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The article presents the results of the research on the motives and ways of spending holidays in the area Kampinos National Park (KNP) by urban inhabitants. Surveys were conducted during the summer 2013 among 117 tourists spending their vacations in the vicinity of KNP. The article elaborates on an analysis of criteria which help tourist to select this form of tourism, as well as the selection of a specific offer from many others, what sources of information about the place or a recreational object they use, what are the preferred ways of spending leisure time so as their expectations towards diversity of the offer. The debate on the subject was extended by the analysis of the factors which defines the tourists behavior and expectations, such as: age and education.
W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano zachowania i oczekiwania osób wypoczywających w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych funkcjonujących na obszarach przyrodniczo cennych zlokalizowanych w okolicach Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego. Badania terenowe z wykorzystaniem techniki ankietowej przeprowadzono w lipcu i sierpniu 2013 roku na próbie 133 osób wypoczywających w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych w okolicach Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego.
The article presents the results of the research on the behavior and expectations of people vacationing in the agritourism farms located in environmentally valuable areas. Surveys were conducted during the summer 2013 among 133 tourists spending their vacations in the vicinity of Kampinos National Park. The paper presents the characteristics of an average tourist visiting environmentally valuable areas, and the behavior of tourists spending their leisure time there. The article elaborates on an analysis of criteria which help tourist to select this form of tourism, as well as the selection of a specific offer from many, what sources of information about the place or a recreational object they use, what are the preferred ways of spending leisure time so as their expectations towards diversity and improvement of the offer. The debate on the subject was extended by the analysis of the factors which defines the tourists behavior and expectations, such as: age, gender, and education.
Kampinoski Park Narodowy (KPN) został powołany 16 stycznia 1959 roku dla zachowania niepowtarzalnego ukształtowania powierzchni wynikającego z obecności dużego kompleksu wydm śródlądowych i sąsiadujących z nimi terenów podmokłych1. Aktualnie KPN zajmuje powierzchnię 38 544,33 ha, grunty leśne zajmują obszar 28 255 ha, co stanowi 73,3% obszaru parku. W drzewostanie dominuje sosna zwyczajna (Pinus sylvestris), która zajmuje 69% powierzchni leśnej. Drugim gatunkiem o znaczącym udziale powierzchniowym jest olsza czarna (Alnus glutinosa), która zajmuje około 12,6% powierzchni leśnej. Dęby – szypułkowy (Quercus robur) i bezszypułkowy (Quercus petraea) zajmują około 10,3% powierzchni leśnej Parku2. Duża mozaikowatość siedliskowa wynikająca ze zróżnicowania terenowego umożliwiła rozwój wielu gatunków flory i fauny. Na terenie KPN występuje szereg cennych gatunków: • flory, na przykład: goździk piaskowy (Dianthus arenarius), sasanka łąkowa (Pulsatilla pratensis), chamedafne północna (Chamaedaphne calyculata), zimoziół północny (Linnaea borealis), • fauny, na przykład: bielik (Haliaeetus albicilla), bocian czarny (Ciconia nigra), derkacz (Crex crex)4, pachnica dębowa (Osmoderma eremita), zgniotek cynobrowy (Cucujus cinnaberinus)5, strojniś nadobny (Philaeus chrysops)6, gniewosz plamisty (Coronella austriaca), ryś (Lynx lynx), łoś (Alces alces). Kampinoski Park Narodowy spełnia rolę „zielonych płuc” dla Warszawy oraz jest miejscem udostępnionym turystom poprzez 320 km szlaków turystycznych. Na jego terenie są realizowane badania naukowe oraz działania edukacyjne skierowane do szkół, uczelni wyższych, lokalnego społeczeństwa. Jest to cenny obszar przyrodniczy na mapie Polski i Europy.
In Kampinos National Park the major part of the forest stands has artificial origin, what dictates a need to implement means of active nature conservation. These actions are directed, inter alia, at: • immunization of trees against harmful biotic and abiotic factors, • giving a way to natural occurrence of other native tree and shrub species • managing the areas destroyed by a hurricanes, • managing burned forest areas, • adapting composition of species to the habitats and eliminating an alien species, • taking up activities enabling a development cycle for next generations of forest. In national parks any activities are aimed at nature conservation and at gradual reduction of human influence on nature. In the forests of Kampinos National Park the activities of active conservation are implemented, among others. Active nature conservation activities aims at proper development of many elements of Kampinos Forest ecosystem. The implementation of active nature conservation is subject to continuous limitation for the benefit on passive conservation which gives freedom only to natural factors.
