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Dawne ogrody cesarzy etiopskich nie miały sobie równych w całej Afryce. Na Czarnym Lądzie tylko tam stworzono kult piękna polegający na otaczaniu pałaców zielenią.
Rapid urbanization has resulted in a slew of issues, including urban transportation, in most emerging countries' cities. Public transportation provides transportation for the community and plays an important role in the daily lives of the city's citizens, particularly the urban poor, by reducing travel costs and providing job opportunities. Thus, evaluating public bus service performance from the perspective of users is critical for identifying service operators' strengths and deficiencies. Consequently, the primary goal of this research is to determine the level of consumer satisfaction with public bus service in the city and identify the most important factors that influence satisfaction. Hence, a survey was carried out between December and January 2020. Stratified sampling approaches were used to obtain data from 500 travelers. Factor analysis and customer satisfaction index were used to analyze the data collected. Lastly, the findings show that users were quietly satisfied (0.54) with the quality of the bus services supplied in the city. Moreover, travelers were better satisfied with attributes that related to availability (0.64) and less satisfied with attributes under timeliness (0.50) and security (0.48). Therefore, service operators and other concerned stakeholders should give urgent attention to attributes under timeliness and security to enhance users’ satisfaction in the provision of bus service in the city.
Financial inclusion is considered one of the most effective catalysts for the economic growth of any nation. The study aims to examine the role of government policies and regulations on women’s economic empowerment through financial inclusion: evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises in Ethiopia. To achieve the objective, this study used an explanatory research design and a mixed research approach. The study adopted both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data was collected using questionnaires, and secondary data was collected from the review of different related works of literature, the internet, and journals. The target population of the study was all registered women entrepreneurs found in Addis Ababa. For this study, a judgment sampling technique was used to select respondents from women SMEs, and data were collected from 324 women-owned SMEs in Ethiopia. SMART-PLS version 3.3.5 was used to estimate both measurement and structural analysis of research variables. The study's finding implies that government policies and regulations positively and significantly affect women's economic empowerment in both direct and indirect effects. Besides, financial inclusion positively and significantly affects women’s economic empowerment directly. Hence, the partial mediating role of financial inclusion is observed. More specifically, the study result implies that constraints on financial inclusion like a collateral requirement, start-up capital, illiteracy level, high-interest rate, bureaucratic procedures, and lack of technical skills hinder women’s economic empowerment in Ethiopia. The study is novel in contributing contemporary empirical literature on the issue of women empowerment and financial inclusion in a single study and provides evidence for the governments to set different economic policies that deliberately affect the level of financial inclusion.
Włączenie finansowe uważane jest za jeden z najskuteczniejszych katalizatorów wzrostu gospodarczego każdego narodu. Z tego powodu w Agendzie na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju 2030 uznano, że osiągnięcie celów zrównoważonego rozwoju może być trudne bez równouprawnienia płci i wzmocnienia pozycji ekonomicznej kobiet. Jednak w krajach rozwijających się, takich jak Etiopia, istnienie różnic między płciami w dostępie do finansowania nadal stanowi przeszkodę w osiągnięciu ekonomicznego upodmiotowienia kobiet i równości płci. W rezultacie niniejsze badanie ma na celu zbadanie roli polityk rządowych i przepisów dotyczących wzmocnienia pozycji ekonomicznej kobiet poprzez włączenie finansowe: dowody z małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Etiopii. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, w badaniu wykorzystano projekt badań wyjaśniających i mieszane podejście badawcze. W badaniu przyjęto zarówno pierwotne, jak i wtórne źródła danych. Dane pierwotne zebrano za pomocą kwestionariuszy, a dane wtórne zebrano z przeglądu różnych powiązanych dzieł literatury, Internetu i czasopism. Populacją docelową badania były wszystkie zarejestrowane kobiety-przedsiębiorcy z Addis Abeby. W tym badaniu zastosowano technikę doboru próby w celu wybrania respondentów z kobiecych MŚP, a dane zebrano z 324 należących do kobiet MŚP w Etiopii. Do oszacowania zarówno pomiaru, jak i analizy strukturalnej zmiennych badawczych wykorzystano SMART-PLS w wersji 3.3.5. Wyniki badania sugerują, że polityka i regulacje rządowe mają pozytywny i znaczący wpływ na wzmocnienie pozycji ekonomicznej kobiet zarówno w postaci bezpośrednich, jak i pośrednich skutków. Poza tym włączenie finansowe pozytywnie i znacząco wpływa bezpośrednio na wzmocnienie pozycji ekonomicznej kobiet. W związku z tym obserwuje się częściową mediacyjną rolę włączenia finansowego. Dokładniej rzecz ujmując, wynik badania sugeruje, że ograniczenia dotyczące włączenia finansowego, takie jak wymóg zabezpieczenia, kapitał początkowy, poziom analfabetyzmu, wysokie stopy procentowe, procedury biurokratyczne i brak umiejętności technicznych, utrudniają wzmocnienie pozycji ekonomicznej kobiet w Etiopii. W oparciu o wyniki badania, zaleca się, aby urzędnicy rządowi i bankowi centralnemu tworzyli nowe polityki i przepisy poprzez włączenie finansowe, które sprzyjają wzmocnieniu pozycji ekonomicznej kobiet poprzez uwzględnienie tych ograniczeń. Badanie jest nowatorskie w dostarczaniu współczesnej literatury empirycznej na temat upodmiotowienia kobiet i integracji finansowej w jednym badaniu i dostarcza dowodów na to, że rządy ustalają różne polityki gospodarcze, które celowo wpływają na poziom integracji finansowej.
