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In the present study, the creeks and lakes located at the western shore of Admiralty Bay were analysed. The impact of various sources of water supply was considered, based on the parameters of temperature, pH and specific electrolytic conductivity (SEC25). All measurements were conducted during a field campaign in January-February 2017. A multivariate dataset was also created and a biplot of SEC25 and pH of the investigated waters was performed. The average temperatures of the investigated waters were 0.10-8.10 °C. The pH values indicate that most of the water environments of the analysed area are slightly acidic to alkaline (5.26-8.50) with two exceptions: Siodlo II Creek (9.26) and Petrified Forest Creek (8.95), which are characterised by greater alkalinity. At the measurement points closest to the Baranowski Glacier and Ecology Glacier, SEC25 values were the lowest (26.8-61.1 μS·cm–1), while the remaining values ranged from 79.0 to 382 μS·cm–1 for the whole studied area. Based on the results it is concluded that the periodic intensive inflow of ablation waters, combined with morphological changes in the glacier front, causes a significant variability in the outflow network, creating the conditions for changes in basic physicochemical parameters. Moreover, it is observed that local depressions in the terrain form sedimentation traps in which, alongside fine-grained deposits, compounds can accumulate that originate from in situ sedimentation and that are also associated with surface runoff from the melting of snow cover, buried ice and permafrost.
Cryolophosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur that is characterized by its distinctive crest formed by dorsally expanded lacrimals. Although its fossils are rare, currently recognized materials suggest this taxon was the largest predator in the Early Jurassic times in Antarctica, indicating it was the apex predator in its ecosystem. The skeleton of Cryolophosaurus bears both advanced and basal characteristics of theropods, making its position within theropod phylogenetic tree controversial. Its unusual anatomical features, size, and the habitat located close to the Jurassic polar circle all differ from other Early Jurassic theropods, indicating it was one of the most ecologically significant taxon of all theropods.
As maritime tourism has been developing dynamically in recent years, including cruises into polar areas, the author attempts to identify factors essential for the safety of navigation in those sea areas, with a specific focus on the waters of the Antarctica. The presented methods of navigation take account of hazards that are typical in polar waters. All the considerations are based on the guidelines of the Polar Code.
The methodological experience and the results of observation and research have been presented as a part of an expert geological and engineering study for the planned extension of the Henryk Arctowski Polar Station on the coast of King George Island in the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica. The object is realized in an area requiring recognition of specific geodynamic conditions. According to technical requirements coming from the conceptual design project of the station (Kurylowicz and Associates, 2015) it was necessary to adopt a non-standard research program. Engineering and geological characteristics are presented in comparison with geoenvironmental considerations. The assessment of soil and rock properties was carried out in relation to the results of observations and determinations of parameters that could be assessed in the coarse-grained soils and rocks in the area of the designed object.
This year the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology celebrates its 95th jubilee, which provides an opportunity to present the Faculty’s rich traditions in polar research. Employees and students of the faculty for almost 60 years have taken part in research expeditions to the polar circle. The article presents various studies typical of geodesy and cartography, as well as miscellany of possible measurement applications and geodetic techniques used to support interdisciplinary research. Wide range of geodetic techniques used in polar studies includes classic angular and linear surveys, photogrammetric techniques, gravimetric measurements, GNSS satellite techniques and satellite imaging. Those measurements were applied in glaciological, geological, geodynamic, botanical researches as well as in cartographic studies. Often they were used in activities aiming to ensure continuous functioning of Polish research stations on both hemispheres. This study is a short overview of thematic scope and selected research results conducted by our employees and students.
This paper is a very brief summary of the operations of the Argentine Air Force (AAF) helicopters in the Argentine Antarctic. It is a transcription of a Power Point Presentation of the lecture that was given on June 26,2015 during the X National Helicopter Forum 2015 held at the Institute of Aviation in Poland.
Artykuł ten przedstawia krótkie podsumowanie prowadzonych operacji helikopterowych Argentyńskich Sił Lotniczych (AAF) w argentyńskiej części Antarktydy. Jest to transkrypcja wykładu przeprowadzonego w oparciu o prezentację sporządzoną w Power Point, jaki został zaprezentowany 26 czerwca 2015 roku podczas X Krajowego Forum Wiropłatowego zorganizowanego w Instytucie Lotnictwa w Warszawie.
