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Purpose: The aim of the article is to evaluate the significance of European Union funds for the development of the regions of Eastern Poland, by focusing on the benefits of obtaining this type of financial support Design/methodology/approach: When collecting empirical material for the article, the method of economic and general statistics was used. The time range of the research covers the years 2004-2018. The rationale for the location of the research is the peripheral location of Eastern Poland voivodeships and the related problems of low growth and economic development, low population density, and low income of local governments and residents. Moreover, this part of Poland benefits from a special European Union Program that financially supports the development of the researched regions. Findings: The research has showed that all voivodships of Eastern Poland narrowed their distance to the national average as it was there that the influence of the cohesion policy on the pace of development was the strongest. Originality/value: The article presents the use of European Union funds, supporting the cohesion policy implemented by local governments in Eastern Poland and the effects of support based on selected indicators, including the absorption rate developed by the present author.
W artykule omówione zostały kwestie lokalizacji wybranych przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych w odniesieniu do sieci dróg Polski Wschodniej. Infrastruktura drogowa jest jednym z najistotniejszych czynników lokalizacji przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych. W sytuacji gdy zakłady produkcyjne z różnych powodów funkcjonują w oddaleniu od drogi najwyższej klasy technicznej, przedsiębiorcy starają się jak najlepiej wykorzystać istniejącą już infrastrukturę drogową. Celem artykułu jest uwypuklenie wpływu dobrej jakości infrastruktury drogowej na działalność przedsiębiorstw, co objawia się przez redukcję kosztów transportu. Ostatnia dekada to prężny rozwój dróg najwyższej klasy technicznej, jednak na wschodzie kraju przemiany te następują wolniej. Polska Wschodnia jest właściwym regionem do analizy tego typu zagadnień, ponieważ z różnych względów, kumulują się tutaj problemy infrastrukturalne, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do sieci dróg. W pierwszej części artykułu opisany został czynnik transportu, jako jeden z grupy czynników lokalizacji i krótko omówiono istniejącą sieć podstawowych dróg w regionie Polski Wschodniej. Druga część artykułu to opis trzech przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych z tego regionu i analiza ich lokalizacji w odniesieniu do obecnej i przyszłej sieci podstawowych dróg.
The article discusses the location of selected production enterprises in relation to the Eastern Poland road network. Road infrastructure is one of the most important factors during the process of location of enterprises. During its activity, entrepreneurs must use existing road infrastructures. The aim of the article is to emphasize the impact of good quality road infrastructure on business operations, which is revealed, among others by reducing transport costs. Last decade was a period of dynamic development of the highest category roads in Poland, but in the east of the country these changes are slower. The first part of the article describes the transport factor. This is one of the most important factor from the group of location factors. Network of the most important roads in the eastern region was briefly discussed. The second part of the article is a description of three production companies from this region and an analysis of their location in relation to the current and planned road network.
W artykule przedstawiono w krótkim opisie powiązania występujące między rozwojem gospodarczym regionu, a stanem infrastruktury drogowej. Regionem wybranym do porównań i analizy badanych związków jest Polska Wschodnia. W pierwszej kolejności omówiono charakterystykę wytypowanego regionu. Następnie opisano ogólny stan zagospodarowania transportowego kraju w aspekcie infrastruktury drogowej. W ostatniej części artykułu omówiono kwestie wzrostu gospodarczego regionu w odniesieniu do jego sytuacji infrastrukturalnej, w związku ze stanem i rozwojem sieci drogowej. Przedstawiony materiał został zakończony podsumowaniem, w którym uwypuklono fakt istnienia badanych związków.
The article presents, in the short description, a link between the economic development of the region and the condition of its road infrastructure. The region selected for comparisons and analysis of this compounds is Eastern Poland. First, the characteristics of the selected region were discussed. Next, the general state of transport development of the country was described, in aspect of road infrastructure. The last part of the article discusses the issues of the region's economic growth in relation to its infrastructure situation, in connection with the condition and development of the road network. The presented material was concluded with a summary, which emphasized the existence of the tested compounds.
