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W Kaliszu przybywa terenów zieleni. Betonowe rejony zmieniamy w ekologiczną, przyjazną mieszkańcom przestrzeń. Efekty są wynikiem naszej pracy oraz rozmów z mieszkańcami, którzy chętnie przyłączają się do wspólnych działań.
. The plan of Kalisz by Andrzej Politalski is the oldest geometrically accurate depiction of the town. Compiled in 1785, it has survived to this day in a redrawing by Ottomar Wolle in 1878 at the scale of 1:3,000. The author discusses the process of developing the edition of Politalski’s plan for the “Kalisz” volume of the Historic Towns Atlas (HTA) and compares it with editions in other volumes. The most recent (2021) volumes developed in three different centres were chosen as comparative material: Biecz volume (Kraków); Fordon, 2nd edition (Toruń); and Racibórz (Wrocław). Each volume adopts different editorial rules, although, in general, they conform to the overarching principles of redrawing a map at the scale of 1:2,500. The differences touch on virtually all aspects (source material, scope of content, non-cartographic elements), but they are united by the aforementioned common scale and purpose. Developing the edition of Politalski’s plan was preceded by genetic analysis and the identification of filiation of its remaining copies. The original (1785) has not survived, nor has the first redrawing (1800). We only have a redrawing by Wolle (1878), which was the basis for the development of the plan for the HTA. In addition to this, we also have several other less significant versions. Politalski’s plan was georeferenced, its content was vectorised, and cartographical representation was created. The result has been put together with selected editions elaborated to date. A distinctive feature of the work on the “Kalisz” volume is the use of a redrawing of the original as a source plan, as it is – in fact – its historical edition. The author also draws attention to the issues of standardisation of data models and, consequently, of legends between particular volumes.
Klasztor kanoników laterańskich w Kaliszu jest jednym z ważniejszych zabytków architektury średniowiecznej zarówno miasta, jak i regionu. W dotychczasowym stanie badań podnoszono, że dzisiejsza bryła zapewne kryje w sobie dwa średniowieczne budynki. Nigdy jednak budynek ten nie był przedmiotem szerszych analiz. Tekst ma na celu prezentację wyników badań architektonicznych, wykonanych w latach 2016–2017. Objęto nimi wszystkie elewacje celem zarówno rozpoznania przekształceń, jak i określenia wniosków do prac konserwatorsko-restauratorskich. Na ich podstawie wyodrębniono osiem głównych faz budowlanych. Pierwotnie budynek ten był o połowę krótszy i nieco wyższy niż obecna bryła. Jeszcze w okresie średniowiecza został rozbudowany w kierunku zachodnim. Nowa część uzyskała jednak zupełnie inną artykulację. Najbardziej charakterystycznym jej elementem były podwójne, wąskie blendy z małymi otworami okiennymi piętra. W drugiej ćwierci XIX w. zmieniono jego funkcję na plebanię, przemurowano wtedy większość otworów. W takim też stanie dawny klasztor zachował się do dziś.
The Monastery of the Canons Regular of the Lateran in Kalisz is one of the most significant monuments of medieval architecture in both the city and the whole region. In the current state of research, it has been emphasized that its present shape probably hides two medieval buildings. However, the building has never been the subject of wider analyzes. The aim of the text is to present the results of architectural research carried out in the years 2016–2017, which covered all the facades, in order to recognize the transformations and determine the conclusions for conservation and restoration works. Consequently, eight main construction phases were distinguished. Originally the building was half shorter and slightly taller than it is today. As soon as in the Middle Ages, it was extended towards the west. The new part, however, was given a completely different articulation. Its most characteristic element were double, narrow blendes with small window openings on the first floor. In the second quarter of the nineteenth century its function was changed into a rectory, and most of the openings were then remodeled. The former monastery has survived in this condition to this day.