Content available Kriokonity i kriojamy w przylepie lodowej Antarktyki
Kriokonity są cylindrycznymi otworami powstałymi w wyniku topnienia na lodowcu w otoczeniu ziarn mineralnych. Takie formy obserwowano na powierzchni przylepy lodowej powstałej na morzu w sąsiedztwie oazy Thala Hills na Ziemi Enderby w Antarktydzie Wschodniej. Otwory kriokonitów są większe przy brzegu niż dalej od brzegu w wyniku selekcji cząstek mineralnych wynoszonych przez wiatr z oazy. W przylepie lodowej powstają też kriojamy jako efekt topnienia lodu wokół fragmentów makroglonów, które przylgnęły do dna powstającego lodu, często wraz z lodem dennym. Kriojamy i kriokonity są więc różnego pochodzenia. Prezentowane są warunki środowiskowe i tworzenie się zespołu podlodowego.
Cryoconite are cylindrical melt holes on glacial surface. Such creature were observed on surface of landfast sea ice near Thala Hills oasis in Antarctic. Holes are larger near shore than off shore depend of size of minerals selected by winds. In the land fast ice cryocavernes vere observed as effect of melting water around of macroalge attached bottom of ice. Cryocavernes are different orginate than cryoconites. Subfast ice community and environmental changes are presented.
Content available remote Stulecie zdobycia południowego bieguna Ziemi
The turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is a period of intensive research on Antarctica. It was during this period that the South Pole was attained. There were four expeditions which attempted to reach the South Pole: The British National Antarctic Expedition, (1901-1904), on the ship „Discovery”, was led by Robert Falcon Scott (1868-1912). The British tried to reach as far south as possible and on December 31, 1902 they reached 82°17’S. The British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909) on the ship „Nimrod”, led by Ernest Shackleton. On January 9, 1909 the expedition reached 88°23’S. 3.The Norwegian expedition on the ship „Fram” (1911-1912), led by Roald Amundsen (1872-1928). Amundsen and Olav Bjaaland (1873-1961), Oscar Listing (1871-1936), Helmer Hanssen (1870-1956) and Sverre Hassel (1876-1928) on December 14, 1911 were the first to reach the geographic South Pole. 4. Scott’s expedition on the ship „Terra Nova” (1911-1913). The expedition to the South Pole began on November 1, 1911. Scott, Henry R. Bowers (1883-1912), Edgar Evans (1876-1912), Lawrence Oates (1880-1912) and Edward A. Wilson (1872-1912) reached the South Pole on January 17, 1912. They all died on their way back. The participants of all expeditions led to attain the South Pole carried out observations, collected various samples and conducted scientific observations. Afterwards, the collected data and objects were compiled scientifically, sometimes for many years on. During that time, the following, among other, was discovered: the shelf character of Ross Ice Shelf, the Taylor Valley (the first of the snow-free Antarctic „oases”), setting up the basic stratigraphy of the Victoria Land mountains, about 40 thousand various geological and biological specimens were brought home, the latter belonged to more than 2,000 species of plants and animals, among which, more than 400 were species new to science.
Analysis of the meteorology of Polar Regions is fundamental to the process of understanding the global climatology of the Earth and Earth-like planets. The nature of air circulation in a polar vortex is of preliminary importance. I have show the local and continental spatiotemporal relationship between near surface wind events in terms of self-organized criticality. In particular, the wind event size, wind event duration, and duration of quiescent wind event are well approximated by power-law distributions. On a continental scale, the wind events in the Antarctic tend to be self-organized criticality with ergodic properties. A similar self-organized criticality wind event was also found in Taylor Valley located at McMurdo Dry Valleys discovered by Captain Scott.s expedition. Captain Scott.s meteorological Terra Nova record was also examined. I have also revisited and re-analyzed wind events in Hornsund at Spitsbergen Island, in terms of marginal probabilities and marginal copulas which describe positive Lévy process.
