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w słowach kluczowych:  CO2 sensor
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Content available remote Mikroprocesorowy czujnik CO2
W artykule omówiono celowość zastosowania sensora CO2 do wykrywania biomarkerów chorobowych w wydychanym powietrzu. Opracowana została procedura wydzielenia najbardziej interesującej do celów badawczych III fazy wydechu, oraz komunikacji z układem kondycjonowania próbek gazowych. Do realizacji zadania wykorzystano platformę programistyczną Arduino bazującą na mikrokontrolerze AVR.
This paper presents the concept and practice realisation of the CO2 sensor for detection of biomarkers in exhaled air. There had been developed procedure for determination and separation of the most interesting for research purposes phase III of exhalled breath and communication with gas sample conditioning system. For the realisation used Arduino software platform were used, based on AVR microcontroller.
Nanostructured CdO thin films were deposited by spray pyrolysis techniques at different spray deposition time on glass substrates. Nanostructured CdO thin films was prepared using 0.05 M of cadmium acetate dehydrate (CH3COO) 2Cd•2H2O) was dissolved in the deionised water. These thin films were annealing in air at temperatures 500 °C for 60 min. The thickness of the films, crystallite and grain size were observed to increase with the increase in spray deposition time. As prepared thin films were characterized using XRD, FE-SEM and EDAX. The XRD analysis shows that CdO films were cubic structured. The electrical and gas sensing properties of these films were investigated. Prepared nanostructure CdO thin films show LPG (S = 1600) and CO2 (S = 435) gas response at different operating temperature. Gas response, selectivity, response and recovery time of the sensor were measured and presented.
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