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w słowach kluczowych:  France Masif Central
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Typical farm productions have to prove their specificities (traditional know-how), their origin (well-defined area), their quality and their price to respond properly to evolutions and requests of society. The message given by actors involved in these productions is often based on the idea that the quality of landscapes reflects the quality of the product (Ricard, 1994). But sometimes, landscapes associated with these products don't correspond to the reality of the area and are more symbolic. That's why in France, and more precisely in the middle of the Massif Central, the saint-nectaire cheese is studied to understand the relations between a typical product and its landscapes. In this contribution, we will explain the methods linked with the system of landscape (Brossard & Wieber, 1995) and semiology we used to analyse which types of landscapes are associated with the cheese on the labels. We will also explain the interest of such an approach to understand links and gaps between the materiality of landscapes and representations. Based on a geographical entry, we analysed how elements of an image are assembled to give meaning to a label. About 200 labels of saint-nectaire representing landscapes were analysed. First, each element was described, classified and interpreted. Then, a statistical study (analysis of the multiple correspondences and then a bottom-up ranking) was carried out to create typologies of labels according to the nature of the descriptors used (composition of the picture, landscape objects, general meaning of the picture). Typologies have also been compared with a G.I.S. method to analyse the materiality of landscapes in this area. And now, relations between materiality and representations are the subject of a PHD project.
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