular stratigraphic intervals (Upper and Lower Cretaceous, Upper Jurassic, Middle and Lower Jurassic, and Palaeozoic). The terrigenous rocks with intergranular porosity and fracture-cavernous carbonate rocks of reefal facies form the best reservoir rocks within the Mesozoic. The terrigenous rocks of fractured and fractured-porous type that are controlled by the fault-block tectonics provide the best Palaeozoic and Ediacaran reservoirs.
W artykule omówiono warunki techniczne i technologiczne dowiercania i opróbowania wybranych mezozoicznych poziomów wodonośnych rurowymi próbnikami złoża (RPZ) na Niżu Polskim w XX wieku. Przedstawiono wyniki badań zmian wydatku przypływu wody złożowej w zależności od wielkości współczynnika początkowej depresji oraz prawdopodobieństwo uzyskania przypływu wody złożowej w zależności od ilorazu represji i depresji ciśnienia w otworze wiertniczym. Metodami analizy statystycznej wyznaczono równania regresji liniowej zmian ciśnienia złożowego w zależności od głębokości zalegania badanych poziomów wodonośnych mezozoiku w wybranych obszarach wierceń. Określono średnie arytmetyczne wartości parametrów złożowych tych poziomów, takich jak: współczynnik przepuszczalności skał zbiornikowych i wskaźnik wydobycia wody złożowej.
The paper discusses technical and technological aspects of drill up and formation tester completion of selected Mesozoic aquifers on the Polish Lowland in the 20th century. The findings on the rate changes of formation water flow depending on the initial depression factor and the probability of attaining the flow of formation water basing on the quotient of pressure repression and depression in a well were described. The linear regression equations of reservoir pressure changes depending on the depth of tested Mesozoic aquifers in selected drillings areas were appointed with use of statistical analysis. The arithmetic mean values of reservoir parameters were determined including: the permeability of reservoir rocks and the coefficient of formation water production.
Content available Overview of magmatism in Northwestern Vietnam
Amalgamation of tectonic plates of Southeast Asia occurred in northwestern Vietnam. Six groups of magmatic rocks are related to the tectonic events. The first group corresponds to the major episodes of crustal formation in the South China block, or is linked with the formation of Gondwana. The second group includes granitoids in connection with the collision and formation of the Caledonian-Hercynian folding event. The third group contains Upper Permian ophiolites, as well as the Permian extrusives, formed in intraplate setting, related to back-arcs spreading. The fourth group is related to Triassic Indosinian orogeny, the fifth group comprises Jurassic-Cretaceous intraplate granitoids. Finally, during Cenozoic times, magmatic rocks were represented by alkaline granitoids - the effect of strike-slip faulting related to the collision of India and Eurasia plates.
Studzianna well core (Triassic-Jurassic) from the Holy Cross Mts region were investigated. Fossil plants from the genus Neocalamites (Equisetales) were found mainly in the Triassic sediments. Fragments of Ginkgoales and Czekanowskiales and Coniferales were determined mainly from the Lower Jurassic. The Lower Jurassic microflora consists of sporomorphs from Bryophyta, Equisetales, Lycopodiales, Filicales from the family Cyatheaceae or Dicsoniaceae, Pteridospermophyta from Caytoniales, Ginkgoales or Cycadales or Bennettitales, Coniferales from the families Taxodiaceae, Pinaceae and Cheirolepidiaceae. Palynofacies have mainly terrestrial character and confirms earlier opinion (Karaszewski 1962, Pieńkowski 2004) of the prevailed terrestrial origin of the Lower Jurassic (Hettangian-Sinemurian) sediments from the Holy Cross Mts region.
Upper Triassic macroflora from Lipie Śląskie near Lublin in Poland was investigated. Five different morphological types of cuticulae dispersae were found. One type belongs to Lepidopteris ottonis (Goeppert) Schimper (Pteridospermae), an index species for uppermost Triassic. Other types probably belong to Coniferales e.g. Cheirolepidiaceae.
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