W planach rozwoju Transeuropejskiej Sieci Transportowej TEN-T dla kolei dużych prędkości [5] połączenie kolejowe pomiędzy Łodzią a Wrocławiem jest istotnym elementem przyszłego systemu w Centralnej Europie. W powiązaniu z przyszłą linią dużej prędkości Rail Baltica możliwe będzie utworzenie jednego z najdłuższych w Europie korytarzy kolejowych od Tallina w Estonii (w przyszłości także z Helsinek po wybudowaniu tunelu pod Zatoką Fińską) przez Polskę do Czech i dalej do Niemiec. W Aglomeracji Kalisko-Ostrowskiej korytarz ten kierowałby się także do Poznania i dalej do Berlina, gdzie łączyłby się z niemiecką siecią kolei dużych prędkości [18]. Aglomeracja Kalisko-Ostrowska została wskazana na podstawie wykonanych studiów wykonalności jako jeden z punktów węzłowych tej sieci. Koncepcja Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego, która zakłada ukierunkowanie sieci kolejowej w Polsce na obsługę przyszłego portu lotniczego pod Warszawą takiego węzła nie przewiduje [19]. W artykule zostały przeanalizowane założenia projektowania sieci TEN-T w Polsce w tym regionie.
In the plans to develop the Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T for high-speed rail, the rail connection between Łódź and Wrocław is an important element of the future system in Central Europe. In connection with the future High Speed Rail Baltica Line, it will be possible to create one of the longest railway corridors in Europe from Tallinn in Estonia (in the future also from Helsinki after the construction of the tunnel under the Gulf of Finland) through Poland to the Czechia and further to Germany. In the Kalisz/Ostrów Wlkp. Agglomeration, this corridor would lead to Poznań and further to Berlin, where it would connect to the German high-speed rail network [18]. The Kalisz-Ostrów Wlkp. Agglomeration has been identified on the basis of feasibility studies performed as one of the nodal points of this network. The concept of the Central Transport Hub, which provides for the direction of the railway network in Poland to serve the future airport near Warsaw, does not provide for such a node. The article analyzes the assumptions for designing the TEN-T network in Poland in this region.
W ramach niniejszego artykułu, przy wykorzystaniu symulatora TOUGH2, podjęto próbę optymalizacji warunków pracy dubletu geotermalnego dla potencjalnej instalacji geotermalnej zlokalizowanej w rejonie Kalisza. Założono, że rozwiązaniem optymalnym będzie najmniejsza odległość między otworami gwarantująca bezpieczną, długoterminową jego pracę. Miarą bezpieczeństwa pracy systemu był brak obserwacji zjawiska tzw. przebicia frontu chłodnego, które polega na spadku temperatury w otworze produkcyjnym spowodowanym dopływem chłodniejszej wody, zatłaczanej otworem chłonnym. Poziom zbiornikowy w analizowanym rejonie budują piaszczyste utwory dolnej kredy i dolnej jury charakteryzujące się bardzo dobrymi parametrami geotermalnymi. Modelowanie przeprowadzono przy założeniu wykorzystania istniejącego odwiertu Zakrzyn IG-1 jako otwór produkcyjny dla potencjalnej instalacji dubletu geotermalnego ujmującego wody podziemne jury dolnej. Analizie poddano różne odległości, od 500 do 3000 m, pomiędzy otworem produkcyjnym i chłonnym. W celu określenia minimalnego dystansu pomiędzy otworami dla każdej odległości testowano te same przedziały wydajności w zakresie od 50 do 150 m3/h. W każdym analizowanym przypadku weryfikacji podlegały wyniki wartości ciśnienia i temperatury w strefie głowicy otworu produkcyjnego i zatłaczającego. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników możliwy był dobór optymalnej odległości, dla której przyjęty zakres wydajności zapewnił brak wpływu otworu chłonnego na temperaturę medium złożowego w założonym horyzoncie czasowym.
