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In the paper, there are presented a general description of the constructed measuring system 8AE-PD, the results of calibration of this system by the Hsu-Nielsen method as well as the testing of the measuring system during recording signals generated by Hsu-Nielsen sources in a steel plate and a modeled partial discharge (PD) source. There is also presented the methodology of investigations by the calibrated acoustic emission method. The results of analyses of PD signals coming from the modeled sources are given. In particular, there are described the properties of acoustic emission (AE) signals generated by the PDs as well as the dependencies of the peak-to-peak voltage Umm, the RMS voltage Urms and the descriptors of acronyms ADP and ADC on the apparent charge Q introduced by the modeled PD source. There are determined the limit values of the apparent charge Q introduced by the modeled PD source for which the recorded signal is identified as originating from the PDS.
The paper presents the principle of the operation of a spectropolarimetric interferometer. In a planar waveguide orthogonal modes of the TE and TM types can be excited for the entire visible light. During the propagation the difference of the phases between the modes was determined, which is the function of the length of the path of propagation, the difference of the effective refractive index (NTM-NTE) and the wavelength. At the output of this system the spectral distribution of intensity was recorded, the shape of which depends on the value of the refractive index of the cover of the waveguides.
Zanieczyszczenie środowiska pociąga za sobą konieczność monitoringu wybranych atmosfer gazowych. W niniejszym artykule zostaną przedstawione wyniki charakteryzacji warstwy gazoczułej (grafenu) w rezystancyjnym czujniku cienkowarstwowym, pozwalającym wykrywać niskie zawartości wodoru oraz dwutlenku azotu w atmosferze powietrza syntetycznego. Zostaną przedstawione obrazy topografii powierzchni oraz widma ramanowskie struktury. Analizowane będą zmiany, jakie zachodzą w strukturze (obserwowane na widmach ramanowskich) pod wpływem jej kontaktu z atmosferą zawierającą 3% wodoru.
The environmental pollution entails the monitoring of selected gas atmospheres. In this paper, the results of characterization the thin film resistance sensor (characterization of grapheme - sensitive layer) will be presented. Such sensor can detect the hydrogen and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere of synthetic air at a very low level. There will be presented, among others, the images of topography and raman’s spectras of the structures. There will be analyzed changes which occure in the structure (observed at the Raman’s spectra) due to its contact with the atmosphere containing 3% hydrogen.
The paper presents the results of investigations concerning the noninvasive method of estimating the actual volume of the blood chamber of the POLVAD-EXT type ventricular assist device (VAD) during its operation. The proposed method is based on the principle of Helmholtz’s acoustic resonance. Both the theory, main stages of the development of the measurement method as well as the practical implementation of the proposed method in the physical model of the POLVAD-EXT device are dealt with. The paper contains the results of static measurements by means of the proposed method (conducted at the Department of Optoelectronics, Silesian University of Technology) as well as the dynamic measurements taken at the Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development (Zabrze, Poland) with the professional model of the human cardiovascular system. The results of these measurements prove that the proposed method allows to estimate the actual blood chamber volume with uncertainties below 10%.
The paper presents the results of investigations on the resistive structure with a graphene oxide (GO) sensing layer. The effects of dangerous gases (hydrogen and nitrogen dioxide) on the structure were studied; the resistance changes were examined during the flow of the selected gas in the atmosphere of synthetic air. Measurements were performed with a special emphasis on the detection of low concentrations of the analyzed gases. The reactions of the sensing structure to the effect of nitrogen and synthetic air at different humidity were also tested. Much attention was also paid to the fast response of the sensor to the changes in the gas atmosphere. The thin palladium layer (~2 nm) has been applied in order to improve the sensing properties of the structure. The investigations were performed in the temperature range from RT to 120°C and the analyzed gases in synthetic air were batched alternately with pure synthetic air.
The paper presents resistance sensor structures with a graphene sensing layer. The structures were tested concerning their sensitivity to the affects of hydrogen, nitrogen dioxide and steam in an atmosphere of a synthetic air. Investigations have proved that resistance structures with a graphene layer are sensitive to the presence of the tested gases. The resistance of the structures amounted to about 10Ω, whereas changes in the resistances affected by the external gaseous medium were contained within the range of a several mΩ. The investigations confirmed that the resistance structures with graphene exposed to the affect of hydrogen in atmosphere of synthetic air change their resistances practically at once (within the order of only a few seconds). This indicates that such structures might be practically applied in sensors of hydrogen ensuring a short time of response.
