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Studies of spring waters, especially in mountainous areas, where there are no well boreholes, provide valuable information on the dynamics and chemistry of groundwater. The results of one and a half year monitoring of five selected springs located in the Inner Carpathians were presented in the article. All the springs drain cool, slightly alkaline waters with a low mineralization, which classifies them into acratopegae. In the ionic composition of studied waters bicarbonates, calcium, and magnesium are dominated. In particular, attention was drawn to changes in temperature, since their analysis allowed a relative assessment of the depth of water circulation drained by the springs
Content available remote Wody termalne Bukowiny Tatrzańskiej i ich wykorzystanie
Paleogeńska niecka podhalańska, w obrębie której wykonano otwór badawczy Bukowina Tatrzańska PIG/PNiG–1, znajduje się w północnej części Karpat wewnętrznych – między Tatrami na południu i pienińskim pasem skałkowym (Pieninami) na północy. W 2012 roku ustalono nowe zasoby eksploatacyjne dla otworu Bukowina Tatrzańska PIG/PNiG-1 w wysokości 48 m3•h-1 o mineralizacji 1,65 g•dm-3 i temperaturze wody na wypływie 67,0°C. Typ wody określono jako siarczanowo-wapniowo-sodowy z zawartością siarkowodu.
The hydrogeological test borehole Bukowina Tatrzańska PIG/PNiG-1 was made in the Palaeogene Podhale Basin. The Podhale Basin is located in the northern part of the Inner Carpathians – between the Tatra Mts to the south and the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Pieniny Mts) in the north. In 2012, a new admissible volume of extracted groundwater for the hydrogeological borehole Bukowina Tatrzańska PIG/PNiG-1 was established for 48 m3•h-1, its mineralization for 1,65 g• dm-3 and water temperature of 67,0°C at the outlet. Water type was defined as sulphate-calcium-sodium with hydrogen sulfide contents.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad sezonową zmiennością intensywności wietrzenia chemicznego w trzech zlewniach: potoku Białego (Tatry), potoku Suchego (Podhale), potoku Macelowego (Pieniny), zlokalizowanych w Karpatach wewnętrznych. Tereny te różnią się warunkami klimatycznymi, geologicznymi i hydrogeologicznymi. Do określenia sezonowej zmienności intensywności wietrzenia chemicznego zastosowano metodę oceny denudacji chemicznej, wykorzystującą model geochemiczny. Stosowane do tej pory analizy, oparte na obserwacjach zmienności stężeń poszczególnych składników wód lub mineralizacji ogólnej, nie pozwalały na wskazanie wyraźnych tendencji.
The research results of the seasonal variability of chemical weathering intensity in three Inner Carpathian catchments (Biały Stream basin – Tatra Mts., Suchy Stream basin – Podhale, Macelowy Stream basin – Pieniny) which differs in climatic, geological and hydrogeological conditions were presented in the article. Due to the fact that the analyses focused on the observations of concentration changeability of particular components and the total mineralization of water did not allow to indicate any direct tendencies, the evaluation of the seasonal variability of chemical weathering intensity was based on the chemical denudation method uses the geochemical model.
Karstified carbonates which outcrop in the Tatras, Inner Carpathians, southern Poland, and dip to the north under the flysch sediments of the Podhale Basin, represent the largest known renewable reservoir of thermal waters in the country, with temperatures up to about 80°C. Measurements of He excess, Ne and Ar unexpectedly revealed the existence of glacial age waters in the northeastern part of the basin, and late Holocene age waters in other parts. The noble gas data are shown to be in accordance with newly interpreted earlier long-term records of 3H, δ18O and δ2H in waters of the karstic springs, and with available determinations of 3H, δ18O, δ2H, 14C and δ13C in cold and thermal well waters.
The geometry and morphology of joints have been examined in the flysch rocks in the western part of the Podhale synclinorium. They form a regular network, which has been developed in several stages connected with the structural evolution of the synclinorium. The initiation of the oldest diagonal system (D[R], D[L] sets), in the form of strength anisotropy in horizontal beds, took place during the successive increase in NNE-SSW compression. The formation of the majority of the L. set and of a small portion of the L set took place during gentle open folding connected with the setting of the general structural framework of the synclinorium. The beginning of the formation of the T set was related to WNW-ESE extension connected with the uplift of the synclinorium. The youngest joints - the majority of the L and a small portion of the L. set, were formed as the result of stress relaxation in the rock masses during progressive uplift lasting up to recent times. The formation of the joints proceeded in two stages: (I) their initiation in the form of joint-anisotropy and (II) opening of joints. These stages have often been significantly separated in time. Sometimes the process of joint opening continues up to recent times. There is a regional tendency that the double shear angle (20) values increase from the axial zone towards the marginal parts of the synclinorium, as well as downward in the flysch lithostratigraphic section. This is probably caused by the increase in confining pressure and rock ductility attributed to the increase in overburden load. The 20 values could also have been controlled by tectonic factors.
