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As part of the implementation of the Polish Geological Survey numerous and perfectly preserved dinosaur footprints were discovered in the upper Hettangian (Lower Jurassic) barrier-lagoon deposits, outcropping in the ceramic clay pit in Borkowice (Przysucha County, Poland). A large part of the specimens shows (especially visible in 3D scans) three-dimensional natural casts of dinosaur feet, on which anatomical features and impressions of the scaly skin are preserved in unusual details. These are the best-preserved traces of dinosaurs so far discovered in Poland and the quality of their preservation is equal to the best-known discoveries worldwide. In order for such a state of preservation to be possible, a very special sequence of sedimentary/taphonomic events had to take place in a very short time. The collection also includes records of ethology (behaviour) left by dinosaurs running, swimming, resting and sitting on a muddy sediment, as well as many enigmatic biogenic structures, probably related to various life activities of dinosaurs living there. So far, several hundred dinosaur tracks, representing at least seven different species of these animals have been collected and secured in Borkowice, and the prospects for new finds are much more promising. Unique bone remains of ornithischian dinosaurs preserved in the form of casts have also been found. It is necessary to act in cooperation with local authorities and the entrepreneur exploiting the clay deposits in order to secure and protect the geoheritage site.
Fern remains of matoniacean affinity were found in the Lower Hettangian strata of lacustrine/backswamp origin from the Niekłań PGI 1 borehole (central Poland, Holy Cross Mts.). The preserved fragments have been identified as Matonia braunii (Göppert, 1841) Harris, 1980. The remains suggest a rather small, low-growth plant with palmately compound fronds. The sori contain at least 5 sporangia preserved with well-developed annuli. The spores are triangular, trilete and kyrtomate, with a thin and smooth surface corresponding with dispersed Dictyophyllidites mortoni (de Jersey, 1959) Playford et Dettmann, 1965. Based on the gross morphology of sterile and fertile pinnae, suggestions made by Harris (1980) on the synonymy of Phlebopteris braunii (Göppert, 1841) Hirmer et Hörhammer, 1936 with P. muensteri Schenk, 1867 (Hirmer and Hörhammer, 1936) and their referral to Matonia braunii is proved and confirmed in this paper. The fern occurs in strata indicating a warm and humid climate and approaching transgression resulting in a high water table and the enhanced accumulation of organic matter.
W artykule została przedstawiona rekonstrukcja wczesnojurajskiego zespołu dinozaurów (sprzed około 200 milionów lat) na podstawie danych paleoichnologicznych (skamieniałości śladowych – tropów dinozaurów). W latach 1997–2009 autor zebrał ze stanowiska w Sołtykowie materiał badawczy liczący kilkadziesiąt okazów, wykonał również szereg dokumentacji fotograficznych oraz replik gipsowych (odlewów) z okazów pozostawionych w terenie. Ten materiał to tropy dinozaurów drapieżnych – teropodów oraz roślinożernych zauropodomorfów i wczesnych dinozaurów ptasiomiednicznych. Artykuł zawiera również charakterystykę środowiska abiotycznego oraz innych znalezisk paleontologicznych i paleoichnologicznych (skamieniałości śladowe bezkręgowców). Odsłonięcie Sołtyków reprezentuje unikatowy zapis wczesnojurajskiego ekosystemu lądowego, związanego z rozwojem rzeki anastomozująco-meandrującej oraz przyległych do niej obszarów równi zalewowej. Stanowisko to dostarcza danych paleoichnologicznych użytecznych do określenia różnorodności biologicznej, stanu ewolucyjnego i biologii wczesnych dinozaurów oraz innych ówczesnych kręgowców lądowych (gadów ssakokształtnych wczesnych ssaków, lepidozaurów, pterozaurów i wczesnych krokodylomorfów).
