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On 2 December 2020 10:54 UTC a shallow earthquake of MW (NOA) = 4.6 occurred near the village of Kallithea (to the east of Thiva), central Greece, which, despite its modest size, was locally damaging. Using InSAR and GNSS data, we mapped a permanent change on the ground surface, i.e., a subsidence of 7 cm. Our geodetic inversion modelling indicates that the rupture occurred on a WNW-ESE striking, SSW-dipping normal fault, with a dip-angle of ~ 54°. The maximum slip value was 0.35 m, which was reached at a depth of about 1100 m. The analysis of broadband seismological data also provided kinematic source parameters such as moment magnitude MW = 4.6 (± 0.1), rupture area 6.3 km2 and mean slip 0.16 m, which agree with the values obtained from the geodetic model. The effects of the earthquake were disproportionate to its moderate magnitude, probably due to its unusually shallow depth (slip centroid at 1.1 km) and the high efficiency of the earthquake (radiation efficiency q = 0.62). The geodetic data inversion also indicates that within the uncertainty limits of the technique, three scenarios are possible (a) the earthquake responsible for the mapped surface deformation may have occurred on a ~ 2-km long, blind normal fault different from the well-known active Kallithea normal fault or (b) could have occurred along a secondary fault that branches off the Kallithea fault or (c) it may have occurred along the Kallithea fault itself, but with its geometrical configuration could not be modelled with available data. We have also concluded that with a high dip-angle Kallithea Fault forward model it is not possible to fit the geodetic data. The rupture initiated at a very shallow depth (1.1 km) and it could not propagate deeper possibly because of a structural barrier down-dip. The 2020 event near Kallithea highlighted the structural complexity in this region of the Asopos Rift valley as the reactivation of the WNW-ESE structures indicates their significant role in strain accommodation and that they still represent a seismic hazard for this region.
The aim of the article is to present a series of measures taken by Greece that focused on reducing migratory pressures and to demonstrate that these measures resulted in fewer irregular migrants reaching the Greek coast. This hypothesis is tested by analyzing individual solutions introduced by the government of Kiriakos Mitsotakis in the period 2019-2021, partially taking into account 2022. The conclusions indicate that the state can effectively reduce the migratory pressure and irregular inflow of migrants by undertaking specific legislative actions and active border protection. The effects of the Greek government’s actions were already visible in 2020, and their proof was not only the lower number of migrants, but also the redirection of the migration route towards Italy and Cyprus. The article contributes to research on contemporary, irregular migration to the European Union and indicates the possibilities that the country of first entry has at its disposal in order to reduce high migratory pressure.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie szeregu działań podjętych przez Grecję, które skoncentrowane były na ograniczeniu presji migracyjnej oraz wykazanie, że działania te przyniosły skutek w postaci mniejszej liczby nieregularnych migrantów docierających do greckich wybrzeży. Hipoteza ta testowana jest za pomocą analizy poszczególnych rozwiązań, wprowadzanych przez rząd Kiriakosa Mitsotakisa w okresie 2019-2021 z częściowym uwzględnieniem 2022 roku. Wnioski wskazują, że państwo może skutecznie obniżyć presję migracyjną oraz nieregularny napływ migrantów poprzez podejmowanie określonych działań legislacyjnych oraz aktywną ochronę granicy. Efekty działań rządu greckiego widoczne były już w 2020 roku, a ich dowodem była nie tylko niższa liczba migrantów, ale również przekierowanie szlaku migracyjnego w kierunku Włoch oraz na Cypr. Artykuł wnosi wkład w badania dotyczące współczesnej, nieregularnej migracji do Unii Europejskiej i wskazuje na możliwości, jakimi dysponuje państwo pierwszego wjazdu w celu ograniczenia wysokiej presji migracyjnej.
