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Alunogen (Al2(SO4)3∙17H2O), a rare secondary mineral, has been found in the efflorescence on sandstones from the Stone Town Nature Reserve in Ciężkowice, southeastern Poland. This is probably the first find of this salt on such rocks in Poland. Alunogen forms in various geological environments, but mainly from the oxidation of pyrite and other metal sulfides in ore deposits and Al-rich Earth materials under low-pH conditions. Its crystallization at this particular site depends on a set of necessary physicochemical (pH, concentration), climatic (season, temperature, humidity), site-related (location and protection of efflorescence), and mineralogical (the presence of pyrite) conditions. This paper presents the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the alunogen from the Stone Town Nature Reserve (based on SEM-EDS, XRPD, EPMA and Raman spectroscopy methods) as well as of the efflorescence itself (based on XRPD and STA coupled with QMS and FTIR for the analysis of gas products). Crystals of alunogen take the shape of flakes, often with a hexagonal outline, clustered in aggregates forming a cellular network. Its calculated formula is (Al1.96Fe3+ 0.01)∑1.97(SO4)3∙17H2O (based on 12 O and 17 H2O). The unit-cell parameters refined for the triclinic space group P1 are: a = 7.423 (1) Å, b = 26.913 (5) Å, c = 6.056 (1) Å, α = 89.974 (23)°, β = 97.560 (25)°, γ = 91.910 (22)°. The Raman spectra (SO4) bands are: intensive 995 cm−1 (ν1); low-intensive 1069, 1093 and 1127 cm−1 (ν3); low-intensive 419 and 443; medium-intensive 470 cm−1 (ν2); and medium-intensive 616 cm−1 (ν4). Those at 530, 312 and at 338 cm−1 are assigned to water vibrations and those at 135, 156, 180 cm−1 to the lattice modes. Although the efflorescence contained an admixture of other minerals (pickeringite, gypsum and quartz), the predominant alunogen is almost chemically pure and the above parameters are consistent with the values reported in the literature for alunogen from different locations and of various origins.
The aim of the paper is to examine the variability of physical and chemical characteristics of two springs located in the Zagórzański Stream catchment (Spisko-Gubałowskie Foothills, Podhale region). Calcareous tufa occurs at one of the investigated springs. Field studies were conducted once a month from 25th March 2017 to 28thFebruary 2018. Water of the studied springs represents the bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium type during almost the whole year. The chemical composition of both springs is characterized by seasonal variability. The highest concentrations of most ions occurred in the summer, when the rainfall was the lowest and during winter drought; while the lowest concentration - in the period of increased rainfall. The variability of physical and chemical parameters of the spring with tufa is smaller than the other one. The spring with calcareous tufa stands out by the higher concentration of Mg2+ and SO42- and the presence of radon. The unique landscape values of the surroundings and hydrogeochemical features of the spring with calcareous tufa favour this place as an interesting hydro-tourism attraction in the Bukowina Tatrzańska region.
In Poland, the Aesculapian snake, critically endangered at the edge of its European range, inhabits the lower parts of the Bieszczady Mts. in the SE of the country. This research, carried out between 2009 and 2014, included fieldwork in areas selected on the basis of historical literature data and the results of interviews. 51 breeding mounds were deployed at historical and potential sites of this snake's occurrence on the forested area of 220,886 ha as a supportive tool for detecting these reptiles. The 371 records of the Aesculapian snake obtained are displayed on maps showing its historical distribution in two periods (1958-1989 and 1995-1998) for comparison. Most records were collected in the centre of the species' range in the Bieszczady Mts. Most of the breeding mounds (17 out of 29) in this area were colonized by the snake, whereas only two sites were colonized in the outside. The results show that the Aesculapian snake's range in the Bieszczady Mts has been shrinking. However, most current single records outside the species' centre of occurrence are from localities close to its historical range; this suggests that relict populations may be surviving there. The proportion of records on the breeding mounds grew in consecutive years. This suggests that breeding mounds deployed near the snake's existing localities may be a useful tool for monitoring endangered oviparous snakes and their active conservation.
Content available remote Warunki prowadzenia badań terenowych w Karpatach do roku 1914
In the second part of the 19th century, the Carpathians became a field of widely conducted research by the Polish scientists. On the basis of source materials we can reconstruct the conditions of those research. In the majority of cases the field works were carried on in difficult or even very difficult conditions. While getting to the foothill did not cause major problems, the state of transport and communication in mountainous terrain was very poor. Especially in the area of Eastern Carpathians there was practically no transport at all. Scientists had to cope with serious shortages in infrastructure - both in accommodation and available food; their diet was deficient and poor in nutrients. They were forced to spend the nights in spartan conditions, lack of guides evoked widespread criticism, the maps at their disposal were unsatisfactory, and the scientists were solely left to their own resources. Each time they decided to explore an area, they were aware of its difficult accessibility. The farther east they went, the worse accessibility of particular Carpathian range they encountered, and that situation extremely hampered their research. Thy had no specialist equipment to move in mountainous terrain and so were forced to settle for what they had - mostly things not suitable for field works. One has to remember that they had to use a lot of research equipment, which made it hard to move around. Their research work was also highly dependent on weather conditions and according to the sources, weather often hampered it or even prevented them from undertaking it at all. Despite all those adversities, the Polish scientists representing mainly the Kraków scientific institutions - the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and its Physiography Committee, as well as the Jagiellonian University - conducted field research in all the ranges of Western and Eastern Carpathian Mountains for decades. Regardless of very difficult, often extreme, conditions of field work, the scientists carried out their responsibilities excellently, making their substantial contribution to the development of Polish and European science.
