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The influence of saliva pH on the adhesion of Candida albicans to PMMA-based prosthetic materials manufactured using conventional and digital techniques (3D printing, milling) was examined. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA and the Tukey HSD post hoc test (α = 0.05). Materials obtained by 3D printing had the highest surface roughness, while those obtained conventionally had the highest number of CFU (colony-forming unit). The mean CFU value was highest at pH 4.5 and statistically significant compared to other pH values. No significant correlation was found between surface roughness and the average CFU value. The surface of materials obtained using the conventional and milling methods showed lower adhesion of Candida albicans.
Zbadano wpływ pH śliny na adhezję Candida albicans do materiałów protetycznych na bazie PMMA, wytwarzanych technikami konwencjonalnymi i cyfrowymi (druk 3D, frezowanie). Otrzymane dane poddano analizie statystycznej za pomocą jednoczynnikowej analizy ANOVA oraz testu post hoc Tukeya HSD (α= 0,05). Materiały uzyskane metodą druku 3D wykazywały największą chropowatość powierzchni, a otrzymane konwencjonalnie charakteryzowały się największą liczbą CFU (ang. colony-forming unit). Średnia wartość CFU była największa przy pH 4,5 i statystycznie istotna w po¬równaniu z innymi wartościami pH. Nie stwierdzono znaczącej korelacji pomiędzy chropowatością powierzchni a średnią wartością CFU. Powierzchnia materiałów otrzymanych metodą konwencjonalną i metodą frezowania wykazywała mniejszą adhezję Candida albicans.
The resistance of Candida albicans and other pathogenic yeasts to azole antifungal drugs has increased rapidly in recent years and is a significant problem in clinical therapy. The current state of pharmacological knowledge precludes the withdrawal of azole drugs, as no other active substances have yet been developed that could effectively replace them. Therefore, one of the anti-yeast strategies may be therapies that can rely on the synergistic action of natural compounds and azoles, limiting the use of azole drugs against candidiasis. Synergy assays perperformed in vitro were used to assess drug interactions Fractional Inhibitory Concentration Index. The synergistic effect of fluconazole (1) and three synthetic lactones identical to those naturally occurring in celery plants—3-n-butylphthalide (2), 3-n-butylidenephthalide (3), 3-n-butyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrophthalide (4)—against Candida albicans ATCC 10231, C. albicans ATCC 2091, and C. guilliermondii KKP 3390 was compared with the performance of the individual compounds separately. MIC90 (the amount of fungistatic substance (in µg/mL) inhibiting yeast growth by 90%) was determined as 5.96–6.25 µg/mL for fluconazole (1) and 92–150 µg/mL for lactones 2–4. With the simultaneous administration of fluconazole (1) and one of the lactones 2–4, it was found that they act synergistically, and to achieve the same effect it is sufficient to use 0.58–6.73 µg/mL fluconazole (1) and 1.26–20.18 µg/mL of lactones 2–4. Based on biological research, the influence of the structure on the fungistatic activity and the synergistic effect were determined.
This research focused on using spent coffee grounds as a source of caffeine by ultrasound-assisted extraction technique. Two types of ultrasound techniques (ultrasonic bath and ultrasonic probe) were studied to extract caffeine. The effect of the sonication type sonication power, extraction time, and extraction temperature on the extraction efficiency was investigated. The results demonstrated that extraction by an ultrasonic probe is superior to ultrasonic bath extraction. The highest caffeine recovery was obtained at 55 °C by using an ultrasound bath where caffeine concentration was 795.74 mg/L after 60 min. The bioactivity of extracted caffeine was also studied and compared with the bioactive of standard caffeine against candida albicance yeast. The results showed that the minimum inhibition concentration for natural caffeine was 100 mg/L which is half of the minimum inhibition concentration of standard caffeine.
Candida albicans jest patogenem oportunistycznym wywołującym grzybice powierzchni (skóry, błon śluzowych) i narządów wewnętrznych. Grzyb ten przylega do nabłonka i powierzchni abiotycznych (zastawki, protezy) i tworzy trudno gojące się biofilmy. Obecnie lekarze borykają się z ogromnym problemem narastania odporności na szeroko stosowane związki przeciwgrzybicze. Chociaż grzyby z rodzaju Candida są wiodącym czynnikiem etiologicznym zakażeń oportunistycznych, liczba dostępnych i skutecznych leków przeciwgrzybiczych jest ograniczona. Poszukiwanie nowych antybiotyków i sposobów zwalczania C. albicans ma obecnie ogromne znaczenie. Nasze wcześniejsze badania wykazały pozytywny wpływ statycznego pola magnetycznego na komórki C. albicans. Komórki hodowane w polu magnetycznym wykazywały zmniejszoną intensywność wzrostu i zwiększoną wrażliwość na stosowane antybiotyki – flukonazol i amfoterycynę B. W związku z tym postanowiono kontynuować badania z wykorzystaniem pola magnetycznego 50 Hz.
Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen that causes mycoses of the surface (skin, mucosa) and internal organs. This fungus, among others, adheres to the epithelium and abiotic surfaces (valves, prostheses) and creates difficult-to-heal biofilms. Currently, doctors struggle with the great problem of growing resistance to the widely used antifungal compounds. Although fungi of the genus Candida are the leading etiological agent of opportunistic infections, the number of available and effective antifungal drugs is limited. The search for new antibiotics and ways to combat C. albicans is now of great importance. Our earlier research showed a positive effect of a static magnetic field on C. albicans cells. Cells grown in a DC magnetic field showed reduced growth intensity and increased sensitivity to the antibiotics used - fluconazole and amphotericin B. Therefore, it was decided to continue the research using an 50 Hz magnetic field.
An organosilicon polymer was developed for the release of antimicrobial drugs. The influence of the drug itraconazole (Itrax) on polymer properties such as density, hardness, rebound resilience, tensile strength, accelerated aging, structure and antifungal activity was investigated. There were slight changes in physicochemical properties and significant deterioration of mechanical ones. The evaluation of the fungicidal activity showed time-limited antifungal properties.
Opracowano polimer krzemoorganiczny do uwalniania leków przeciwdrobnoustrojowych. Zbadano wpływ leku itrakonazolu (Itrax) na właściwości polimeru takie, jak: gęstość, twardość, odbojność, wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, przyspieszone starzenie, strukturę i aktywność przeciwgrzybiczą. Stwierdzono niewielkie zmiany właściwości fizykochemicznych oraz znaczne pogorszenie właściwości mechanicznych. Ocena aktywności grzybobójczej wykazała ograniczone w czasie właściwości przeciwgrzybicze.
Celem badań było zbadanie oddziaływania zmiennego pola elektromagnetycznego o różnych natężeniach na dojrzałą strukturę̨ biofilmu utworzonego przez drożdże Candida albicans. Drożdże były hodowane na pożywce YPD na płytkach Petriego, w cieplarce, w temp. 28°C przez 48 godzin. Płynne hodowle Candida albicans prowadzono na pożywce YNB z dodatkiem 2% glukozy w kolbach Erlenmayera, na wytrząsarce, w temp. 28°C przy 180 rpm. W celu wytworzenia jednorodnego pola elektromagnetycznego użyto solenoidu o długości 48cm i średnicy 6cm. Doświadczenie polegało na poddaniu dojrzałego biofilmu działaniu pola elektromagnetycznego o zmiennym natężeniu, a co za tym idzie, zmiennych wartościach indukcji magnetycznej, odpowiednio 20 mT, 40mT, 70mT i 90mT. Badania dowiodły, że w większości przypadków pole elektromagnetyczne nie oddziałuje w sposób znaczący na dojrzały biofilm. Najwyższe wartości gęstości optycznej zaobserwowano przy natężeniu 20 mT i pięciu i pół oraz sześciu godzinach ekspozycji (kolejno 0,248 MF i 0,166 MF).
The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of variable electromagnetic field of various intensities on the mature structure of the biofilm formed by the yeast Candida albicans. The yeast was grown on YPD medium on Petri dishes, in an incubator at 28 ° C for 48 hours. Liquid cultures of Candida albicans were grown on YNB medium with the addition of 2% glucose in Erlenmeyer flasks, on a shaker at 28 ° C at 180 rpm. In order to create a homogeneous electromagnetic field, a solenoid with a length of 48 cm and a diameter of 6 cm was used. The experiment consisted of subjecting the mature biofilm to the action of an electromagnetic field of variable intensity, and thereby, variable magnetic induction values of 20 mT, 40 mT, 70 mT and 90 mT, respectively. The research shown that in most cases the electromagnetic field does not significantly effect on a mature biofilm. The highest optical density values were observed at 20 mT and five and a half and six exposure hours (successively 0.248 MF and 0.166 MF).
Currently, studies on the formation of microbiological biofilm on biomaterial surfaces and medical devices have become an important aspect in medicine. In vivo studies of the biofilm development show a high correlation between the environmental factors and attachment of microorganisms to artificial surfaces. This paper is devoted to determining the impact of specific environmental stimuli and parameters of cultivation of Candida albicans yeasts on their adhesion to AISI-316L and Ti6Al4V substrates. Environmental parameters include variable glucose concentrations in YPG growth medium (0, 2, 4 and 10% wt.). Development of yeasts was also analyzed in terms of variable nutrients level i.e. transferring samples from medium with low nutrients level to other with higher glucose content. Another studied parameter was incubation time and how much fungal colonization varies during 24 and 48 h of incubation. For all samples, the number of both live and dead cells was taken into account. The results showed that with the increase in sugar content in culture media, biofilm development was observed, especially on AISI 316L surface. Also, significant changes in the number of adhered cells were observed with higher glucose concentration in medium after 24 h of incubation. Almost similar number of attached cells was observed for low glucose concentrations on both studied materials.
