Shrub development on road outside verges can provide alternative wildlife habitat. However, management of inside verges should keep vegetation at a height consistent with proper road visibility and safety. The influence of management on vegetation was analyzed on the inside verge of two Portuguese roads, one mown once and another twice a year. Specifically, the effect of mowing frequency on shrub abundance and the combined effect of management and shrubs on floristic diversity were addressed. One stretch of each road was surveyed for shrub abundance and for herbaceous species diversity and cover. The effect of mowing frequency on shrub growing and biomass production and allocation was also evaluated along two years. Results indicate that vegetation mowing yearly in spring is enough to keep the inside verge free from most shrubs. However, summer growing shrubs like Dittrichia viscosa can persist, decreasing both floristic diversity and cover, particularly of meadow species. Moreover, in response to spring mowing, shrubs grew fast and were able to disperse efficiently. An additional autumn mowing significantly decreased not only shrub height and canopy area, but specially seed production and dispersal. Thus, the inside verge management should be based on two mowing periods. The first in spring to control winter and spring growing species, and an additional autumn mowing to control growth and dispersal of summer growing shrubs and trees, or even tall grasses. This management regime will combine safety with improvement of the amenity and habitat value of the road verges.
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Problemy bezpieczeństwa w regionie śródziemnomorskim pozostają w ścisłym związku z problemami bezpieczeństwa i współpracy w Europie. Wynika to z tego, że obszar ten znajduje się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Unii Europejskiej, zaś jego problemy (brak pokoju i stabilności) wpływają bezpośrednio na bezpieczeństwo w Europie. Z tego punktu widzenia basen Morza Śródziemnego jest dla UE wielkim wyzwaniem (szczególnie po 11 września 2001 roku). Z geopolitycznego punktu widzenia jest on obszarem możliwości dla UE oraz potwierdzeniem jej zdolności oddziaływania na arenie międzynarodowej. Mówiąc o bezpieczeństwie w regionie śródziemnomorskim w kontekście bezpieczeństwa europejskiego, należy także wspomnieć o bezpieczeństwie energetycznym. Niepowodzenia procesu barcelońskiego wskazały na brak efektywnej, unijnej strategii partnerstwa dla regionu. Złożoność szeroko rozumianego bezpieczeństwa w regionie Morza Śródziemnego sprawia, że powstaje duża luka między „zdolnościami a oczekiwaniami” w dialogu politycznym. O tym, jak trudno w regionie śródziemnomorskim tworzyć efektywny dialog polityczny, świadczą zakończone niepowodzeniem prace nad przyjęciem wspólnej Eurośródziemnomorskiej Karty dla Pokoju i Stabilności. Aby uniknąć nieefektywności procesu barcelońskiego (brak jego symetrii i równowagi), UE musi wyciągnąć konstruktywne wnioski z błędów popełnionych w przeszłości, by przyszłe stosunki eurośródziemnomorskie miały lepsze warunki rozwoju. W tym kontekście szansą jest nowa inicjatywa Unii dla Śródziemnomorza.
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Kruper's Nuthatch (Sitta krueperi, Passeriformes) is small-area confined species and it mainly occurs in Anatolia in Turkey, but small numbers are found on the adjacent Lesvos Island and the Caucasus region. It is considered as a "near" threatened species by IUCN. Breeding success of Kruper's Nuthatchs, which use nest cavities excavated by woodpeckers or make their own entrance holes in slightly decayed old tree trunks, is about 72% fledged birds and main food is composed of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. Although this species is mainly confined to red pine (Pinus brutia) forest, it occurs also in the other coniferous habitats. Kruper's Nuthatch was surveyed in four regions of Mediterranean Turkey: the Antalya, Central Taurus, Aladaglar region and Amanos Mountains on an area of 27.9 km2. Total of 395 point counts were taken in coniferous forests during the breeding season 2005 to explore the factors which affect the population distribution and density. For each point counts following habitat parameters were measured: (1) height of canopy top, (2) height of canopy bottom, (3) tree diameter at breast height, (4) percentage cover (5) average distance between two trees, (6) total number of strata of vegetation and topographic data (altitude, degree of slope, direction of slope, soil texture). The average density of Kruper's Nuthatch recorded in the all sites was 7.38 [plus or minus] 0.57 birds km[^-2]. However, it differs between regions (ANOVA; P <0.0001) with highest density in the Antalya region (12.10 [plus or minus] 2.10 birds km[^-]2), and a decrease to the east with lowest density in the Amanos Mountains (2.42 [plus or minus] 0.98 birds km[^-]2). Kruper's Nuthatch breeding density was higher in high altitude and in black pine (Pinus nigra) forest. The highest mean density was found in black pine forests (12.69 [plus or minus] 2.4 birds km[^-]2; n = 29), followed by Cilician fir (Abies cilicica) forest (11.61 [plus or minus] 2 birds km[^-]2; n = 39), Lebano cedar forest (Cedrus libani) (8.49 [plus or minus] 1.8 birds km[^-2]; n = 25) and red pine (Pinus burutia) forest (7.75 [plus or minus] 0.9 birds km[^-2]; n = 188) respectively. We also found a negative correlation between the densities of Kruper's Nuthatch and the total number of strata of the vegetation. High number of the birds occurs in more open coniferous forests. Mature coniferous forests especially black pine forests at high altitudes should be preserved for its conservation in Antalya region.
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The breeding bird community and structural characteristics of vegetation of the last Croatian mediterranean (Istria Penninsula) oak forest (Quercus robur L.) were compared to those in similar continental oak forests in Croatia. The structure and coverage of the vegetation for both forests were estimated. The line transect method was used for analysing bird community and circular plot method for habitat mapping. Densities were calculated for 17 interior forest bird species, giving an average total density of 880,6 ± 81,4 pairs km-2. In the mediterranean forest typically continental species were missing or present in low densities. Not a single mediterranean species inhabited forest interior. Insectivorous sedentary species dependent on winter prey availability were more numerous in the mediterranean than in continental forest. The results showed that the difference between mediterranean and continental oak forests was greater in quantitative characteristics than in taxonomic composition of the breeding bird community.
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