The energy equivalence rule assumes that the scaling of population density with body mass is inversely proportional to the scaling of individual metabolic rate. As a result, the total population energy use, calculated as the product of individual metabolic rate and population density, is independent of body mass. Here we evaluated the validity of this rule at the scale of a single community of mammals. Strong linear dependencies were found between log-transformed individual metabolic rate and log-transformed body mass as well as between body mass and density. The slopes of these relationships are close to the predicted |3/4| value and, in accordance with the energy equivalence rule, exhibit opposite values. The results however supported this rule only at the scale of the whole community. When small and large species were considered separately, population energy use increased with body mass. Analyzing these two groups separately strongly decreased the range of body mass considered. Body mass range seems to be a critical factor to find support for the energy equivalence rule at the scale of a single community.
Protection of water and water-depended ecosystems, in a view of their huge environmental role and high sensitivity to changes of environmental conditions, is one of the fundamental issues included in the legal acts in force, agreements, international conventions, directives and projects. Strong variety of groundwater-depended ecosystems practically causes impossibility to elaborate on an universal methodology for defining their environmental needs. Wetlands are one of the most differentiated groundwater-depended ecosystems, for which the programmes of hydrogeological researches in the range of diagnosis and prognosis of groundwater level changes necessitate an individual adjustment to the study area. Researches of the groundwater-depended ecosystems, including wetlands, mostly in a range of their protection and renaturalisation, require an interdisciplinary approach. On the basis of the researches conducted in the wetland areas in the Kampinos National Park, different hydro-environmental factors determining groundwater level changes in those wetlands were presented. The variety of values and dependences were obtained as a results of the conducted calculations of groundwater levels correlation with different factors. Results of the researches allow to point at the regions, where groundwater levels dependence on precipitation values is significant and the regions, where other factors than infiltration recharge values, have important impact on groundwater table depth. An analysis of trend of changes requires constant update of the monitoring data concerning of groundwater levels in wetland areas. The valorization of vegetation cover and soils done directly (locally) during the field works or on the basis of the papers containing soil characteristic and peatland documentations, requires generalization, adapted to the specificity of the hydrogeological researches in regional scale. Huge spatial differentiation, time-change variation, and secondary transformation processes of the vegetation and soil types, causes, that the results of the vegetation and habitat studies can not be directly used for identification of the factors determining groundwater table level.
Badania modelowe przeprowadzono w hydrogeologicznej jednostce dolinnej, w której jest zlokalizowany Kampinoski Park Narodowy (KPN). Celem obliczeń było sporządzenie prognoz na potrzeby oceny proponowanych wariantów renaturalizacji obszarów podmokłych zlokalizowanych w KPN. Realizacja zadania badawczego sprowadzała się do symulacji zagrożeń związanych z przekształceniem aktualnego układu sieci hydrograficznej. Analiza poszczególnych wariantów przekształcenia sieci hydrograficznej w KPN wykazała, że najbardziej efektywna, z punktu widzenia podniesienia zwierciadła wód podziemnych, byłaby całkowita likwidacja sieci melioracyjnej, której głównym elementem jest kanał Łasica. Rezultaty obliczeń wskazują, że zmiana stanu hydrodynamicznego w wyniku przemodelowania biegu Łasicy będzie mniej znacząca niż w przypadku całkowitej likwidacji cieku. W pierwszym okresie po odtworzeniu meandrowego charakteru koryta może dojść do niepożądanego obniżenia stanów wód w związku z obniżeniem oporności filtracyjnej koryta. Wraz z postępującą w czasie kolmatacją koryta oczekiwać należy odbudowania, a lokalnie nawet przekroczenia stanów aktualnych.
Modelling research was conducted in the hydrogeological valley unit, where the Kampinos National Park (KNP) is situated. The aim of the calculations was to provide a prognosis for the evaluation of proposed restoration variants of the wetland areas located in the KNP. Implementation of the research task required simulation of threats connected with the present hydrographic net transformation. The analysis of particular variants of hydrographic net transformation revealed that the most effective, in terms of groundwater level increase, would be complete elimination of the melioration net, whose base element is the Lasica Canal. The calculation results indicate that the change of hydrodynamic state, as a result of change in the Lasica Canal course, will be less significant than its total elimination. In the first period, after restoration of the meander character of the riverbed, an undesirable groundwater level decrease can appear as a result of decrease in riverbed resistance. As the riverbed colmatage increases in time, the groundwater table levels will be rebuilt or even will locally exceed the present states.
