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This study was conducted in a company that produces palm oil-based products such as cooking oil and margarine. The study aimed to encounter defects in packaging pouches. This study integrated the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) with the six sigma DMAIC method. The OEE was performed to measure the efficiency of the machine. Three factors were measured in OEE: availability, performance, and quality. These factors were calculated and compared to the OEE world-class value. Then, the Multiple Linear Regression was performed using SPSS to determine the correlation between measurement variables toward the OEE value. Lastly, the six sigma method was implemented through the DMAIC approach to find the solution and improve the packaging quality. Supposing the recommendations are implemented, the OEE is expected to increase from 82% to 85%, with availability ratio, performance ratio, and quality ratio at, 99%, 86%, and 99.8%, respectively.
Improving the efficiency of maintenance processes is one of the goals of companies. Improvement activities in this area require not only an appropriate maintenance strategy but also the use of a new approach to increase the efficiency of the process. This article focuses on using Six Sigma (SS) to improve maintenance processes. As an introduction, the generations of SS development are identified, and traditional and advanced analytical tools that can be useful in SS projects are reviewed. As part of the research, an example of the implementation of the SS project in the maintenance process using the DMAIC and selected advanced analytical methods, such as PCA and logistic regression, was presented. The PCA results showed that it was enough to have seven main components to keep about 84% of the information on variability. In developed logistic regression explained the impact of the individual factors affecting the availability of the machines. The identified factors and their interactions made it possible to define maintenance activities requiring improvements
This paper presents a solid methodology for improving the efficiency and productivity of assembly lines using Lean Manufacturing tools, in particular the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control approach (DMAIC) and line balancing techniques, followed by a concrete application in a case study of a wiring industry assembly line. The first phase of the approach ensured a clear definition of the problem using the who, what, where, when, why, and how tool (5W1H) and a description of the manufacturing process. The measurement phase allowed the calculation of the Takt time (TT) and the timing of the cycle times of the 17 stations of the line with the use of data collected on the standardized work combination table (SWCT) documents. This facilitated the analysis phase by first establishing a Yamazumi chart showing the distribution of the load between the line's stations and allowing the identification of bottleneck stations, and then analyzing the situation through the 5-Why tools and the Ishikawa diagram. Thanks to the innovation phase and the ideal balancing conditions developed in this paper, it was possible to balance the line's stations using an action plan whose effectiveness was monitored during the control phase, improving efficiency from 78% to 95% with a saving in manpower by reducing the number of operators from 17 to 14.
In the current, full of technological novelties, companies that want to maintain their position on the market are obliged to implement continuous improvement of their operations. A frequent and recently popular phenomenon is the creation of workplaces in organizations for specialists in the field of continuous improvement. Improvement is a laborious and long-lasting process. The activities of the company that create added value for the customer should be improved, in other words they increase the competitive advantage on the market, then they will be effective for the company. The article presents the possibility of using the Six Sigma methodology to improve the efficiency of the production process of a rubber product on one of the production lines. To achieve the intended goal, qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to analyze the results obtained as part of the company's case study. In addition, the statistical analysis of the obtained results allowed to identify factors in the areas affecting the efficiency of the manufacturing process and to determine the action plan identifying the actions that should be implemented to improve the production process.
W obecnych, pełnych nowinek technologicznych firmach, które chcą utrzymać swoją pozycję na rynku, zobligowane jest do ciągłego doskonalenia swojej działalności. Częstym i ostatnio popularnym zjawiskiem jest tworzenie w organizacjach miejsc pracy dla specjalistów z zakresu ciągłego doskonalenia. Doskonalenie jest pracochłonnym i długotrwałym procesem. Działania firmy, które tworzą wartość dodaną dla klienta powinny być doskonalone, czyli zwiększają przewagę konkurencyjną na rynku, wtedy będą efektywne dla firmy. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania metodyki Six Sigma do poprawy efektywności procesu produkcji wyrobu gumowego na jednej z linii produkcyjnych. Aby osiągnąć zamierzony cel, zastosowano jakościowe i ilościowe metody badawcze do analizy wyników uzyskanych w ramach studium przypadku firmy. Ponadto analiza statystyczna uzyskanych wyników pozwoliła zidentyfikować czynniki w obszarach wpływających na efektywność procesu produkcyjnego oraz ustalić plan działania określający działania, które należy wdrożyć, aby usprawnić proces produkcyjny.
