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Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie przemian, jakie zaszły w strukturze i funkcjonowaniu sił zbrojnych RFN w okresie po zjednoczeniu obu państw niemieckich w październiku 1990. Siły zbrojne RFN przeszły szereg zmian i reform firmowanych przez kolejnych ministrów obrony. Bundeswehra z armii obronnej stała się armią ekspedycyjną, aktywnie uczestnicząca w misjach firmowanych przez ONZ, NATO i UE. Zmiany te zostały wymuszone przez zmieniającą się sytuację międzynarodową, wzrastającą role Niemiec w postzimnowojennej Europie i świecie. Rozszerzenie NATO i UE spowodowało, Niemcy nie były już państwem granicznym, ale krajem otoczonym sojusznikami, lub krajami neutralnymi. Musiało to zmienić zasady funkcjonowania sił zbrojnych, zarówno w wymiarze wewnętrznym, jak i międzynarodowym. Zjednoczone Niemcy nie potrzebowały blisko półmilionowej armii, musiały stawić czoło postępującemu pacyfizmowi części społeczeństwa i środowisk politycznych. Z drugiej strony konieczność obrony interesów Niemiec, wsparcia sojuszników, spowodowały, że niemieckie siły zbrojne zaczęły działać out of area. Przemiany do jakich doszło w ostatnim ćwierćwieczu są tematem niniejszego artykułu.
The aim of the article is presentation of changes within the structure and functioning of the German Military Forces, since the time of unification of two German States, on October 1990. German military forces went since that time through very significant reforms and adjustation run by particular defense ministers. During that time German army turned from the defense force into the expeditionary force, active in various international missions run by UN, NATO and EU. The changes were invoked by the changes in international and military relations, and growing importance of Germany in post-cold war Europe and the world. The NATO and EU enlargement made the Germany a country of the middle, surrounded by the allies or neutral States. This determined the means and ways of the German Armed Forces, within the domestic, and the international spheres of interests. The Germany, in view of this new situation, did not have a need for a 500 000 strong army. And also had to consider the difference with its pacifistically inclined population and political parties. Nonetheless, the necessity to protect the national interests, and support for the allies, allowed it to act abroad and make it an international military force.
Content available Bundeswehra - w poszukiwaniu swojej tożsamości
Artykuł wyodrębnia czynniki, jakie wpłynęły na tożsamość powstałej po 1955 roku Bundeswehry. W pierwszej części publikacji opisano pokrótce zmiany zachodzące w środowisku bezpieczeństwa oraz w siłach zbrojnych po okresie Zimnej Wojny, a także zaprezentowano prognozę użycia czynnika militarnego oraz kierunek, w jakim zmieniać się będą siły zbrojne. Przemyślenia te stały się wstępem do refleksji nad wartością struktury militarnej i nad jej tożsamością w XX i XXI wieku. Druga część artykułu rozpoczyna się od przedstawienia bazującego na teorii nauk o organizacji pojęcia kultury organizacyjnej, która kształtuje i wpływa na tożsamość każdej stworzonej przez człowieka organizacji. Punktem wyjściowym zasadniczej części rozważań stał się stworzony na potrzeby artykułu ogólny model czynników kształtujących kulturę organizacyjną sił zbrojnych jako specyficznej organizacji. W odniesieniu do tego modelu, scharakteryzowane zostały następnie wybrane elementy kultury organizacyjnej Bundeswehry. W rezultacie uzyskano względnie zamknięty obraz tożsamości sił zbrojnych RFN w XXI wieku. Przemyślenia te pozwoliły ostatecznie na sformułowanie odpowiedzi na pytania o zmiany tożsamości armii Niemiec w przyszłych latach, wieńczące całe studium.
The article describes the factors that influenced the identity of the Bundeswehr after its establishment in 1955. The first part of the publication depicts the changes in the international security environment and the armed forces after the Cold War, as well as the forecast of using the military factor and its direction in the future. It is the basis for further reflections about the value of each single military structure and its identity in the 20th and 21st century. The other part of the article covers the concept of organizational culture which influences the organizational identity. The main part of the reflections presents the original model of the factors influencing the organizational culture within the armed forces as a special organization. This model is the basis on which the selected elements of the Bundeswehr organizational culture have been characterized. As a result, the view of the German armed forces identity in the 21st century has been described. According to those reflections, it is possible to answer the questions of the direction of the Bundeswehr identity changes in the years to come.
