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w słowach kluczowych:  Ĉuk topology
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This paper focuses on the analysis of a power factor correction (PFC) converter using close loop Ĉuk topology. Regardless of the input line voltage and output load variations, input current drawn by the buck or buck-boost converter is always discontinuous. The Boost converter suffers from high voltage stresses across the power electronic devices. The input current in Ĉuk converter is comparable to boost converter’s input current. In this paper output voltage is controlled by inner current and outer voltage control loop along with power factor correction (PFC). It shows less input current THD (less than 5%), nearly unity power factor and better output voltage regulation of AC-DC converter under variable input voltage and output load. Small signal model analysis is presented for obtaining frequency response of the control loop. The MATLAB Simulink programming environment is used as a simulation tool.
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