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Planowanie i realizacja obiektów budowlanych to złożone przedsięwzięcie, w które zaangażowanych jest wielu interesariuszy z różnych dziedzin i branż. Aby projekt budowlany zakończył się sukcesem, konieczne jest ciągłe uzgadnianie i intensywna wymiana informacji między wszystkimi osobami zaangażowanymi w projekt.
Artykuł prezentuje wykorzystanie systemów CAD w projektowaniu układu wydechowego motocyklowego silnika spalinowego. Autorzy prezentują znaczenie zastosowania skanowania przestrzennego oraz modelowania 3D do wykonania układu wydechowego motocykla Yamaha YZ 85. Zaprezentowane zostały również badania trakcyjne silnika na hamowni motocyklowej z użyciem zaprojektowanego wydechu.
The article presents the use of CAD systems in the design of the exhaust system of a motorcycle combustion engine. The authors present the importance of using spatial scanning and 3D modeling to create the exhaust system of the Yamaha YZ 85 motorcycle. Engine traction tests using the designed exhaust on a motorcycle dynamometer were also presented.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac własnych autora dotyczące nowoczesnych rozwiązań protez/ortez zarówno tzw. biernych (wspomagających bez napędu zewnętrznego), jak i aktywnych (sterowanych przez użytkownika ale napędzanych zewnętrznie) wykonanych wg nowoczesnych reguł projektowych z wykorzystaniem nowych materiałów nowoczesną metodą wydruku 3D. Są to urządzenia opracowane i zaprojektowane zgodnie z zasadą custom design (dopasowane do potrzeb indywidualnego użytkownika) do wykorzystania przez osoby niepełnosprawne lub chore (również w podeszłym wieku). Urządzenia takie mogą też służyć do wspomagania treningu wzmacniającego u osób z chorobowym obciążeniem aparatu ruchowego, w tym osób starszych. Zdaniem autora wykorzystanie tych technologii może pozwolić na opracowanie nowych rozwiązań protez/ortez w sposób zapewniający obniżenie ich masy, zwiększenie trwałości i znaczne obniżenie kosztów wykonania, dzięki czemu będą dostępniejsze dla pacjentów.
This article presents results of the author's own work on modern solutions of prostheses/orthoses, both the so-called passive (supporting without an external drive) and active (operated by the user but driven externally) made according to modern design rules using new materials with a modern 3D printing method. These are devices developed and designed in accordance with the custom design principle (adjusted to the needs of an individual user) for use by disabled or sick people (including the elderly). Such devices can also be used to support strengthening training in people with a pathological load on the locomotor apparatus, including the elderly. According to the author, the use of new technologies may allow the development of new solutions for prostheses/orthoses in a way that reduces their weight, increases durability and significantly reduces the cost of production, thanks to which they will be more accessible to patients.
Content available remote Searching for the best optimizer for an automated CAD system
It is recommend not to exceed the abstract length more than four lines. It is recommend not to exceed the abstract length more than four lines. It is recommend not to exceed the abstract length more than four lines. It is recommend not to exceed the abstract length more than four lines.
Content available remote Comparative study of optimizations for control problem using fuzzy type-2
In general, fuzzy logic are able to handle several problems that classic logic is not cabaple, mainly due its capacity to represent the imprecision and uncertanty of human logic and reasoning. But, even classic fuzzy logic or type-1 fuzzy logic are not adquate to fully represent the human knowledge, so type-2 fuzzy logic is more suitable to solve this problem. Controllers based on those logic are known as type-1 and type-2 fuzzy controllers, these controllers are hard to tune due its large number of parameters. In literature, there are a lot of strategy to solve this problem for both controllers based on meta-heuristics. To investigate and validate the controllers obtained it was used a Servo motor from Quanser, a control problem which requires precision and velocity in error correction. We tested several controlers and optimization techniques based on classic PI controllers and particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization based on three diferents avaliation index IEA, ITEA e Goodhard index. By analyzing the results obtained, the type-2 fuzzy controller showed significant gain for the control of this plant, when optimized with the PSO method. From the results, it can also be inferred that the ant algorithm was not suitable for this problem, with the proposed evaluation function.
W przemyśle kilka strategii i algorytmów sterowania jest już używanych i opisanych w literaturze. Wśród istniejących technik, regulatory rozmyte wyróżniają się zdolnością do radzenia sobie z poważnymi nieliniowościami występującymi w rzeczywistych instalacjach oraz zdolnością do reprezentowania wiedzy eksperckiej, która jest nieprecyzyjna i matematycznie niedokładna. W tej pracy zbadano dwa typy istniejących regulatorów rozmytych opartych na modelu Sugeno, są to rozmyte typu 1, tutaj sklasyfikowane jako konwencjonalne rozmyte i rozmyte typu 2. Analizując otrzymane wyniki, regulator rozmyty typu 2 wykazał znaczny zysk w sterowaniu t ˛a instalacją, gdy został zoptymalizowany metod ˛a PSO. Z wyników można równie ˙ z wywnioskować, że algorytm mrówkowy nie był odpowiedni dla tego problemu z zaproponowaną funkcją ewaluacyjną.
