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Shallow seismic survey was made along 1280 m profile in the marginal zone of the Carpathian Foredeep. Measurements performed with standalone wireless stations and especially designed accelerated weight drop system resulted in high fold (up to 60), long offset seismic data. The acquisition has been designed to gather both high-resolution reflection and wide-angle refraction data at long offsets. Seismic processing has been realised separately in two paths with focus on the shallow and deep structures. Data processing for the shallow part combines the travel time tomography and the wide angle reflection imaging. This difficult analysis shows that a careful manual front mute combined with correct statics leads to detailed recognition of structures between 30 and 200 m. For those depths, we recognised several SW dipping tectonic displacements and a main fault zone that probably is the main fault limiting the Roztocze Hills area, and at the same time constitutes the border of the Carpathian Forebulge. The deep interpretation clearly shows a NE dipping evaporate layer at a depth of about 500-700 m. We also show limitations of our survey that leads to unclear recognition of the first 30 m, concluding with the need of joint interpretation with other geophysical methods.
The Pogórska Wola palaeovalley of combined tectonic and erosional origin dissects the Mesozoic floor of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin to a depth exceeding 1200 m. It formed during Paleogene times presumably due to fluvial and submarine erosion, concentrated along a local pre-Late Badenian graben system. All members of the foredeep’s Badenian-Sarmatian sedimentary fill attain distinctly greater values inside the palaeovalley than on top of elevated plateaux on palaeovalley shoulders. The fill comprises the Early to Late Badenian sub-evaporite Skawina Formation, the laterally equivalent Late Badenian evaporite Krzyżanowice and Wieliczka formations and the supra-evaporite Late Badenian to Early Sarmatian Machów Formation. Over the plateaux and in the highest palaeovalley segment, the evaporites are developed in the sulphate facies Krzyżanowice Formation, whereas in the lower palaeovalley segments chloride-sulphate facies evaporites of the Wieliczka Formation occur. The rock salt-bearing rocks are involved in thrusting and folding at the Carpathian orogenic front, which helps to assess the lateral extent of the Wieliczka Formation in seismic records. The deep palaeotopographic position of the evaporites inside the palaeovalley, combined with their lithological and sedimentary features, point to their formation via subaqueous gravity flow-driven redeposition of originally shallow-water evaporites, preferentially halite-bearing, presumably combined with precipitation from sulphate and chloride brines at the palaeovalley floor. Both the redeposited sediments and the brines must have come from the adjacent plateaux and from a thrust-sheet top basin, approaching from the south on top of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Carpathian flysch thrust wedge.
Ciepło radiogeniczne A określane jest standardowo w profilach otworów wiertniczych za pomocą wzoru Rybacha, uwzględniającego wyniki gęstościowego i spektrometrycznego profilowania gamma. Opracowane na bazie danych laboratoryjnych, pochodzących z odwiertów omawianego obszaru, w oparciu o metody statystyki matematycznej oraz sieci neuronowe, modele do ilościowej oceny ciepła radiogenicznego skał zostały zastosowane do wyliczenia parametru ciepła w odcinkach profili odwiertów, w których nie wykonano spektrometrycznego profilowania gamma. Były to: Ł-1, O-3 oraz Z-8K. Wygenerowanie wartości ciepła w pełnym profilu umożliwiło uzyskanie rzeczywistego obrazu jego zmian. Na podstawie profilowań ciepła radiogenicznego z następujących otworów wiertniczych: G-3, K-1, Ł-1, Ł-2, O-3, P-2, Z-7 oraz Z-8K wykonano przestrzenny, schematyczny model rozkładu tego parametru dla warstw odpowiadającym następującym jednostkom stratygraficznym: dewon, karbon, trias, jura oraz kreda. Model ten, przedstawiony poprzez dwa profile korelacyjne, określa hipotetyczną wartość ciepła w omawianym rejonie. W niniejszej pracy wykonano także korelację odcinkowych wartości strumienia cieplnego i średnich ważonych wartości ciepła radiogenicznego badanych skał.
Radiogenic heat is conventionally estimated in well profiles by the means of Rybach equation using the results of density and spectral gamma logs. Models for quantitative estimation of radiogenic heat established with the use of laboratory data, statistical methods and neural network have been used for heat calculation in parts of well profiles (wells Ł-1, O-3, Z-8K) lacking in spectral gamma logs. A spatial, schematic model of radiogenic heat distribution for the stratigrafic units: Dewonian, Carboniferous, Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous was constructed on the base of heat profiles from the wells: G-3, K-1, Ł-1, Ł-2, O-3, P-2, Z-7 and Z-8K. This model represented by two correlation profiles describes hypothetical values of heat in the investigated area. Additionally, correlation of average values of the radiogenic heat with heat flow values for each stratigraphic unit was conducted.