Badanie meteorologii regionów polarnych jest fundamentalne w procesie zrozumienia i opisania globalnej klimatologii Ziemi i jej podobnych planet. Natura cyrkulacji powietrza w Wirze Polarnym jest podstawowej wagi. Wykorzystując dane dotyczące prędkości wiatru na Antarktydzie z około 40 stacji meteorologicznych pokazano, że zdarzenia wiatrowe rozumiane jako wielkość siły wiatru, czasu wiania i czasu niewiania są samo-zorganizowaną krytycznością opisaną przez rozkład prawdopodo-bieństwa w postaci skalującej funkcji potęgowej, Pokazano, że zdarzenia wiatrowe na Antarktydzie tworzą kontynentalny system, który z punktu widzenia mechaniki statystycznej jest ergo-dyczny. Ta podstawowa charakterystyka wiatrów powinna leżeć w konstrukcji ułamkowego równania Fokkera-Plancka dla rozkładu gęstości prawdopodobieństwa. W artykule pokazano, że w związku z samo-zorganizowaną krytycznością wiatrów na Antarktydzie nie można obliczyć ich wartości średnich. Analiza katabatycznych wiatrów w Suchych Dolinach w rejonie McMurdo jest szczegółowo opisana w powiązaniu z ich orografią. Wykorzystując metodę sieci neuronowych oraz statystyki zdarzeń wiatrowych na Lodowej Barierze Rossa pokazano, że dwa ekstremalne zdarzenia pogodowe (czarne łabędzie): bardzo niska temperatura w okresie 27 luty – 19 marca 1912 oraz katabatyczny sztorm 21-29 marca 1912 roku, opisane przez Kapitana Scotta nie wydarzyły się. Pokazano, że samo-zorganizowana krytyczność wiatrów nie jest charakterystyczna tylko dla Antarktydy ale jest obserwowana również w innych obszarach polarnych tworzących lodowe plateau jak na przykład w Hornsundzie na Spitsbergenie. Wykorzystując twierdzenia dotyczące procesów o nieskończonej wariancji (proces Lévy.ego) pokazano, że uprzednio zaproponowany opis pogody przez jej podział na klasy pogodowe ma fundamentalne uzasadnienie matematyczne w postaci marginałów i kopuł tworzących skalującą funkcję potęgową nieposiadającą wartości średniej. Bazując na pomiarach meteorologicznych w Hornsundzie zilustrowano, że pogoda opisana przez kwartety (4 elementy): temperatura, wiatr, zachmurzenie i opady tworzy funkcję potęgową charakterystyczną dla samo-zorganizowanych krytycznie układów. Przedstawione wyniki udowodniają, że dotychczasowe paradygmaty meteorologiczne powinny być zrewidowane. W szczególności, powszechnie bez uzasadnienia przyjęte założenie o skończenie wymiarowym gaussowskim rozkładzie zmiennych meteorologicznych powinno być odrzucone i zastąpione przez stochastyczne alfa-stabilne procesy Lévy.ego dla których wariancja może przyjmować dowolną wartość w przedziale od zera do nieskończoności.
Antarktyda jest takim miejscem na Ziemi, do którego dociera niewiele osób. Pod względem roślinności stanowi ona śnieżną pustynię. Jednak wystepujące tutaj góry lodowe tworzą skupiska, które można nazwać parkiem.
According to Optimal Foraging Theory a consumer should select its diet in order to maximise net energy intake per unit of foraging time. Therefore, the Antarctic scavenging sea star Odontaster validus can be expected to choose food items of high profitability and ignore those of low profitability. Laboratory experiments with agar models of food items were performed to investigate the foraging behaviour and food selectivity of O. validus. Freshly caught sea stars were first fed with fish meat to minimize differences in their feeding status and then starved for 2 and 4 weeks. Sea stars were divided into three size groups (small - radius 1-3 cm, medium - radius 3-4 cm, large - radius 4-5.5 cm). Agar food items of different quality (low - 1.2 kJ, medium - 2.5 kJ, high - 4.1 kJ) and size (small - 8 cm[^3] and large - 64 cm[^3]) were utilized in the experiments. Sea stars were individually presented with food items placed on the aquarium bottom, and their behaviour (number and type of ivestigated food items, time needed for final choice) was observed for 30 minutes. Starved individuals preferentially selected more profitable food items as is predicted by Optimal Foraging Theory. Choice of food item was probably mediated by contact chemoreception. Starvation time and sea star size had significant impact on selectivity. Mean number of food items of different quality investigated by sea stars starved for 2 weeks was higher then in sea stars starved for 4 weeks. Low quality food items were mostly chosen by small sea stars, and never by large individuals starved for 2 weeks. Sea stars O. validus were also capable of distinguishing between small and large food items. Final choice made by sea stars presented with food items of differing size depended on their size with large and medium individuals choosing mostly large food items. Sea stars starved for 2 weeks chose higher proportion of large food items than individuals starved for 4 weeks. Such strategy in accordance with Optimal Foraging Theory allows for flexibility in O. validus feeding behaviour and enables this species to survive in harsh marine environment, where food resources accessible during the Antarctic winter are scarce and unpredictable in space and time.