Thenetwork of joints cutting the flysch deposits in the western Podhale is reasonably regular both in map scale and in individual outcrops. It is formed by five sets having a different orientation with respect to the range of the Podhale Synclinorium, as well as a different age and origin. The oldest diagonal sets (DR, DL) are conjugate and roughly coeval and were formed as "potential shear surfaces" in horizontal beds, whereas their further opening proceeded in an extensional mode. The younger sublongitudinal set (L') comprises extensional joints originated during the early buckling of beds. The transverse set (T), younger than the L'-set, comprises extensional joints formed in relation to the WNW-ESE extension of the Podhale Synclinorium. The youngest longitudinal set (L) originated in an extensional mode in consequence of stress relaxation in the rock massif during postorogenic uplift. Joint density increases in areas involved in relatively strong tectonic disturbances: the zone of tectonic contact between the flysch and the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the zone of contact between the Paleogene deposits, the Tatra Massif and the Biały Dunajec fault zone.
Chemical denudation is an essential factor of the circulation of elements on the Earth. Its intensity is related to several processes, of which the most important are dissolution and precipitation of minerals. Chemical denudation considerably bears on physicochemical proprieties of surface waters and groundwaters in the hypergenesis zone. The paper presents the use of geochemical models for quantitative estimation of chemical denudation. The geochemical models allow considering in calculations such parameters as different solubilities of minerals and the reaction of dissolution of carbonates in the presence of carbon dioxide
The paper is focused on the analysis of fractures and faults in slightly deformed Werfenian quartzitic sandstones, which in the Polish part of the Tatra Mts. begin the sedimentary succession of the autochthonous cover overlying directly the crystalline core. Investigations including geometric and genetic analysis of fractures and faults have enabled to reconstruct the evolution of the palaeostress field in relation to the generally accepted stages of structural evolution of the Tatra Mts. The oldest fractures are represented by the S system of shear fractures, which originated due to SSW-NNE compression in almost horizontal or slightly N-tilted beds. The F1 fault set could have also originated in this stage as a result of slip along the bedding planes or along planes sub-parallel to bedding. This stage took place after the Early Turonian and before the Coniacian. The formation of main zones of strike-slip faults, including the Ornak dislocation zone, could have taken place in the terminal part of this stage or directly after it. The following stage was linked with rotational uplift of the Tatra Mts., taking place since the Late Miocene. As a result of SSW–NNE extension, the L set of fractures appeared in the gradually uplifted Werfenian rocks. Additionally, the F2 set of normal faults originated along with the simultaneous opening of some S fractures and reactivation of the F1 fault set. The last stage of evolution (Pleistocene? - present day) included the formation of landslides, causing rotation of bed complexes together with the fractures. Some F1 faults could have been reactivated at that time.
W niniejszym artykule przeprowadzono analizę spękań i uskoków w słabo zaburzonych tektonicznie piaskowcach kwarcytycznych werfenu. Piaskowce te rozpoczynają profil jednostki autochtonicznej (Tatricum) w Tatrach polskich, która leży bezpooerednio na trzonie krystalicznym. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań, polegających na analizie geometrycznej i genetycznej spękań i uskoków odtworzono pola paleonaprężeń i etapy ewolucji tych struktur w powiązaniu z ogólnie przyjętymi etapami ewolucji Tatr. Najstarszymi spękaniami są spękania ścięciowe systemu S, które powstały w wyniku kompresji o kierunku SSW-NNE w skałach leżących niemal poziomo lub lekko wychylonych ku północy. W etapie tym mogły powstawać również uskoki zespołu F1 w wyniku pooelizgów wzdłuż powierzchni uławicenia lub bliskich tym powierzchniom. Miało to miejsce po wczesnym turonie, a przed koniakiem. W końcowej fazie tego etapu lub po nim mogło dojść do powstania głównych stref uskoków przesuwczych, łącznie ze strefą dyslokacyjną Ornaku. Kolejny etap ewolucji omawianych struktur związany był z rotacyjnym wypiętrzeniem Tatr, trwającym od późnego miocenu. Sukcesywnie zaczęły powstawać spękania zespołu L w stopniowo wypiętrzających się skałach werfenu, w wyniku działania ekstensji o średnim kierunku SSW-NNE. W tym czasie doszło również do powstania uskoków normalnych systemu F2, z równoczesnym otwieraniem się części ze spękań systemu S oraz odmłodzeniem uskoków zespołu F1. W ostatnim etapie ewolucji (plejstocen? - dziś) powstawały osuwiska konsekwentno-strukturalne, powodujące skręcenia pakietów warstw łącznie z występującymi tu spękaniami. Mogło również dojść do reaktywacji niektórych uskoków zespołu F1.
