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In Kosovo, the current production of electricity depends mainly on its generation, which is based on the burning of lignite in the power plants (Kosovo power plants A and B). Significant changes were found in the concentrations of heavy metals in various sediment, soil, and water sample locations. Physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, biochemical oxygen demand, and main ions (SO42-, PO43-, Cl-, NO3-, and NH4+) were monitored to obtain accurate and representative data. The study indicates that there is mild contamination from these elements in the river, however, to reach a clear conclusion, additional research should be done in the study area. The sampling took place over three months in 2018 (April, July and October). The data analysis revealed that the concentration of heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Al, Cu, and Cr in several examined samples exceeds the maximum permissible limits. Substantial levels of metal pollution in the samples collected in three distinct locations were found.
New data on chemistry of Cr spinels hosted within the ultramafic massif located in SE Kosovo show variations in their primary composition, which depends on ore and rock types. Spinels form disseminated and vein type ores and accessory spinels in peridotites are characterized by lower Cr and higher Fe concentrations in comparison to spinels making up massive ores. Concentrations of these metals increase in altered spinels both in ores and peridotites. Contents ofMn and Zn tend to be higher in accessory spinels than in spinels occurring in ores. The lower Cr:Fe ratio for Cr-rich spinels in disseminated ores in relations to chromite in massive ores may have an influence on their industrial usefulness. The use of EPMA-WDS technique for detrital spinels should be considered as an effective tool for chromium deposit exploration, especially in greenfield projects, to assess an ultramafic massifpotential for hosting rich ores. Chemical analyses of spinels are recommended in planning a beneficiation process for the low-grade chromite ores, in order to obtain high quality concentrates.
Using our natural resources, we produce much waste that can be recycled as a useful resource, which further contributes to climate change. Kosovo, generally produces a huge amount of waste, particularly Prishtina as the capital its capital city. The study presented in this paper investigated the high-rise buildings in Ulpiana neighbourhood of the city of Prishtina and waste disposals in Kosovo, focusing on the challenges of urban waste management, particularly on the recycling of high-rise urban generated waste. The research methods consist of empirical observation through urban spatial zone. Researched model of high-rise buildings, surveyed the land use, and recycling process of a total generated waste of 778.8 kg daily/per one structure. According to the conceptual and calculated findings strengthened with awareness for sustainable consumption, and proper urban strategy for implementing the recycling waste materials, it is indicated that the waste amount can be decreased and recycled for about 25 % from the total waste generated daily.
Content available Problems with transport policy in Kosovo after 2008
The aim of this article is to present the main problems of public transportation in Kosovo after 2008 when the province’s parliament announced the declaration of independence. We focus on the plans and documents that were signed between 2008 and 2010 in an attempt to compare them with the real impact of investments made in the last five years. We show how the conflict between Belgrade and Prishtina has influenced public transportation and examine the prospects for problem-solving in this sector. To do this, we employ a neoinstitutional approach to the document analysis as the main research method.
Content available Konflikty lokalne współczesnego świata (Kosowo)
Zasadniczym celem niniejszego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na niedoceniany i po-mijany aspekt związany z wielokulturowością i komunikacją międzykulturową w procesie przygotowania kontyngentów misji pokojowych. Konflikty lokalne bardzo często poprzedzone są antagonizmem stron i narastającą sprzecznością interesów, co nieuchronnie prowadzi do wybuchu walk między kulturami o terytorium, rywalizację polityczną, zasoby ekonomiczne – sformułowane przez znawców tej tematyki wnioski wskazują jednoznacznie, że ich odmienność nie zmierza do rywalizacji i konfrontacji, a tylko do uzasadnienia przyczyn konfliktów, które to autor zobrazował na przykładzie Kosowa.
The main purpose of this article is to focus on multiculturalism and cross-cultural communication in the preparation of military contingents for peace support operations, aspects which are often omitted and underestimated in this process. Local conflicts, preceded by antagonisms and increasing conflicts of interests, which inevitably leads to fighting, are fought between cultures over territory, political rivalry or economic resources. The conclusions formulated by the experts of this subject matter explicitly show that their otherness does not aim at rivalry and confrontation, but only at the justification of the reasons for conflicts, which the author would like to illustrate using the example of Kosovo.
Główną przyczyną napięcia w północnym Kosowie są sprzeczne interesy strategiczne władz w Belgradzie i Prisztinie. Główny punkt sporny to status 40-tysięcznej serbskiej mniejszości, zamieszkującej głównie północ Kosowa. Sytuacja jest tam w dalszym ciągu napięta, pomimo eksponowania obecności militarnej KFOR, oraz prób zapewnienia swobody przemieszczania się przez instytucje międzynarodowe, w tym EULEX. W dalszym ciągu w północnej części Kosowa notowane są zdarzenia z użyciem materiałów wybuchowych, które mogą być postrzegane, jako próby zastraszenia instytucji międzynarodowych. Duży wpływ na to mają z pewnością wypowiedzi burmistrza Mitrovicy, który w dalszym ciągu wzywa do zerwania współpracy z instytucjami międzynarodowymi, w tym KFOR. Polska 18 czerwca 1999 zdecydowała się wysłać do Kosowa wzmocniony, ponad 800 osobowy 18 Bielski Batalion Desantowo-Szturmowy, będący Polską Jednostką Wojskową Odwodu Strategicznego Naczelnego Dowódcy SZ NATO w Europie. Podstawą prawną skierowania Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego KFOR (PKW KFOR) do wykonywania zadań w ramach operacji w Kosowie jest Postanowienie Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej - aktualne przedłużenie z dnia 24 grudnia 2012 r. o użyciu Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego w Siłach Międzynarodowych w Republice Kosowo i w byłej Jugosłowiańskiej Republice Macedonii oraz w Bośni i Hercegowinie w okresie od 01 stycznia do 30 czerwca 2013 r. Kierownictwo narodowe nad kontyngentem sprawuje Dowódca Operacyjny Sił Zbrojnych.