In the present research, a scripting cartographic technique for the environmental mapping of Ethiopia using climate and topographic datasets is developed. The strength of the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) is employed for the effective visualisation of the seven maps using high-resolution data: GEBCO, TerraClimate, WorldClim, CRUTS 4.0 in 2018 by considering the solutions of map design. The role of topographic characteristics for climate variables (evapotranspiration, downward surface shortwave radiation, vapour pressure, vapour pressure deficit and climatic water deficit) is explained. Topographic variability of Ethiopia is illustrated for geographically dispersed and contrasting environmental setting in its various regions: Afar, Danakil Depression, Ethiopian Highlands, Great Rift Valley, lowlands and Ogaden Desert. The relationships between the environmental and topographic variables are investigated with aid of literature review and the outcomes are discussed. The maps are demonstrated graphically to highlight variables enabling to find correlations between the geographic phenomena, their distribution and intensity. The presented maps honor the environmental and topographic data sets within the resolution of the data. Integration of these results in the interpretation maps presented here brings new insights into both the variations of selected climate variables, and the topography of Ethiopia.
Random parameter logit regression is used to analyze police-reported data on 8,253 heavy vehicle-related crashes in Addis Ababa between July 2014 and June 2017. The analysis shows that fatal crashes are more likely to occur during the day and on weekdays, particularly when the circulation of trucks is high. It also shows the disproportionately high involvement of young drivers in heavy vehicle crashes in the city. However, the likelihood of crashes resulting in fatalities and serious injuries increases slightly compared to those resulting only in property damage as the age of drivers increases. Low levels of drivers' education, the fact that drivers are often not the owners of vehicles, ownership of vehicles by companies and government organizations, and inappropriate road medians' inappropriate design are also significant contributors to fatal crashes. Curbing deaths and injuries from heavy vehicle crashes in Addis Ababa requires strict enforcement of traffic rules and regulations, particularly speed limits; reforms in driver's training and certification; improved safety culture of vehicle owners and design of road infrastructure. Ethiopia's national road safety strategy launched in July 2022 addresses these issues. Hence the government is taking steps in the right direction.
Construction contracts are susceptible to disputes as they regulate very complex multi-party relationships. Previous studies not only fail to aptly outline the distinction between “conflict” and “dispute”, but also fail to adequately study the causes of construction disputes in-light of project delivery systems. The present research aims at assessing the causes and settlement mechanisms of construction disputes in Design-Bid-Build (DBB) and Design-Build (DB) delivery systems with a view to add evidence to the existing knowledge. Accordingly, four most relevant causes of construction disputes identified from previous works of literature were incorporated in a questionnaire survey to determine their frequency of occurrence in the two delivery systems. The Relative Important Index (RII) of the four direct causes of construction disputes computed by SPSS software revealed that, in DBB contracts, the frequency of occurrence of disputable claims (unsettled claims for money/extension of time) has RII = 0.794969/0.777358, project delay has RII = 0.708176, and poor quality of work has RII = 0.469182. In DB contracts, the frequency of occurrence of disputable claims has RII = 0.533333/0.515723, project delay has RII = 0.495597, and poor quality of work has RII = 0.465409. The RII values proved that, DBB projects are significantly prone to disputes than DB projects. Furthermore, qualitative data obtained from road and building project reports exposed that DBB projects are exceedingly prone to disputes because they are frequently vulnerable to an increase in the volume of work due to frequent change orders and design deficiencies. The research further found out that, despite a clear proscription in the laws of the land, there is a routine out of court settlement of public construction disputes in Ethiopia.