Content available remote Planowana reforma Bundeswehry i jej wpływ na niemiecki przemysł zbrojeniowy
The German Armed Forces - Bundeswehr set up in 1955 are currently playing a limited role in the security system structure of the state. It is mostly connected with remembering Prussian and Nazi militarism that led to the outbreak of two world wars. Constitutional constrains imposed on Bundeswehr shaped its secondary role for almost four decades (1955-1994). The German army has been currently facing the biggest structural and task reform since its establishment. The changes take place in a special moment for Germany as Berlin is trying to rebuild its overstrained position on the international arena. The German government took decision to carry out the armed forces’ transformation due to two circumstances: German army’s participation in ISAF mission and consequences of the world economic crisis for Germany. Moreover, German elites believe that Bundeswehr should stop to be restricted to logistic, stabilization or development tasks and become a more expeditionary - combat army that within NATO and EU operations will guarantee accomplishing Germany’s long-term political and economic interests.
The character of contemporary operations and challenges of the 21st century indicates that nowadays the commander apart from executing the ‘classic’ military tasks has to frequently operate in non-military sphere. Contacts with civilian population, coordination of actions with non-governmental organizations, confrontation with alien cultures and dealing with difficult international situation cause the appearance of the brand new requirements in the context of training and educating officers in the future. This article is devoted to the assumptions of the operational-tactic educational process of the officers of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. The presented content shows substantial changes in the forms and methods of education, which constitute a conscious process of adjusting to the new conditions of contemporary operations. The analysis and evaluation of the past period indicate that striving for an increased operational effectiveness is a constant process. First of all, it results from requirements defined by the character of contemporary crises and military conflicts. Secondly, the newly commenced operations generate multiple, already defined, needs but they may as well produce totally different needs. As a result, the purpose of gaining a full capability of waging real actions in the future determines the confines of operational thinking, which in the context of contemporary challenges has gained a new meaning and value.
Content available remote Kierunki transformacji wojsk lądowych Sił Zbrojnych RFN
Istotną metodą kreowania procesu transformacji wojsk lądowych Bundeswehry jest tzw. Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E). Ich zadaniem pozwala on na znaczne przyśpieszenie wprowadzanych zmian w odniesieniu do struktur organizacyjnych, procedur planistycznych praz nowych technologii, umożliwiając tym samym szybsze dostosowanie zdolności wojsk lądowych do nowych wymagań. Na podkreślenie zasługuje fakt, iż w procesie tym zostają uwzględnione zarówno dotychczasowe doświadczenia z działań, jak również obecne i przyszłe możliwości w zakresie wykorzystania najnowszych osiągnięć i rozwiązań technologicznych. Obecnie w ramach programu CD&E główny wysiłek wojsk lądowych skupiony jest na projektach badawczych, które dotyczą: systemu rozpoznania ; manewrowości powietrznej wojsk lądowych ; koncepcji "Joint Fires" ; interoperacyjności w zakresie wsparcia dowodzenia. W ramach tych prac wojska lądowe uczestniczą, z jednej strony, w realizacji narodowych i wielonarodowych projektów badawczych. Z drugiej zaś, prowadzą samodzielne badania we współpracy z pozostałymi rodzajami sił zbrojnych czy też poszczególnymi pionami organizacyjnymi Bundeswehry. Reasumując rozważania dotyczące transformacji Bundeswehry, należy stwierdzić, że złożoność zadań realizowanych w dzisiejszych operacjach wymaga ciągłego procesu dostosowania sił zbrojnych, a w tym wojsk lądowych, do nowych uwarunkowań. Dzięki takiemu podejściu w trakcie procesu planowania, a następnie podczas prowadzenia działań będzie można uzyskać możliwie najwyższą efektywność zaangażowanych w operacji sił. Zebrane na przestrzeni lat doświadczenia z działań na rzecz wsparcia pokoju i praktyczne zastosowanie wynikających z nich wniosków w odniesieniu do struktur organizacyjnych, systemu szkolenia oraz uzbrojenia i wyposażenia wojsk, pozwalają Niemcom na stworzenie w przyszłości bardzo dobrego mechanizmu, który zapewni im skuteczną realizację zadań zarówno w wymiarze narodowym, sojuszniczym jak i wielonarodowym.