Industry 4.0 is a common term that is constantly evolving. It involves the participation of different disciplines and areas of knowledge, as well as the integration of multiple technologies, both mature and emerging. Industry 4.0 defines things like the increase in demand for products that are customised. Personalisation goes hand in hand with differentiation in small batches, unique products and high production flexibility. That is why manufacturing companies use advanced technologies to accurately prepare for changes in global production. The authors aim to present an example of an integrated management system designed in line with “Industry 4.0” using the military sector as an instance. The developed integrated system combines: an ERP system, a CAD system, a PDM plug-in, an ERP Plus plug-in, a database system and a mobile application.
Przemysł 4.0 to pojęcie powszechnie i podlega ono ciągłej ewolucji. Obejmuje udział różnych dyscyplin i obszarów wiedzy, a także integrację wielu technologii, zarówno dojrzałych, jak i dopiero powstających. Przemysł 4.0 definiuje między innymi wzrost zapotrzebowania na produkty, które są dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb klienta. Personalizacja idzie w parze z różnicowaniem w małych seriach, unikalnych produktach oraz dużą elastycznością produkcji. Dlatego firmy produkcyjne wykorzystują zaawansowane technologie, aby precyzyjnie przygotować się do zmian w skali globalnej produkcji. Celem autorów jest przedstawienie przykładu zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania, zaprojektowanego zgodnie z założeniami "Przemysłu 4.0" na przykładzie sektora wojskowego. Opracowany zintegrowany system łączy ze sobą: system ERP, system CAD, wtyczkę PDM, wtyczkę ERP Plus, system bazodanowy oraz aplikację mobilną.
Przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą geometrycznego wyznaczania dachów. Uwzględniono dachy o płaskich połaciach o jednakowym i dowolnym ich nachyleniu. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwe niepożądane rozwiązania, jak również wykorzystanie programów typu CAD.
The issue of the geometric determination of roofs is presented. Roofs with flat slopes where the slope is equal as well as roofs with any slope are considered. The article highlights potential undesirable solutions as well as the use of CAD software.
The aim of this study is to apply and evaluate the usefulness of the hybrid classifier to predict the presence of serious coronary artery disease based on clinical data and 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring. Our approach relies on an ensemble classifier applying the distributivity equation aggregating base classifiers accordingly. Such a method may be helpful for physicians in the management of patients with coronary artery disease, in particular in the face of limited access to invasive diagnostic tests, i.e., coronary angiography, or in the case of contraindications to its performance. The paper includes results of experiments performed on medical data obtained from the Department of Internal Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland. The data set contains clinical data, data from Holter ECG (24-hour ECG monitoring), and coronary angiography. A leave-one-out cross-validation technique is used for the performance evaluation of the classifiers on a data set using the WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) tool. We present the results of comparing our hybrid algorithm created from aggregation with the distributive equation of selected classification algorithms (multilayer perceptron network, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors, naïve Bayes, and random forests) with themselves on raw data.
The aim of the research is to develop a front bumper system that absorbs maximum impact energy as compared to the current bumper available in the market, Bumper design is based on increasing the area of the crumping zone to slow down the collision and observe the impacts taking place at the time of jerks and reduces the percentage of damage. To develop the system, the number of load cases tested numerically in passive safety simulation has increased significantly in recent years. The variety of applications may be divided into three main topics: structural crashworthiness of the whole car, passenger protection, and crashworthiness of components. Present theories and practices. To absorb impact, the front bumper of the car uses a spring-loaded system that is installed between the bumper and the support for the chassis structure. This system is made of metal and serves as the bumper's structural foundation. A honeycomb structure is being added to the bumper as a composite material together with a layer of galvanized iron as it is being created in this manner, which increases strength while weighing less. This arrangement design is suitable for psychoacoustics, varying velocity explicit analysis is performed with the approach of finite element analysis, experimental testing is carried out for the validation of the value and advanced manufacturing methods are implemented with statistical results, and one of the cheapest systems is developed as compared to the current bumper systems.
Content available remote Zastosowanie modeli 3D CAD w systemach poszerzonej rzeczywistości
Przedsiębiorstwa obecnie opracowują i wytwarzają coraz bardziej złożone produkty. Aby cały proces przebiegał jeszcze efektywniej, coraz częściej nacisk kładzie się na wykorzystanie najnowocześniejszych technologii, takich jak modele 3D w połączeniu z technikami poszerzonej rzeczywistości.