W artykule omówione zostały problemy dotyczące infrastruktury transportu drogowego wschodniej Polski, w tym województw: podlaskiego, wschodniej części mazowieckiego, lubelskiego i podkarpackiego, na przykładzie biegnącej przez te województwa drogi ekspresowej S19, popularnie nazywanej trasą „Via Carpathia”. Przedstawiono argumenty, że budowana na szlaku S19 infrastruktura drogowa jest kluczowym czynnikiem bezpieczeństwa i rozwoju gospodarczego wschodniej Polski a także istotnym elementem bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego, gospodarczego, społecznego i militarnego całego naszego kraju.
The article discusses problems related to road transport infrastructure in the Eastern Poland, including the following provinces: Podlasie, the eastern part of Mazovia, Lublin and Podkarpackie, on the example of the S19 expressway running through these provinces, popularly referred to as the "Via Carpathia" route. The arguments are presented that the road infrastructure built on the S19 route is a key factor in the security and economic development of Eastern Poland, as well as an important element of economic, social and military security of our entire country.
W ramach Działania „Zrównoważony transport miejski” (Działanie 2.1.) II Osi Priorytetowej Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia na lata 2014-2020, gmina Kielce złożyła 2 projekty inwestycji o łącznej wartości 295 mln zł. W ramach programu przewidziane jest dofinansowanie kompleksowych projektów ekologicznych zintegrowanych sieci transportu zbiorowego. Wsparciem zostały objęte województwa Makroregionu Polski Wschodniej: lubelskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, świętokrzyskie i warmińsko-mazurskie. Program jako dodatkowy terytorialnie instrument wsparcia finansowego, wzmacnia i uzupełnia działania prowadzone w ramach regionalnych i krajowych programów operacyjnych. Podstawę do sformułowania kierunków i priorytetów rozwojowych makroregionu w POPW stanowi zaktualizowana Strategia rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego Polski Wschodniej do 2020, przyjęta przez Radę Ministrów w dniu 11 lipca 2013 r. Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia 2014-2020 jest jednym z instrumentów realizacji celów strategii.
In the frame of Action 2.1. “Sustainable urban transport” of the II Priority Axis of the Eastern Poland 2014-2020 Operational Programme, the community of Kielce submitted two applications of investment projects of the total value of 295 mln PLN, 220 mln out Submissions of the total amount are going to be covered by programme funds. The main aim of submitted projects is to support complex investments in ecological and integrated public transportation system. Eastern Poland Operational Programme includes five voivodeships in the area of Eastern Poland macroregion : lubelskie, podkarpackie, podlaskie, świętokrzyskie i warmińsko-mazurskie. As an additional territorial instrument of financial support, programme is oriented on complementing implementation of regional and national operational programmes. Programme is also based on the main aims and priorities of “The Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Eastern Poland to 2020” approved by the Council of Ministers in Poland on 11th of July 2013 and is one of the instruments of strategy implementation.
A pollen sequence of Holsteinian/Mazovian age known since the 1980s in Brus (Western Polesie) is the second site with a plant macrofossil record in eastern Poland. High sedimentation rates in a palaeolake that functioned in this area have allowed a detailed climate reconstruction that enabled to trace the Older and Younger Holsteinian oscillations and to outline the water-level changes in the water body. Climate reconstructions, based on full palaeobotanical analyses (pollen and macroremains), were compared with those from Nowiny Żukowskie (Lublin Upland), revealing regional climatic patterns. The two Holsteinian climate oscillations were correlated with those detected in the Dethlingen section of Germany (Koutsodendris et al., 2010), providing more information on the spatial scale of these events.
Drilling carried out in 2011 at Ferdynandów (E Poland), serving as a stratotype for the Ferdynandovian Interglacial, enabled its re-examination with high-resolution palynological, plant macroremains, and sedimentological analyses. Lacustrine sediments included a record of the Late Sanian 1 (= Elsterian 1) Glaciation, a complete Ferdynandovian succession, and the Early Sanian 2 (= Elsterian 2) Glaciation. Particular similarities in the succession observed between the Ferdynandów 2011 profile and the adjacent sites of the same age in Łuków-3A and Zdany provide a basis for detailed palaeoclimate interpretation. The Ferdynandovian succession of all the three pollen profiles can be clearly divided into two distinct interglacials separated by a sequence of pollen spectra typical of a glacial succession with pollen zones of stadial-interstadial fluctuations. Warm units in the Ferdynandów 2011 succession correspond to climatostratigraphic units of Ferdynandovian 1 and 2, while the cold unit – to Ferdynandovian 1/2. This division can be applied to all Ferdynandovian successions in Poland and allows their correlation with the early Middle Pleistocene Cromerian Complex of Western Europe (Cromerian II Westerhoven and Cromerian III Rosmalen) as well as with Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 13–15. For each biostratigraphic unit, mean temperatures of the warmest and coldest months, and mean annual temperature and precipitation were reconstructed. For the comparison with the Ferdynandów 2011 pollen diagram the data based on modern pollen analogues for the Łuków-3A pollen diagram were used.