Situated in the north of Greece, Thessaloniki, the country’s second largest city, is foremostly admired for its uninterrupted history of over twenty-three centuries. In solid proof of this remarkable continuity, its historic center is interspersed with a wide array of archaeological and architectural remains that date from Hellenistic to modern times. The most distinguished segment of this unique heritage is by far the city’s Early Christian and Byzantine legacy. More than half of its surrounding walls, fourteen churches and one bath comprise a unique ensemble, revered in the whole of Europe as early as the 19th century. Not surprisingly, at the end of the 20th century, it became one of the first Greek cultural assets to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Thirty-four years have passed since then, a substantial period of time that allows, on the present occasion of the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, for a review and appraisal of the impact of the inscription. This is precisely the goal of this paper, which will be pursued through an original discussion and evaluation of the consequences of World Heritage status, on one hand for the monuments themselves, and on the other, for their urban, architectural, social and educational setting. Extensive bibliographic research and thorough on-site examination will provide the basis for this discussion, which will culminate with a didactic conclusion as to the degree to which the full potential of the inscription has been achieved or remains to be pursued.
The issue of uncontrolled migration to the European Union through the Mediterranean Sea is a phenomenon that has been with members of the com-munity for many years. In this article, the authors have analyzed the migration crisis between 2015 and 2020 in the context of two countries - Greece and Libya. The former was the most common transit route and destination for illegal immi-grants during the study period. Tens of thousands of people are still living on its territory, awaiting asylum or the possibility to travel to another EU country. In contrast, Libya (like Turkey) is regarded by migrants as the “door to a better world,” and it is through Libya that the main Central Mediterranean route passes. The sea route across the Mediterranean is chosen by citizens of both Middle East-ern and African countries.
Problem niekontrolowanej migracji do Unii Europejskiej przez Morze Śródziemne to zjawisko, które towarzyszy członkom wspólnoty od wielu lat. W niniejszym artykule autorki podjęły się analizy kryzysu migracyjnego w latach 2015-2020, w kontekście dwóch państw – Grecji i Libii. Pierwsze z nich było najczęściej wybieraną drogą tranzytową, jak również docelową dla nielegalnych imigrantów w badanym okresie. Do dzisiaj na jej terytorium przebywa w oczekiwaniu na azyl lub możliwość wyjazdu do innego państwa UE kilkadziesiąt tysięcy ludzi. Natomiast Libia (podobnie jak Turcja) traktowana jest przez migrantów jak „drzwi do lepszego świata” i to przez jej terytorium przebiega główny etap trasy środkowo-śródziemnomorskiej. Drogę morską przez Morze Śródziemne wybierają zarówno obywatele państw Bliskiego Wschodu, jak i Afryki.
The following paper presents the process of decarbonization of the energy sector in Greece and points out to different methods the Greek authorities are adopting in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases generated by electricity production. Greece is a country which is modernizing its energy sector gradually, yet dynamically. One of the prime aims is to reduce the level of energy produced in coal-fired power plants by focusing on the renewable energy and the gas sector. In 2010 still more than half of the electrical energy was generated by lignite-fired power plants. Almost ten years later the ratio has dropped to only slightly more than 30%. A significant reduction in coal consumption was possible thanks to investments in renewable energy sources, especially in the wind and solar energy sectors. Both sectors have seen a large increase in production, making renewable energy sources already accounting for over 20% of Greek electricity production. Capital-intensive investments were also made in the country’s gas supply through the expansion of gas-fired power plants and gas transmission networks. As a result, natural gas remains the main source of energy for Greece next to coal. Unfortunately, a big challenge in terms of decarbonization is the need for increased imports of electricity from abroad, due to the insufficient capacity of the Greek energy sector. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to define a Greek model of decarbonization and to point out to its benefits and dangers. Greek strategy might serve as an example of how to successfully solve the energy issues in the countries with similar energy profile.