This paper presents a new customized hybrid approach for early detection of cardiac abnormalities using an electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG is a bio-electrical signal that helps monitor the heart’s electrical activity. It can provide health information about the normal and abnormal physiology of the heart. Early diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities is critical for cardiac patients to avoid stroke or sudden cardiac death. The main aim of this paper is to detect crucial beats that can damage the functioning of the heart. Initially, a modified Pan–Tompkins algorithm identifies the characteristic points, followed by heartbeat segmentation. Subsequently, a different hybrid deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed to experiment on standard and real-time long-term ECG databases. This work successfully classifies several cardiac beat abnormalities such as supra-ventricular ectopic beats (SVE), ventricular beats (VE), intra-ventricular conduction disturbances beats (IVCD), and normal beats (N). The obtained classification results show a better accuracy of 99.28% with an F1 score of 99.24% with the MIT–BIH database and a descent accuracy of 99.12% with the real-time acquired database.
The work is devoted to the diagnostics of the stress state of systems that soften the shock load on the vehicle body, the elastic element of the car suspension such as a multi-leaf spring. The construction of a mathematical model taking into account the geometric nonlinearity according to the finite element method theory is considered. Mathematical modelling was carried out to take into account the change in the stiffness matrix of the system when changing its shape. For research, a symmetrical semi-elliptical spring consisting of five leaves is used. All numerous numerical experiments were performed in two computer-aided design (CAD) systems: ANSYS, a heavy multipurpose package and SolidWorks, a middle-level multipurpose package. Computeraided design algorithms have been developed to expand the capabilities of CAD. The analysis of the results obtained allows to conclude that the traditional models of nonlinearity in ANSYS and SolidWorks give approximately the same results, which at the maximum point differ by 20.6% from the data of a full-scale experiment. When using the proposed model, this difference is reduced to 7.95%.
Content available Optymalizacja topologiczna konstrukcji nośnej drona
Drony to bezzałogowe statki powietrzne, sterowane zdalnie lub autonomiczne. Urządzenia te mają coraz więcej zastosowań, przez co stają się bardziej powszechne. W pracy podjęto się rozwiązania zadania optymalizacji topologicznej konstrukcji nośnej drona. W tym celu wykorzystano zintegrowany system CAD-CAE programu Fusion, zawierający moduł metody elementów skończonych oraz specjalny topologiczny moduł optymalizacyjny. W rezultacie optymalizacji uzyskano znaczną redukcję masy konstrukcji drona przy zachowaniu wszystkich kryteriów mechanicznych dotyczących wytrzymałości i sztywności. Wykazano, że dzięki zastosowaniu metod numerycznych zaimplementowanych w programie CAD optymalizacja jest dziś dostępna dla każdego inżyniera konstruktora.
Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles, remote-controlled or autonomous. These devices have more and more applications, which is why they are becoming more and more common. The work deals with the solution of the topological optimization of the supporting structure of the drone. For this purpose, the integrated CAD-CAE system in the Fusion program was used, containing the finite element method module and a special topological optimization module. As a result of the optimization, a significant reduction in the weight of the drone structure was achieved while maintaining all mechanical properties such as strength and stiffness. The work shows that thanks to the use of numerical methods implemented in CAD programs, optimization is nowadays available to every design engineer.
As a result of late diagnosis, cancer is the second leading cause of death in most countries in the world. Usually, many cases of cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, which reduces the chances of recovery from the disease due to the inability to provide appropriate treatment. The earlier cancer is detected, the more effective the treatment can be, especially for incurable cancers, which can result in a shorter life expectancy due to the rapid spread of the disease. The early detection of cancer also greatly reduces the financial consequences of it, as the cost of treating it in its early stages is much lower than in its other stages. Therefore, several previous studies focus on developing computer-aided cancer diagnosis systems (CACDs) that can detect cancer in its earliest stages automatically. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for cancer detection. The proposed approach is an end-to-end deep learning approach, where the input images are fed directly to the deep model for final decision. In this research, the accuracy of a new deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for cancer detection is explored. The microscopic medical images obtained from the cancer database were used to evaluate our study, which were labelled as normal and abnormal images. The presented model achieved an accuracy of 99.99%, which is the highest accuracy compared with other deep learning models. Finally, the proposed approach would be very useful and effective, especially in low-income countries where referral systems for patients with suspected cancer are often unavailable, resulting in delayed and fragmented care.