Przedstawiono zaprojektowany i zbudowany przez autorów komputerowy system pomiarowy dedykowany do lokalizacji i opisu wyładowań niezupełnych w transformatorach energetycznych olejowych metodą emisji akustycznej. System pomiarowy sygnałów emisji akustycznej posiada 8 torów pomiarowych i zapewnia monitorowanie sygnałów i rejestrację danych w czasie rzeczywistym w paśmie 20-1000 kHz w warunkach laboratoryjnych i rzeczywistych.
The computer measuring system, designed and built by authors, dedicated for location and description of partial discharges within power oil transformers investigated by means of acoustic emission method is presented. The measuring system of acoustic emission is equipped with 8 measuring circuits and ensures monitoring of signals as well as registration of data in the real time within the band of 20-1000 kHz in laboratory and real conditions.
Przedstawiono zaprojektowany i zbudowany przez autorów komputerowy system pomiarowy dedykowany do lokalizacji i opisu wyładowań niezupełnych w transformatorach energetycznych olejowych metodą emisji akustycznej. System pomiarowy sygnałów emisji akustycznej posiada 8 torów pomiarowych i zapewnia monitorowanie sygnałów i rejestrację danych w czasie rzeczywistym w paśmie 20-1000 kHz w warunkach laboratoryjnych i rzeczywistych. Przedstawiono autorski system analizy obejmujący podstawową i zaawansowaną analizę zarejestrowanych danych. W ramach zaawansowanej analizy danych obliczane są zdefiniowane przez autorów deskryptory, wyznaczane są mapy deskryptorów na ścianach bocznych transformatora i dokonywana jest lokalizacja źródeł wyładowań niezupełnych autorską metodą stopnia zaawansowania sygnału.
Presented is designed and built by the authors a computerised measurement system dedicated to localization and description of partial discharges in power oil transformers with the use of acoustic emission method. The acoustic emission signals measurement system has 8 slotted lines and ensures monitoring of signals and real time data registration in 20-1000 kHz frequency band in both laboratory and real conditions. Presented is the author’s analysing system covering basic and advanced analyses of registered data. In the frames of the advanced data analysis the defined by the authors descriptors are calculated, descriptor maps are determined on transformer side walls as well as localization of partial discharges sources is made using the authors’ method of signal advancement level.
The paper presents a resistance structures with sensor layers based on nanostructures elaborated on the base of TiO2 and ZnO. The structures were tested concerning their sensitivities to the effects of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere of synthetic air. The TiO2 and ZnO nanostructures played the role of sensor layers. Investigations have proved that the elaborated resistance structures with TiO2 and ZnO layers are sensitive to the presence of NO2 in the atmosphere of synthetic air. The resistance of the structure amounted to about 20 in the case of ZnO structures and to about 200 in the case of TiO2 structures. The investigations confirmed that resistance structures with ZnO and TiO2, exposed to the effect of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere of synthetic air changes their resistances relatively fast. This indicates that such structures might be practically applied in sensors of nitrogen dioxide ensuring a short time of response.
The following paper presents researches concerning a noninvasive real-time blood volume measurement system applied in POLVAD prosthesis. The system is based on the acoustic Helmholtz resonator principle. The basis of the measurement method, followed by the preliminary tests of the possibility of incorporating the Helmholtz resonance idea into the POLVAD prosthesis is shown. The paper includes the actual measurement system construction and test results, both static and dynamic obtained at the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze, Poland. Conclusions and future plans are presented too.
Content available remote Metody pomiarowe do zastosowania w komorze wspomagania sztucznego serca
Protezy służące do wspomagania serca są rozwijane w Fundacji Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii w Zabrzu. Ich głównym zadaniem jest przyspieszenie leczenia mięśnia sercowego pacjentów, u których zdiagnozowano choroby serca i układu krwionośnego. Zastosowanie protezy wspomagającej pracę serca pozwala na znaczne przyspieszenie leczenia chorego serca lub w przypadkach ostatecznych - na oczekiwanie na przeszczep serca. W publikacji zamieszczono analizę metod pomiarowych do zastosowania w protezach serca typu POLVAD (Polish Ventricular Assistant Device). Praca dotyczy zagadnienia bezinwazyjnej metody pomiarowej pozwalające na pomiar ciśnienia krwi w ustalonych miejscach, umieszczonych na protezie oraz wewnątrz protezy sztucznego serca.