The optimization of working conditions for a potential geothermal doublet located in the area of Kalisz was made using the TOUGH2 simulator. It was assumed that the smallest distance between boreholes in a geothermal doublet would be an optimal solution and guarantees the safe and long-term operation of the doublet. The measure of the system’s safety was lack of phenomenon so-called breakthrough of the cold front observed in simulation results, which consists of a temperature drop in the production borehole caused by the inflow of cooler water, injected by the injection borehole. The level of the reservoir in the analyzed area is built of the lower Cretaceous and lower Jurassic deposits, which are characterized by very good geothermal parameters. The simulations were carried out assuming the use of the existing Zakrzyn IG-1 borehole, as a production well for the potential geothermal doublet, which capture the underground waters of the lower Jurassic aquifer. Different distances from 500 to 3000 m between the production and injection boreholes, were analyzed. In order to determine the minimum distance between boreholes for each distance, the same ranges of the yield from 50 to 150 m3/h, were tested. In each analyzed case, the results of the pressure and temperature values on the head of the production and injection boreholes, were verified. Based on the obtained results, it was possible to select the optimal distance for which the assumed efficiency range ensured that the injection borehole did not influence the temperature of the aquifer in the assumed time horizon.
Content available Prognoza występowania wód termalnych w Kaliszu
Wody geotermalne mogą być pozyskiwane jedno- lub dwutorowo. Odbiór wody termalnej z jednego otworu jest możliwy jedynie w przypadku wód niezmineralizowanych o stopniu czystości wód pitnych. W oparciu o istniejące wybrane ujęcia wód podziemnych w Kaliszu oraz istniejące otwory w Uniejowie i Koninie, z których pozyskiwane są wody termalne, prognozowane parametry wody termalnej w Kaliszu na głębokości 2000 m wynoszą od 65 do 75 °C (max 80 °C), natomiast średnie temperatury na wypływie od 60 do 65 °C. Do czasu wykonania odwiertu i określenia temperatury wód termalnych oraz ich składu fizykochemicznego prognozy są przedwczesne co do sposobu ich wykorzystania jako samodzielnego źródła ciepła oraz źródła kojarzonego z innymi nośnikami energii, takimi jak np. konwencjonalna.
Geothermal waters can be extracted from one or two boreholes. The extraction from one borehole is possible only in the case of non-mineral waters, characterized by the purity of drinking water. On the basis of the chosen underground water intakes already existing in Kalisz, and the boreholes in Uniejów and Konin from which thermal water is obtained, the predicted parameters of thermal water in Kalisz at the depth of 2000 m are 65 to 75ºC (max 80 °C), while the average temperature on the surface ranges from 60 to 65º. Until a bore is done and the temperature and physicochemical composition of the waters established, it is too early to predict whether the waters might be used as an independent source of heat or a source associated with other energy carriers such as, for example, conventional energy.
Content available Spod Monte Cassino do ziemi kaliskiej
Ks. ppłk Władysław Mróz nazywany „Kapelanem od Andersa” ur. 13 maja 1905r. w miejscowości Ostrów Kaliski w powiecie kaliskim. Święcenia kapłańskie otrzymał 29 czerwca 1930r. W 1934r. został powołany na kapelana wojskowego 39 Dywizji Piechoty w Łodzi. Uczestnik kampanii wrześniowej 1939r., ucieka z obozu jenieckiego. Krótko zamieszkuje w Łodzi, ucieka na Węgry a następnie przez Jugosławię do Palestyny, wstępuje do oddziałów polskich, pod dowództwem gen. Władysława Andersa. Walczy z Niemcami pod Tobrukiem w słynnej bitwie pod Aleksandrią, na pierwszej linii frontu [pod Monte Cassino. Odznaczony Krzyżem Walecznych, Złotym Krzyżem Zasługi z Mieczami, oraz odznaczeniami brytyjskimi Gwiazdą Wojny, Gwiazdą Afryki, Gwiazdą Italii. W 1948 roku wraca do kraju, pracuje jako kapelan w Międzyrzeczu, proboszcz garnizonu w Poznaniu, Dziekan Okręgu Wojskowego we Wrocławiu i od 1952 roku obejmuje stanowisko proboszcza w Kościele Garnizonowym w Kaliszu, odzyskując kościół od protestantów. Zmarł 16.06.1960 roku w Kaliszu, kondukt żałobny poprowadził więzień obozu koncentracyjnego w Dachau J.E ks. biskup dr Franciszek Korszyński. Ks. ppłk Władysław Mróz spoczywa na Miejskim Cmentarzu Katolickim – Rogatka w Kaliszu w zbiorowym grobie kapłańskim.