It has been often argued that the formation of peat bogs in the mountains is predominantly influenced by a humid climate. Although in many mountains precipitation during the vegetation growth season is greater than evaporation, bogs, especially of the raised type, do not cover all gently sloping areas and often develop only within certain landforms. Local hydrological conditions determined by land relief and structure are the most crucial factor in the development of bogs in such areas. Peat bogs of the Polish Carpathian Mountains demonstrate that bogs, irrespective of altitude, develop mainly in concave landforms or below convex morphological recesses, where outcrops of poorly permeable rocks offer numerous low-capacity but stable outflows of groundwater that continuously humidifies the slopes lying below thus supporting the formation of habitats for hydrophilic plants. This research project covered the parts of the Polish Carpathians having the largest number of bogs, thus allowing local-scale analysis of their location in relation to the lithological, geomorphological and hydrogeological properties of the substratum. It is assumed that an assessment of the influence of substratum on the location and formation of peat bogs is only correct when the coverage of the individual mires in the period preceding their anthropogenic degradation is known. Only then is it possible to establish what types of bedrock and which landforms are most favourable for bog formation.
The water requirements of the pasture sward using the Penman-Monteith method (FAO-56), which is seldom applied in Poland, was assessed. The reference crop evapotranspiration ETo from a hypothetical grass crop with an assumed crop height of 0.12 m, a fixed surface resistance of 70 s·m-1 and an albedo of 0.23, was used. These assumptions are similar under conditions of ruminant grazing. ETo was computed by using meteorological data from 43 weather stations. The crop evapotranspiration ETc is the product of ETo, and single crop coefficient Kc. The differences between precipitation and ETo and ETc (climatic water balances) were determined for mountain pastures. The results were summarised form of a table and maps of isohyets and isolines elaborated by applying the Geographic Information System techniques (Arc View 9) with the data interpolated by the geostatic method (Kriging).
Celem pracy było określenie ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej, potrzeb wodnych oraz klimatycznego bilansu wodnych pastwisk górskich w polskich Karpatach z zastosowaniem metody Penmana-Monteitha FAO-56 (ALLEN et al., 1998) . Osiągnięcie założonego celu zostało dokonane przez: a) oszacowanie wartości ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej ETo oraz opracowanie rozkładu przestrzennego ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowego ETo i elementów klimatycznego bilansu wodnego (P - ETo); b) charakteryzowanie ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej oraz klimatycznego bilansu pastwisk górskich w Polskich Karpatach. Poddano analizie dane meteorologiczne z 43 posterunków obserwacyjnych, pochodzących ze zbiorów Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, a także ze Stacji Badawczej ITP w Jaworkach. Dane pochodziły z lat 1990-2005 i reprezentują zmienne warunki klimatyczne w polskich Karpatach. Wyniki badań przedstawiono w postaci map rozkładu przestrzennego, które wykonano metodą GIS ArcView. Przedstawiono następujące elementy: izolinie średnich: sum półroczy letnich (V-X), opadów atmosferycznych P, ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej ETo, oraz klimatycznego bilansu wodnego (P - ETo). W okresie półrocza letniego najmniejszymi wartościami ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej odznaczają się północne stoki Tatr (Zakopane - 433 mm). Region Beskidu Zachodniego charakteryzuje się mniejszymi średnimi sumami ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej, wynoszącymi w okresie letnim od około 440 mm w Beskidzie Śląskim do 460 mm w Beskidzie Sądeckim. W Bieszczadach ETo w omawianym okresie letnim mieści się w zakresie od 460 do 480 mm. Półrocze letnie charakteryzuje się dużym zróżnicowaniem przestrzennym średnich sum klimatycznego bilansu wodnego (P - ETo). Najwyższe nadmiary opadów (P - ETo) występują w partiach szczytowych Beskidu Żywieckiego (400 mm) oraz Tatr Polskich - ponad 700 mm. Linia równowagi opadów atmosferycznych i ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej (P = ETo) przebiega wzdłuż granicy między Karpatami a Kotlinami Podkarpackimi. W Beskidzie Wyspowym notowane są nadmiary opadów od 100 do 250 m. Kotliny śródgórskie charakteryzują się również znacznymi nadwyżkami opadów: Kotlina Żywiecka - 300 mm, Orawsko-Nowotarska - poniżej 200 mm, Sądecka - 150-200 mm i Doły Jasielsko-Sanockie - 0-100 mm. W Bieszczadach wskaźnik (P-ETo) wynosi od 150 do 300 mm.