This paper presents reconstruction of the Early Jurassic dinosaurs assemblage (about 200 million years old) based on paleoichnological data (trace fossils – tracks of dinosaurs). In 1997–2009, the author collected paleontological material counting several tens of specimens from the Sołtyków clay-pit and made photographic documentation in the site, as well as replica plaster (casts) from specimens left in the field. This material contains predatory dinosaur tracks and tracks of herbivorous sauropodomorphs and early ornithischia. This publication also includes description of the abiotic environment and other paleontological finds (e.g., insects, bivalves fossils) and paleoichnological finds (invertebrate trace fossils). The Early Jurassic deposits from Sołtyków represent a unique record of an ecosystem of in-land environment connected with the development of an anastomosing-meandering river and adjacent flood plains. This locality provides paleoichnological data valuable for determining biodiversity, evolutionary position and biology of the early dinosaurs and other terrestrial vertebrates (mammal-like reptiles, early mammals, lepidosaurs, pterosaurs and early crocodylomorphs).
A new locomotion (repichnion) trace fossil, Ptychoplasma conica isp. nov., which is composed of chains of hypichnial mounds, is described from Hettangian alluvial sediments in Central Poland. Its occurrence is limited to amalgamated crevasse sand stones. The trace fossil is associated with freshwater bivalves belonging probably to Unionidae. This trace fossil reflects rhythmic (?diurnal) movement of the tracemaker in accordance with the direction of flow in the crevasse channel, where the forward movement took place in the shallow part of a sandstone layer and was interrupted by resting episodes in deeper sediment layer along the mud-sand inter ace. Episodic flood events forced bivalves to produce escape structures, moving from deeper (previous) to upper (later) levels of lateral movements. Some vertical burrows with bivalve body fossils preserved at the bottom suggest a taphonomic burial. P. conica ranges from Late Triassic to Hettangian.
Hettangian clay mineral assemblages from the Holy Cross Mts. margin (south eastern part of the epicontinental Polish Basin) were mostly controlled by climaticcon ditions and weathering regime. Hettangian claystones and mudstones were deposited in continental and marine-margin palaeoenvironments in a warm climate, mostly with year-round humidity. The pronounced, long-term green house conditions intensified chemical weathering in the hinterland. Reworking and redeposition of ancient sediments caused by tectonics and/or by sea-level changes and early diagenesis may have modified the clay mineral content in the earliest Hettangian. Burial diagenesis and telodiagenesis changed the clay mineral composition only locally.
The dinosaur footprints cf. Parabrontopodus isp. Lockley, Farlow et Meyer, 1994, attributed to sauropods, have been found in Hettangian (earliest Jurassic) alluvial deposits in Anina (Colonia Ceha Quarry, Resita Basin), belonging to the Getic Nappe in the Southern Carpathians, Western Romania. Heteropodous pes-manus sets and one short, narrow-gauge trackway have been recognized on a large sandstone surface trampled by sauropods. Agreater load was carried by the inner digits of the pes, particularly digit I, and the heel pad is deeply imprinted, which points to a sub-plantigrade pes and gravipodal posture, typical for Eusaropoda. A pentadactyl manus imprint suggestetthat manus digits of early sauropods might have been separate and perhaps more functional when supporting walking on unstable, sticky ground. These tracks, the first find of Jurassic dinosaur footprints in Romania, add an important site to the relatively rare record of earliest Jurassic sauropod footprints. These tracks also confirm that Pangaean islands and peninsulas around the Western Tethys were inhabited by early sauropods. These peninsulas or islands, including a hypothetical "Moesian Island", must have been at least temporarily connected with the mainland. The sizes of the Romanian footprints are similar to the Hettangian Parabrontopodus isp. tracks described from Poland (mainland Pangaea — Eurasian area) and Italy (Tethyan domain) and do not indicate insular dwarfism.