Father Lt. Col. Władysław Mróz , called 'Anders Army chaplain', was born on 13 May 1905 in Ostrów Kaliski in Kalisz region. He was ordained on 29 June 1930. In 1934 he was appointed the chaplain of 39th Infantry Division in Łódź. He took part in September Campaign, after which he escaped from a POW camp. For a short time he lived in Łódź, then he escaped to Hungary, and then through Yugoslavia to Palestine where he joined the Polish troops commanded by General Władysław Anders. He fought with Germans at Tobruk, in a famous battle of Alexandria , and in the first line of the battle of Monte Cassino. He was decorated with the Cross of Valor, the Gold Cross of Merit with Swords, and the British orders -The 1939-1945 Star, The Star of Africa and the Star of Italy. In 1948 he came back to Poland and started working as a chaplain in Międzyrzecz. He was later the chaplain in Poznań garrison , the dean of the Military District in Wrocław, after which he became the parish priest in the Garrison Church in Kalisz regaining thus the former protestant church. He died on 16.06.1960 in Kalisz. The funeral procession was lead by His Excellency Bishop Franciszek Korszyński, a former prisoner of the concentration camp in Dachau. Father Lt.Col. is buried in a common grave for priests in the Rogatka Catholic Cemetery in Kalisz.
Gen. dyw. Michał Tokarzewski – Karaszewicz urodził się w styczniu 1893 roku we Lwowie. Studiując medycynę na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie wstąpił w szeregi Związku Walki Czynnej i Związku Strzeleckiego. Dowódca V batalionu w I brygadzie Legionów Polskich Józefa Piłsudskiego. Dowódca 25 Kaliskiej Dywizji Piechoty w latach 1931- 1935 w Kaliszu. We wrześniu w 1939r. gen. bryg. M. Tokarzewski – Karaszewicz był dowódcą w Armii „Pomorze” dowodzonej przez gen. dyw. Wł. Bortnowskiego. Gen. Römmel 19 września powołał go na swojego zastępcę Armii „Warszawa”, zorganizował Służbę Zwycięstwa Polski. Aresztowany w 1940r. w okolicach Jarosławia przez władze Sowieckie. Po podpisaniu umowy Sikorski – Majski i rozpoczęciu organizacji Wojska Polskiego z Związku Radzieckim wstąpił w jej szeregi. W marcu 1943 roku zastępca dowódcy Armii Polskiej na Wschodzie a następnie do grudnia 1944 roku był dowódcą organizującego się III Korpusu Polskiego. Po demobilizacji pozostał na emigracji. Zmarł w Casablance (Maroko) 22 maja 1964r. a pochowany został w Londynie, odznaczony Komandorskim i Srebrnym Krzyżem Orderu Wojennego Virtuiti Militari, Orderem Polonia Restituta III i IV klasy , Krzyżem Niepodległości z Mieczami, czterokrotnie Krzyżem Walecznych, dwukrotnie Złotym Krzyżem Zasługi z Mieczami.
