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Niszczenie kawitacyjne (erozja kawitacyjna) polega na degradacji materiału w wyniku implozji pęcherzyków kawitacyjnych znajdujących się w bezpośredniej styczności lub w pobliżu ciała stałego. Umacnianie warstwy wierzchniej i/lub nakładanie warstw ochronnych są znaną metodą zwiększania wytrzymałości i żywotności elementów konstrukcyjnych. Powłoki CrN charakteryzują się dużą twardością, małym współczynnikiem tarcia, odpornością na utlenianie do 750°C oraz dużą odpornością korozyjną. Badania odporności kawitacyjnej wykazały, że powłoki CrN mają również dobre własności ochronne na tego typu niszczenie zarówno w słodkiej wodzie, jak i w wodzie morskiej. Powłoki CrN osadzano metodą ARC PVD na stal austenityczną X6CrNiTi18-10 i martenzytyczną X39Cr13 poddaną różnym obróbkom cieplnym w celu uzyskania podłoży o zróżnicowanych twardościach. Przeprowadzone badania odporności na niszczenie kawitacyjne wykazały, że osadzenie powłok CrN, niezależnie od ich grubości, przyczyniło się do zmniejszenia całkowitego ubytku masy w porównaniu z ubytkami masy stalowych próbek bez powłok. Niemniej zwiększenie grubości tych powłok zmniejsza pozytywny efekt osadzenia powłok CrN. Mikroskopowa analiza uszkodzeń (rys. 2-4) wykazała, że systemy z powłokami CrN o grubości 4 um uległy mikropofalowaniu. Stopień pofalowania powłoki był zróżnicowany w zależności od podłoża. Zwiększenie grubości powłok CrN skutkowało zanikiem mikropofalowania (rys. 5). Konsekwencją większej grubości jest wzrost sztywności powłok oraz większa amplituda impulsu kawitacyjnego konieczna do spowodowania odkształcenia powłoki CrN, co wpływa na mechanizm degradacji powłok. W pracy ponadto pozytywnie oceniono wskaźnik RCAV wyprowadzony W pracy [13].
Cavitation degradation (cavitation erosion) is caused by repeated attack of cavitation impulses. Hardening of the surface layer of conventional materials or the deposition of protective coatings is a well-known way of increasing the strength and reliability of working elements. CrN coatings possess high hardness, a low friction coefficient, oxidation resistance up to 750°C and excellent corrosion resistance. Investigations of the cavitation erosion of CrN coatings showed that these coatings also possess good protection properties against this kind of degradation in both tap water and sea water. The CrN coatings were deposited by means of the ARC PVD method. Substrates made of X6CrNiTi18-10 austenitic steel and X39Cr1 3 martensitic steel underwent different thermal treating in order to obtain various substrate hardnesses. The performed investigations showed that the deposition of CrN coatings improved the cavitation resistance despite their thickness (Fig. 1). The mass loss of the CrN-stainless steel systems was less than that of the uncoated steels. The increase in coating thickness lessens the positive effects of the deposition of CrN coatings. Microscopic analysis showed that systems with 4 um thick CrN coatings underwent microfolding (Fig. 2-4). The level of microfolding Was related to the substrate hardness. The increase in coating thickness results in the disappearance of microfolding (Fig. 5). The consequence of the coating thickness increase is an increase in CrN coating stiffness and of the amplitude of cavitation pulses necessary to cause coating deformation. The increase in cavitation pulse amplitude influences the degradation mechanism. Moreover, in this paper the cavitation resistance parameter RCAV derived in Ref. [13] Was positively verified.
Purpose: This research was done to study the tribological behavior of twist HS6-5-2 drills covered with Cr/CrN/CrN+Cr2N/Cr(C, N) and Cr/CrN/ Cr(C, N) coatings as well as to obtain detailed information about microstructure and properties of investigated coatings. Design/methodology/approach: The coatings were deposited by the ARC-PVD process and examined revealing their microstructure: with the use of SEM and TEM microscopy and composition: chemical (EDS microanalysis) and phase (XRD). Also microhardness, Young’s modulus and adhesion were measured using NHT CSEM hardness tester and scratch tester. Findings: The electron energy disspersive (EDS) analysis of coatings showed higher concentration of nitrogen (in the internal coating-zone) and carbon (in the external coating-zone). The X-ray diffractometry showed that coatings are mainly composed of CrN and Cr2N nitrides. The TEM analysis revealed that coating crystallization starts with nanometric Cr2N nitrides coherent with the ferrite matrix grains. The coatings turned out to improve the lifetime of the drills (much better than that of un-coated ones). Practical implications: The main aim of this work is to determine properties of multilayer and multi-component coatings on basis of Cr, C and N, which are potential candidates for replacing TiN coatings in certain applications. Originality/value: The paper contributes to better understanding of microstructure and properties of the coatings (chemical and phase composition, microhardness, Young’s modulus, adhesion), as well as lifetime of the coated drills.
The deposition parameters and results of titanium carbonitride coatings investigations are shown in this paper. Also results and comparison between the colorimetric measurements made with use of typical industrial device and the peripheral computer device - the scanner are presented.