W artykule przedstawiono zmienność przestrzenną przebiegu rocznego ciśnienia atmosferycznego na Antarktydzie. Stwierdzono dwa typy przebiegów rocznych ciśnienia. Na wybrzeżu występuje przebieg charaktery-zujący się półroczną oscylacją, z maksymalnymi wartościami w sezonie letnim i zimowym oraz najniższymi w przejścio-wych porach roku. We wnętrzu kontynentu najwyższe ciśnienie występuje latem, a najniższe w chłodnej połowie roku. Największe amplitudy roczne ciśnienia występują we wnętrzu kontynentu. W ostatnich dwóch dekadach XX wieku zaznaczyły się istotne zmiany w przebiegu rocznym ciśnienia atmosferycznego.
At the polar latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere a circulation cell functions which is connected with the strong baric wedge feature of the atmosphere occurring between the Antarctic anticyclone and a very deep circumpolar trough by the Antarctic coastline. The circulation system in the Antarctic region shows seasonal variability called Southern Annular Mode (SAM). In the cold season the tropospheric exchange of air masses strengthens due to the increase of the katabatic winds? speed. The relocation of air masses from over Antarctica to its peripheries has an influence on the annual course of the atmospheric pressure. In the elaboration mean monthly air pressure values were taken into account from 106 Antarctic stations from the beginning of measurements to 2000. On the basis of these data the mean annual course of the atmospheric pressure has been counted as well as the yearly pressure range. Annual courses from two periods: 1958-1980 and 1981-2000 were also compared. Over the Antarctic the annual course of the atmospheric pressure is complex. At the costal part of the continent there are two maxima (in summer and in winter) and two minima in the transient seasons. This course is called semi-annual oscillation (SAO) in the literature. However this phenomenon shows certain regional specifics. On the Antarctic Peninsula and South Orkney Islands the winter maximum is more distinct, while minima are shifted to February and November. In the inland the winter maximum decreases with the distance from the coast and at stations situated in the highest parts of the glacial plateau the highest pressure values occur in summer and distinctly lower ones in winter. At some inland stations a slight increase of the pressure can be observed in the middle of winter what refers to the thermal coreless winters occurring frequently in this region. The annual range of the atmospheric pressure decreases from the coast (15-7 hPa) to the interior of the continent, where it reaches values above 20 hPa. During the last two decades of the 20th century significant changes took place in the annual courses of the pressure in comparison to the years 1958-1980. On the South Orkney Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula the pressure increased in summer and in autumn, while in winter distinctly decreased. At the remaining part of the Antarctic coast pressure decrease occurred in every seasons, and in the Weddell Sea region the autumn and spring minimum significantly deepened. At the majority of the stations the annual amplitudes of the atmospheric pressure decreased after 1980. These changes contributed to the disturbances in the functioning of the Antarctic climate system. On the Antarctic Peninsula the air temperature increased, while at many stations in the Eastern Antarctic considerable cooling occurred.