Due to its low fares, public bus transportation as a means of urban road mobility is a popular choice, particularly among city inhabitants. However, owing to its high level of crowdedness, it poses a greater risk of security and safety, particularly during peak hours. Moreover, passengers have continued to voice their dissatisfaction about the services offered, as well as the criminality that occurs in the station and on the bus. The problem is exacerbated in developing countries due to increased travel demand and a lack of appropriate and integrated solutions. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to evaluate commuters' perceptions of their concerns about using public bus transportation in the city, with an emphasis on security and safety in bus operations. A questionnaire survey was used to obtain data from 500 users in the city for the study. Using the SPSS software, the data was analyzed. To find out what they think, a descriptive analysis was used. Overcrowding of buses, personal insecurity, and infrequent bus service are the three biggest concerns in using public bus transportation in the city, according to the results. Furthermore, most of the respondents were concerned about crime; specifically, pickpockets, inappropriate touching, and disrespectful language of drivers and conductors are the three top types of crime that concern passengers who use public bus transportation in the city. Additionally, most people felt more insecure while riding the bus and getting on/off the bus, particularly in the evening and between 9:00 and 12:00 p.m. local time. Thus, it is advised that the Addis Ababa City Transport Authority, the Public Bus Transport Enterprise, and other interested parties place a strong emphasis on security and safety when providing public transportation in the city. Furthermore, it is critical to perform regular victim surveys of passengers (as well as operators) to establish whether they have been criminally victimized on the bus system and by what type of crime. Equally important, regularly assess the likely usefulness of new crime prevention measures for reducing bus-related offenses and prepare an annual bus crime reduction strategy.
Etiopia należy do najuboższych krajów świata. Usytuowana jest wysoko nad poziomem morza i obejmuje bardzo zróżnicowane krajobrazy. Tu przebiega Wielki Rów Afrykański, stanowiący system wielu obniżeń tektonicznych. Etiopia, licząca ponad 105 mln mieszkańców, jest drugim pod względem liczby ludności państwem w Afryce.
A refined, stratigraphic and biostratigraphic framework for Ethiopia has a strong bearing on the Jurassic sedimentary evolution, not only for the Horn of Africa, but also for the North African region. The present contribution provides an updated Callovian-Kimmeridgian stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, on the basis of the occurrences of age-diagnostic ammonites from Dejen (Blue Nile Basin; central western Ethiopia). Here, the late Callovian (Lamberti Zone) ammonite Pachyceras cf. lalandeanum (d'Orbigny) is associated with the nautiloid Paracenoceras cf. giganteum (d'Orbigny). The early Kimmeridgian Orthosphinctes aff. tiziani (Oppel) is associated with the nautiloids Paracenoceras cf. kumagunense (Waagen) and P. cf. ennianus (Dacqué) and a large gastropod Purpuroidea gigas (Étallon). The previously recorded middle Callovian ammonite Erymnoceras cf. coronatum (Bruguiere) is associated with the now recorded P. gigas (Étallon). Additionally, the age of the Antalo Limestone Fm is also reassessed on the basis of the ammonite records from the three basins - Ogaden, Blue Nile and Mekele. The Ogaden Basin strata span from the late Callovian to the late Tithonian (from ammonite records), the Blue Nile Basin from the early Callovian to the late Tithonian (calcareous nannofossils) and the Mekele Basin from the uppermost middle Oxfordian to the early Kimmeridgian (ammonite records). However, the upper age assignments should be considered tentative, as much of the previously recorded Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian ammonite fauna needs taxonomic re-evaluation and precise resampling. Contextually, it should be mentioned that in all the three sedimentary basins, the top part of the Antalo Limestone Fm did not yield any ammonites.
Content available remote Energetyka i kopalnictwo opali w Etiopii
Etiopia należy do najuboższych krajów świata. Usytuowana jest wysoko nad poziomem morza i obejmuje bardzo zróżnicowane krajobrazy. Tu przebiega Wielki Rów Afrykański, stanowiący system wielu obniżeń tektonicznych. Etiopia, licząca ponad 105 milionów mieszkańców, jest drugim pod względem liczby ludności państwem w Afryce. Stolicą jest Addis Abeba, którą zamieszkuje ponad 2,7 miliona mieszkańców. W Etiopii mówi się w języku Oromo i Amhara. Etiopskie dzieci uczą się w młodszych klasach języka plemiennego, a od szkoły średniej lekcje prowadzone są już w języku angielskim.