Ślina naturalna jest jednym z najważniejszych płynów ustrojowych i pełni wiele istotnych funkcji w jamie ustnej. Jednakże, w pewnych sytuacjach, dochodzi do procesu zaburzenia jej wydzielania, co skutkuje pojawieniem się objawów hyposaliwacji (redukcji wydzielania śliny) lub kserostomii (suchość jamy ustnej). W takich przypadkach stosuje się substytuty śliny, których zadaniem jest pełnienie funkcji śliny naturalnej. W niniejszej pracy przygotowano i przetestowano preparaty śliny, których skład chemiczny oparty jest o mucynę pochodzenia zwierzęcego i gumę ksantanową, rozpuszczonych w buforowanym roztworze soli. Przygotowane preparaty śliny wzbogacono o nanocząstki złota, uzyskując roztwory o stężeniu 200 μg/ml. Następnie, przeprowadzono badania ich aktywności przeciwgrzybicznej (w stosunku do szczepu Candida albicans). Do badań biologicznych wykorzystano próbki materiału implantacyjnego powszechnie stosowanego w protetyce stomatologicznej (stop Co-Cr-Mo, Remanium 380+), który przetrzymywano w roztworze kontrolnym i preparatach śliny (z/bez dodatku nanocząstek złota) w czasie 72 h w temperaturze 37°C. Po inkubacji dokonano obserwacji mikroskopowych powierzchni próbek badanego stopu z wykorzystaniem konfokalnego laserowego mikroskopu skaningowego (CLSM). Uzyskane wyniki badań wykazują różnice pomiędzy testowanymi roztworami w zakresie obecności drobnoustrojów Candida albicans. Zaobserwowano, że obecność nanocząstek złota w preparacie śliny istotnie redukuje wzrost szczepu Candida na powierzchni testowanego stopu dentystycznego.
Natural saliva is one of the most important biological fluids and it fulfils many important functions in oral cavity. However, in some cases, disorders of salivary gland functions may cause hyposalivation (reduction of saliva secretion) or xerostomia (dryness of the oral cavity). Thus, so-called saliva substitute preparations can be used to support the functions of saliva. In our work, saliva substitute was prepared on the basis of porcine gastric mucin and xanthan gum, both dissolved in saline buffer. Additionally, gold nanoparticles were added to tested solution with concentration of 200 μg/ml and biological characterisation was evaluated. Analysis of the candidacidal activity (against Candida albicans) of prepared saliva substitute with addition of gold nanoparticles was performed. Tests were carried out after keeping samples of dental material (Co-Cr-Mo alloy, Remanium 380) in control sample and saliva preparations (with and without gold nanoparticles) during 72 hours at 37°C. After incubation, tested surfaces were observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The obtained results of microscopic observations showed differences between the tested preparations in the scope of presence of Candida albicans. It was observed that gold nanoparticles significantly reduced the growth of Candida albicans species at tested dental material.