In this paper methods analysis for pressure measurement for using in the POLVAD (Polish Ventricular Assistant Device) are introduced. Work is focused on the noninvasive methods for blood pressure measurement in crucial points around heart prosthesis. Mechanical prosthesis used for heart support, are developed by the Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze. Their main purpose is to aid the heart healing process in patients with cardiac problems. Use of the POLVAD prosthesis helps with speeding up heart recovery process in patients or is being or supports patient waiting for heart transplant.Conducted research is part of “Polish Artificial Heart” program. Main goal of this part of project is introduction of functional noninvasive blood pressure measurement system for POLVAD device and in future for fully artificial heart. Two sensing methods are being introduced: fiber pressure sensor and piezoelectric pressure measurement with. Preliminary results are included, and choice of best method for future development is being pointed out.
W pracy przedstawiono nowatorski wielokanałowy, optoelektroniczny system pomiarowy i sposób pomiaru stężenia gazów przemysłowych i toksycznych. Mierzony analit gazowy może być różny w zależności od zastosowanej interferencyjnej nanostruktury sensorowej. Pomiar odbywa się w gazowym środowisku pomiarowym. Niniejsze rozwiązanie optoelektronicznego, gazowego systemu pomiarowego wykorzystuje interferencyjne, optyczne nanostruktury sensorowe zawierające w swej konstrukcji cienkie warstwy receptorowe z optycznie czynnych materiałów. Zatem, optyczna głowica sensorowa zmienia swoje parametry optyczne w wyniku oddziaływania z badanym analitem gazowym.
In the paper the multichannel, optoelectronic gas sensor system based on interferometric, gasochromic nanostructures is presented. The silicon colour sensor TCS230 detects the intensity and change of colour coordinates RGB of an optical signal resulting from exposure of the sensing structure to a specific type of gas. Using multichannel measurement, one can simultaneously detect different gas or analyte molecules in the sample by immobilizing different optical receptor thin films (nanostructures) at different channels. Each optical sensing channel consists of three parts: the input port which includes a broadband light source: "warm" white LED, multi-layered sensing nanostructure: interferometric and gasochromic, the output port including a silicon colour sensor TCS230 detecting the intensity and change of colour coordinates RGB of an optical signal resulting from the sensing structure exposure to a specific type of gas. At the sensing window, on the glass substrate there are immobilized nanostructures being chemo-optical, gasochromic and interferometric transducer receptors, which can selectively interact with a specific type of gas molecules present in the gas mixture. When a physical-chemical binding process takes place on the sensing window of the measuring channel, an interferometric colour of the sensing element (nanostructure) changes and colour coordinates of the measured optical signal change as well. The change of the colour coordinates is proportional to the change of the effective refractive index of the receptor structure (particularly refractive index of the resonance cavity). By measuring the intensity change of the optical signal RGB, the refractive index change ?n taking place in the measuring window can be calculated and the concentration of a specific gas in the gas mixture can be measured.
Content available remote Wybór metod pomiarowych dla diagnostyki sztucznego serca
W niniejszym artykule zamieszczono analizę metod pomiarowych, możliwych do zastosowania w protezach sztucznego serca POLVAD (Polish Ventricular Assistant Device). Mechaniczne protezy służące do wspomagania serca rozwijane w Fundacji Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii w Zabrzu mają za zadanie wspomagać leczenie mięśnia sercowego u pacjentów ze zdiagnozowanymi chorobami serca i układu krwionośnego. Zastosowanie protezy wspomagającej pracę serca pozwala na znaczne przyspieszenie leczenia. Artykuł opisuje zagadnienia związane z wyborem bezinwazyjnej metody pomiarowej pozwalające na określenie ciśnienia krwi w określonych miejscach protezy sztucznego serca. Warunkiem koniecznym, jaki musi spełnić układ pomiarowy, jest całkowita separacja czujnika od środowiska krwistego. Wynika to z potrzeby unikania destrukcji składników krwi oraz powstawania zakrzepów. W pracy opisano dwie możliwe metody pomiarowe - systemy zbudowane przy wykorzystaniu folii piezoelektrycznej oraz metod optycznych.