Reprocessing of 3D seismic data from the Carpathian Foreland and new interpretation techniques enabled more accurate mapping of structure and facies distribution of Miocene series and their bedrock. The reprocessing of a part of Sokołów Małopolski–Smolarzyny, 2001 3D seismic survey carried out in 2006 was focused on the Pogwizdów structure. Application of GeoProbeŽ software and the detailed analysis of seismic trace attributes along with the structural interpretation gave new information on morphology of the pre-Miocene bedrock and Miocene series. The area of erosional channels (paleovalleys), where anhydrite sediments and probably the Baranów Beds were distinguished, is particularly interesting as it is characterized by some distinctive anomalies of the analyzed seismic attributes. The evidence for presence of anhydrite within the so-called anhydrite-less island significantly enhances probability of discovering new gas fields with the Baranów Beds as reservoirs and anhydrites as a seal. The number of potential gas fields should compensate for their small reserves.
The Miocene Carpathian foredeep basin in Poland (CFB) developed in front of the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt, at the junction of the East European craton and the Palaeozoic platform. 3D seismic data, cores and well logs from Sokołów area (vicinity of Rzeszów) were used in order to construct new depositional model of the Miocene succession of the Carpathian foredeep. The gas-bearing Miocene infill of the CFB is characterized by a shallowing-upward trend of sedimentation and consists of hemipelagic, turbiditic and deltaic and nearshore-to-estuarine facies associations. Lowermost part of the Miocene infill seems to has been deposited from the North. Such direction of sediment supply was related to influence of existing relief of the pre-Miocene basement, where very deep (up to 1,5 km) erosional valleys cut into the pre-Miocene (Precambrian) basement due to inversion and uplift of the SE segment of theMid-Polish Trough are located. Upper part of theMiocene infill reflects sediment progradation from the South, from the Carpathian area into the foredeep basin. In the Rzeszów area existence of the so-called anhydrite-less island, i.e. relatively large area devoid of the Badenian evaporitic cover caused by the post-Badenian uplift and widespread erosion of evaporites,has been postulated for many years. Interpretation of 3D seismic data showed that such model should be abandoned. In the studied part of the CFB, Late Badenian evaporitic sedimentation was restricted to the axial parts of deep paleovalleys. Evaporites deposited in these valleys have been rarely encountered by exploration wells as such wells were almost exclusively located above basement highs separating erosional paleovalleys, hence giving incorrect assumption regarding regional lack of evaporitic cover. It is possible that in axial parts of these valleys important gas accumulations might exist, charged from the South and sealed by the Badenian evaporites.
Szczegółowa analiza dotychczas udokumentowanych złóż węglowodorów w utworach mezozoiku przedgórza Karpat wraz z postępem w dziedzinie interpretacji materiałów sejsmicznych wykazała znaczącą rolę stref dyslokacyjnych w procesie kształtowania i napełniania pułapek złożowych w tych utworach. Wszystkie z przeanalizowanych złóż mają wyraźny związek z tektoniką dysjunktywną. Efektem przeprowadzonych interdyscyplinarnych prac i analiz w zakresie identyfikacji pułapek mezozoicznych w omawianym obszarze jest odkrycie w ostatnich latach złóż gazu ziemnego: Gruszów, Łapanów i Góra Ropczycka. Złoża te rozpoznano w przystropowych partiach jury górnej, w kulminacjach struktur determinowanych tektoniką. Wspomniane wyżej odkrycia złóż w ostatnich latach potwierdzają perspektywiczność utworów jury górnej, jak również celowość prowadzenia w nich dalszych prac poszukiwawczych. Z uwagi na szerokie rozprzestrzenienie tych utworów w obszarze przedgórza i pod Karpatami, przewiduje się możliwość występowania w nich znacznych, nieudokumentowanych jeszcze zasobów węglowodorów. W świetle aktualnej wiedzy w tym zakresie za najbardziej perspektywiczny uznaje się rejon w strefie nasunięcia karpacko-stebnickiego, na południe od linii Bochnia—Rzeszów.