W artykule podjęto problematykę dekarbonizacji sektora energetycznego w Grecji, zwracając szczególną uwagę na metody, jakimi państwo greckie dąży do redukcji gazów cieplarnianych pochodzących z produkcji energii elektrycznej. Grecja jest przykładem państwa, które w dynamiczny i sukcesywny sposób modernizuje sektor energetyczny. Jednym z kluczowych założeń pozostaje obniżenie produkcji energii w elektrowniach węglowych w następstwie rozwoju odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz sektora gazowego. Problem jest istotny, gdyż jeszcze w 2010 r. ponad połowę energii elektrycznej dostarczały elektrownie węglowe operujące na węglu brunatnym. Natomiast niespełna dziesięć lat później odsetek ten obniżył się do nieco ponad 30%. Znaczna redukcja zużycia węgla była możliwa dzięki inwestycjom w odnawialne źródła energii, zwłaszcza w sektorze energetyki wiatrowej oraz słonecznej. W obu sektorach odnotowano istotny wzrost, dzięki czemu odnawialne źródła energii stanowią już ponad 20% w greckiej produkcji prądu elektrycznego. Poczyniono również kapitałochłonne inwestycje w gazyfikację państwa poprzez rozbudowę elektrowni gazowych oraz sieci przesyłowych gazu. W efekcie gaz ziemny obok węgla pozostaje głównym źródłem energii dla Grecji. Niestety dużym wyzwaniem w aspekcie dekarbonizacji jest potrzeba zwiększonego importu energii elektrycznej z zagranicy, co wynika z niewystarczających mocy produkcyjnych greckiej energetyki. Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie greckiego modelu dekarbonizacji oraz wskazanie na korzyści i zagrożenia z niego wynikające. Grecka strategia energetyczna może posłużyć jako przykład rozwiązania problemów energetycznych dla innych państw o zbliżonym profilu energetycznym.
The 30 October 2020, Mw 7.0 Samos mainshock took place in the ofshore north of Samos Island in eastern Aegean area, previously struck in 1904 with a comparable magnitude earthquake ofshore the southern coastline. The investigation of the aftershock seismicity evolution and the properties of the activated fault network was accomplished with aftershock relocation performed with the double-diference and cross-correlation techniques. The highly accurate relocated seismicity illustrates a well-defned E–W activated structure located deeper than 5 km with an average depth of~12 km. Moment tensor solutions indicate mostly normal faulting with an average T-axis~ 185ο . Strong-motion waveform modeling revealed a N-dipping fault plane with a coseismic slip patch of 36 km × 22 km and a maximum slip equal to 1 m at 12 km depth. The slip is mainly concentrated in a single asperity implying a rupture mode of asperities breaking in isolated earthquakes rather than to cooperate to produce a larger rupture. Coulomb stress calculations unveil increased positive static stress changes values at the locations of the majority of the aftershocks and activation of minor fault segments by stress transfer.
The Mw 6.9 Samos earthquake occurred on 30 October 2020 11:51 ofshore of the Samos island, west of the Kuşadası bay in the Aegean Sea. The earthquake caused destruction in villages of Greece and Turkey. The earthquake intensity reached a maximum of VII in İzmir–Bayraklı. A tsunami followed the shock and hit many villages around Samos and the Kuşadası bay. The Sığacık village of Izmir-Turkey sufered heavily from the tsunami. A post-event feld survey in Sığacık has been conducted on 31 October 2020, and measurements of fow depth, run-up and limits of inundation were collected. The tsunami inundated the entire coastal area in Sığacık for at least 200 m inland. The maximum inundation has been observed NE of Sığacık. Sea water reached a distance of 391±2 m. The maximum run-up is measured as 5.3±0.3 m north of Sığacık. This is the highest value for the Samos tsunami measured along the Greek and Turkish coastal areas. The high run-up value is attributed to the elongated geometry of the Sığacık bay, the shallow seafoor, the low and fat land morphology in Sığacık and to the existence of four>70-m-long E–W trending channels. The tsunami left limited amount of clay to sand size sediments forming a layer of less than 2–3 cm in the depression areas in Sığacık. The limited amount of evidence remained from the tsunami of this Mw 6.9 earthquake in Sığacık (a location with signifcant inundation and the highest run-up value) signifes the difculty of palaeo-tsunami surveys for the Aegean Sea region.