Characteristic feature of the air temperature course over the year on the Antarctic is the winter warming known as a Coreless Winter effect (Hann 1909, Marsz 2000). This phenomenon is related to the specific atmospheric circulation, frequent advection of warm air masses from the oceans into the interior of the continent and entering of cyclones onto the Antarctic. The rise in temperature during the winter season occurred in the period 1990-1999 on all selected researched stations, however it didn't become visible every year (Table 2). Analysis of annual courses of air temperature in the particular years in the last decade of 20th century proved, that the occurrence of the Coreless Winters on the Antarctic is a repeated phenomenon, characterized by spatial and temporal variability. An example of annual courses of air temperature with the coreless effect in 1997 on selected stations is shown on Fig. 2. The least number of Antarctic stations with the winter warming were observed in 1992, when the phenomenon was merely recorded on the half of all selected stations (Fig. 3), whereas the greatest extent was stated in 1997, when it occurred on the 88% of all the stations. Extents in the occurrence of the kernlose winters on the Antarctic for the particular years during the decade 1990-1999 are shown on Fig.4. In respect of regional location there was stated the existence of interdependences in the periods in occurrence of the rises in temperature during the winter season within 4 typical regions of the Antarctic according to selected research stations: - on the Antarctic Peninsular - in the interior of the continent - on the coast in zone 030°W - 120°E - on the coast in zone 120°E -120°W The analysis of annual courses of air temperature in the years with coreless effect indicated, that the most often rise in air temperature in the winter season was observed on the stations on the coast in zone 120°E - 120°W of the Antarctic, whereas the most rarely it was noted on the Antarctic Peninsular. The rises in temperature were mostly observed on the whole continent in June which equals 45% of all the warmings noted in years 1990-1999 on every stations, and in July - 33%. The rises in temperature were the most rarely observed in August and occurred merely in 22% of all the warmings. The relative frequency [in %] of occurrence the rises in temperature in the winter season according to month's intervals for the particular regions of the Antarctic in the period 1990-1999 is shown on Fig. 5. The great spatial and temporal variability in occurrence of the Coreless Winters on the Antarctic observed during the last decade of 20th century may prove the existence of the considerable dynamics of the circulation factors, which determine the formation of this phenomenon.
Diurnal air temperature ranges (DTR) have been counted based on the monthly mean values of the daily maximal and minimal air temperature from 23 Antarctic stations. DTR shows a considerable spatial differentiation on the Antarctic. The lowest DTR values (4-6°C) occur along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula and on the subantarctic islands. At the remaining coast of Antarctica the mean DTR vary from 6-7°C to 10°C at the stations situated on higher geographical latitude. In the Antarctic inlands the largest DTR values occur at the highest parts of glacier plateau (8-9°C), while on the South Pole they are distinctly smaller (6°C). In the annual course of DTR the following types have been distinguished: oceanic type at the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula with small DTR in summer (2-4°C) and twice higher in winter; oceanic-continental type at the coast of Eastern Antarctic with large DTR during the whole year; continental-oceanic type with high DTR in summer and still higher (up to 13°C) in winter occurring at Western Antarctic and in the Weddell Sea basin; continental type characteristic for the interior of the continent with the highest DTR in summer (11-12°C) and smaller in winter; polar type with small DTR in summer (to 3°C) and considerable higher in winter (7-8°C). A decrease of DTR occurred on the Antarctic in regions characterized by increasing temperature in the second half of the 20th century, especially on the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, on the coast of Ross Sea and on the Queen Maud Land. The decrease in the DTR values was connected with the quicker increase of daily minimal air temperatures. On the other hand, in the regions where cooling was noted the DTR values increase (inlands of Eastern Antarctic and South Pole, and the Weddell Sea basin), mainly due to the fall in daily minimal air temperatures.