Sixty dinoflagellate cyst taxa have been found in Middle to Late Eocene marl clasts that occur in an exotic-bearing submarine slump within the Lower Oligocene Szaflary beds (Podhale Flysch, Inner Carpathians, Poland). Eocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are evidenced for the first time from these deposits. Their taxonomic composition is compared with previously described Oligocene dinocyst assemblages from the Podhale Flysch. On this basis, different palaeoenviron- mental conditions during Middle-Late Eocene and Oligocene in Central Carpathian basin are suggested.
Content available remote Tufity biotytowe w eocenie otworu Biały Dunajec PAN-1 na Podhalu
Opisano serię piroklastyczną zawierającą sześć wkładek tufitów ze spągowej części paleogenu podhalańskiego w otworze wiertniczym Biały Dunajec PAN-1. Seria ta znajduje się na głębokości 2056-2089 m, poniżej typowych warstw szaflarskich dolnych, a powyżej zlepieńców węglanowych eocenu środkowego. Wiek serii z tufitami został określony jako najwyższy eocen (priabon). Badania mineralogiczno-petrograficzne i rentgenograficzne wskazują, że tufity są zbliżone charakterem do skał klasy dacytu lub andezytu. Materiał piroklastyczny jest w różnym stopniu przeobrażony. Tufity zawierają także zmienną domieszkę kalcytu mającego charakter synsedymentacyjny, który częściowo jest przekrystalizowany w kalcyt średniokrystaliczny. Tufity są prawdopodobnie efektem działalności jednego, niezbyt odległego centrum magmowego. Ich pozycja stratygraficzna i skład mineralny są zbliżone do tufitów opisanych przez Głazka i in. (1998) z doliny Suchej Wody. W regionalnym ujęciu, seria ta odpowiada przypuszczalnie tufitowemu poziomowi tzw. piaskowca biotytowego z Małej Niziny Węgierskiej.
The pyroclastic series containing six tuffitic intercalations from the bottom part of the Podhale Palaeogene recognized in the well Biały Dunajec PAN-1 was described. The series is situated at the depths of 2056-2089 m, below typical Flysch Lower Szaflary Beds and above the Middle Eocene carbonate conglomerates. The age of the series with tuffites was defined as the uppermost Eocene (Priabonian). Mineralogical-petrographical investigations and X-ray analyses indicate that pyroclasitc material found in tuffites is of character similar to rocks of dacite or andesite class. Pyroclastic material is altered. Additionally, tuffites contain admixture of syngenetic calcite partially recrystallized up to medium crystalline size. Tuffites were probably deposited as a result of activity of one, localized not very far, magmatic center. Stratigraphic position of tuffites as well as mineral composition may suggest their similarity to tuffites described by Głazek et al. (1998) from the Sucha Woda valley. From the regional point of view, the described series with tuffites may correspond to the tuffitic level of the so-called biotite sandstone known from the Little Hungarian Plain.
The oldest deposits of the Podhale Palaeogene Flysch, the Zakopane beds in the southern part of the basin, and the Szaflary beds in the northern part, represent Lower Oligocene. This is based on the presence of Early Oligocene dinocysts in stratigraphically lowermost deposits exposed near the Pieniny Klippen Belt. The peri-Tatra Zakopane beds are presumably younger than the Szaflary beds, being probably isochronous with the uppermost part of the Szaflary beds. The age of the Ostrysz beds, the youngest unit of the Podhale Flysch, is Upper Oligocene. This is based on the presence of Oligocene and Late Oligocene dinocysts in this unit with simultaneous lack of Early Miocene taxa.
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