This paper aims to assess the extent to which repeated attacks against sovereign Hellenic air space by Turkey along with the inevitably ensuing engagements between aircraft of the two sides follow a certain predetermined pattern of behaviour that can be detected based on a given statistical model, and if so, to what extent this pattern is predictable in terms of its intensity and the frequency of incidents. To this end, we use the Weibull statistical distribution as an appropriate tool for interpreting and quantifying the pattern of aggressive Turkish behaviour and calculating probabilities of occurrences. Based on this choice, we then proceed with a forecast of this behaviour in the near future. We provide specific mathematical formulae that can be readily used to calculate probabilities and forecast air space violations and engagements. Our models, based on historical data, assume that both Hellenic air space violations and engagement incidents will keep increasing but will inevitably reach a monthly maximum, constrained by the availability of property and human resources on the Turkish side. The conclusions drawn point to the fact that Turkey will at some point in the near future reach its capacity limits in terms of property and human resources used in such offensive exercises, and that there is very little that can be done to enhance the margins of such activities given the room provided by the Turkish economy, which seem to be prohibitive.
An Mw 6.8 earthquake occurred on October 25, 2018, 35 km ofshore from the southwest coastlines of Zakynthos Island. The aftershock sequence appeared remarkably productive with six aftershocks of M≥5.0 in the frst month and tens of aftershocks with M≥4.0 during the study period. The GCMT solution for the main shock suggests a very low angle plane (dip=24°) for a dextral strike–slip faulting (rake=165°). A similar solution is suggested for the largest aftershock (Mw 5.9) that occurred 5 days afterward. The proximity of the main shock location with the dextral active boundary of Kefalonia Transform Fault Zone (KTFZ) along with the Hellenic Subduction front supports this oblique faulting. The aftershock activity is comprised mostly in depths 5–12 km and forms eight distinctive clusters that accommodate regional strain and evidence strain partitioning. The role of stress transfer and statistical analysis are combined for detailing the highly productive aftershock sequence. Earthquake networks analysis reveals their random structure soon after the main shock, which became small-world structure after the frst 200 days. Time series analysis constructed from the aftershock frequency and seismic moment release and manifested signifcant correlation among the eight seismicity clusters.
The principal aim of the current paper is to contribute towards the development of a holistic employer programme for the hospitality and tourism sector. Its purpose focuses on the identification of factor affecting the collaborative efforts among all three stakeholder groups in the tourism and hospitality sector in Greece. The paper responds to the increasing calls from the literature regarding the simultaneous and equal representation of all involved stakeholder groups in the discussion. This is the first effort to address this issue in a Greek context. The empirical results indicate that lack of communication was deemed the most critical factor for these initiatives. Stronger interaction between businesses and academics in order to exchange ideas and knowledge, employers’ contribution to the curricula design, collaboration, trust and satisfaction are some of the activities that would strengthen cooperation. Additionally, for an employer programme to be successful it would have to be functional and generate benefits for all stakeholders.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest przyczynienie się do opracowania całościowego programu pracodawców dla sektora hotelarsko-turystycznego. Jego celem jest identyfikacja czynnika wpływającego na wspólne wysiłki wszystkich trzech grup interesariuszy w sektorze turystyki i hotelarstwa w Grecji. Artykuł odpowiada na rosnące wezwania z literatury dotyczące równoczesnej i równej reprezentacji wszystkich zaangażowanych grup interesariuszy w dyskusji. Jest to pierwsza próba rozwiązania tego problemu w kontekście greckim. Wyniki empiryczne wskazują, że brak komunikacji uznano za najbardziej krytyczny czynnik dla tych inicjatyw. Silniejsza interakcja między przedsiębiorstwami i naukowcami w celu wymiany pomysłów i wiedzy, wkład pracodawców w projektowanie programów nauczania, współpraca, zaufanie i satysfakcja to tylko niektóre z działań, które wzmocniłyby współpracę. Dodatkowo, aby program pracodawcy odniósł sukces, musiałby być funkcjonalny i generować korzyści dla wszystkich interesariuszy.
Content available Lamprophyric rock locations in Greece
Twenty-four areas with lamprophyric formations have been located through a bibliographic search in Macedonia, Thrace, the islands and Attica. Most lamprophyre types have been identified including rare "alkali minette”. In most localities the dikes/sills appear to be late mantle products associated with deep faulting following extensional activity in granitoids.