The progressive increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in consequence leads to the rise of the global air temperature. According to the III Report of IPCC (2001) from 1880 the mean temperature on the Earth has grown by 0.6°C ą0.2°C. The reaction of polar regions to the greenhouse effect is unknown. The Antarctic climate shows a considerably greater variability in comparison with the lower latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. This is conditioned by interactions between the atmospheric circulation, the ocean, and the cryosphere. According to the scenarios of global greenhouse effect the temperature at the polar regions should grow by 3°C in summer and 4-5°C in winter. However, these model researches are not confirmed in reality. This shows that our knowledge concerning the functioning of climate system of the polar regions is insufficient. In the paper we have used monthly mean air temperature values for 21 stations being in operation on the Antarctic in the years 1958-2000 and for 34 stations making observations in the years 1981-2000. After checking the homogeneity of the series by the Alexandersson?s (1986) test we have counted the trends of air temperature. The average trend for annual and seasonal values were expressed by temperature change per 10 years. In the years 1958-2000 on the Antarctic the trend of the mean annual values of the air temperature shows great spatial differentiation. These differences are connected with the radiation balance depending on the variability of cloudiness and the albedo of the surface, and on the transformation of pressure fields and changes of the atmospheric circulation. Statistically significant (on 0.95 significance level) air temperature increase occurred on the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (for example Faraday 0.67°C/10 years) and at the stations Belgrano and McMurdo. A negative air temperature trend occurred on the South Pole (-0.21°C/10 years) and on the Droning Maud Land. The temperature changes in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula are correlated with the extension and surface of sea ice, especially in winter. There are considerable differences of air temperature trends on the Antarctic between the periods 1958-1980 and 1981-2000. The period 1958-1980 is characterized by an increase of air temperature, especially on the shore of continent (Casey 0.84°C/10 years, Faraday 0.76°C/10 years, Halley 0.69°C/10 years). The interior of the continent is distinguished by stability of weather conditions. Year-to-year temperature changes are smaller, then at the coast (the trend at the Amundsen-Scott station average 0.26°C/10 years). During the last years (1981-2000) significant changes took place in the tendency of air temperature on the Antarctic. In many regions of the Antarctic cooling began, on the cost of East Antarctica the temperature decreases, on the coasts of the Wilkes Land (Casey -0.82°C/10 years) and the Weddell Sea (Halley -1.13?C/10 years, Larsen Ice -0.89°C/10 years), especially in the autumn-winter period. In the interior of the continent also lower and lower temperatures occurred (Amundsen-Scott -0.42°C/10 years, Dome C -0.71°C/10 years). The cooling can be observed in all seasons, but it is the greatest in summer and autumn, when the decrease of solar radiation was observed in connection with the growing cloudiness. Vostok situated at the highest parts of ice dome does not show statistically significant trend. An increase of the temperature was observed in the interior of West Antarctica (Byrd 0.37°C/10 years). The warming rate of the climate became weaker on the Antarctic Peninsula (Faraday 0.56°C/10 years). The largest temperature changes occurred in the autumn-winter season when in the Antarctic Peninsula region the temperature increased, while in the interior and at the coast of East Antarctica considerably fell. Climate changes during the last 20 years of the 20th century showed the weakening of the warming rate on the Antarctic Peninsula and distinct cooling on the East Antarctica. The lack of warming, or even cooling, on the East Antarctica, is favourable to maintain the present climate system in this region. The increasing air temperature on the West Antarctic, especially on the Antarctic Peninsula caused many natural consequences. The ablation of glaciers clearly intensified, deglaciation takes place, glaciers retreat. The environmental changes lead to disturbances in the functioning of the Antarctic ecosystem.
On the Antarctic the annual course of air temperature shows a considerable spatial differentiation. Over the inland the course of temperature during the year is conditioned by insolation-radiational factors. On the coast the role of circulation factors connected with the advection of air masses from above the ocean or from the interior of the continent. In the paper mean monthly air temperatures from 56 stations making standard meteorological observations and from 38 automatic weather stations (AWS) have been used. On the Antarctic there types of annual air temperature courses can be distinguished: Oceanic - characterised by positive air temperatures in the summer season with the highest temperatures in February and by mild temperatures in the winter months (to -10°C). As a result of the ocean influence spring is considerable colder then autumn. The annual amplitudes are small (to 10-15°C). This type occurs on the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula and on the subantarctic islands. Continental - with very low air temperatures. The warmest month is December with temperatures below -30°C in the interior of the continent. In winter the lowest mean monthly temperatures reach -70°C. The temperature frequently increases in the middle of winter; this phenomenon is called kernlose winter. The annual amplitude of air temperature is not high and in the interior its value reaches 30-35°C. The continental type includes the whole Antarctic except the narrow coastal belt. Coastal - characterised by air temperature around 0°C in the summer period. The warmest month is January. The lowest temperatures occur in January (-30° do -40°C). The growth of temperature in spring delays the heat uptake for the melting of sea ice. The annual amplitude of the air temperature is quite high and exceeds 20°C. Due to the influence of circulation factors on the Antarctic the annual course of the air temperature shows a large variability from year to year.
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