Artykuł przedstawia dramatyczny przebieg konfliktów zbrojnych na Bałkanach po rozpadzie Socjalistycznej Federacyjnej Republiki Jugosławii oraz udziału w nich organizacji międzynarodowych, Jest także próbą wyjaśnienia przyczyn tej niebywale skomplikowanej i dynamicznej sytuacji, na którą wpływa ogromne zróżnicowanie kulturowe, etniczne oraz religijne regionu. W artykule podkreślone zostały także skutki, jakie wiązały się z wojnami toczonymi na terenie byłej Jugosławii: wiele tysięcy zabitych, rannych i zmuszonych do uchodźctwa osób, ogromne zniszczenia, czystki etniczne i ludobójstwa.
Content available remote Kosowo : wyzwanie dla wspólnoty międzynarodowej
Kosowo - samo państwo i jego niepodległość - wzbudza wiele emocji na świecie. Pojawiają się argumenty o możliwości zdestabilizowania sytuacji na całych Bałkanach Zachodnich oraz głosy o bezwarunkowym powrocie Kosowa do Serbii. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie stosunku społeczności międzynarodowej do niepodległości Kosowa z uwzględnieniem opinii jego mieszkańców, a także wpływu sytuacji w Kosowie na bezpieczeństwo w regionie.
Kosovo - the state and its independence, arouse many emotions in the world. There are arguments about the possibility of destabilizing the situation in the entire Western Balkans and the voices presenting the necessity of the unconditional return of Kosovo to Serbia. This article aims to demonstrate relation of the international community with respect to the independence of Kosovo, views of its inhabitants, and the impact the situation in Kosovo for security in the region.
Content available remote Kosowo : w oczekiwaniu na ostateczny status : implikacje polityczne i wojskowe
Disintegration of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which occurred after Cold War did not come to an end autonomously, which is visible in unsolved territorial claims. The disintegration was frozen under the terms of Dayton Peace Agreement and UN Security Council 1244 resolution by founding International interim protectorate in An Autonomous Province Kosovo. The agreements signed then have temporary basis only and do not assure stability in the region of the Balkans. This sketch focuses on the situation in Kosovo from the negotiations in Rambouillet throughout the political and military implications of Operation Allied Force and certain aspects of the activities of KFOR (Kosovo Forces) and United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo up to nowadays. For almost eight years there has been post conflict peace building in Kosovo. NATO military forces and civilian administration under the direct leadership of the UN strive to provide the residents of the province with security, humanitarian aid, effective administration, democratic institutions and conditions for reconstruction and economic development. UNMIK gathers the efforts of UNHCR, OSCE, EU and Special Representative of the Secretary-General UN. International powers gradually hand down the competence to Provisional Institutions of Self-Governmental formed in the region. Despite the efforts of numerous international agencies and significant financial support the problem of the return of internally displaced persons and refugees has not been solved on a satisfactory level. There are still incidents of violence against non-Albanians and violation of minority rights. The police statistics, poverty, unemployment deepened by stagnation and high increment birthrate create a pessimistic image. Kosovo is also not free from organized crime, international or trans-national crime which results in smuggling, women smuggling, arms and drug trafficking, money laundering and mafia links of some politicians. In 2006 Montenegro became independent of Serbia and the nearest months will be decisive for the final status of Kosovo and possibly for Bosnia-Herzegovina torn into two state organisms. The answer will also be found to the question of functionality of the ways to solve international conflicts such as the theory of humanitarian intervention, responsibility to protect or multifunctional peace operations which were prepared to meet the requirements of post-cold-war World Order.
Content available remote Współczesny dramat Kosowa i Metohija
W artykule w sposób chronologiczny autor przedstawia, odwołując się do uwarunkowań historycznych, dzieje ludności z regionów Kosowa i Metohije. Zwraca szczególną uwagę na dramat mieszkańców spowodowany działaniami wojennymi w tym rejonie byłej Jugosławii. Wskazuje także na rolę jaką w tym wewnętrznym konflikcie odegrały międzynarodowe siły zbrojne pod egidą NATO.
The development of contemporary combat assets limited but did not eliminate completely the influence of natural conditions on conducting combat operations. In the article, the influence of Kosovo’s geographical conditions on armed operations in the 90s of the 20th century has been discussed. The geographical configuration of Kosovo, its vegetation and climate have been presented. The aspect of conducting combat operations in mountainous areas of Kosovo has been evaluated. The structure of population and economic relations that influence military infrastructure of this area have been shown.
The article refers to the confrontation of NATO air forces designated to conduct operation in Kosovo with Serb ground air defence. Structural, organisational, economic and environmental conditions that determined the actions of the conflict parties have been presented. Much attention is drawn to the evaluation of air and air defence potential reflected in losses suffered by fighting parties. According to the author, it was very important to describe the air defence conception undertaken by Yugoslavian Armed Forces that in confrontation with the tactics of NATO air forces actions resulted in destroyed planes, remotely piloted vehicles and air briefing missiles. It has been confirmed by numerous commentaries and opinions presented by experts who stress incommensurate heavy losses suffered by NATO with confrontation with Serb air defence. It is stressed in the opinions quoted in the article that the operation in Kosovo is an interesting confrontation example of the state-of-the-art technology with Russian air defence technology from the beginning of the seventies. Conclusions drawn from “Allied Force" air operation greatly contributed to changing the conception of coalition air forces’ use that was implemented during the second war with Iraq in the “Iraqi Freedom” operation.
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