Content available remote German reparations to Poland for World War II on global background
No other country in the world suffered a greater measurable and verifiable loss of human and material resources than Poland during World War II in 1939-1945. According to the first approximation, the value of human and material losses inflicted to Poland by Nazi Germany amounts to 6.495 trillion US dollars of 2018. However, Poland never received war reparations from Germany. The article is a preliminary survey of the complex issue – conducted in an interdisciplinary way combining elements of legal, economic, and political analysis, because the topic belongs to the wide and multidisciplinary field of national and international security. Refuted in the article is an internationally popular myth that communist Poland unilaterally renounced German war reparations in 1953. Then the article discusses the global background of the topic in the 20th and 21st centuries – in particular, the case of Greece whose reparations claims Germany rejects like the Polish claims, and major cases of reparations actually paid: by Germany for World War I, by Germany to Israel and Jewish organizations for the Holocaust, by Japan for World War II – at 966 billion US dollars of 2018, the largest reparations ever – and by and Iraq for the Gulf War. The article concludes with a discussion of necessary further research with advanced methodology of several sciences, and of a possible litigation before the International Court of Justice – or a diplomatic solution to the problem of war reparations.
Żaden inny kraj świata nie doznał tak wielkich, a możliwych do zmierzenia i weryfikacji strat w zasobach ludzkich i materialnych jak Polska podczas II wojny światowej w latach 1939-1945. Według pierwszych szacunków wartość strat ludzkich i materialnych zadanych Polsce przez nazistowskie Niemcy sięga 6,495 bilionów dolarów amerykańskich z 2018 roku. Jednak Polska nigdy nie otrzymała reparacji wojennych od Niemiec. Artykuł jest wstępnym studium skomplikowanego tematu – studium interdyscyplinarnym, łączącym elementy analizy prawnej, ekonomicznej i politycznej, ponieważ należy do szerokiej i wielodyscyplinarnej dziedziny bezpieczeństwa narodowego i międzynarodowego. Obalony w artykule zostaje popularny międzynarodowo mit, że komunistyczna Polska jednostronnie zrzekła się niemieckich reparacji wojennych w 1953 roku. Następnie artykuł przedstawia globalne tło tematu w XX i XXI wieku – w szczególności sprawę Grecji, której roszczenia odszkodowawcze Niemcy odrzucają tak jak roszczenia polskie, oraz przypadki wielkich reparacji realnie wypłaconych: przez Niemcy za I wojnę światową, także przez Niemcy dla Izraela i organizacji żydowskich za Holokaust, przez Japonię za II wojnę światową – japońskie reparacje, wynoszące 966 miliardów dolarów z 2018 roku, były największe w dziejach – i przez Irak za wojnę w Zatoce Perskiej. Artykuł kończy się przedstawieniem konieczności dalszych badań z użyciem zaawansowanej metodologii wielu nauk oraz zarysem możliwego procesu przed Międzynarodowym Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości w Hadze – lub dyplomatycznego rozwiązania problemu reparacji wojennych.
In a recent study, Papadakis et al. (Physica A 456: 135–144, 2016) investigate seismicity in Greece, using the non-extensive statistical physics formalism. Moreover, these authors examine the spatial distribution of the non-extensive parameter qM and show that for shallow seismicity, increase of qM coincides with strong events. However, their study also reveals low qM values along the North Aegean Trough, despite the presence of strong events during 1976–2009. Consequently, the present study further examines the temporal behaviour of parameters qM and A, to reveal their relation with the evolution of the earthquake sequence. Through temporal examination of these parameters, we aim to show that the seismogenic system of the North Aegean Trough presents high degree of interactions after strong earthquakes during the studied period. Our findings indicate that increase of qM signifies the existence of long-range correlations. If its value does not significantly decrease after a strong earthquake (i.e. M ≥ 5) then the studied area has not reached the state of equilibrium.