A crucial method to create the transformation process of Bundeswehre’s land forces is the Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E). In their opinion, it allows a significant fostering of introduced changes relating to organizational structures, planning procedures and new technologies, thus enabling a faster adaptation of land forces’ capabilities to new requirements. It is worth stressing that both the present experiences from operations and also current and future capabilities in using the state-of-the-art technologies and developments are taken into consideration in this process. Now, within the CD&E process, the main land forces effort is focused on research projects relating to: reconnaissance system; land forces' air manoeuvrability; Joint Fires Concept; interoperability in command support. Within the mentioned above projects, land forces participate in conducting both national and multinational research projects. On the other hand, they carry out independent research in cooperation with the other armed forces branches or other Bundeswehre’s organizational structures. Summing up the considerations concerning Bundeswehre's transformations, it must be slated that the task complexity of contemporary operations tasks a constant adaptation of armed forces, land forces including, to new conditions. Due to such an approach during the process of planning and later during conducting operations, the highest possible effectiveness of forces engaged in operations will be possible to achieve. Collecting many- year experiences to support peace and applying in practice resulting conclusions in reference to organizational structures, system of training and equipping troops allow the Germans to create in future a very good mechanism which will ensure them an effective task accomplishment in national, allied and multinational dimensions.
Autor prezentuje w artykule wypracowany przez Bundeswehrę system przygotowania sił do udziału w każdej misji.
Content available remote Reforma Bundeswehry w świetle niemieckich raportów polityczno-wojskowych. Cz. 2
On April 27, 2000, the military leadership of Bundeswehre presented a document concerning a conceptual and planning development of the German armed forces to the German minister of defence. The document included: the bases of German military and security policy to develop a new model of the armed forces; a new profile of German Armed Forces' capabilities and readiness that embraced a spectrum of Bundeswehre tasks and obligations resulting from the Alliance obligations; a new Armed Forces’ model – future organisational, command and personnel structures and a range of the equipment and ordinance modernisation. Serious changes of the Armed Forces command structures were proposed. The points concerning financing and transitional period tasks are still being developed. The document provides for the Armed Forces personnel reductions to 290 000 soldiers by 2010. That number consists of: 202 000 professional and long-term military service soldiers; 84 500 conscripts; the compulsory military service will be reduced to 9 months (now 10); 3500 posts assigned to train reserve soldiers. Particular Armed Forces services would have the following number of soldiers: 196 400 – land forces; 68 000 – air force; 25 900 – navy.
Content available remote Reforma Bundeswehry w świetle niemieckich raportów polityczno-wojskowych. Cz. 3
On 23 May 2000, the commission headed by the former president of Germany Richard von Weizsäker presented the results of its activities in a 170-page report entitled “Common Security and the Future of Bundeswehre”. This publication was divided in four chapters dedicated to the renewal from the basis, common security, the future of Bundeswehre and reform’s budgetary conditions. Moreover this study contains sub-chapters dealing with the issues of threats and interests, European imperative, tasks and their consequences, military service and personnel reform, command, armed forces and administration, armament and equipment of Bundeswehre as a company. This report includes 3 appendices and 13 annexes in the form of charts, diagrams and figures. In order to enable the federal government to accomplish tasks of Bundeswehre’s reform, the commission recommended such measures as: directing the armed forces structure to the most probable tasks in crisis handling and prevention which will allow fulfilling national and allied requirements and meeting international commitments; reorganisation of the armed forces in order to achieve operational forces of 140 000 soldiers which correspond to their engagement in the Alliance; reduction of the armed forces to 240 000 soldiers in peacetime, including 30 000 10-month service conscripts; maintaining the potential enabling deploying 300 000 soldiers in wartime and 100 000 reservists; reduction the number of civilian personnel to about 80 000 posts together with limiting their tasks, services, garrisons and bases; equal rights for soldiers regardless the sex; developing and strengthening the “Innere Fuhrung” concept, stressing the role of conscience and convictions for the soldier’s morale.