The goal of this study was to present an analysis of spatial diversity of internal migrations in rural areas of Eastern Poland in the period of 2004-2014. The subject included migrations which belong to the most significant social and economic changes. The study applied the definition of internal migrations according to the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) – change of place of residence (permanent or temporary) in the territory of Poland related to crossing the administrative border of a gmina, including – in case of urban-rural gminas – changes of the place of residence within a gmina, i.e. from rural to urban areas and vice versa. The study analyzed all rural gminas and rural parts of urban-rural gminas of five voivodeships: Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie.
Pokłosiem globalizacji są nasilające się procesy integracyjne krajów i regionów. Przejawem tego są dążenia państw Unii Europejskiej do coraz ściślejszego powiązania swoich gospodarek, zaś celem jest usprawnienie działania wspólnego rynku i zwiększenie pozycji konkurencyjności Europy. Dla osiągnięcia tego celu kraje Unii Europejskiej zmierzają do podniesienia 86 poziomu rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego i wyrównywania dysproporcji pomiędzy poszczególnymi regionami [Kudełko 2013].
The aim of this work is the analysis of the spatial differentiation of the level of life on the rural areas in the Eastern Poland and its changes in 2004-2015 years. Research included all the rural communes and rural parts of urban-rural communes located in the area of five voivodeships, namely Świętokrzyskie, Podkarpackie, Lubelskie, Podlaskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie, that is 639 communes. The level of life has been expressed by synthetic index constructed by method of standardised sums (Perkal’s index) using the 11 sub-characteristics. The conducted analysis revealed that the the level of life in the rural areas of Eastern Poland is a result of the influence of many factors and show high spatial differentiation, what results from the general social and economic development of these areas. Moreover, the conducted research showed that high level of life characterise spatial units located in the neighbourhood of the biggest urban centres, along the main routes and those with well-developed tourist functions.
Different methods have been used to determine the stratigraphic position of Pleistocene alluvial deposits, particularly fluvial interglacial deposits. Near-surface deposits of a meandering river, developed in point-bar and oxbow lake facies, in the Samica River valley (near Łuków, eastern Poland) have been investigated. The fossil valley is incised into the till plain and the outwash. The fluvial succession is locally overlain by solifluction deposits. All the deposits underwent sedimentological analysis. The petrographic composition of basal till occurring in the vicinity of a fossil valley was determined with the method of indicator erratics. Fluvial deposits were examined by pollen analysis and plant macrofossil analysis of oxbow lake facies. Absolute dating methods were applied to the deposits (thermoluminescence methods: TL and additionally IRSL). Lithological differences between fluvial and the surrounding glaciofluvial deposits were identified and their lithostratigraphic position assigned. Petrographic analysis of till and palaeobotanical analyses of oxbow lake facies gave compatible results. Fluvial deposits were formed after the Sanian 2/Elsterian Glaciation, during the Mazovian/Holsteinian Interglacial. Luminescence dating of the fluvial deposits by the TLMAX method yielded the most relevant results (412-445 ka), which indicate that these deposits were formed during the end of the MIS 12 and beginning of the MIS 11 stage.
The study was focused on the alluvial fans formed in the bottom of the Bystra river valley. A detailed analysis of four fans allowed to distinguish several phases of gully erosion related to human activity. The gullies started to develop in the Neolithis times, the subsequent phases of gully erosion could be dated to: Bronze Age, Middle Ages. In modern times, most of the sediments have been retained within the extensive gully systems.
Causes of dynamic development of a permanent gully dissected in sandy river valley side were presented in this paper. Road and field pattern change conditioned the gully forming during one downpour. A new pattern and crop structure caused fast surface flow on the side. Flow concentration along the road and balks causes dissections of gully escarpments and development of the gully branches.
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