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w słowach kluczowych:  Libyan coast
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Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea has not yet beenfully explored. There has been very little research on molluscsalong the Libyan coast. An individual of the chromodorididnudibranch Felimare picta (Philippi, 1836) was encounteredduring scuba diving at the Lido resort near the Tobruk baybasin. The sample was carefully transported to the lab inseawater, photographed, and identified. The current studyrevealed that Felimare picta was recorded for the first timeon the Libyan coast. Despite Felimare picta being rathercommon in many Mediterranean regions, records of it on thesouthern Mediterranean coasts are extremely rare or absent.It may be concluded that this study represents not only thesouthernmost record of Felimare picta in the Mediterraneanbut also the first record of the species in Libya.
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