The Lower Jurassic Whitmore Point Member of the Moenave Formation in Arizona-Utah, USA, comprises fish- and coprolite-bearing shales, siltstones, sandstones, and minor limestones. These facies were deposited in ephemeral and perennial lakes subject to episodic desiccation and incursions of coarse clastics during floods. Meromictic conditions developed during perennial episodes, probably due to salinity stratification, which enhanced preservation of organic matter in gray to black shales. These lakes formed on the floodout of a north-northwest oriented (relative to modern geography) system of mainly ephemeral streams on a broad and open floodplain. The Whitmore Point Member both overlies and interfingers laterally with alluvial red-bed facies of the Dinosaur Canyon Member of the Moenave Formation. The vertical transition from alluvial to lacustrine sedimentation recorded by the Dinosaur Canyon and Whitmore Point members of the Moenave Formation most probably resulted from a eustatically-controlled rise in base level during the Early Jurassic (Hettangian). The Dinosaur Canyon Member also interfingers laterally with eolian dune deposits of the Wingate Sandstone, which was deposited by winds that reworked coastal plain sediments to the north of the study area. Thus, on this part of the Colorado Plateau, fluvial, lacustrine and eolian sedimentary facies were deposited contemporaneously in laterally adjacent paleoenvironments.
A study of the Triassic/Jurassic transition in Asturias (northern Spain) was performed studying 5 surface sections and 2 boreholes (Fig. 1). Four lithological units were differentiated and correlated. The lower unit is composed of lutites and evaporites (equivalent to the Upper Triassic Keuper facies). The middle unit, which contains the Triassic/Jurassic boundary, corresponds to the well-bedded carbonates of the Solis Member of the Gijon Formation (Fig. 2). The upper unit (Barzana Member) is composed of lutites, evaporites and carbonates. The Fabares Member, overlying or representing a time equivalent of the Barzana Member is composed of a carbonate breccia with a lutitic matrix, formed by the dissolution and the collapse of the Barzana Member. The finding of ammonoids and bivalves in the Solis Member allowed refinement of the biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of the Rhaetian and the Hettangian. Among the ammonoids, the record of an (?)Arcestidae (Rhaetian) and several Psiloceras (such as Caloceras pirondii (Reyn?s) of the Hettangian, Planorbis Zone, in the upper part of the Solís Member can be stand out. The dominant Rhaetian bivalves are Isocyprina concentrica and Bakevellia praecursor, which together with Isocyprina ewaldi, "Pteromorphus" elongatus, Pteromya longportensis, "Placunopsis" cf. alpina, Modiolus minimus and Paleocardita cf. austriaca, represent a similar assemblage to that found in the Westbury and Lilstok formations of the Late Rhaetian age of the UK. The Hettangian bivalves are represented by the widely distributed species Pteromya tatei, associated with Cuneigervillia rhombica, Parallelodon hettangiensis and Eomiodos menkei. This assemblage is known in the Hettangian Planorbis Zone of France and Germany. The palynological study allowed identification of 20 spores taxa, 24 pollen taxa, 1 acritarch, 2 prasinophytes and 2 dinoflagellate cyst. Three palynological assemblages (PA) have been distinguished. PA1 is typically Rhaetian and corresponds to the Rhaetipollis germanicus Zone. It is characterized by the presence of Corollina meyeriana, Rhaetipollis germanicus, Ovalipollis pseudoalatus and Tsugaepollenites pseudomassulae. PA2, identified in the Solis Member, is dominated by Corollina pollen grains together with a few spores taxa, acritachs and prasinophytes and can be Rhaetian and/or Hettangian in age. PA3 represented in the upper part of Solis Member and in the Barzana Member contains Hettangian pollen assemblages characterized by Corollina meyeriana, C. torosa, Kraeuselisporites reissingeri, Ischyosporites variegatus and Cerebropollenites thiergartii. Both PA2 and PA3 can be related to the Kraeuselisporites reissingeri Zone. The palynology of the Asturian sections can reasonably be correlated with that of St. Audrie's Bay (UK).