W pracy przedstawiono parametry nanoszenia i wyniki badań dekoracyjnych warstw węglikoazotków tytanu. Przedstawiono także porównanie wyników badań kolorymetrycznych wykonanych przy użyciu standardowego urządzenia przemysłowego z wynikami uzyskanymi przy pomocy skanera.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad otrzymywaniem warstw żaroodpornych na niklu metodą Arc-PVD z wykorzystaniem reakcji egzotermicznej pomiędzy NiAl. W wyniku tej reakcji powstaje faza NiAl. Obróbka cieplna w temperaturze 1050 stopni Celsjusza prowadzi do powstawania warstwy o grubości 50 mikrometrów i zawartości aluminium 21%wag. W następnym etapie wytwarzano bardziej złożone pokrycia NiCoCrAlY. Wykazano możliwość osadzania tego typu pokryć metodą Arc-PVD. Stwierdzono pewne zróżnicowanie pomiędzy zawartością pierwiastków w targecie a ich zawartością w pokryciu. Rozmieszczenie pierwiastków na przekroju pokrycia było równomierne. Następnie na pokrycie NiCoCrAlY nanoszono warstwę aluminium. Przez zmianę parametrów w komorze wywoływano reakcję egzotermiczną z utworzeniem fazy NiAl zawierającej Co, Cr, Y. Uzyskano w ten sposób pokrycie o składzie chemicznym niezależnym od składu chemicznego stopu. Wykazano możliwość modyfikacji pokryć itrem, jakkolwiek stwierdzono jego skłonność do segregacji. Metoda Arc-PVD stwarza możliwość otrzymywania pokryć o założonym składzie chemicznym oraz wysokiej odporności na utlenianie i hot corrosion.
Investigations of obtaining high temperature coatings on the Ni base superalloys by the Arc-PVD method, using exothermic reaction processes between Ni and Al with NiAl intermetallic formation are presented in the article. By the diffusion heating at 1050 degrees centigrade NiAl high temperature diffusion coating containing 21%at.Al and 50 micrometers thick was obtained. In the next stage coatings with more complex chemical composition - NiCoCrAlY were formed. The two targets were applied for formation of the complex NiCoCrAlY coatings. The good consistence between the chemical composition of the targets and the coatings and an uniform distribution of elements in the coatings were shown. Then the surface was covered with aluminium also by the Arc-PVD method. In the vacuum chamber of the equipment a synthesis reaction between NiCoCrAlY and Al with the formation of NiAl intermetallics of high Co, Cr, Y content was initiated by the changes in process parameters. The final heat treatment of coatings was conducted in the air and vacuum at 1050 degrees centigrade. The strong segregation of yttrium in to the oxide scale in the specimens heated in the air was shown. It was possible to obtain NiAl intermetallics phase coatings modified by Co, Cr and Y by the Arc-PVD method. An example of the application of this method for the aircraft engine turbine blades was presented. Method of Arc-PVD gives the possibility chemical composition and high resistance to oxidizing and hot corrosion.
The present paper describes the new technology that combines the vacuum nitriding technology known in industry as NITROVAC'79 with following with PVD - arc coating the substrates of HSS steels by TiN. The details of both mentioned above processes are considered from a viewpoint of the combined, composite layer optimisation. Selected problems of TiN coating's adhesion as well as structural transformations of former vacuum nitrided layers during the PVD - arc process have been discussed on the base experimental data. The application range and advantages of new composite layers have been presented in the paper, too.
Investigation results of forming and properties of protective coatings obtained by the Arc-PVD method on the martensite steel of the EI1961 (13H12NWMFA) type have been presented in the article. The CrN chromium nitride and TiN titanium nitride coatings and Cr/CrN and Ti/TiN multilayer ones were formed. The microstructures of chosen coatings obtained on the scanning electron microscope have been presented. Pitting corrosion test by the potentiodynamic method in the 3.5% NaCl solution and pitting corrosion resistance test in 10% FeCl3, solution were made. Low corrosion resistance of the TiN and Ti/TiN titanium nitride coatings and better properties of multilayer Cr/CrN chromium nitride consisting of the chromium and chromium nitride zones were found.
In the article the investigation results of obtaining and properties of the heat-resisting MeCrAlX coatings are presented. The coatings were formed on nickel. In the first stage the CoCr coatings were obtained by the Arc-PVD method (cathodic vacuum arc evaporation). Basic parameters of coatings formation were determined. High efficiency of the Arc-PVD method in the deposition from one or two sources of the complex chemical composition are shown. Relationships between the chemical composition of targets and the chemical composition of the coatings obtained by the Arc-PVD method were determined. Targets with the content of 70 wt. % Co and 30 wt. % Cr. The basic deposition parameters were determined. In the second stage coatings underwent the diffusion chromoaluminizing process. Combining the PVD and diffusion processes allowed to eliminate the substrate detrimental elements: Mo, W and Ti lowering oxidation and 'hot corrosion' resistance from the coatings.
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