Methods for pressure measurement to be used in the POLVAD artificial heart prostheses are described in this paper. The mechanical prostheses used for heart support are developed by the Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze. Their main purpose is to aid the heart muscle recovery of patients with cardiac problems. Use of the POLVAD prosthesis speeds up the healing process. The paper covers the recent research into the possible pressure sensing methods for use in the noninvasive blood pressure measurement in required places around the prosthesis. The main requirement for the developed methods is lack of contact with blood to avoid the destruction of blood elements and minimise influence on the blood flow. Two sensing methods are presented: one based on a fiber pressure sensor, the other on piezoelectric pressure measurements. The preliminary results are included, and choice of the best method for future development is pointed out.
W pracy podjęto problem optycznej detekcji gazów H2 i NH3 czujnikiem światłowodowym. Czujnik wykorzystuje warstwową strukturę sensorową, wykonaną na włóknie światłowodowym, pozwalającą wykrywać i mierzyć stężenie gazowego wodoru i amoniaku. Do detekcji H2 wykorzystano struktury Pd/TMO (TMO ang. Transition Metal Oxide) obejmujące warstwę wykonaną z tlenku metalu przejściowego (TMO) pokrytą katalityczną warstwą palladu. Warstwa TMO jest warstwą chemochromiczną, której działanie polega na zmianie jej parametrów optycznych pod wpływem absorpcji atomowego wodoru. Kataliza wodoru cząsteczkowego na atomowy następuje w warstwie palladu. Do detekcji NH3 wykorzystano struktury interferencyjne wykonane z Nafionu. Nafion wskutek oddziaływania z NH3 zmienia swoje parametry optyczne zmieniając tym samym warunki interferencji światła. Struktury sensorowe wykorzystane w czujnikach światłowodowych są warstwowymi strukturami interferencyjnymi Fabry-Perot.
The paper presents an optical-fiber hydrogen sensor and ammonia sensor. The H2 and NH3 sensor utilises a layered Fabry-Perot interferometer and includes chemical active the resonance cavity. In the present paper the authors suggest the idea of a gasochromic hydrogen sensor based on the structure of a layered Fabry-Perot interferometer located at the end of the standard multi-mode fiber. The resonance cavity is a layer of metal oxides (e.g. NiO, WO3) coated on a thin film of palladium (Pd). The sensor permits to detect and to measure the concentration of hydrogen in a gaseous medium. The idea of presented optical ammonia sensor is based on variations of reflected light spectra result from interactions of ammonia with sensing layer. The sensor head consists of Nafion layer as a resonance cavity, deposited on the face of the fibre. The optical ammonia gas sensor display a very fast response time and a fast regeneration time at room temperature.
This paper covers research on possible pressure measurement methods for the “Polish Artificial Heart” Project. The investigations covered fiber pressure sensor. The final aim of the project is to introduce pressure sensors for noninvasive blood pressure measurements in selected points around the pneumatic ventricular assist device (POLVAD). The paper includes testing results and development plans for final sensor.
Zawartość gazów rozpuszczonych w oleju transformatorowym świadczy o rozwijającym się procesie degradacji izolacji, który jest wywołany wewnętrzną usterką. Dla oceny stanu technicznego transformatora istotny jest przyrost stężenia wodoru, który jest szerokopasmowym wskaźnikiem wczesnych uszkodzeń wewnętrznych. W prezentowanej pracy, do detekcji wodoru o niskiej koncentracji rozpuszczonego w oleju transformatorowym, wykorzystano struktury sensorowe (Pd/Tlenek metalu) jako struktury interferencyjne naniesione na końcu wielomodowego włókna światłowodowego 62,5 žm/125 žm. W badaniach wykorzystano warstwy tlenkowe, wykonane między innymi z MoO3 i WO3.
Content of gases dissolved in transformer oil is the evidence of the expanding process of insulation degradation which is caused by an internal damage. For the evaluation of a transformer technical condition essential is the increment of hydrogen concentration which is a broadband indicator of early internal damages. In the presented elaboration sensor structures (Pd\metal oxide) as interferential structures placed on the end of polymode 62,5 žm\125 žm light pipe were used for detection of low concentration hydrogen in transformer oil. In the research, oxide layers made - among the others - of MoO3 and WO3 were used.
Zawartość gazów rozpuszczonych w oleju transformatorowym świadczy o rozwijającym się procesie degradacji izolacji, który jest wywołany wewnętrzną usterką. Dla oceny stanu technicznego transformatora istotny w szczególności jest przyrost stężenia wodoru, który jest szerokopasmowym wskaźnikiem wczesnych uszkodzeń wewnętrznych. Do detekcji wodoru o niskiej koncentracji, rozpuszczonego w oleju transformatorowym, wykorzystano w pracy struktury sensorowe (Pd/tlenek metalu) jako struktury interferencyjne naniesione na końcu wielomodowego włókna światłowodowego 62,5/125 µm. W badaniach wykorzystano warstwy tlenkowe, MoO₃ i NiOx.