Purpose: The aim of the paper was to investigate the antifungal activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) against Candida albicans. Some attempts have been made to find out the best way to introduce ZnONPs into polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin material and to determine some parameters of a newly formed composite. Material and methods: Zinc oxide nanoparticles were manufactured and their basic physical parameters were determined (average particle size, density, specific surface area). Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ZnONPs was determined for the Candida albicans standard strain. The average size of ZnO conglomerates in the monomer solution of PMMA resin was measured using a dynamic light scattering instrument. PMMA resin samples with incorporated ZnONPs were produced. The morphology of nanopowder and the newly formed composite was examined under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). In addition, the roughness parameter of PMMA resin material was investigated before and after ZnONPs modification. Results: Nanopowder with the average particle size of 30 nm, density of 5.24 g/cm3 and surface area of 39 m2 /g was obtained. MIC was determined at the level of 0.75 mg/mL. The average size of ZnO conglomerates in the monomer solution of acrylic resin dropped by 11 times after ultrasound activation. SEM examination of a newly formed composite showed a successful introduction of ZnONPs confirmed by the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. There were no statistically significant differences in the biomaterial roughness before and after the modification of ZnONPs. Conclusion: Zinc oxide nanoparticles were successfully incorporated into acrylic resin used for the production of denture bases. The presence of nanoparticles with sizes below 100 nm was confirmed. Nevertheless a newly created composite needs to be further investigated to improve its homogeneity, and to check its microbiological properties, strength and biocompatibility prior to its possible clinical use.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to investigate the structure and antimicrobial properties of composite nanofibers with silver particles precipitated onto the nanofibers surface. Design/methodology/approach: A solution was prepared in the first place made of the following solvents to fabricate antimicrobial composite nanofibers of polycaprolactone with silver precipitations: formic acid and acetic acid at a rate of 70:30. Then, silver nitrate was introduced into the fabricated solution of the solvents and it was subjected to the interaction of ultrasounds, and after 10 minutes polycaprolactone was added to the solution, and then the solution was mixed for 12 hours and a solution was obtained with a 10% concentration and the mass fraction of 0, 1, 3 and 5% of silver nitrate additives. The solution was forced into a positive voltage electrode placed above a negative voltage electrode; the solution was then subjected to the activity of a strong electrostatic field transforming the solution into micro- and nanofibers. After electrospinning, the fibers obtained underwent the activity of a 2% ascorbic acid solution, by means of which silver was precipitated on the nanofibers surface. Viscosity and electrical conductivity tests were performed of single-component and double-component solutions, of the fibers’ structure in a transmission electron microscope, of the BET, Langmuir specific surface area and DTF porosity with the method of gas adsorption and antimicrobial activity of the nanocomposites produced on the nanocomposites on following bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans. Findings: The use of a formic acid and acetic acid solution at a rate of 70:30 for preparation of a polycaprolactone solution for its electrospinning enables to obtain a non-toxic and fully biodegradable polymer nanofibers of polycaprolactone with PCL/Ag silver precipitations possessing high antimicrobial performance against Gram+, Gram- bacteria and fungi. Practical implications: Antimicrobial composite nanofibers with silver nanoparticles precipitated onto the nanofibers surface can be applied in biodegradable antiseptic dressings in the form of mats or other textiles containing polymer nanofibers of polycaprolactone with PCL/Ag silver precipitations obtained as a result of electrospinning. Originality/value: The research outcomes confirm that it is feasible to manufacture polycaprolactone nanofibers with PCL/Ag silver precipitations possessing high antimicrobial performance against Gram+, Gram- bacteria and fungi.
The results of the research concerning the effect of 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives on fungicidal Candida albicans are discussed. In all the conducted tests the reference strain of Candida albicans ATCC 10231 was used. To obtain the desired results, the following standard and synthesized thiadiazole derivatives were tested: 2-acetylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazolo-5-sulfonamide; 2-acetylamino-5-chloro-1,3,4-thiadiazole; 2-amino--1,3,4-thiadiazole; 2-acetylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole; 2-acetylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazolo-5-sulfonic acid and bis(2--acetylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazolo)-5,5’-disulfonamide. In all the examined compounds the increase in the Candida albicans inhibition zone proportional to the increase of the compound concentration was observed. The only exception is 2-acetylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole demonstrating the opposite tendency. While carrying out the research, it was found that 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole proved to be the most effective of all the compounds within the tested group. It was also found that the higher the concentration of the compound, the higher the growth control zone (y) of Candida albicans. This phenomenon can be described by means of the equation: y = 0.9167x3 – 7.4286x2 + 10.655x + 23.1 (where: x – concentration of 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole).
W prezentowanej pracy okreoelano działanie grzybobójcze pochodnych 1,3,4-tiadiazoli. We wszystkich testach używano referencyjnego szczepu Candida albicans ATCC 10231. W tym celu przetestowano następujące syntetyzowane i wzorcowe związki heterocykliczne: 2-acetyloamino-1,3,4-tiadiazolo-5-sulfonamid; 2-acetyloamino-5-chloro-1,3,4-tiadiazol; 2-amino-1,3,4-tiadiazol; 2-acetyloamino-1,3,4-tiadiazol; kwas 2-acetyloamino-1,3,4-tiadiazolo-5-sulfonowy oraz bis(2-acetyloamino-1,3,4-tiadiazolo)-5,5’-disulfonamid. Badane związki proporcjonalnie ze zwiększeniem stężenia zwiększają strefę zahamowania wzrostu grzyba Candida albicans. Wyjątkiem jest 2-acetyloamino-1,3,4-tiadiazol, który wykazuje odwrotną tendencję. Najskuteczniejszym z badanej grupy związków okazał się 2-amino-1,3,4-tiadiazol. Wykazano, że ze zwiększeniem stężenia tego związku rośnie rozmiar strefy zahamowania wzrostu (y) Candida albicans zgodnie z równaniem y = 0,9167x3 – 7,4286x2 + 10,655x + 23,1 (gdzie: x – stężenie 2-amino- -1,3,4-tiadiazolu).
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