Mt. Camicia area belongs to the Gran Sasso Range (Central Apennines, Italy). Well-preserved Middle and Late Hettangian radiolarians have been discovered S-E of Mt. Camicia, in limestone beds that contain also Hetangian ammonites (Bertinelli et al. 2004). These beds are part of a carbonate succession, Late Triassic to Early Liassic in age, which crops out in the eastern part of the Gran Sasso Range. This succession includes euxinic deposits (bituminous dolostones) and other deposits with pelagic characteristics (mudstones and calcarenites). All these deposits developed in a shelf basin bounded by a carbonate platform in which, in the same time interval, were originated the well-known formations of Dolomia Principale and Calcare Massiccio. We describe here the radiolarian assemblages collected together with ammonites in three levels in the ammonite bearing beds, belonging to a section on the eastern side of the “Vallone di Vradda” at Mt. Camicia. The ammonites in the lowest level indicate a Middle Hettangian age, those from the two upper levels indicate Late Hettangian. In this paper we define six new radiolarian species [(?)Anaticapitula parvireticulata, (?)Bipedis venturii, Farcus leonseveroi, Parahsuum vraddense, Squinabolella multispinata, (?)Trexus sphaericus], and describe twenty-seven other species, which we do not establish formally. In the Western Tethys successions the Hettangian radiolarians are rare and have been found together with ammonites only in the Mt. Camicia section (Bertinelli et al. 2004). The ammonite-radiolarian association from the Mt. Camicia area permits to correlate radiolarians with ammonite zonation.
Origin of the Early Jurassic depositional sequences in the epicontinental basin of Poland is mainly related to the successive super-regional pulses of sea-level with relatively lesser role of tectonic activity (Pieńkowski 2004). Development of sedimentary infill of Hettangian basin in the Holy Cross Mts. region was determined by both tectonic and eustatic factors. In earliest Jurassic times, a short-term tectonic event led to the pronounced subsidence acceleration in the southern part of the Mid-Polish Trough. It followed period of a low subsidence rate during the Rhaetian times. Geometry of the Holy Cross Mts. segment of the Mid-Polish Trough with its framing crustal fractures, rapid facies changes and shifting of depocenter indicate a strike-slip regime of tectonic reactivation, in agreement with the earlier suggestions of some authors (Hakenberg & Świdrowska 1997; Poprawa 1997). Based on the thickness changes, lithofacies and palaeoenvironment distribution, sequence correlation, as well as on the subsidence curves interpretation, two main stages of Hettangian basin evolution were identified. Accumulation of the basin-fill in Early Hettangian (Zagaje Fm.) was strongly related to the block-faulted structure of the basement and synsedimentary tectonics, controlling differential subsidence. After the transtensional (strike-slip) reactivation of the trough and local coarse-grained fluvial deposition, the extensional basin widening prevailed. It was coeval with a base-level rise (transgression), which continued through the Planorbis times (Pieńkowski 2004). Dip-slip motions of the faults became dominant and acceleration of the subsidence was very rapid. As a result of tectonic and eustatic processes, a large-scale fining-upward basin-fill succession was generated in a short time. The retrogradational, alluvial-lacustrine stacking pattern deviates from some traditional models of a progradational, coarsening-upward basin-fill in the strike-slip basins. It possibly reflects some temporal changes in magnitude of the strike-slip vs. dip-slip displacements and the rise of the base-level. After brackish-marine flooding, the nearshore and marginal-marine successions of Skłoby Fm. and Przysucha Ore-bearing Fm. were deposited in Middle-Late Hettangian time (Pieńkowski 2004). With exception of the Nowe Miasto-Iłża Fault, a synsedimentary activity of tectonic discontinuities ceased and the subsidence became much weaker. Cyclicity of sedimentation was then controlled mainly by sea-level changes. The subsidence pulse at Triassic/Jurassic boundary offers an explanation for the accumulation of anomalous thickness of the continental Lower Hettangian followed by brackish deposits of marine transgression.