Major General Michał Tokarzewski -Karaszewicz was born in January 1893 in Lvov. While studying medicine at Jagiellonian University in Cracow he joined the Union for Active Resistance (Związek Walki Czynnej in Polish) and the Riflemen's Association. He was the commander of the Fifth Battalion in I Legion of Józef Piłsudski's Polish Legions. He was the commander of 25 Division of Kalisz Infantry between 1931 and 1935 in Kalisz. In September 1939 Major General Michał Tokarzewski-Karaszewicz was a commander in the Pomerania Army commanded by Major General Władysław Bortnowski. On 19 September General Römmel appointed him his Vice -Commander in the Warsaw Army. Major General Tokarzewski-Karaszewicz organized Service for Poland's Victory. He was arrested in 1940 near Jarosław by Soviet authorities. After Sikorski-Majski agreement was signed and the formation of the Polish Army in the Soviet Union started Major General Tokarzewski – Karaszewicz joined the newly formed army. In March 1943 he was the vice-commander of the Polish Army in the East and until December 1944 he was the commander of the Third Polish Corps, which was being organized at that time. After the demobilization he stayed abroad as an expatriate. He died in Casablanca(Morocco) on 22 May 1966 and was buried in London. He was decorated with Commander's and Silver Cross of the War Order of Virtuti Militari,the Order of Polonia Restituta of the third and fourth class, the First Class Cross of the Order of Independence ,The Cross of Valor (four times), Gold Cross of Merit with Swords (twice).
Ks. Józef Kurzawa urodził się 6 stycznia 1910r. w Świerczynie k. Kalisza w dawnej parafii Giżyce, a obecnie parafii Brzeziny. Ukończył w latach 1922-1928 Państwowe Gimnazjum Humanistyczne im. Adama Asnyka w Kaliszu należąc do Sodalicji Mariańskiej i Bratniaka. Po maturze w 1931r. ukończył Szkołę Podchorążych Rezerwy Piechoty w Jarocinie. W tym samym roku wstąpił do Seminarium Duchownego we Włocławku, otrzymując w dniu 14 czerwca 1936r. święcenia kapłańskie. Następnie 1 sierpnia objął funkcję wikariusza parafii Osięciny znajdującej się pomiędzy Inowrocławiem i Włocławkiem oraz został prefektem miejscowej szkoły. Po północy 24 maja 1940 roku został wraz z ks. proboszczem Wincentym Matuszewskim w bestialski sposób zamordowany przez niemieckich oprawców przy drodze do Witowa. W przekonaniu ludności, śmierć ks. Kurzawy i ks. Matuszewskiego była aktem zemsty za zorganizowanie procesji Bożego Ciała. Ks. proboszcz Wincenty Matuszewski usilnie prosił ks. Józefa Kurzawę, by ratował swoje młode życie poprzez opuszczenie Osięcin z czego ks. Józef nie skorzystał. Gdy prowadzono ich na męczeńską śmierć, ks. Józef zasłaniał sędziwego proboszcza sobą przed uderzeniami oprawców mówiąc „Ja ciebie ojcze nie zostawię”. W dniu 13 czerwca 1999 roku Ojciec Święty Jan Paweł II wyniósł na ołtarze 108 męczenników z okresu II Wojny Światowej, wśród których znaleźli się ks. proboszcz Wincenty Matuszewski i ks. wikariusz Józef Kurzawa.
Father Józef Kurzawa was born on 6 January 1910 in Świerczyna near Kalisz, in the the former Giżyce parish, which is now Brzeziny parish. In 1922-1928 he attended Adam Asnyk State Secondary School in Kalisz. At that time he also belonged to a catholic organization The Sodality of Blessed Virgin Mary(Congregatio Mariana) and to Bratniak, a student organization whose aim was to help students in need. After getting his secondary school certificate he went on to graduate from Infantry Cadet School in Jarocin in 1931, at which point he also started Theological College in Włocławek. He took holy orders on 14 June 1936. Then, on 1 August 1936, he became the vicar in Osięciny parish situated between Inowrocław and Włocławek, and took the post of the prefect in a local school. On 24 May 1940, after midnight he was arrested together with the parish priest Wincenty Matuszewski and both priests were brutally murdered by the German torturers on the way to Witów. The local people believed Father Kurzawa was murdered in an act of revenge for organizing a Corpus Christi procession. Father Matuszewski is said to have begged Father Kurzawa to save himself by leaving Osięciny ,but Father Kurzawa had not listened to him. When both priests were led to the place of their martyr's death, Father Kurzawa shielded Father Matuszewski from being beaten with his own body saying ' I will not leave you, Father' . On 13 June 1999 Pope John Paul II canonized 108 martyrs from the time of World War II, including Father Kurzawa and Father Matuszewski.