Powierzchnia hydrostref bagiennych stanowi około 30% obszaru Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego i jego otuliny. Cechą specyficzną tych obszarów jest płytkie występowanie zwierciadła wód podziemnych, średnio od 0,16 do 2,30 m. Podstawą badań nad określeniem roli czynników geogenicznych i antropogenicznych, warunkujących zakres i tendencję zmian stanów wód były obserwacje monitoringowe z lat 1999-2009. Wśród czynników geogenicznych podstawowe znaczenie mają rozkład oraz sezonowość opadów atmosferycznych oraz drenaż płytkich systemów wód podziemnych przez cieki. Wyniki korelacji opad atmosferyczny – głębokość do zwierciadła wód podziemnych umożliwiają wyodrębnienie rejonów o wysokiej zależności oraz rejony, gdzie dominujący jest wpływ innych czynników. Linie trendu wskazują na trzy okresy zmian stanów wód podziemnych. Od 1999 r. zaznacza się zniżkujący trend zwierciadła wód podziemnych, w latach 2003-2007 następuje jego odwrócenie, a kolejny trend malejący powinien zakończyć się w 2011, lecz bieżąca sytuacja meteorologiczna nie wskazuje, że założenie to, pomimo długiego okresu badawczego, będzie możliwe. Głównym czynnikiem, oprócz wielkości opadu atmosferycznego, działającym lokalnie i okresowo, są przetamowania cieków, naturalne - tworzone lub inicjowane przez bobry podczas mokrych lat lub sztuczne - tworzone przez Służbę Parku. Działanie takich tam kształtuje stany wód podziemnych i wpływa na ich amplitudy, które są niezależne od wielkości opadu.
Marshes cover about 2440 km² in the Kampinos National Park. The specific characteristic of KNP marsh zones is the presence of shallow ground water tables from 0.16 to 2.30 m. The range and trends of groundwater level changes there are related to the influence of geogenic and anthropogenic factors. From among geogenic factors, the most important are the distribution and seasonality of precipitation, which determine the infiltration recharge, evapotranspiration and drainage of shallow groundwater system by streams. Defining the role of factors affecting the range and trends of groundwater level changes in KNP was based on regular monitoring carried out in the park from 1999 to 2009. Obtained correlations indicated a high diversity of the relation: atmospheric precipitation – groundwater table depth in particular areas of the delineated marsh zones. In some, the relationship was so close that other environmental factors seem insignificant, in others, the relationship was weak indicating the effect of factors other than atmospheric precipitation. Groundwater level in marshes was characterised by dynamic changes – the amplitudes in the years 1999-2009 reached from 2 m in northern marsh zone to over 3 m in the southern zone and average annual amplitude was 1.86 m. Since the beginning of observations in 1999 groundwater table tended to decline, after 2003 the character of the trend reversed. Another decreasing trend started in 2007 and, considering previous tendencies, its reverse should be expected after 2011, although present meteorological conditions suggest that this regularity will not be followed. Anthropogenic factors, such as water withdrawal and improper draining system, have not changed in recent years, so their influence can be considered steady and negligible in elaborating programmes of wetland renaturalisation. Basic factors which caused local and temporary increase of groundwater table depth were beaver dams. These dams resulted in groundwater level changes which were mostly independent of precipitation.
The marsh zone areas include about 2,440 km2 in Kampinos National Park, which amount nearly 30% of park and its buffer’s surface. The specific characteristic of the KNP marsh zones is presence of shallow groundwater; mean depth to groundwater table is formed from 0.16 do 2.30 m. Range and tendencies of groundwater level changes in marsh zones are related to the influence of geogenic and anthropogenic factors. Among geogenic factors, the most important sense have distribution and seasonality of precipitation, which determine the value of infiltration recharge, evapotranspiration and watercourse drainage of shallow groundwater system. The basis of the researches on defining the role of factors determining range and tendencies of groundwater level changes in KNP, has been regular monitoring observations conducted in the park since 1999. The results of correlation indicate on high diversification of relation: atmospheric precipitation – depth to groundwater level. Determination of trend on the different significance levels provides detaching areas where relation between groundwater levels and precipitation is so high that influence of other environmental factors indicating on depth to groundwater table could be skipped and areas where the relation is so low, which indicates on influence of various factors. Groundwater level in marsh areas are characterized by large dynamic of changes. Since 1999, the beginning of the observations, downward trend of groundwater table has been observed, after 2003 the character of trend has been conversed. Another decreasing trend has started in 2007 and with assumption of previous tendencies, its inversion will occur after 2011 (after extremely dry year). Geostatistical analysis of spatial difference of mean year amplitude of depth to groundwater level enabled the assessment of surface water influence on groundwater level changes. The areas of highest value of amplitudes are localized in southern part of northern marsh belt and central part of southern marsh belt. Anthropogenic factors such as: water withdrawal and improper draining system, have not changed in recent years, so their influence can be called as “steady” and acceptably to eliminate in case of elaborating of programs of wetland areas renaturalisation.