A detailed analysis of hydrocarbon deposits documented so far in the Mesozoic deposits of the Carpathian Foreland along with the progress in the field of seismic data interpretation has shown a significant role of faults in the process of shaping and filling of hydrocarbon traps in these deposits. All of the analysed deposits are clearly associated with disjunctive tectonics. The discovery of natural gas deposits Gruszów, Łapanów, Góra Ropczycka in recent years results from the interdisciplinary works and analyses in the field of identification of Mesozoic traps conducted in the area under discussion. The deposits were recognized in the top parts of the Upper Jurassic, in the culmination of structures, determined by tectonics. The above mentioned discoveries within the last years confirm the perspectivity of the deposits of the Upper Jurassic as well as appropriateness of further exploratory works continuation. Because of the deposits' extension in the Carpathian Foreland, there is a possibility that quite rich but not documented yet hydrocarbons' reserves exist. In the light of contemporary knowledge concerning this area, the region in the part of Carpathian overthrust, south of the Bochnia—Rzeszów line is considered the most perspective region.
Praca przedstawia wyniki wykorzystania informacji zawartych w rejestrowanej zmienności amplitud z odległością źródło—odbiornik (AVO) w celu identyfikacji warstw nasyconych gazem dla wybranego przykładu z miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego (złoże Łukowa). Na podstawie wykonanego zakresu badań (modelowania teoretycznego pola falowego 1D oraz złożowej interpretacji profilu sejsmicznego T0152005) stwierdzono, że atrybut fluid factor okazał się „wydajniejszy" niż klasyczny AVO product, szczególnie dla głębszych interwałów. Zaprezentowany przykład analizy AVO wykazał, że odpowiedni dobór atrybutów AVO zapewnia lepszą lokalizację stref nasyconych gazem.
This paper presents the results of analysis of information derived from amplitude variations with offset (AVO) in terms of gas prospecting on the basis of Łukowa reservoir in the Miocene formation of the Carpathian Foredeep. The undertaken research including both 1D seismic modellings and reservoir interpretation of T0152005 allowed us to find the fluid factor more effective as the gas indicator then the AV O product, particularly for higher depths. The presented study showed that the appropriate choice of AVO attributes provides better gas bearing zones' localization.
Results of distribution analysis of major, minor, and trace elements content as well as isotopic features and organic matter (TOC) concentration within clastic (mudstones and claystones with sandy interbeds) of the Middle Miocene (Badenian–Sarmatian) Machów Formation in the northern part of the Carpathian Foredeep (southern Poland) are presented in this paper. A chemostratigraphic study shows that theMachów Fm, underlain by evaporites (Krzyżanowice Fm) may be subdivided from the base to the top into three complexes: A, B, and C. Lithologically, the boundaries between the complexes are continuous but the contrasting geochemical difference occurs between A and B+C complexes. According to geochemical features, supported by palaeontological data, this chemostratigraphic boundary is assumed as the Badenian–Sarmatian one. Such approach reveals that the chemostratigraphic boundary occurs much higher (up to several metres) than the palaeontological one. The discordance in the boundary location is ascribed to palaeoecological factors.
Wykonano korelację mioceńskich horyzontów złożowych i warstw o zróżnicowanym wykształceniu litologicznym w rejonie Drohobyczka-Rączna-Skopów na podstawie profilowań geofizyki otworowej z uwzględnieniem obrazu sejsmicznego 2D. Korelację przeprowadzono w kilku iteracjach, z których każda poprzedzona była nową analizą krzywych geofizyki otworowej w aspekcie zgodności z zapisem sejsmicznym i dostępnymi danymi geologicznymi. Przedstawiono przykłady typowych wydzieleń litologicznych w otworach D-4 i R-6 w załączonych tabelach 1 i 2 oraz wyniki korelacji warstw na tle profilowań geofizycznych (rysunki 2 i 3), a także interpretację strukturalną na wybranych fragmentach profili sejsmicznych (rysunki 4 i 5).
Miocene reservoir horizons and layers of difference lithological structure were correlated in Drohobyczka-Rączna-Skopów region on the basis of well logs and 2D seismic sections. Several iterations were done in correlation, each of them were preceded by new analysis of well logs in aspect of agreement with seismic section and available geological data. The examples of typical lithological divisions in D-4 and R-6 boreholes are presented in tables 1 and 2. The results of correlation of layers on the background of logs are presented in figures 3 and 4. Seismic structural interpretation in the selected parts of lines are enclosed in fig. 4 and 5.
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