Powierzchniowe ruchy masowe należą do rozpowszechnionych zagrożeń geodynamicznych i noszą cechy klęski żywiołowej. Polska jest krajem, gdzie osuwanie pociągnęło za sobą niewielką liczbę ofiar, natomiast zniszczenia infrastruktury, zwłaszcza drogowej, są spektakularne. Praca przedstawia zwięzły przegląd koncepcji na temat ruchów masowych oraz omawia powszechne rozumienie terminu osuwisko. Wskazano różnicę pomiędzy zniszczeniami wywołanymi osuwaniem naturalnym a spowodowanymi antropogenicznie. Podkreśla się znaczenie właściwego rozpoznawania osuwisk i wiarygodnego sporządzania map, jako niezbędnego kroku w ograniczaniu zagrożenia.
Mass movements belong to very devastating natural hazards. Although number of casualties in Poland is not high, the damaging effects to transportation network are much more appealing. The paper reviews the basic concepts of mass movement processes and a common understanding of landslides. A difference between naturally and man-triggered landslides is indicated. The need for reliable identification of landslides and adequate mapping is believed to be a key issue in hazard mitigation.
Pozyskiwanie oleju skalnego z naturalnych wycieków w Karpatach prowadzone było od niepamiętnych czasów. Wykorzystywany był głównie jako smar do wozów i narzędzi rolniczych czy konserwacji drewna. Wzrost zapotrzebowania na olej skalny (ropę naftową) i wosk ziemny (ozokerty) doprowadziły w XIX wieku do rozwoju techniki kopania szybów (kopanek). Kopanki negatywne lub wyeksploatowane były porzucane lub "likwidowane". Obecnie w wielu rejonach Karpat ujawniają się dawno zapomniane kopanki, pozostawione(porzucone) lub źle zlikwidowane, które stwarzają zagrożenie zarówno dla środowiska jak i otoczenia. W opracowaniu zasygnalizowano jako przykładowe, problemy techniczne, bezpieczeństwa powszechnego i ochrony środowiska, związane z kopankami występującymi w rejonie Gorlic.
Extraction of rock oil from natural leaks in the Carpathian Mountains was carried out since time immemorial. The oil was mainly used as a lubricant for wagons and agricultural tools or for preservation of wood. Increased demand for petroleum mineral oil (crude oil) and fossil wax (ozocerite) lead to the development of pit digging technique (dug-out pits) in 19th century. Negative or depleted dug-out pits were abandoned or "liquidated". Nowadays in many areas of the Carpathian mountains one can find long forgotten dug-out pits, left (abandoned) or improperly liquidated, that are dangerous both to the environment and to the surroundings. The study mentions, as an example the technical, general safety and environmental protection problems involved with dug-out shafts found in the area of Gorlice.
Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie obecnej struktury użytkowania ziemi w Karpatach oraz wskazanie kierunku przeobrażeń, które powinny być realizowane zgodnie z założeniami zrównoważonego rozwoju. Struktura użytkowania powierzchni ziemi w Karpatach Polskich nie uwzględnia zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju (ekorozwoju), gdyż nie jest dostosowana do warunków klimatyczno-glebowych i topograficznych tego obszaru, to jest wysokości nad poziomem morza oraz nachylenia zboczy. Zrównoważony rozwój będzie wymagał zmiany struktury użytkowania powierzchni ziemi co powinno zapobiec dalszej degradacji środowiska przyrodniczego w Karpatach Polskich. Proponuje się zmniejszenie powierzchni gruntów ornych z obecnych niemal 60% do około 30%. Na wysokości powyżej 800 m n.p.m. i nachyleniu zboczy powyżej 10° grunty orne nie powinny występować. Na zboczach o nachyleniu 10–20° winny występować użytki zielone, natomiast na zboczach o nachyleniu przekraczającym 20° powinien dominować las.
This work was undertaken to show the present land use structure in the Carpathians and to point out eventual transformations, which should have taken place according to the rules of sustainable development. The paper describes climatic and soil conditions, land use structure and changes in land utilization. Land use structure does not fit to topographic, soil and climatic determinants, which results e.g. in the enhanced soil erosion. Agricultural lands cover 52.19 %, forests – 36.41 % and the remaining grounds, including waters and built up areas, 11.34 % of the area. Arable lands definitely dominate covering 59.93 % of agricultural lands. Meadows occupy 23.67 %, pastures – 14.66 % and gardens and orchards – 1.89 % of that area. There is a great differentiation between particular communes and counties in the land use structure. Spatial pattern of land use structure displays a zonal, parallel character. In the south, there is an intensively forested belt of land. It consists of areas of a severe climate, high and unavailable slopes of low population density. Northern part of the Carpathians neighbouring submontane dipping is of typical agricultural character. Land use structure in the Polish Carpathians does not consider the principles of sustainable development being not adopted to soil, climatic and topographic properties of the area i.e. to the altitude and slope inclination. Sustainable development would request changes in the land use, which should prevent from further degradation of the natural environment of the Polish Carpathians. It is proposed to restrict arable areas from the present 60 % to c. 30 %. At altitudes higher than 800 m a.s.l and on slopes steeper than 10°, arable lands should not be present at all. Slopes inclined between 10 and 20° should be covered by grasslands and those above 20° should be dominated by forests.
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