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w słowach kluczowych:  Knothe influence function
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Content available remote The Application and Development of Knothe Influence Function in China
The Knothe infl uence function method was introduced to China in 1965 and began to abundant research and widely applied from 1980s. Based on the Knothe influence function method, the prediction model of surface movement and deformation of flat seam mining is established, then the calculation programs and drawing software are developed. The relationship between surface movement calculation parameters and geological mining conditions is systematically summarized, and national technical regulations and standards are compiled. The method has been widely applied in special coal mining and got enormous economic benefits, meanwhile, the method is applied in metal mine, oil and gas, groundwater, halite mining and underground engineering. In recent years, the Chinese scholars enrich and develop the probability integral method, and the prediction model of surface movement and deformation with special mining conditions, such as extremely inadequate mining and steeply inclined seam mining is established. Through introducing the Knothe infl uence function method of application in China, the 100th birthday of Professor Knothe and the great contribution to the mining subsidence prediction is commemorated.
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