The article presents the geological features of rarely described ferruginous nickel ores in carbonate rocks. They are exploited mostly in central Greece, giving about 1% of world production. Geochemical associations of laterite-derived nickel ores and bauxites occurring in carbonate formations of similar age in the not distant area are presented. The deposits formed in several stages starting with the lateritic alteration of nearby serpentinite and redeposition of water-suspended saprolite into karstic forms of Jurassic limestones. Ferruginous clayey material was sealed by transgressive Cenomanian marly sediments and was subject to further transformations in the vadose zone of the uplifted rock massive. Mining geology, environmental and economic aspects of exploitation are analysed. Finally, guidelines for the land use in post-mining areas are provided.
Content available Unconventional hydrocarbon resources of Greece
Intensive exploration of probable conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in Greece is taking place, through the interpretation of seismic profiles and of abundant surface geological data. The unconventional hydrocarbon potential of the country is unknown, as detailed investigations are lacking. The most important rock formations which may contain shale gas are found in the land and offshore basins of northeastern, north-central, and western Greece. A re-evaluation of the data from all boreholes is needed, on the basis of new information, with the aim of identifying possible reserves of unconventional hydrocarbons retained in highly compacted fine-grained strata. Methane hydrates have been detected in the submarine Anaximander Mountains, east of Rhodes Island. They cover an area of about 46 km2 and the volume of methane is estimated at 2.6–6.4 trillion m3. The low content of the Greek lignites in gaseous hydrocarbons and the widespread tectonics in the Hellenic Peninsula are the main factors which prevented large gas accumulations in its 14 main coal deposits. However, additional research is needed to evaluate the coal-bed gas potential of the country.
Artykuł jest oparty na materiałach zebranych podczas badań terenowych, prowadzonych w Grecji w latach 2005-2009. Były to zarejestrowane, spisane i zanalizowane wywiady, nienagrywane rozmowy nieformalne i zapisy obserwacji uczestniczącej i zewnętrznej. Wojna domowa w Grecji (1946-1949) wybuchła po drugiej wojnie światowej; odzwierciedlała konflikt między komunistyczną (lub co najmniej lewicową) grecką partyzantką i prawicowymi siłami królewskimi. Wojna była wspierana z jednej strony przez Moskwę, a z drugiej przez Wielką Brytanię i USA, które zaopatrywały i wspomagały greckie siły rządowe. W wyniku całkowitej klęski komunistów, greccy obywatele, którzy byli aktywnie zaangażowani w działalność wojskową, ich rodziny, a także niezaangażowani w operacje wojskowe cywile zamieszkujący terytorium północnej Grecji zostali ewakuowani z obszaru wojny. W rozmaity sposób byli przetransportowani przez armię komunistyczną do różnych krajów bloku wschodniego (wtedy nazywanych krajami demokracji ludowej). Przez dziesięciolecia ewakuowani nie mogli powrócić do swoich rodzinnych wsi, gdyż nie zezwalały na to prawicowe władze Grecji. W znakomitej większości zdecydowali się na powrót do kraju dopiero wówczas, gdy tylko stało się to możliwe po upadku junty wojskowej i pojawieniu się Karamanlisa na scenie politycznej w grudniu 1974 roku. Dla byłych partyzantów wojna domowa ciągle jest podstawą ich tożsamości, stanowiąc zarazem manifestację najważniejszego w ich wizji świata - walki klasowej na skalę międzynarodową. Repatrianci, którzy urodzili się poza Grecją zmierzają ku zapominaniu wojny, choć ciągle pojawia się w ich wypowiedziach obraz wojny domowej jako uogólnionej makabry. Pamięć wojny domowej doprowadziła do trwałego podziału społeczeństwa greckiego, który podskórnie trwa do dziś.
The Greek Civil War (1946-1949) broke out after World War II and it reflected the conflict between communist (or at least leftist) Greek guerillas and the rightist power of the Royal authorities. On one side the war was supported from Moscow, and on the other by Great Britain and US military forces. As a result of the total defeat of communists, the Greek citizens who were actively involved in the military activity, their families and civilians inhabiting the territory of Northern Greece, were evacuated. They were transported by the communist army to different communist countries. For decades they were not able to return to their home villages. Most of the evacuated Greeks decided to come back home when it became possible after 1975. Their memory of the civil war differs from generation to generation and it depends on the role they played in the war. For expartisans the civil war was the manifestation of the struggle of the international powers representing class interests. For people who were children during the war the memory is concentrated on particular facts and accidents. People who were born outside of Greece tend to forget, though they also have some image of the war as a horror. The memory of the civil war in Greece have led to the permanent division of the Greek society, which exists till today.