Współczesne organizacje działające na konkurencyjnym, globalnym rynku obserwują znaczący wzrost zainteresowania problematyką zarządzania jakością początkowo wyrobów i usług, a w konsekwencji systemów zarządzania, co powoduje rozwój nowych metod doskonalenia jakości w organizacjach. Proces ten determinowany jest coraz mocniejszym naciskiem na obniżenie kosztów produkcji i generowanie oszczędności w połączeniu z redukcją zbędnych kosztów. W efekcie powstały korzystne warunki do rozwoju nowych metod zarządzania jakością, takich jak: Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing i Kaizen, które są szeroko rozpowszechnione w organizacjach, w tym zwłaszcza w przedsiębiorstwach z różnych branż i o różnych profilach działalności na całym świecie. W artykule zaprezentowano wybraną koncepcję doskonalenia procesów logistycznych według metodyki DMAIC w ujęciu teoretycznym i praktycznym. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości praktycznej aplikacji koncepcji doskonalenia procesów według metodyki DMAIC, zmierzającej do redukcji wartości złomu produkcyjnego w przedsiębiorstwie wytwarzającym okucia okienne.
Contemporary organizations, that are operating in a competitive, global market observe a significant increase of interest in the issues of quality management, initially in products and services, and in the consequence in the management systems, which results in the development of new methods of quality improvement in organizations. This process is determined by increasing emphasis on reducing production costs and generating savings combined with the reduction of unnecessary costs. As a result, advantageous conditions were created for the development of new quality management methods, such as: Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen, which are widespread in many organizations, especially in enterprises of various industries and business profiles around the world. The article presents a selected concept of the improvement of logistics processes according to the DMAIC methodology in theoretical and practical terms. The aim of the article is to present the possibility of a practical application of the process improvement concept according to the DMAIC methodology, heading to reducing the value of production scrap in an enterprise that produces window fittings.
This paper presents a new welding quality evaluation approach depending on the analysis by the fuzzy logic and controlling the process capability of the friction stir welding of pipes (FSWoP). This technique has been applied in an experimental work developed by alternating the FSW of pipes process major parameters: rotation speed, pipe wall thickness and travel speed. variable samples were friction stir welded of pipes using from 485 to 1800 rpm, 4–10 mm/min and 2–4 mm for the rotation speed, the travel speed, and the pipe wall thickness respectively. DMAIC methodology (Defining, Measuring, Analyzing, Improving, Control) has been used as an approach to analyze the FSW of pipes, it depends on the attachment potency and technical commonplace demand of the FSW of pipes process. The analysis controlled the Al 6061 friction stir welded joints’ tensile strength. To obtain the best tensile strength, the study determined the optimum values for the parameters from the corresponding range.
High business competition demands business players to improve quality. The Six Sigma with DMAIC phases is a strategy that has proven effective in improving product and service quality. This study aims to find the consistency of DMAIC phases implementation and analyze the objective value in Six Sigma research. By using a number of trusted article sources during 2005 until 2019, this research finds that 72% research in manufacturing industry consistently implemented DMAIC roadmap especially in case study research type for problem-solving, while service industry pointed out the fewer number (60%). The causes of variations and defective products in the manufacturing industry are largely caused by a 4M 1E factor, while in service industry are caused by human behavior, and it’s system poorness. Both manufacturing & service industry emphasized standardization & monitoring to control the process which aimed at enhancing process capability and organization performance to increase customer satisfaction.
Higher education institutions (HEIs) typically generate income from two main sources; student fees and research income. In contrast, the predominant waste streams in HEIs tend to include; (1) assignment/examination mark submission process, (2) photocopying process and (3) the funding application process. Unintended internal process complexities and barriers typically aggravate the challenges already inherent in the research grant application process. Although Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been adopted by a number of HEIs in Ireland, very few have adopted an integrated LSS approach for waste reduction in the research grant application process. To identify barriers and waste in the research grant application process within an Irish HEI in an EU environment, the authors used an online survey deployed to 240 academics and researchers. The survey response rate was 13%. The participating HEI in this pilot study generated an annual income (including student fees and research income) exceeding €240 million for the academic year 2017/2018. Using an LSS lens, this paper identified the primary waste in the research grant application process from an academic and researcher perspective to be; editing and revising applications, liaising and communicating with collaborators and waiting for information. Organised thematically, the main barriers were strategic thinking, collaborator identification and co-ordination, eligibility, process, time and support & mentoring. The results from this study can be used to inform the next stage of the research where empirical studies will be carried out in other HEIs to develop a practical roadmap for the implementation of LSS as an operational excellence improvement methodology in the research grant application process.
