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w słowach kluczowych:  Institute for Nuclear Studies
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W pracy przedstawiono własności i budowę symulatorów zakłóceń elektromagnetycznych opracowanych i produkowanych.
HV pulse supply systems for thermonuclear plasma experiments and particle accelerators are built at the Institute since 1965 year . The current crest value over 10 megaampers and voltage of a few megavolts have been achieved in these installations. Simultaneously with the occurrence of strong electromagnetic disturbances connected with the current and voltage pulses, small signals of the order of μV and μA should be measured. Therefore both aspects of the EMC were investigated: 1° - methods of protection of low voltage electronic equipment against electromagnetic disturbances by means of shielding, earthing, optocoupling, special supply systems (two stage, low capacitance transformers) and proper use of varistors, diodes etc. were tested and applied; 2° - several generators were built for testing of electromagnetic immunity. Following generators are presented in the paper: electrostatic discharge generator, fast transients (burst) generator, combination wave (hybrid) generator (1.2/50|μs - 8/20(μs), test generator 10/700μs, voltage dips and short interruption generator. The generators are delivered as single units together with auxiliary equipment (coupling and decoupling networks, phase shifter, attenuators) or in modular system EM 10-1. The generators of power frequency, pulse and damped oscillatory magnetic fields are designed and tested.
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