The study of flow around obstacles is devised into three different positions: above the obstacle, upstream of the obstacle, and downstream of the latter. The behaviour of the fluid downstream of the obstacle is less known, and the physical and numerical modelling is being given the existence of recirculation zones with their complex behaviour. The purpose of the work presented below is to study the influence of the inclined form of the two upper peaks of a rectangular cube. A three-dimensional study was carried out using the ANSYS CFX calculation code. Turbulence models have been used to study the flow characteristics around the inclined obstacle. The timeaveraged results of contours of velocity vectors , cross-stream and stream wise velocity and streamlines were obtained by using K-ω shear -stress transport (SST), RANG K-ε and K-ε to model the turbulence, and the governing equations were solved using the finite volume method. The turbulence model K-ω SST has presented the best prediction of the flow characteristics for the obstacle among the investigated turbulence models in this work.
Jednym z najważniejszych elementów systemu elektroenergetycznego jest transformator energetyczny. Z tego powodu ważne jest, aby został on poprawnie zaprojektowany oraz zbudowany, zarówno od strony mechanicznej jak i cieplnej. Obecnie konstruktorzy transformatorów energetycznych korzystają z wielu programów, które pozwalają na skrócenie czasu projektowania. Programy te pozwalają w szybki i efektywny sposób wprowadzić nowe zmiany w konstrukcji urządzenia oraz sprawdzić, jaki będzie ich wpływ na pracę transformatora. W artykule przedstawiono założenia projektowe modelu matematycznego transformatora energetycznego, teorię podobieństwa, którą wykorzystano do zachowania odpowiedniej skali oraz interface programu ANSYS CFX, w którym wykonano symulacje pola temperaturowego transformatora energetycznego.
One of the most important elements of the power system is a high voltage power transformer. Due to this reason, it is crucial to properly design and build from mechanical side as well as thermal side. Nowadays designers of power transformers are using from the many programs that allow you to reduce design time. Additionally, thanks to them, the designer can quickly and effectively bring new changes in the construction and see what will be their impact on the work of the transformer. This paper shows design assumptions the mathematical model of transformer power, the similitude theory which was used to maintain an appropriate scale, interface ANSYS CFX program, in which simulations of temperature field power transformer was made.
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It has been presented the use of numerical simulations in the design process of special centrifugal pump (pitot tube pump) characterized by extremely low specific speed and nonstandard design. It has been shown the test rig, measurement methodology and the results of experimental tests. On this basis numerical model of the pump using ANSYS CFX software has been developed and validated.
Zaprezentowano zastosowanie obliczeń numerycznych w procesie projektowania pompy wirowej specjalnej (pompy czerpakowej), charakteryzującej się skrajnie niskim wyróżnikiem szybkobieżności i niestandardową budową. Przedstawiono stanowisko, metodykę pomiaru i wyniki badań rzeczywistych. Na ich podstawie opracowano i zwalidowano model numeryczny pompy za pomocą oprogramowania ANSYS CFX.
High voltage transformer is one of the most important elements of the power system. Due to this reason, it is crucial to properly design and build from mechanical side as well as thermal side. Nowadays, designers of power transformers are using from the many programs that allow you to reduce design time. Additionally, thanks to them, designer can quickly and effectively bring new changes in the construction and see what will be their impact on the work of the transformer. This paper shows design assumptions of the mathematical model of power transformer, the similitude theory which was used to maintain an appropriate scale, and interface of Ansys CFX program, in which simulations of temperature field of power transformer was made.
The presence of nanoparticles in heat exchangers ascertained increment in heat transfer. The present work focuses on heat transfer in a longitudinal finned tube heat exchanger. Experimentation is done on longitudinal finned tube heat exchanger with pure water as working fluid and the outcome is compared numerically using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package based on finite volume method for different flow rates. Further 0.8% volume fraction of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) nanofluid is considered on shell side. The simulated nanofluid analysis has been carried out using single phase approach in CFD by updating the user-defined functions and expressions with thermophysical properties of the selected nanofluid. These results are thereafter compared against the results obtained for pure water as shell side fluid. Entropy generated due to heat transfer and fluid flow is calculated for the nanofluid. Analysis of entropy generation is carried out using the Taguchi technique. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results show that the inlet temperature on shell side has more pronounced effect on entropy generation.