Content available Use the doe method for tool durability increase
Constantly improving, which is one of the principles of quality management is the base for good understanding, behaviour of individual processes, investigating variability and impact on its the process. The aim of every business is to increase profits. Reducing the cost of tools can also contribute to this. Utilising the DOE method to reduce the durability of removable cutting plate, as describe the article, is one of way, how to apply this method in practice. The DOE method enables find factors that are the most relevant to the production process and determine their best values. Using this method, you can set the selected inputs so that, the process achieves the desired results with maximum stability and resilience. The article contains a brief overview of Minitab software by which the collected process data was analysed. The core of the article describes how to solve the problem using the singular phases of the DMAIC cycle. Each of these phases has its own specific aim, which logically defines what activities each step is aimed at. DMAIC is extended variant of the process improvement model based at the Deming circle PDCA. Six sigma methodology is used as a standard procedure for project planning and realisation. At the end of an article is described that by increase durability of removable cutting plate the problems found in the analysis of the current condition that have been validated by a case study in the company have been eliminated.
The article presents the results in the scope of analysis and improvement of the galvanized wire production process with the use of Six Sigma's DMAIC cycle. The basic problem was identified - incorrect wire diameters after galvanizing and specific tools and methods were used to analyze this problem and look for its solution. The potential of Pareto analysis, SPC method, control plan, 5WHY analysis was used. As a result of the analyzes carried out, the source cause was identified - contaminated containers dispensing the preparation maintaining the temperature in the galvanizing unit. To eliminate the problem, maintenance of the machine used to cover the bare wire with zinc was carried out, which allowed to achieve the following results: standstills at the Drawing and Galvanizing Department were eliminated, the duration of the manufacturing process and the percentage of products beyond the specification were significantly reduced.
Potential chem. risks related to the industrial application of metal-working fluids were assessed. The complex definemeasure- analyze-improve-control approach and cause-effect connection were used for total fluid management within reverse logistics. The fluids contained substances that improved lubrication and cooling performance (petroleum, hydrotreated heavy paraffin, sulfonic acids and their Na salts, mineral oil, and pyridine 2-thiol-1-oxide Na salt) with acute and chronic toxicity to aquatic organisms and health risk for human. Emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, extreme pressure additives, foaming inhibitors and biocides were also included. They prevented any possible quality deterioration due to biocontamination.
Oceniono potencjalne ryzyka chemiczne związane ze stosowaniem cieczy do obróbki metali MWF (metal-working fluids) w przemyśle. Do całkowitego zarządzania tymi cieczami w logistyce zwrotnej wykorzystano złożone podejście DMAIC (define-measure-analyze-improve-control) oraz wykres przyczynowo-skutkowy CD (cause and effect diagram). Ciecze MWF obejmowały substancje poprawiające wydajność smarowania i chłodzenia. Uwzględniono również emulgatory, inhibitory korozji, dodatki smarne typu EP, inhibitory pienienia i biocydy. Zapobiegały one ewentualnemu pogorszeniu jakości, do którego mogłoby dojść w wyniku zanieczyszczenia biologicznego. Oszacowano, że roczne zużycie MWF przekracza 2 mln m3, podczas gdy ilość odpadów może być 10-krotnie większa. Należy jednak brać pod uwagę również stosowane w przemyśle MWF zawierające ropę naftową, ciężką uwodornioną parafinę, kwasy sulfonowe i ich sole sodowe, olej mineralny oraz sól sodową 1-tlenku pirydyno-2-tiolu jako substancje chemiczne wykazujące ostrą i przewlekłą toksyczność dla organizmów wodnych oraz stanowiące zagrożenie dla zdrowia ludzi. Ciecze MWF poddano intensywnej kontroli regulacyjnej, zgodnie ze standardami Komitetu Doradczego ds. Standardów Cieczy do Obróbki Metali (MWFSAC) i sporządzonego przez niego sprawozdania końcowego z 1999 r. W sprawozdaniu tym MWFSAC zaleca ograniczenie wykorzystywania tych cieczy w miejscu pracy do ilości nieprzekraczającej 0,5 mg/m3.