Content available Bitwa pod Kaliszem 13 lutego 1813 r.
W dniu 13 lutego 1813r. odbyła się bitwa pod Kaliszem pomiędzy rosyjskimi wojskami dowodzonymi przez generała lejtn. barona Ferdynanda von Wintzingeroda (1770-1818r.) a wojskami napoleońskimi, w skład których wchodziły oddziały saskie, francuskie i polskie Księstwa Warszawskiego oraz innych narodowości pod dowództwem Szwajcara gen. dyw. hr. Jana Ludwika Reyniera (1771-1814r.). Bitwa pod Kaliszem nie została rozstrzygnięta do końca, poważnie zachwiała lojalnością wojsk saskich do idei napoleońskiej. Kalisz przez ponad miesiąc od 24 lutego do 6 kwietnia 1813r. pełnił rolę kwatery głównej dowództwa armii rosyjskiej, będąc zarazem jednym z ważniejszych miast europejskiej polityki. Bitwa 13 lutego 1813r. pod Kaliszem na ziemiach Księstwa Warszawskiego, w której walczyli: Francuzi, Włosi, Polacy, Holendrzy, Niemcy oraz Hiszpanie pod dowództwem Szwajcara, przeciwko Rosjanom dowodzonym przez Niemców, odzwierciedlała skomplikowane stosunki polityczne oraz złożone koleje losów ludzkich oraz oddalała odzyskanie niepodległości przez Rzeczpospolitą.
The battle of Kalisz took place on 13 February 1813. It was a battle between Russian soldiers commanded by Lt. Gen. Baron Ferdinand von Witzingerod (1770-1818) and Napoleon's army soldiers including Saxon, French and Polish divisions of the Duchy of Warsaw as well as other nationalities commanded by the Swiss General of Division Count Jean-Louis Reynier (1771-1814). The battle of Kalisz was unresolved and challenged the loyalty of the Saxon Army in relation to Napoleon's idea. For over a month , from 24 February to 6 April 1813, Kalisz was the headquarters of the Russian Army and, and the same time, one of the more important cities in European politics. The battle of 13 February 1813 on Kalisz grounds in the Duchy of Warsaw reflected the complex political relations and complicated human fate. It also meant a delay in regaining the independence of Poland.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi opis realizacji mostu Księżnej Jolanty. Obiekt ten zdobył wyróżnienie specjalne w III edycji Konkursu mostowego im. Maksymiliana Wolfa w 2011 r. Jury konkursu doceniło przede wszystkim nowoczesne rozwiązania w zakresie budownictwa mostowego wdrożone przez firmę EMProjekt.
The article presents the construction of the Duchess Jolanta Bridge. It received a special distinction in the third edition of the Maksymilian Wolf Bridge Contest. The jury panel awarded, above all, modern solutions in the field of bridge construction implemented by the EMProjekt company.
Edukacja ekologiczna to nie zajęcie w szkolnych ławkach i wiedza teoretyczna, ale konkretne działanie w środowisku i dla środowiska. Taka właśnie zasada przyświeca Związkowi Komunalnemu "Czyste Miasto, Czysta Gmina" z Kalisza. Dostrzegła to Kapituła Konkursu o Puchar Recyklingu, przyznając związkowi wyróżnienie w ubiegłorocznej edycji Konkursu w kategorii "Edukacja Ekologiczna".