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Przedstawiono proces walidacji modelu obliczeniowego przeznaczonego do wyznaczania współczynnika oporu aerodynamicznego pojazdu MuSHELLka. Walidację przeprowadzono na podstawie badań doświadczalnych wykonanych w tunelu aerodynamicznym.
Described is a method to validate numerical model designed to determine the drag coefficient of the vehicle MuSHELLka. The validation procedure followed experimental tests performed in the wind tunnel.
W wielu procesach produkcyjnych i technologicznych istnieje potrzeba przetransportowania surowca lub ładunku, który może znajdować się w zawiesinie wodnej. Jedną z takich metod jest wykorzystanie pomp strumienicowych, które dzięki efektowi zwężki Venturiego i występującej różnicy ciśnień umożliwiają transport ładunku wraz z czynnikiem roboczym. Zaletą tego systemu jest zdolność transportu ładunku o znacznych wymiarach i w warunkach niezagrażających jego uszkodzeniu, ze względu na brak ruchomych elementów. W artykule przedstawiono badania symulacyjne dwustopniowej pompy strumienicowej, w której czynnikiem roboczym jest woda. Podjęta w artykule tematyka dotyczy badań symulacyjnych, które wykonano za pomocą systemów CFD w programie ANSYS CFX.
Jet pumps are widely used in many industrial applications from food, chemical to energy. The advantageous of jet pumps is possibility of transport hazardous or aggressive liquids or even food and high reliability due to the fact that pumps structure do not include any moving parts. The are two main type of jet pumps, with central and circumferential jet nozzle. The second solution, which working liquid is water is presented in this paper as a transportation device for liquid with density higher than water and solids. For this purpose CFD simulation was used. It allowed to check jet pump possibility of work in various conditions and verify some of design parameters of jet pumps. Presented in the work results of simulation verified that using two stages allows to increase pumping height. CFD simulations also shown that correct modification of jet nozzle geometry allows to obtain better pressure distribution inside the pump.
Concepts of remedial treatments of historic buildings using ventilated floors, with a few exceptions, are with considerable popularity preferred by the representatives of monument protection. The fact that they require small interventions in the masonry is of great benefit for compliance with the methodology of cultural heritage protection, as is the fact that such interventions do not compromise the structural analysis of buildings. These concepts have gained great popularity also because they can be considered kind of a "return" to historical example. With these technologies we return to the methods and principles that the ancient Egyptians were already familiar with. The paradox is that these methods are used for many centuries, until today they are only proposed on the basis of empiricism. There is no proven relationship and calculation nor any literature that would address the airflow in floors, ventilation ducts and galleries around the base building construction. The remaining problem is the draft of air cavities in general. The exact calculation of airflow in the underfloor cavity has not yet been formulated. To assessment the airflow in the air cavity the recently often used CFD simulations can be employed. Using simulation, respective design cycles, which shall be ultimately verified by laboratory experiments and also by in situ measurements, may be accelerated.
Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na możliwości zastosowania komputerowych programów symulacyjnych (CFD) do oceny przepływu powietrza we wnękach podłogowych. Przy zastosowaniu prostych modeli geometrycznych można potwierdzić lub odrzucić proponowane rozwiązanie.
The paper deals with possibilities to apply a new developed software support for simulation programme ANSYS CFX. A direct export of heat-transfer coefficients into variables used under edge conditions as well as of physical properties of gas mixtures into material properties during simulation solution of technical tasks means a significant saving of time. The paper summarizes in detail description of the software for calculation of heat-transfer coefficient during free convection (HTC-FC) and of material properties of gas mixture (MPGM) that enable to export calculated data directly into the text files which can be imported then into the programme ANSYS CFX.