Content available remote Koncepcja zarządzania jakością danych lotniczych
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację prac autorów nad zagadnieniem sposobu zapewnienia jakości i bezpieczeństwa danych i informacji lotniczych, w całym procesie (rozpatrywanym jako łańcuch dostaw) tworzenia, gromadzenia, przetwarzania i publikacji danych i informacji lotniczych. Zaproponowano rozwiązania organizacyjne i systemowe, oparte na metodzie Six-Sigma i metodyce DMAIC oraz standardach międzynarodowych norm systemów zarządzania. Zgodnie z nimi zaproponowano przypisanie ról systemowych Six-Sigma w projekcie wdrażania i systemie zarządzania jakością danych i informacji lotniczych. Ponadto, odniesiono się do zagadnienia certyfikacji i wykazania obiektywnego dowodu zgodności z wymaganiami.
The article is a continuation of the authors’ study on the ways to ensure the quality and safety of aeronautical data and information in the entire process (considered as the supply chain) of those data and information creation, collection, processing and publication. Organizational and system solutions, based on Six-Sigma method and DMAIC methodology as well as international standards on systems’ management were presented. According to them Six-Sigma system roles in implementation process and aeronautical data and information quality management system were assigned. Moreover, references to certification issues and objective evidence of compliance with requirements were made.
The paper presents a case study describing the implementation of a Lean Sigma methodology to the Composite Testing Laboratory (CTL) of Centre for Composite Technologies of the Warsaw Institute of Aviation (WIA) in order to develop the overall performance and meet customer requirements. The article presents general requirements associated with composite testing and Lean Sigma technique as a combination of two well-known quality improvement methodologies which rely on waste and production cycle time reduction (Lean) as well as quality improvement and incremental reduction of detects (Six Sigma). I he whole process ot Lab improvement is depicted using the Six Sigma structured method DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control). Each phase shows the actions that were undertaken with customer and management support from 2014 to 2015 as well as the Lean Sigma tools that were applied. Conclusions show the improvements that were observed in CTL after the project accomplishment and the experiences gained.
Artykuł prezentuje studium przypadku opisujące wdrożenie metodyki Lean Sigma w Laboratorium Badań Kompozytów Centrum Technologii Kompozytowych, Instytutu Lotnictwa, w celu zwiększenia wydajności Laboratorium oraz spełnienia wymagań klienta. W artykule zostały przedstawione ogólne wymagania w zakresie badań kompozytów oraz technika Lean Sigma jako kombinacja dwóch dobrze znanych metodologii poprawy jakości, które opierają się na redukcji strat i czasu cyklu produkcyjnego (Lean) jak również poprawy jakości i stopniowej redukcji defektów (Six Sigma). Całościowy proces polepszenia Laboratorium jest opisany zużyciem metody DMAIC (Zdefiniuj, Zmierz, Zanalizuj, Usprawnij, Kontroluj). W każdej z faz opisane zostały akcje, które zostały podjęte przy wsparciu klienta oraz zarządu od 2014 do 2015 oraz narzędzia Lean Sigma jakie zostały użyte. W podsumowaniu zostały przedstawione ulepszenia Laboratorium po zakończeniu projektu oraz nabyte doświadczenia.