The calibration of any hydrological model in any river basin is generally performed using a single hydrological variable. Spatially distributed hydrological modeling provides an opportunity to enhance the use of multi-variable calibration models. The objective of this study is to test the efciency of satellite-based actual evapotranspiration in the HBV hydrological model to render the catchment water balance using multi-variable calibration in the upper Omo-Gibe basin in Ethiopia. Five years (2000–2004) meteorological data, streamfow, and actual evapotranspiration (ETa) based on remote sensing were used for calibration and validation purposes. The performance of the HBV model and the efciency of SEBS–ETa were evaluated using certain calibration criteria (objective function). The model is frst calibrated using only streamfow data to test HBV model performance and then calibrated using a multi-variable (streamfow and ETa) dataset to evaluate the efciency of SEBS–ETa. Both model setups were validated in a multi-variable evaluation using streamfow and ETa data. In the frst case, the model performed well enough for streamfow and poor for ETa, while in the latter case, the performance efciency of SEBS–ETa and streamfow data shows satisfactory to good. This implies that the performance of hydrological models is enhanced by employing multi-variable calibration.
Content available remote Ceramiczna egzotyka Etiopii
Content available Geotouristic attractions of the Danakil Depression
Geotourists and unconventional tourists will be definitely interested in the Danakil Valley. It is rarely visited place but absolutely extraordinary in many ways. It is in an area of divergence of lithosphere plates and, therefore connected to that, seismic and volcanic activity can be observed. Stunning terrain forms, geological structures, colours and diversity seem to be unreal. This desert is very inhospitable due to poisonous exhalations, omnipresent salt, an extremely hot climate, water deficiency and the fact that fauna andflora don't exist here. Despite all of these inconveniences, the Danakil Valley is inhabited by the Afars, a population thriving mainly on primitive salt production. Their rare culture is worth attention too. Not so long ago they were hostile and even now natives can be unpredictable and dangerous. Additionally, visitors should remember other difficulties: legal, organisational, financial and, above all, natural and climatic ones.
The Aluto-Langano geothermal field is located in the central southern portion of Ethiopia within the Ethiopian Rift Valley. The gravity of the area was surveyed in an attempt to delineate the subsurface structure and to better understand the relationship between the geothermal systems and the subsurface structure. The gravity data were analyzed using integrated gradient interpretation techniques, such as the Horizontal Gradient (HG), Source Edge Detection (SED), and Euler Deconvolution (ED) methods. These techniques detected many faults that were compared with the mapped faults in the surface geology. The results of the present study will lead to an improved understanding of the geothermal system in the study area and aid the future geothermal exploration of the area.
Etiopia jest krajem śródlądowym usytuowanym w Rogu Afryki graniczącym z: Erytreą, Sudanem, Somalią, Kenią i DSibuti. Jest jednym z najstarszych państw w Afryce. Etiopia utrzymała niepodległość przez cały okres swej historii z wyjątkiem krótkiej okupacji włoskiej w latach 1936-1941. W 1974 r. junta wojskowa DERG obaliła cesarstwo proklamując powstanie socjalistycznej republiki. ReSim pułkownika Mengistu Haile Mariama utrzymał się do 1991 r. Etiopia pogrążona jest w niekończących się konfliktach wewnętrznych, sporach granicznych z Erytreą oraz problemami gospodarczymi. Państwo to mogłoby jednak odgrywać rolę ważnego sojusznika Zachodu w regionie Rogu Afryki, zagrożonego fundamentalizmem islamskich z Somalii i Sudanu.
Ethiopia is a landlocked country situated in the Horn of Africa bordered by Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, Kenya and Djibuti. It is the oldest country in Africa and one of the oldest in the world. The ancient Ethiopian monarchy maintained its freedom from colonial rule with the exception of a short-lived Italian occupation from 1936 to 1941. In 1974, a military junta, the DERG, deposed Emperor Haile Selassie and established a socialist state. The regime of Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam was toppled in 1991 by a coalition of rebel forces. Ethiopia is known for its periodic droughts and famines, its long civil conflict and a border war with Eritrea. Addis Abeba could be a very important ally of the West in the Horn of Africa dominated by jihadist movements from Somalia and Sudan.
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