Praca zawiera omówienie oddziaływania motoryzacji na środowisko naturalne oraz skutki jakie niesie ze sobą wykorzystanie samochodów z napędem spalinowym. Zanalizowano silniki z napędem elektrycznym i omówiono ich zalety. Ze względu na ciągle rosnące ceny paliw i energii zaproponowano jako jedną z alternatyw wykorzystania turbin wiatrowych o poziomej osi obrotu wyposażonych w dyfuzor dostosowanych do systemów zasilania samochodów z napędem elektrycznym. Przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne w module CFX programu Ansys na różnego rodzaju dyfuzorach turbin wiatrowych. Badano efektywność wykorzystania przepływających mas powietrza, mającymi bezpośredni wpływ na ilość wyprodukowanej energii elektrycznej w zależności od typu dyfuzora. Prace zakończono podsumowaniem dotyczącym perspektyw samochodów proekologicznych.
This work contain an overview of the motorization impact on the natural environment and the effects affords by internal combustion powered cars. The electric motors and a discussion of their advantages were shown. The possibility of using wind turbines equipped with a diffuser with horizontal rotation axis adapted to the power systems of this type of car was described. For the computational simulation the ANSYS CFX module for wind turbines with various diffusers were used. Efficiency flowing air masses depending on the type of diffuser have a direct impact on the amount of produced electricity was tested. The work was completed by a summary of the properties for green cars.
W pracy omówiono składowe siły aerodynamicznej oraz momenty działające na samochód podczas jazdy. Przedstawiono wybrane aspekty geometrii nadwozia samochodowego i ich wpływ na bezpieczeństwo i komfort podróżowania. Scharakteryzowano badania samochodów z użyciem kanału aerodynamicznego. Badania symulacyjne wykonano w module CFX programu Ansys z użyciem równania Naviera-Stokesa dla wybranych elementów nadwozia samochodowego. Przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki analizy numerycznej dla różnych wariantów zderzaków.
The paper discusses the components of the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the car while driving. Selected aspects of the car body geometry and their impact on safety and comfort are presented. Car tests were characterized using the aerodynamic channel. Simulation studies were performed in ANSYS CFX module using the Navier-Stokes equations for selected components of motor-car body. Some results of numerical analysis for the different buffers.
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In this study numerical simulations of 2D viscous flutter were performed and compared with available experimental results for various mesh densities and flow parameters. Calculations were carried out for the bending oscillations of an Eleventh Standard Configuration cascade. ANSYS CFX code was used for the SST, SA and k-ω turbulence model calculations.
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The article is dedicated to numerical research results of SPbSPU Compressor Department since 1980th obtained in co-operation with German and Polish Technical Universities and independently. The numerical results are compared with experimental data on flow structure and gas dynamic performances. Different methods of evaluations are compared. Some conclusions on effective means of evaluations are made for centrifugal and axial compressor stages.
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At part-load operation the flow in the draft tube of Francis turbines develops an unsteady rotating flow pattern, the draft- tube vortex, which causes pressure pulsations. Previous CFD studies have shown that a reliable prediction of the complex vortex structure in a draft tube at part-load operation requires highly accurate numerical methods. This paper extends the earlier work with two extensive parallel transient CFD computations on very fine grids, including the interaction between guide vane, runner and draft tube and prediction of the cavitating vortex rope.
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This paper is focused on frost deposition phenomena on elliptical cylinder. The mathematical model is presented for prediction of frost layer parameters. This model is based on heat transfer coefficient distribution on the surface of such elliptical cylinder. The heat transfer coefficient was calculated by ANSYS-CFX - program for thermal-flow problems simulations. The results of the simulations are compared with the experimental data obtained on the experimental stand specially made for that purpose. /
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