Content available remote An holistic implementation of lean six sigma methodology on maintenance subsystem
Purpose: One of the main problems relevant with enterprises is to be able to cope with maintenance problems in order to maintain decrease of stoppages, time and economical losses in the production area. In order to acquire an effective and profitable maintenance policy in a production company, there is high demand of methodological strategy to improve the maintenance subsystem. Purpose of this research is to be able to implement the lean six sigma methodology on maintenance subsystem as successfully and supply more effective sustainable maintenance system. Design/methodology/approach: Lean six sigma methodology purpose on eliminating defects and improve the effectiveness of a process. Research methodology is designed according to the purpose and goals of the research which is based on DMAIC tool within the phases those include quality tools relevant with lean six sigma methodology. Findings: According to the research results; it is estimated that by implementing improvements and eliminating root causes, wastes; 50% performance increase is possible in maintenance related effectiveness. Lean philosophy and six sigma methodology has high improvement potential on maintenance processes; also successful with gaining on the eliminating of defects and consequently increasing the economical outputs. Research limitations/implications: This research is limited with the experience and information from real case companies, information from relevant scientific books and theory from scientific databases. Practical implications: Lean six sigma methodology can be applied appropriately for improving the quality of the maintenance system and maintenance activities those will induce maintenance effectiveness as consequently. More effective maintenance system means decrease in the maintenance related cost, decrease in the maintenance related time due to increase in the speed and increase in the maintenance related quality. Originality/value: The originality of this research work base on implementation of advanced quality tools in DMAIC phases on maintenance subsystem and studying the quality of maintenance in multi perspective scale.
This paper describes example of LEAN and SIX SIGMA methodology application in order to improve production processes. The aim of the study was to improve the production processes of wire sheaves for electrical installations of cars and agricultural machinery. The main problem was the high production costs and long lead times of technological process in case of the prototypes and sheaves produced in small series. Significant number of manufacturing defects has also been a problem. The analysis carried out in accordance with the methodology DMAIC and SIX SIGMA allowed identification of the main problems and development of solutions. As a result of the work proper solutions has been developed and implemented to streamline the production processes, as well as improve the quality and efficiency of the production system in the studied area.
W pracy przedstawiono metodologię Six Sigma jako narzędzie do podnoszenia jakości współbieżnego rozwoju wyrobów. Następnie przedstawiono model metodyki usprawniania procesów projektowych i wytwórczych (DMAIC) rozwoju wyrobów. Na potrzeby mierzenia efektywności procesu współbieżnego rozwoju wyrobów zdefiniowano wskaźniki Six Sigma - oparte na liczbie błędów projektowych lub produkcyjnych. Zaproponowano również miary statystyczne do mierzenia podprocesu przygotowania wyceny i określenia innych parametrów oferty. Po zdefiniowaniu i implementacji wskaźników Six Sigma w programie iGrafx Process for Six Sigma przeprowadzono eksperyment współbieżnego rozwoju wyrobów. Jako rezultat eksperymentu uzyskano wyniki wskaźnika wydajności mierzonej w toku (RTY) dla współbieżnego rozwoju wyrobów.
The paper presents a methodology of Six Sigma as a tool to improve the quality the concurrent products development. Then presents a model of process improvement methodologies of design and manufacturing (DMAIC) product development. For the purpose of measuring efficiency the process concurrent product development was defined indicators Six Sigma - based on the number of design flaws or manufacturing flaws. It is also proposed statistical measures to measure sub-process to prepare the valuation of offer and determine the other parameters offer. After defining and implementing indicators of Six Sigma in iGrafx Process for Six Sigma experiment was conducted concurrent product development. As a result of experiment, were obtained the results measured indicator Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY) for concurrent product development.
W pracy przedstawiono metodykę DMAIC w realizacji projektów Six Sigma, a następnie zastosowano ją do analizy procesu spawania łopatek turbin niskiego ciśnienia. W ramach pracy zidentyfikowano czynniki, które potencjalnie mogą mieć wpływ na realizację procesu, zidentyfikowano punkty kontrolne, dokonano oceny systemu pomiarowego, a następnie przeprowadzono analizę danych zebranych z realizacji procesu spawania. Dane przeanalizowano, stosując analizy statystyczne w celu identyfikacji tych czynników, które mają rzeczywisty wpływ na proces. Przedstawiono również działania, które zostały wprowadzone dla poprawy procesu spawania oraz ich efekty.
The article presents the DMAIC methodology in Six Sigma projects. The methodology is used in a welding process analysis of low-pressure turbine blades. Processes that might have an influence on the welding process and control points are identified in this work; furthermore, assessment of control systems and analysis of data gathered from welding process is presented too. The gathered data is analyzed with the use of statistical method to identify influential factors for this process. All actions that were implemented to improve welding process are described and their results are presented in this article.