The power transformer is a major apparatus in a power system; it is of great importance to detect incipient failures in power transformers as early as possible in order to minimize system outage. In this paper, the optical measurement system was applied to measure the oil-dissolved (mainly hydrogen) gas of power transformers. We present a design and preliminary results for an interferometrie fiber optic hydrogen gas sensor, the Intrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometer (IFPI), which uses the changing properties of a layered interferometrie sensing structure to detect hydrogen gas extracted from a transformer oil. Optical fiber-based sensors have been shown to be attractive to measure a wide range of physical and chemical parameters because of a number of inherent advantages, including small size, lightweight, high sensitivity, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. These advantages make an optical fiber sensor an excellent candidate for H₂ detection in a transformer. Electrical and thermal stresses generate gases in dielectric oil. Theses gases, dissolved in the oil, are the first signs of faliture. This system can be used to detect the gases (mainly hydrogen) dissolved in the oil of operating power transformers. In order to determine the state of power transformers a variety of physico-chemical diagnostic methods have been recently developed and introduced into a regular use.
Content available remote Optical interferometric structures for application in gas sensors
In the paper, a gas optoelectronic sensor based on interferometric structure has been presented. Active polymer NafionŽ layer deposited at the top of the optical fibre forms the Fabry?Perot interferometer. Interaction with gas changes the physical properties of sensing layer, hence the interference conditions are fulfilled for different wavelengths. Sensor performance for different humidity levels has been measured. The influence of humidity variations on sensing layer is investigated as well. In order to suppress the moisture induced instability of the sensor different inhibiting layers have been deposited and their performance has been investigated. In the paper, a wide investigation of the sensor in ammonia atmosphere has been shown.
The presented optical method of an early detection and a diagnostics of tumors is a modern technologically advanced system of assessing displasy of tissues and cancer modifications of the skin and in cavities of a human body. The idea of the functioning of this system is based on a spectrum analyses in the visible range of light emitted by the investigated tissues after they have bee excited by radiation at suitable wavelengths. The investigated tissues were early submitted to photosensitive effects. The elaborated system makes if possible to diagnostic of the surface of the skin and tissues inside the body by means of an optical fiber endoscope with an adequate elaborate fitting module. The spectral analysis of photoluminescent light emitted by the tested tissues permits to acieve pseudocoloured pictures which provide information about the level of displastic and cancer changes.
Spektroskopia powierzchniowego rezonansu plazmonowego jest optyczną techniką zdolną monitorować procesy chemiczne i fizyczne. Zjawisko to jest czułe na małe zmiany właściwości dielektrycznych na granicy metal - ftalocyjanina. Z tego powodu zjawisko rezonansu plazmonowego zostało użyte do scharakteryzowania dużej ilości różnych typów warstw sensorowych. Artykuł analizuje możliwość użycia zjawiska powierzchniowego rezonansu plazmonowego do detekcji gazu. Badano cienkie warstwy ftalocyjaniny miedziowej, ołowiowej i niklowej w układzie plazmonowym z punktu widzenia ich zastosowań w czujnikach NO2. Prezentowane wyniki dotyczą warstw obecnych w otoczeniu azotu oraz warstw po ekspozycji na 100 ppm NO2. Przedstawiono charakterystyki czułościowe warstw ftalocyjanin. Zbadano również własności regeneracji warstw ftalocyjanin otrzymanych w różnych technologiach ich nanoszenia na podłoże.
The surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy is an optical technique that is capable of monitoring chemical and physical processes. It is sensitive to detecting small changes of dielectric properties on a metal-phthalocyanine boundary. For this reason plasmon resonance phenomenon has been used to characterize a variety of film types. This work analyses the opportunity to apply the surface plasmon resonance phenomena for gas detection. Thin films of copper, lead and nickel phthalocyanines have been tested n the plasmon system from the viewpoint of their application to NO2 sensors. The presented results concern the layers occurring in the surrounding nitrogen before and after exposure to 100 ppm nitrogen dioxide. Sensitive characteristics of the phthalocyanines layers have been also presented. Regeneration properties of phthalocyanines layers obtained in different technologies of their deposition on the glass foundation have been investigated.
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