Mapy podatności naturalnej wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia stanowią wizualizację oceny podatności wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia. Są one jednym z najważniejszych elementów uwzględnianych przy podejmowaniu decyzji odnośnie zagospodarowania terenu i obiektów potencjalnie uciążliwych dla środowiska. Badania podatności wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia zostały przeprowadzone na obszarze Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego (skala regionalna) oraz na wytypowanym poligonie w pobliżu Wiktorowa w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym (około 30 km2) w skali lokalnej. Ocenę podatności naturalnej przeprowadzono przy zastosowaniu zmodyfikowanej metody DRASTIC oraz na podstawie szacunku czasu przesączania się zanieczyszczeń konserwatywnych. Uzyskane rezultaty wskazują, że rezultat oceny zależy od wykorzystanej metody, stopnia rozpoznania warunków hydrogeologicznych, zastosowanych uproszczeń oraz wyznaczonego celu badań.
Maps of natural groundwater vulnerability to contamination illustrate the assessment of natural groundwater vulnerability. They are also one of the important components that are taken into consideration while making a decision as regards the site management and objects potentially troublesome for the environment. The researches of natural vulnerability were conducted for the area of the Kampinoski National Park (on a regional scale) and for the area (about 30 km2) near Wiktorów (part of the Kampinos National Park) on a local scale. The assessment of vulnerability has been performed with the use of the modified DRASTIC method and calculations of the time migration method of a contaminant through the unsaturated zone. The results of the study indicate that the evaluation of natural groundwater vulnerability to contamination depends on the following factors: research methodology, degree of area recognition, applied simplifications and the purpose of research.
Kampinoski Park Narodowy - obszar wpisany na międzynarodową listę rezerwatów biosfery - jest narażony na zanieczyszczenie ze względu na bliskość wielkiej aglomeracji miejskiej, jaką jest Warszawa. W artykule omówiono charakterystykę geograficzno-przyrodniczą parku i jego warunki hydrologiczne oraz przedstawiono w ujęciu generalnym źródła zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych tego obszaru, a także stan ich czystości. W zakończeniu opracowania zaprezentowano wnioski dotyczące działań dla poprawy obecnej sytuacji.
The Kampinos National Park - the area included in the international register of biosphere reserves - is particularly endangered by pollution because of vicinity of the big Warsaw municipal agglomeration. In the paper there is discussed the geographical and natural characterization of the Park and its hydrological conditions as well as the sources of pollution of surface and underground waters on that area and the state of their quality. In the last place of the elaboration there are presented conclusions concerning the activities for the improvement of the existing situation.
Some natural and anthropogenic properties of surface water were investigated in National Park of Kampinos in years 2000-2002. Obtained results were compared with corresponding standards. Analyses of samples of water revealed most of them to be adequate to the 1 class of purity. Benzo(a)pyrene was not detected. However, in two cases high concentration of iron and manganese was observed. As a rule, the samples collected in November exhibited higher concentration of manganese. In one case high concentration of nitrates was determined. Most of samples collected in Aleksandrów met the requirement for the II class of purity because of phosphate concentration.
W latach 2000-2002 badano niektóre naturalne i antropogenne właściwości wód powierzchniowych Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego. Uzyskane wartości średnie omówiono w porównaniu do odpowiednich norm. Analizy większości próbek wykazały, że odpowiadają one I klasie czystości. Benzo(a)pirenu nie wykryto. Jednak w dwóch przypadkach zaobserwowano wysokie stężenie żelaza i manganu. Próbki pobrane w listopadzie zawierały więcej manganu. W jednym przypadku oznaczono wysokie stężenie azotanów. Większość próbek pobranych w Aleksandrowie odpowiadała 11 klasie czystości ze względu na zawartość fosforanów.
Content available remote Infrastruktura wsi na terenach chronionych gmin kampinoskich
The impact of technical infrastructure on the level of life and the economic activity in the rural areas is undoubtedly beneficial. Infrastructure constitutes one of the most important economic development constituents in a given administrative unit. Its level is crucial for the conditions of life, attractiveness and modernity of a given region, chances and barriers of development, effectiveness of agricultural production, process of transformation and modernizing the countryside, development of other types of activity, population dynamics and environmental protection. Interpreting the relationship between the level of infrastructure development and the conditions of life in the countryside in terms of causal relationships, we are dealing here with a system of back couplings. Technical infrastructure constitutes the primary stimulus, rather than a feedback to better conditions of life. First of all, it is itself a very important element of the improvement, secondly, an indispensable condition for increasing the income.
Hydrogeological modelling of the Kampinos National Park (KNP) region has been carried out. The KNP comprises a hydrogeological unit of valley relatively simple structure, and has been investigated empirically and theoretically since the 1970's. Results of numerical modelling given here provide a quantitative evaluation of hydrogeological parameters, recharging infiltration, river drainage and evapotranspiration processes (groundwater evaporation), water balance and the role of hydrodynamic zones in the recharge and drainage contribution in the water balance of the Vistula valley unit.
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