The author argues that the hypothesis that the Old Town area in Kalisz, Great Poland, surrounded by a medieval defensive wall could be considered an urban area which developed in the second half of the thirteenth century has no foundation and has to be refuted. There are hydrological and archaeological arguments in support of this opinion. The existence of St. Stanisław's Franciscan Church and St. Mikołaj's parish Church, both built at the end of the thirteenth century, in the southern part of this area is beyond doubt. On the basis of observations made during the excavations, the author proves that the area to the north of the line connecting the two churches was formed by a meander of the Prosna River. The sandy backwaters and old riverbeds stabilized only at the beginning of the fourteenth century and it was then that the area became suitable for building purposes. The riverbed on the border of the meander was still occupied by the river at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Traces of a fourteenth-century and later settlement were discovered during the archaeological works conduced in this area. The hypothesis that this area was inhabited by people in the thirteenth century was practically ruled out. This is why the author thinks that the thirteenth-century town was situated to the south of the two churches. Janusz Tomala contradicted this opinion in 2004. This researcher a priori expressed the view that the urban area enclosed by the city wall exactly corresponds to the location and shape of the thirteenth-century town. The author is of the opinion that assumptions of this sort always require proof and the results of the study carried out by the author prove that Janusz Tomala's supposition is unjustified. In the second part of his article, the author points out that in Kalisz brick walls built using the so-called Wendish course are characteristic not only of the thirteenth-century structures but of the fourteenth-century buildings as well. The stratigraphy of this kind of course found in brick walls in Kalisz does not correspond to their chronological stratigraphy. In at least two buildings, St. Stanisław's Church and the town's defensive wall, the Wendish course is chronologically divergent. It is separated by a fourteenth-century wall section built using the so-called Polish course. The connection between St. Stanisław's Church and the defensive wall standing above the riverbed of the Prosna River which was still referred to as the new river at the beginning of the seventeenth century is particularly important to our argument. To sum up: The author is of the opinion that the conclusion inferred from the above-presented line of reasoning rules out Tomala's assumption that the brick walls erected using the Wendish course date exclusively from the thirteenth century. The author believes that Tomala's interpretation is methodologically incorrect and that all hypotheses formed a priori and resulting from an attempt to date the urban layout to an earlier time should be refuted. Taking into consideration the obvious facts presented above, the layout of the Old Town in Kalisz has to be dated to the fourteenth century and the time of the rule in Poland of King Casimir the Great.
King Kazimierz the Great built the castle in Kalisz as part of a sequence of municipal defensive facilities in the northern part of the town, next to Toruńska Gate. During the Middle Ages this four-wing and four storey edifice contained an inner courtyard and was surrounded by a moat. The mediaeval castle burned down in 1537, and was destroyed by fire to such an extent that it was never totally rebuilt. In 1985-1987 archaeological studies of the castle ruins unearthed the foundations of a gate house, located in the former southern wing. It was discovered that the gate had been redesigned already during the Middle Ages. Its state, documented during the excavations, indicates that it had been destroyed by fire, but not in 1537. Presumably, the gate was damaged in 1656 and it certainly functioned in 1564 and 1628, as testified by written sources. The lowering of the threshold of the continuous footing of the gate house and the introduction of a cellar into the foundations had been connected already earlier with changed access to the castle. The new technical solution involved the manner of raising the drawbridge, and consisted of a counterweight. Such a device had appeared in Western Europe already in the course of the fourteenth century, and possibly even earlier. Up to now, the bridge in Kalisz had been ascribed a wide chronological range. Terminus post quern was defined by the time of the construction of the castle - between 1336 and 1343, while terminus ad quem coincided at the latest with the destruction of the gate in 1656. The article intends to establish a more precise date of installing the counterweight in the castle drawbridge. The first option was a dendrochronological study of beams in the gate crossing, and the second was an attempt at dating based on measurements of the brick used for facing the breach in the gate house foundation, executed for the purpose of building a drawbridge outfitted with a counterweight. The author