Content available remote Zastosowanie metody Six Sigma do poprawy jakości wyrobu
W celu umocnienia konkurencyjnej pozycji na rynku światowym przedsiębiorstwo produkcyjne musi dbać o wysokąjakość i niezawodność swoich produktów. W tym celu wdraża się różnorodne metody, których celem jest podwyższenie bądź utrzymanie wysokiego poziomu jakości wyrobów. W ramach nauki o zarządzaniu jakością opracowano metody oraz narzędzia, dzięki którym można usprawnić działalność firmy oraz jej kluczowe procesy. Jedną z koncepcji poprawy poziomu jakości jest Six Sigma. Stanowi ona ramy do realizacji strategii doskonalenia, a zarazem jest podstawą metod, technik i narzędzi wspierających proces zmian w przedsiębiorstwie. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania metody Six Sigma w celu poprawy jakości wyrobu.
The concept of quality is not clearly understood by everyone, but it is assumed that a high level of quality is a feature which should characterize the life of man, his work, products and services they use. Awareness of quality plays a global role in the fight against a competitive international markets. Companies that have had spectacular success in improving management efficiency by using pro-quality policy, set an example to follow. In order to strengthen its competitive position in the global market production company must ensure high quality and reliability of its products. For this purpose, a variety of quality methods to raise or maintain a high level of quality products are being implemented. Quality management area offers a range of methods and tools, the one of them is Six Sigma. It provides a framework for the implementation of improvement strategies by offering methods, techniques and tools to support the process of change in the company. The paper deals with Six Sigma method and its example of application to improve a product quality.
Increasing customer requirements and production costs force casting manufacturers to adopt a methodological approach to manufacturing processes, in order to deliver increasingly more repeatable, predictable and competitive products. One of the methods of achieving such results is the reduction of variability of manufacturing processes and the optimization of their control. This paper presents the possibilities granted by the Six Sigma methodology in efficient identification of special factors influencing pre-heat of ceramic moulds and casting parameters, in the minimization of the frequency at which they occur, and in the reduction of key process parameters variability. This paper also shows the usability of the method in achieving measurable business advantages for the company using the example of one DMAIC methodology based project realized in the Investment Foundry Department of WSK 'PZL-Rzeszow' S.A.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące doskonalenia procesu wytwarzania stalowych rur zgrzewanych z powłoką Al-Si przeznaczonych na elementy układów wydechowych z wykorzystaniem metodologii Six Sigma. Doskonaleniu poddano jednostkowy proces badania rur zgrzewanych metodą roztłaczania. Procedura postępowania była zgodna z algorytmem DMAIC. Wyniki badań przedstawiono za pomocą wybranych narzędzi statystycznych.
The main target stated by the creators of this methodology is a radical improvement in the quality of goods (services), in the way of minimizing the changeability of the process, with application of statistic tools. The Procedure of performance, connected with improvement of quality of the stated process, product or service, is detaily defined by the further steps of execution of the so called six sigma project, i.e. DMAIC (Define - Measure - Analyze - Improve - Control). In the Six Sigma approach, the quality is referred to as "right to value". That means that the customer requires some value from the product delivered to him, i.e. some expected application and aesthetic features, reliability, etc, for which he is ready to pay. On the other hand, the organization possesses a well-justified right to expect big value from the product - the product must not produce costs, it has to "make" money. Hence, the very sense of Six Sigma is the appearing of "win-win" situation where the needs of the organization and the customer meet. The project was executed at a facility of a company producing welded steel tubes with Al-Si coating, both smooth and perforated, provided for elements of exhaust systems. During manufacturing of tubes in one of the lines, two kinds of waste pipes are produced. The first reason for production of scrap is stopping or restarting the operation of welding line after resetting, resulting in a non-welded or poorly welded section of tube. The second reason for production of scrap pipes are technological tests conducted by line operators, based on expanding and pressing through a section the tube to check the quality of weld. An expanded tube goes for scrap. According to the control cycle, two samples are checked per each batch of tubes. The aim of the project was to reduce the quantity of scrap from technological tests by ca. 70 %, without intervention into the quantity of sampled sections of tube in the technological line.
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