The basal Fernie Formation at Black Bear Ridge consists of 22 m of concretionary, brown weathering siltstones containing abundant ammonites which prove the presence of lower, middle, and upper Hettangian strata. Based on over 300 specimens we have recognized 13 ammonite horizons which may be grouped into six local zones. Lower Hettangian faunas are dominated by strongly ribbed psiloceratids associated, in the upper part of their range, with small Kammerkarites; no smooth psiloceratids of the tilmannipacificum-planorbis group have been found. The Middle Hettangian is marked by the appearance of Kammerkarites hircinum associated with Kammerkarites spp., Discamphiceras, and Pleuroacanthites mulleri. Upper parts of the Middle Hettangian yield Sunrisites sunrisense, Saxoceras portlocki, Kammerkarites spp., Discamphiceras and Alsatites. First appearance of schlotheimiids, which marks the base of Upper Hettangian strata, is above the last occurrences of Sunrisites sunrisense. Faunas in higher strata are dominated by Laqueoceras nigroursus, which ranges up into beds containing Badouxia oregonensis; near the top of the section, Pseudaetomoceras doetzkirchneri appears. Lower Hettangian psiloceratid faunas from Black Bear Ridge can best be correlated with European zonations. Elsewhere, first occurrences of Kammerkarites usually mark the base of the Middle Hettangian, and they are not usually associated with psiloceratids as at Black Bear Ridge. However, strata with Kammerkarites in both Alaska and Queen Charlotte Islands have been placed in the Lower Hettangian. Sunrisites here is associated with both Saxoceras portlocki and Alsatites subliasicus, indicating its Middle Hettangian age, while in both Nevada and South America it occurs above intervals with Kammerkarites and Saxoceras, and is associated with Schlotheimia. At Black Bear Ridge the latter genus only appears above the last Sunrisites. In both Nevada and South America, Laqueoceras is also associated with Sunrisites, not succeeding it as here. Occurrences of Badouxia and Pseudaetomoceras clearly indicate correlation of the highest parts of the sequence with the Upper Hettangian. Correlation of the ammonite associations recorded at Black Bear Ridge with a regional zonation scheme proposed for North America is only partially successful due to differing local ranges of key taxa, and the absence of some genera (Euphyllites, Mullerites, Franziceras, Fergusonites, and Eolytoceras) in this section. Between the "Monotis beds", dense coquinas comprising the uppermost Pardonet Formation (Norian), and the first Jurassic ammonites in the base of the Fernie Formation, is a sparsely fossiliferous interval of flaggy-bedded, brown siltstones 2.3 m thick. Fragmented pectiniform and ramiform conodont elements of Norigondolella sp. and Epigondolella sp., obtained by us from two beds 1.5 and 1.7 m above the "Monotis beds", indicate a probable Rhaetian age for part of this interval. Positive carbon- and nitrogen-isotope excursions at the top of the "Monotis beds" have been correlated with the Norian/Rhaetian boundary (Sephton et al. 2002); they interpreted the Rhaetian/Hettangian (Triassic/Jurassic) boundary to occur 9.0 m higher in the section, though the anticipated negative carbon-isotope excursion was not found at this level. Our new ammonite data confirm that strata just 2.3 m above the top of the "Monotis beds" are already of Hettangian age.
Content available remote A "counterweight mechanism" in Hettangian ammonites?
In most ammonites the siphuncle runs ventrally down the centre of the shell. However, many Hettangian taxa have a siphuncle that is displaced from the midline of the venter accompanied by an asymmetric septal suture line. The ventral lobe is shifted to one side of the whorl where the suture becomes simplified. The ammonites almost became extinct at the end of the Triassic and a single group became the rootstock of the subsequent adaptive radiation. The offset siphuncle is already prevalent in several of the earliest Hettangian genera and by the Late Hettangian, it is widespread throughout two of the three superfamilies. The displacement of the tissue and blood filled siphuncle would have affected the position of the shell’s centre of mass. In order for the ammonite animal to remain vertical in the water column, a "counterweight" system may have been developed. We use computer modeling and data on shell structure to examine this question.
New stratigraphic horizons with the ornithischian footprints have been found in central Poland. Basal thyreophoran ichnites are reported from the middle Hettangian Skloby Formation of Gromadzice. They support the previous conclusion that small and medium-sized Early Jurassic ornithischians preferred a coastal habitat with low-rise vegetation. Another find, an ornithopod footprint, came from the early Kimmeridgian Glowaczow Formation of Ożarow quarry. The track was discovered within the shallow-marine succession of calcareous deposits, which contributes to the interpretation of synsedimentary emersion of that area during the early Kimmeridgian.
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