Artificial intelligence applications, especially deep learning in medical imaging, have gained much attention in recent years. With the computer's aid, Coronary artery disease (CAD) - one of the most dangerous cardiovascular diseases - is diagnosed effectively without human interference and efforts. A lot of research involving predicting CAD from Myocardial Perfusion SPECT has been conducted and given impressive results. However, all existing methods detect whether there is a disease or not. They do not provide information about which obstructive areas are (mainly in the left anterior descending artery (LAD), left circumflex artery (LCx), and right coronary artery (RCA) territories) that result in CAD. To further diagnose CAD, we develop new classifiers to solve a multi-label classification problem with the highest accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) when compared to different methods. Our proposed method is based on transfer learning to extract features from Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Polar Maps and a novel stack of sub-classifiers to detect particularly obstructive areas. We evaluated our methods with eight hundred and one obstructive images from a database of patients referred to a hospital from 2017 to 2019.
The article presents a method of transferring topological optimization results directly to CAD system. The devel- oped method is based on sequential removal and addition of material, ignoring lesser fragments of the model. The input data includes coordinates of nodes imported from the model of finite element method optimized object. The algorithm is able to recognize geometry patterns during material addition and subtraction. Based on the results of the recognition process, individual 3D features are placed in CAD design tree (like „Feature Manager” design tree in Solidworks, used in the procedure described in the article below). Thus, the described algorithm allows for convenient and quick editing of transferred geometry of the optimized object directly in the CAD environment. The algorithm was tested on various examples of 2D and 3D models. The execution code of the presented method was written in Python programming language, and the macro for the CAD program was written in VB.NET. The proposed solution is independent of the optimizer used.
Modern ways of device development use the concept of a digital twin. A digital twin is an accurate digital copy of something that exists or is planned to be realized in the physical world. The digital twin is not only a virtual model of the physical system, but also a dynamic data and status information carrier obtained through a series of IoT-connected sensors that collect data from the physical world and send it to machines. The digital twin provides an overview of what is happening to the device in real time. This is very important in industry as this information is helpful to reduce maintenance issues and ensure production performance. This work focuses on the design and creation of a cybernetic physical system and its digital twin, based on CAD system modeling in conjunction with simulation and programming tools connected to real and simulated control systems. This process accelerates the development of the application implementation with the possibility to create a PLC control program and tune the system already in the design phase. Thus, the physical realization can be done in parallel with the programming and creation of the HMI interface. Modular programming will further accelerate software development [1]. The created system and its digital twin serve as a unified teaching tool without the need for real devices to be used by many students and users. This approach allows testing of program algorithms without the risk of damaging physical devices and is also suitable for distance learning.
Content available remote Zastosowanie systemów CAD i RP w projektowaniu i prototypowaniu rotomatu. Cz. II
W artykule przedstawiono proces projektowania i prototypowania rotomatu, ukazując możliwości współczesnych zaawansowanych systemów wspomagania projektowania oraz technik wytwarzania przyrostowego. W konstrukcji rotomatu zastosowano nietypowe rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne układu napędowego, zapewniające uzyskanie dużego przełożenia przekładni. W konstrukcji zaś całego urządzenia bazowano na rozwiązaniu z układem żyroskopowym. W toku prac projektowych do sprawdzenia poprawności przeprowadzono analizę dynamiczną, dzięki której możliwe było szybkie określenie rozkładu obciążeń panującego w konstrukcji podczas pracy.
Comparative analysis of the strength properties of a drill stand intended for a power tool made by the selected manufacturer and the stand of own design is the paper subject. The specifics of high-speed power tools as well as their capabilities, practical applications and limitations are described. The design of a commercially available drill stand for a drill press rotary tool is presented. Basic issues in the field of CAD modelling, as well as the most important concepts related to the finite element method, as well as the stages of strength analysis using the above-mentioned method, are presented. Based on the simplified model and the analysis of the presented stand, a CAD model of a drill press stand, designed in accordance with own alternative concept is given. Results of the analysis of the static stiffness of both models using the finite element method and the conclusions drawn on this basis are presented.
The process of design, development and production of cars has been strongly influenced by the use of computer technology since the 1980s. The philosophy of CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) approaches has become an integral part of the automotive industry. These technologies have shortened the innovation cycle in car model lines to 6-8 years. In the middle of this cycle, the so-called facelift of the model line is employed, when there are certain shape changes of the exterior and interior of the car or the equipment is expanded with new or improved elements. CAx systems enable changes to be made in such a short period of time. This article deals with the design of a fully parametric CAD model of a car interior element. Specifically, it is part of the door pull handle. The advantages of connecting a fully parametric model to a spreadsheet were pointed out. This link has a significant impact on the speed and flexibility of change processes on product models. The model was created in the Part Design volume modeler in the CAD system CATIA V5 Release21, which is used mainly in the automotive and aerospace industries. The parameters of the model were linked to the MS Excel spreadsheet.
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