The article presents the attitudes of German political parties related to the reform of the Bundeswehr. The timeframe 1998-2002 is of special importance. The author has tried to show the foreign policy context of the German Armed Forces’ reform. Having defined the positions of political parties, five main areas of interest have been differentiated, as far as the future of the Bundeswehr is concerned – the main tasks, size, financial background, ways of recruitment and internal relations. Basing on the individual stages of the political cycle, the roles of SPD, CDU/CSU, FDP, Bündnis90/Grunen and PDS have been presented. In the final part of the article it has been stressed that any significant change of the reform could weaken the credibility and popularity among voters. The author states that at present the German government can afford for some time to reach even not popular decisions. The implementation of such steps (i.e. increase of defence expenditures) can be facilitated by the behind the scenes agreement with the strongest opposition coalition (CDU/CSU), because the SPD and CDU/CSU provide enough common space for agreement and compromise on the issue of the German Armed Forces’ reform.
Content available remote Reforma Bundeswehry w świetle niemieckich raportów polityczno-wojskowych
Currently conducted reform is to guarantee coping with new challenges by Bundeswehre. A special feature of this reform is that it has not been preceded by a complex social and political debate. The impulse to carry out the transformation was sparked by German Defence Minister, Rudolf Scharping in the middle of 1999. Under his auspices German Ministry of Defence issued a complex study entitled „Balance - Bundeswehre at the Threshold of the 21st Century”. This document envisaged changes that had taken place in German armed forces in the previous decade creating the starting point to a planned reform. In turn, at the end of April 2000 Bundeswehre military leadership submitted their own document entitled „Guidelines for Further Conceptional and Scheduled Development of Bundeswehre”. However, on 23 May, 2000, the commission headed by Richard von Weizacker presented the federal government the most important study of German armed forces, a report called „Common Security and Future of Bundeswehre”. In result of the discussion on the proposals presented in the mentioned above studies, the directions of the armed forces development and the schedule of actions were accepted in a parliamentary discussion held in June 2000. Due to the role of the documents, it is important to present their substantial contents. Taking into consideration the editorial requirements of Zeszyty Naukowe it is not possible to publish these whole documents. Therefore, these problems will be discussed in the successive issues. This issue contains the report „Balance - Bundeswehre at the Threshold of the 21st Century”.
Content available remote Zabezpieczenie logistyczne i sanitarne wojsk na szczeblu taktycznym w Bundeswehrze
An equivalent of Polish forces logistic support in Bundeswehre is the troops logistic and sanitary support. As a result the medical service there has a lot of autonomy. The logistics of planning and executive logistic can be differentiated in the logistic organisational structure. Logistic and sanitary support of troops in combat actions is characterised by the simplicity and practicality of many organisational solutions. The most interesting ones include: Forecasting and planning of troops supply needs that are based on basic supply rules and supply parameters; the basic supply standard is adequate to average daily needs of troops for selective supply means, the supply parameters, as a rule, an integer or 0.5. Forecasting losses in ordinance and military equipment where the following factors are taken into consideration: the relation of fighting sides forces, the assault pace of troops (either the own or enemy ones), kind of defence (immediate or pre-planned) and also the first and successive days of combat actions. Providing help, in brigades and on the division level (for division units of military branches), for the wounded and sick which is adequate to the 2nd level of medical care with simultaneous deployment of field hospitals in the rears where is provided help adequate to the 3rd level of medical care. High effectiveness of logistic tasks implementation for fighting troops, characteristic for logistic and sanitary support in Bundeswehre, causes that many of the solutions applied there are worth adopting and should be used also in the Polish land forces.
Content available remote Nowe zadania służb medycznych Bundeswehry
In future the medical care will be realised in medical centres. 8 hospitals and 14 specialised centres subordinated to them will be still held. A close co-operation with civilian health service in the field of specialist care and improvement of military medical personnel education are scheduled. It is assumed that the level of services should be close to the level of civilian medical care. Bundeswehre’s new medical tasks of medical support for crisis management forces were defined in „Guidelines Relating to Medical Care of Soldiers in Foreign Operations” and in „Medical Support Conceptions”. A special stress was put on before clinic medical help conditioned, however, by mutual aid and friends’ help. All the soldiers will have to learn the techniques of cardiac pulmonic resuscitation, to administer pain relievers and, in the navy, to apply anti shock infusion. Medical units structures will be created dependent on real tasks performed by forces.
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