Wykorzystanie potencjału hydroener-getycznego gruzińskich rzek jest jednym z filarów poprawy bezpieczeństwa energetycznego tego, pozbawionego energetycznych surowców kraju, a tym samym uniezależnienia się od dostaw energii elektrycznej z państw ościennych. Przedstawiono, wykonaną na zlecenie Ministerstwa Energetyki Gruzji, ocenę celowości budowy kaskady Namakhvani na rzece Rioni. Scharakteryzowano, na tle warunków hydrologicznych, dotychczasowe hydro-energetyczne wykorzystanie rzeki Rioni. Omówiono koncepcję kaskady tej rzeki wraz z proponowanymi rozwiązaniami przyszłych obiektów.
The use of hydro-energetic potential of the Georgia's rivers is one of the pillars for improvement of the energetic safety of this country, deprived of energy resources. At the same time it may allow it to become independent from energy supplies from the neighbouring contries. The article presents the evaluation of the purposefulness of building Namakhvani cascade on the Roni river, ordered by the Georgian Ministry of Energy. The article characterises the hitherto hydro-energetic use of the Roni river, in the context of its hudrological conditions, and discusses the concept of a cascade on this river together with proposed solutions of future facilities.
Aftershock rates seem to follow a power law decay, but the assessment of the aftershock frequency immediately after an earthquake, as well as during the evolution of a seismic excitation remains a demand for the imminent seismic hazard. The purpose of this work is to study the temporal distribution of triggered earthquakes in short time scales following a strong event, and thus a multiple seismic sequence was chosen for this purpose. Statistical models are applied to the 1981 Corinth Gulf sequence, comprising three strong (M = 6.7, M = 6.5, and M = 6.3) events between 24 February and 4 March. The non-homogeneous Poisson process outperforms the simple Poisson process in order to model the aftershock sequence, whereas the Weibull process is more appropriate to capture the features of the short-term behavior, but not the most proper for describing the seismicity in long term. The aftershock data defines a smooth curve of the declining rate and a long-tail theoretical model is more appropriate to fit the data than a rapidly declining exponential function, as supported by the quantitative results derived from the survival function. An autoregressive model is also applied to the seismic sequence, shedding more light on the stationarity of the time series.
A high proportion of the electricity produced in the world is based on lignite-fired power plants. However, these plants produce, among other pollutants, nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are harmful to the ecosystems. One of the most widely accepted common denominator today for the comparison of the different electricity production technologies and their environmental impacts is the external cost, ie the monetary value of damages caused by electricity production. This approach is being used in this paper as well in order to quantify the external cost of NOx formed during electricity generation in lignite-fired thermal power plants in Greece. This cost has been calculated up to 2030 and the obtained results confirm that it is comparable to the corresponding conventional private cost. This finding is very important since lignite is a principal energy source for Greece and many other countries as well.
Duża część energii elektrycznej produkowanej na świecie pochodzi z elektrowni opalanych węglem brunatnym. Jednak elektrownie te wytwarzają zanieczyszczenia, m.in. tlenki azotu (NOx), które są szkodliwe dla ekosystemów. Jednym z powszechnie akceptowanych parametrów, służącym do porównywania różnych technologii produkcji energii elektrycznej i ich oddziaływania na środowisko, jest koszt zewnętrzny, tj. wartość pieniężna szkody spowodowanej produkcją energii elektrycznej. W tej pracy oszacowano zewnętrzne koszty NOx powstające podczas produkcji energii elektrycznej w opalanej węglem brunatnym elektrowni cieplnej w Grecji. Koszt ten został obliczony aż do roku 2030, a uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają, że jest on porównywalny do odpowiednich konwencjonalnych kosztów własnych. To spostrzeżenie jest bardzo ważne, ponieważ węgiel jest głównym źródłem energii zarówno w Grecji, jak i w wielu innych krajach.
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