chose the latter approach. Only a single spot was discovered in the examined ruins in which bricks were connected with the brick castle - the outer part of the gate house ground floor and the face of the outer cellar walls. An analysis of the finding led to a differentiation between the bricks of the original fragments and the secondary supplements of the face into two groups: older A and repair B. Counterparts of those sets were found in the castle in Bolesławiec on the Prosna - group B bricks, identified with the redesigning of the castle during the 1380s by Duke Władysław Opolczyk. This is the brick used during the expansion of the castle, placed on top of the original defensive wall from the time of Kazimierz, and the brick from the freestanding octagonal tower. Sets very similar to B group brick from Bolesławiec were found in the town wall in Byczyna, located in Opole (Silesia), some 10 kms from Bolesławiec, and in the face of a castle tower in Ostrzeszów. It is worth stressing that all three constructions were situated in terrains incorporated into the duchy ruled by Władysław Opolczyk: Byczyna - in the duchy of Opole, Bolesławiec - in the region of Wieluń (governed by Opolczyk from 1370 to 1401), and Ostrzeszów in the region of Ostrzeszów, which belonged to the duke of Opole probably from 1375 to 1393. The similarity between the brick from the Bolesławiec "workshop" of Władysław Opolczyk and the brick from the mediaeval constructions in Kalisz was probably not accidental. It is so considerable that the author hazarded a hypothesis claiming that at the turn of the fourteenth century Kalisz found itself within the range of the construction workshops used by the duke of Opole not only in the region of Opole itself (Byczyna), but also in the lands of Wieluń (Bolesławiec) and Ostrzeszów (Ostrzeszów) during the 1380s and the early 1390s. Presumably, the construction "workshop" of the duke of Opole could have made its way to royal lands only after Władysław Jagiełło regained the regions of Wieluń and Ostrzeszów in an expedition waged against Opolczyk in 1393. According to Długosz, Jagiełło captured castles in Olsztyn, Krzepice, Bobolice, Brzeźnica, Wieluń, Ostrzeszów and Grabów on the Prosna. The castle in Bolesławiec on the Prosna was the only one which he did not seize immediately, but besieged, albeit unsuccessfully. Not until the death of Władysław Opolczyk did his widow and sons surrender the castle to the monarch (1401). Apart from the mentioned brick measurements there are also two other categories of sources capable of casting more light. One is the archaeological stratigraphy of the gate-house foundation, indicating that the gate-house cellar existed already prior to the mid-fourteenth century. This assumption is evidenced by findings of coins between the floor beams in the crossing (a Toruń shilling from the time of Kazimierz Jagiellon, 1454-1456, and an unidentified, damaged Teutonic Order coin). On the other hand, written sources have provided two types of information. The privilege issued by Władysław Jagiełło in 1418 contains direct mention of defensive investments; in it, the king permitted the town to conduct free trade and entitled the Town Council to collect market charges, subsequently used for financing the preservation and conservation of the defensive city walls. The second possibility was royal initiative. Władysław Jagiełło who was a frequent visitor in Kalisz, was aware of the degradation of the local defensive walls and up to 1418 personally paid for their upkeep. The content of the document from 1418 indicates that already prior to the issuing of the privilege the town walls had to be repaired, and possibly had already been mended. Such an initiative would have called for financial sources other than the normal revenue of the town. Every researcher examining bricks analyses their size and notices their changeability. These two features can be identified with the progress of time, sometimes with localisation, and in other cases with the investor. All initial premises for further detailed studies are hypothetical. Without forejudging the possibility of generalising the individual examined phenomenon, namely, the distinct similarity between group B bricks from the castle in Bolesławiec on the Prosna and group B bricks from Kalisz Castle, the author believes that in this particular instance an analysis of similarity based on measurement led to a positive conclusion. The author is inclined to place the date of the construction of the new drawbridge cellar in Kalisz Castle in the years immediately after 1394, and to connect it with the activity of the building workshops which during the 1380s developed under the rule of Władysław Opolczyk in the lands of Wieluń and Ostrzeszów, and which at the time of the reign of Jagiełło could have reached Kalisz already as royal workshops. A study of the sizes of the brick, applied for the purpose of stratifying examples of mediaeval brick architecture is, as has been said in the introduction, a controversial method. Nonetheless, in the opinion of the author, researchers dealing with architecture cannot ignore it.
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